Bright Supernovae - 2000

This data comes from IAU Circulars and occasionally more data will be provided on IAU's Astronomical Headlines page. An archive of the 2000 updates to this page is available.

For the year 2000, 185 (actually 1 fewer) supernovae have been reported (205 last year). 39 in NGC and IC Galaxies (48 last year), 73 got brighter than 18th Mag (66 last year). 5 Extra-galactic Novae were also reported. The brightest supernova reported was 2000cx at mag 13.1, followed by 2000E at mag 13.6 and 2000db at mag 13.9. For a time, both 2000E and 1999el were both visible at the same time in NGC 6951. 2000ch had an outburst in 2012.

AT2000gp (= SNHuntA27), TNS discovered 2000/03/04.702 by Catalina Real-Time Transient Survey and Stan Howerton
Found in UGC 5886 at R.A. = 10h46m49s.920, Decl. = -01°23'25".73
Located 0".0 east and 0".0 north of the center of UGC 5886
Mag 17.0:3/4, Type unknown (zhost=0.038300)

AT2000go, TNS discovered 2000/09/26.402 by Galaxy Zoo
Found in an anonymous galaxy at R.A. = 02h28m45s.840, Decl. = -08°27'35".28
Located 0".0 east and 0".0 north of the center of the host galaxy
Mag 21.0:9/26, Type unknown (zhost=0.058813)

AT2000gn, TNS discovered 2000/11/30.415 by Galaxy Zoo
Found in an anonymous galaxy at R.A. = 08h48m28s.453, Decl. = +01°23'58".95
Located 0".0 east and 0".0 north of the center of the host galaxy
Mag 18.1:11/30, Type unknown (zhost=0.051536)

AT2000gm, TNS discovered 2000/02/12.467 by Galaxy Zoo
Found in an anonymous galaxy at R.A. = 12h59m46s.462, Decl. = -03°26'41".14
Located 0".0 east and 0".0 north of the center of the host galaxy
Mag 19.7:2/12, Type unknown (zhost=0.132286)

AT2000gl, TNS discovered 2000/05/04.201 by Galaxy Zoo
Found in an anonymous galaxy at R.A. = 10h19m28s.865, Decl. = +02°53'19".99
Located 0".0 east and 0".0 north of the center of the host galaxy (Discovery image)
Mag 20.4:5/4, Type unknown (zhost=0.161000)

AT2000gk, TNS discovered 2000/05/05.217 by Galaxy Zoo
Found in an anonymous galaxy at R.A. = 10h21m30s.192, Decl. = +01°04'29".28
Located 0".0 east and 0".0 north of the center of the host galaxy
Mag 19.1:5/5, Type unknown (zhost=0.109750)

AT2000gj, TNS discovered 2000/11/18.197 by Galaxy Zoo
Found in an anonymous galaxy at R.A. = 02h24m31s.870, Decl. = -09°05'36".60
Located 0".0 east and 0".0 north of the center of the host galaxy
Mag 21.2:11/18, Type unknown (zhost=0.052000)

AT2000gi, TNS discovered 2000/04/05.210 by Claude Cornen
Found in an anonymous galaxy at R.A. = 09h46m01s.590, Decl. = +58°58'04".09
Located 0".0 east and 0".0 north of the center of the host galaxy
Mag 19.4:4/5, Type unknown

AT2000gh, TNS discovered 2000/05/05.354 by Claude Cornen
Found in an anonymous galaxy at R.A. = 13h38m28s.940, Decl. = +02°31'43".34
Located 0".0 east and 0".0 north of the center of the host galaxy
Mag 19.2:5/5, Type unknown (zhost=0.017996)

AT2000gg, TNS discovered 2000/09/26.420 by Claude Cornen
Found in an anonymous galaxy at R.A. = 02h54m48s.480, Decl. = -07°17'35".35
Located 0".0 east and 0".0 north of the center of the host galaxy
Mag 18.8:9/26, Type unknown (QSO?)

AT2000gf, (= Galaxy_Zoo_001) TNS discovered 2000/12/23.486 by Galaxy Zoo
Found in an anonymous galaxy at R.A. = 11h07m36s.820, Decl. = +01°29'28".91
Located 0".0 east and 0".0 north of the center of the host galaxy
Mag 18.7:12/23, Type unknown

AT2000ge, (= AFJ_007) TNS discovered 2000/09/05.453 by Galaxy Zoo
Found in MCG -2-3-18 at R.A. = 00h47m47s.310, Decl. = -09°22'42".27
Located 0".0 east and 0".0 north of the center of MCG-02-03-018
Mag 16.5:9/5, Type unknown (zhost=0.013963)

AT2000gd, (= AFJ_006) TNS discovered 2000/10/02.412 by Galaxy Zoo
Found in LEDA 73961 at R.A. = 01h26m21s.750, Decl. = -01°16'27".84
Located 0".0 east and 0".0 north of the center of LEDA 73961
Mag 15.9:10/2, Type unknown

AT2000gc, (= AFJ_002) TNS discovered 2000/11/30.250 by Galaxy Zoo at R.A. = 00h57m23s.070, Decl. = +14°19'34".98 Mag 19.4:11/30, Type unknown (Discovery image)

2000gb, IAUC 8219 discovered 2000/10/01 by Sloan Digital Sky Survey at R.A. = 17h32m28s.54, Decl. = +56°04'25".5 Mag 20.4, Type Ia (discovered spectroscopically) (z=0.123) (References: TNS, OSC)

2000fv, IAUC 7906 discovered 2000/06/06.2 by LOTOSS
Found in MCG -4-35-11 at R.A. = 14h51m09s.98, Decl. = -26°38'11".5
Located 4".2 west and 5".4 north of the nucleus of MCG -4-35-11 (LOTOSS image)
Mag 16.0* (15.8:6/6), Type unknown (References: IAUC 7907, TNS, OSC)

2000fu, IAUC 7878 discovered 2000/06/06.3 by LOTOSS
Found in MCG -3-38-21 at R.A. = 14h51m12s.67, Decl. = -20°26'08".3
Located 5".0 east and 18".1 north of the nucleus of MCG -3-38-21 (LOTOSS image)
Mag 16.9* (16.5:6/6), Type unknown (References: TNS, OSC)

2000ft, IAUC 7587 discovered 2000/08/12.3 by CSIC
Found in NGC 7469 at R.A. = 23h03m15s.62, Decl. = +08°52'26".5
Located 1".65 west of the nucleus of NGC 7469 (LOTOSS image)
Mag 17.4 (14.9:9/24), Type Radio Supernova (References: IAUC 7838, TNS, OSC)

2000fs, IAUC 7830 discovered 2000/09/06 by HST
Found in NGC 1218 at R.A. = 03h08m26s.24, Decl. = +04°06'39".9
Located 0".5 northeast of the nucleus of NGC 1218
Mag 18.7*, Type Ia? (References: TNS, OSC)

2000fr, IAUC 7763 discovered 2000/04/30 by Supernova Cosmology Project at R.A. = 13h42m00s.14, Decl. = +04°43'42".4 Mag 24.5:04/30, Type Ia (z=0.543) (References: IAUC 7996, TNS, OSC)
2000fq, IAUC 7551 discovered 2000/12/21.4 by Wittman et. el. at R.A. = 09h23m37s.68, Decl. = +29°52'26".0 Mag 23.8, Type unknown (z=0.7) (References: TNS, OSC)
2000fp, IAUC 7549 discovered 2000/12/17.3 by PUC-Padova Supernova Search at R.A. = 05h38m01s.27, Decl. = -23°46'34".1 Mag 22.9, Type II (offset 2.9W 3.2S) (z=0.30) (References: TNS, OSC)

2000fo, IAUC 7547 discovered 2000/12/13.1 by LOTOSS
Found in PGC 70148 at R.A. = 22h58m25s.34, Decl. = +26°38'26".6
Located 5".5 west and 5".8 north of the nucleus of PGC 70148 (Discovery image (local mirror)) (Odd Trondal image) (Fred Ewalt image)
Mag 16.5*, Type Ia (z=0.024) (CfA spectrum) (References: IAUC 7557; vsnet-id-sn 22, TNS, OSC)

2000fn, IAUC 7546 discovered 2000/11/19 by B. Holmes
Found in NGC 2526 at R.A. = 08h06m57s.79, Decl. = +08°00'19".3
Located 12".7 west and 4".9 north of the center of NGC 2526 (LOTOSS image) (Rafael Ferrando image)
Mag 18.8* (found about one month past max), Type Ib (References: IAUC 7547, vsnet-id-sn 21, TNS, OSC)

2000fm, IAUC 7545 discovered 2000/12/14.3 by LOTOSS
Found in NGC 1612 at R.A. = 04h33m15s.00, Decl. = -04°10'39".5
Located 24".1 east and 19".0 south of the nucleus of NGC 1612 (Discovery image (local mirror))
Mag 17.6* (16.5:12/23), Type II (References: IAUC 7547, TNS, OSC)
SN 2000fm images sub-page

2000fe, IAUC 7540 discovered 2000/12/08.4 by LOTOSS
Found in UGC 4870 at R.A. = 09h14m55s.15, Decl. = +46°54'02".0 (Y. Sano finder chart)
Located 5".1 west and 9".5 south of the nucleus of UGC 4870 (Discovery image)
Mag 16.3*, Type II (z=0.014) (References: IAUC 7545, TNS, OSC; SN 1966A)
SN 2000fe images sub-page

2000fd, IAUC 7540 discovered 2000/12/08.09 by Tim Puckett and S. Gauthier
Found in UGC 291 at R.A. = 00h29m12s.09, Decl. = +33°06'29".5 (Y. Sano finder chart)
Located 7".3 west and 14".8 north of the center of UGC 291 (Discovery image)
Mag 17.4* (16.5:12/28), Type Ia (References: IAUC 7544, TNS, OSC)
SN 2000fd images sub-page

2000fc, IAUC 7537 discovered 2000/11/17.09 by PUC-Padova Supernova Search at R.A. = 00h58m33s.58, Decl. = -27°46'40".1 Mag 22.4, Type Ia (offset 0.3W) (z=0.42?) (References: TNS, OSC)

2000fb, IAUC 7536 discovered 2000/11/29.96 by Robin Chassagne
Found in ESO 205-G11 at R.A. = 05h57m41.95s, Decl. = -51°57'48.0"
Located 5" east and 25" north of the center of ESO 205-G11 (Discovery images)
Mag 18.2* (15.8:12/1), Type unknown (References: TNS, OSC; SN PSN J05573917-5158201)
SN 2000fb images sub-page

2000fa, IAUC 7533 discovered 2000/11/30.5 by LOTOSS
Found in UGC 3770 at R.A. = 07h15m29s.88, Decl. = +23°25'42".4 (Y. Sano finder chart)
Located 6".6 east and 4".2 north the nucleus of UGC 3770 (Discovery image)
Mag 16.7* (15.3:12/14), Type Ia (z=0.021) (References: IAUC 7535, TNS, OSC)
SN 2000fa images sub-page

2000ez, IAUC 7533 discovered 2000/11/24.167 by Mark Armstrong
Found in NGC 3995 at R.A. = 11h57m45s.75, Decl. = +32°17'49".1
Located 22".5 east and 12" north of the center of NGC 3995 (Discovery image (mirror) (local mirror)) (Mark Armstrong image (local mirror)) (CfA image) (L. Kiss image)
Mag 17.5* (16.8:11/24), Type II (z=0.013) (CfA Spectrum) (References: IAUC 7535, TNS, OSC; SN 1988ac)

2000ey, IAUC 7531 discovered 2000/11/11.2 by LOTOSS
Found in IC 1481 at R.A. = 23h19m25s.20, Decl. = +05°54'21".1
Located 0".6 east and 1".2 south of the nucleus of IC 1481 (Discovery image) (Rafael Ferrando image) (CfA image) (Fred Ewalt image) (L. Kiss image)
Mag 16.5* (15.4:11/20), Type Ia (CfA spectrum) (References: vsnet-alert 5413, id-sn 13, TNS, OSC)

2000ex, IAUC 7530 discovered 2000/11/26.4 by LOTOSS
Found in ESO 419-G3 at R.A. = 03h42m11s.71, Decl. = -27°51'48".0
Located 7".6 east and 3".4 north of the nucleus of ESO 419-G3 (Discovery image) (CfA image)
Mag 17.8* and falling, Type II (z=0.014) (CfA Spectrum) (References: vsnet-alert 5402, alert 5411, id-sn 12, TNS, OSC; SN 1978C)

2000ew, IAUC 7530 discovered 2000/11/28.48 by Tim Puckett and Alex Langoussis
Found in NGC 3810 at R.A. = 11h40m58s.52, Decl. = +11°27'55".9 (AAVSO finder chart)
Located 1".9 west and 20".7 south of the center of NGC 3810 (Discovery image)
Mag 18.0* (14.3:12/16), Type Ic (References: IAUC 7532, 7547, TNS, OSC; SN 1997dq)
SN 2000ew images sub-page

2000ev, IAUC 7529 discovered 2000/11/27.10 by Federico Manzini
Found in UGC 3500 at R.A. = 06h47m52.0s, Decl. = +84°10'02".2
Located 4".6 west and 19".4 north of the nucleus of UGC 3500 (Discovery image)
Mag 17.6* (16.3:11/28), Type IIn (References: IAUC 7532, TNS, OSC)
SN 2000ev images sub-page

2000er, IAUC 7528 discovered 2000/11/23.83 by Robin Chassagne
Found in ESO 115-G9 (= PGC 9132) at R.A. = 02h24m32s.54, Decl. = -58°26'18".0
Located 27" east and 16" south of the center of ESO 115-G9 (Discovery images (mirror)) (Robin Chassagne image) (Roland Santallo image (mirror)) (Graham Horsnell image) (Robin Chassagne image)
Mag > 18.2* (15.1:11/24), Type Ibn (z=0.031) (References: IAUC 7532; vsnet-alert 5389, alert 5390, alert 5408, alert 5411, TNS, OSC)
AUDE 2000er page

2000eo, IAUC 7524 discovered 2000/11/16 by Nearby Galaxy Supernova Search (NGSS); LOTOSS
Found in MCG -2-9-3 at R.A. = 03h09m08s.17, Decl. = -10°17'55".3
Located 12".0 west and 20".9 south of the center of MCG -2-9-3
Mag 17.9* (15.3:11/27), Type IIn (z=0.010) (References: IAUC 7527, TNS, OSC)
SN 2000eo images sub-page

2000em, IAUC 7524 discovered 2000/11/16 by Nearby Galaxy Supernova Search (NGSS)
Found in an anonymous galaxy at R.A. = 00h35m29s.82, Decl. = -02°39'27".4
Located 4".5 west and 2".5 north of the center of host galaxy (Discovery image (subtraction))
Mag 18.3*, Type II-pec (z=0.019) (NOAO spectrum) (References: TNS, OSC)
Note, Supernove imbeded in nucleus

2000el, IAUC 7523 discovered 2000/11/21.03 by Tim Puckett and D. George; LOTOSS
Found in NGC 7290 at R.A. = 22h28m26s.62, Decl. = +17°08'51".2
Located 1".5 east of the center of NGC 7290 (LOTOSS Discovery image) (Puckett Discovery image) (Fred Ewalt image) (L. Kiss image)
Mag 16.8*, Type II (z=0.010) (CfA Spectrum) (References: IAUC 7531, 7533; vsnet-alert 5387, alert 5411, id-sn 10, TNS, OSC)

2000ek, IAUC 7518 discovered 2000/11/07.822 by Robin Chassagne
Found in ESO 153-G27 at R.A. = 02h10m30s.04, Decl. = -53°49'28".0
Located 17" west and 44" north of the center of ESO 153-G27 (Discovery images (mirror)) (Robin Chassagne image) (Robin Chassagne image) (R. Santallo image (mirror))
Mag 17.7* (17.0:11/7), Type unknown (References: IAUC 7537, TNS, OSC; SN 1979D)
AUDE 2000ek page

2000ej, IAUC 7517 discovered 2000/11/02.2 by Mike Schwartz and LOSS (= LOTOSS)
Found in IC 1371 at R.A. = 21h20m15s.66, Decl. = -04°52'40".5
Located 5".8 south of the nucleus of IC 1371 (Discovery image (mirror) (local mirror)) (Fred Ewalt image) (Fred Ewalt image)
Mag > 18.5 (found 1-2 months past max), Type Ia-91bg (offset 5.8) (References: IAUC 7532, TNS, OSC; SN 2017fms)

2000dx, IAUC 7514 discovered 2000/10/30.3 by Mike Schwartz and LOSS (= LOTOSS)
Found in UGC 1775 at R.A. = 02h18m26s.88, Decl. = +05°39'02".0
Located 7".9 east and 12".3 south of the nucleus of UGC 1775 (Discovery images)
Mag 17.9* (15.3:11/8), Type Ia (References: TNS, OSC)
SN 2000dx images sub-page

2000dw, IAUC 7511 discovered 2000/10/17.5 by BAO
Found in UGC 11955 at R.A. = 22h13m49s.06, Decl. = +39°14'15".1
Located 1".5 east and 3".3 north of the center of UGC 11955 (LOSS confirmation image) (Rafael Ferrando image) (Rafael Ferrando image) (Fred Ewalt image) (Fred Ewalt image)
Mag > 17.5, Type II (References: IAUC 7517, TNS, OSC)

2000dv, IAUC 7509 discovered 2000/10/17.136 by Mark Armstrong; LOSS
Found in UGC 4671 at R.A. = 08h56m43s.40, Decl. = +52°06'13".2
Located 5".8 east and 6".6 south of the nucleus of UGC 4671 (LOSS discovery image) (Mark Armstrong discovery image (mirror) (local mirror)) (Remanzacco Obs image) (J.Porto and J.Gonçalves image)
Mag 18.0* (17.5:10/17) (found 3 months after max), Type Ib (References: IAUC 7510, 7511, TNS, OSC)

2000du, IAUC 7509 discovered 2000/10/14.5 by Lick Observatory Supernova Search
Found in UGC 3920 at R.A. = 07h35m19s.78, Decl. = +19°02'43".5
Located 14".5 east and 1".5 south of the nucleus of UGC 3920 (Discovery image) (Odd Trondal image) (Rafael Ferrando image) (Rafael Ferrando image) (J.Porto and J.Gonçalves image)
Mag 18.0:* (17.7:10/16), Type II (CfA Spectrum) (References: IAUC 7511; vsnet-alert 5325, TNS, OSC)

2000dt, IAUC 7508 discovered 2000/10/13 by Mark Armstrong; LOSS
Found in UGC 3411 at R.A. = 06h10m54s.68, Decl. = +62°01'27".4
Located 1".3 west and 15".0 north of the nucleus of UGC 3411
Mag > 18.0 (17.4:10/23), Type Ib (References: IAUC 7511, TNS, OSC)
SN 2000dt images sub-page

2000ds, IAUC 7507 discovered 2000/10/10.4 by Tim Puckett and G. Dowdle
Found in NGC 2768 at R.A. = 09h11m36s.24, Decl. = +60°01'42".2
Located 9".1 west and 32".1 south of the center of NGC 2768 (Discovery image)
Mag 17.6* (17.3:10/22) (found 4-6 months after max), Type Ib (References IAUC 7511, TNS, OSC)
SN 2000ds images sub-page

2000dr, IAUC 7505 discovered 2000/10/05.3 by Lick Observatory Supernova Search
Found in IC 1610 at R.A. = 01h1m44s.04, Decl. = -15°34'09".1
Located 20".9 east and 5".5 south of the nucleus of IC 1610 (Discovery image)
Mag 16.0:* (16.2:10/19), Type Ia (References: IAUC 7506, TNS, OSC)
SN 2000dr images sub-page

2000dq, IAUC 7504 discovered 2000/10/01.4 by Lick Observatory Supernova Search
Found in MCG +0-6-43 at R.A. = 02h08m20s.98, Decl. = +01°11'00".8
Located 11".4 east and 2".2 south of the nucleus of MCG +0-6-43 (Discovery image) (CfA FLWO image) (J.Porto and J.Gonçalves image)
Mag 19.5*, Type II (z=0.043) (CfA FLWO spectrum) (References: vsnet-alert 5300, TNS, OSC)

2000dp, IAUC 7503 discovered 2000/10/02.4 by Lick Observatory Supernova Search
Found in NGC 1139 at R.A. = 02h52m44s.41, Decl. = -14°31'54".7
Located 34".1 west and 8".3 south of the nucleus of NGC 1139 (Discovery image)
Mag 18.0* (16.8:10/2), Type Ia (z=0.035) (References: IAUC 7505, TNS, OSC)
SN 2000dp images sub-page

2000do, IAUC 7500 discovered 2000/09/30.5 by Brett White
Found in NGC 6754 at R.A. = 19h11m26s.33, Decl. = -50°38'24".3 (Nick Suntzeff fider chart)
Located 7".9 east and 7".4 north of the nucleus of NGC 6754
Mag 16.8* (15.2:10/3), Type Ia (z=0.011) (References: IAUC 7509, TNS, OSC; SN 1998dq, 1998X)
SN 2000do images sub-page

2000dn, IAUC 7498 discovered 2000/09/27.2 by Lick Observatory Supernova Search
Found in IC 1468 at R.A. = 23h05m05s.86, Decl. = -03°12'01".0
Located 25".8 west and 15".2 north of the nucleus of IC 1468 (Discovery image)
Mag 17.1* (16.9:10/6), Type Ia (z=0.032) (References: IAUC 7499, TNS, OSC)
SN 2000dn images sub-page

2000dm, IAUC 7495 discovered 2000/09/16.1 by Lick Observatory Supernova Search
Found in UGC 11198 at R.A. = 18h18m58s.97, Decl. = +16°14'53".4
Located 3".6 west and 4".7 south of the nucleus of UGC 11198 (Discovery image)
Mag 16.0: (14.9:10/4), Type Ia (z=0.015) (References: IAUC 7497, TNS, OSC)
SN 2000dm images sub-page

2000dl, IAUC 7494 discovered 2000/09/11.05 by M. M. M. Santangelo (Monte Agliale SN Search)
Found in UGC 1191 at R.A. = 01h42m05s.77, Decl. = +07°39'58".2
Located 4" west and 5" north of the nucleus of UGC 1191 (Discovery image) (Remanzacco Observatory image (local mirror))
Mag 18.0* and falling, Type Ia (z=0.061) (References: TNS, OSC)

2000dk, IAUC 7493 discovered 2000/09/18.3 by Lick Observatory Supernova Search
Found in NGC 382 at R.A. = 01h07m23s.52, Decl. = +32°24'23".2
Located 5".3 west and 8".7 north of the nucleus of NGC 382 (Discovery image)
Mag 17.3* (15.2:9/21), Type Ia (z=0.017) (References: IAUC 7494, 7509, TNS, OSC)
SN 2000dk images sub-page

2000dj, IAUC 7490 discovered 2000/09/08.4 by LOSS; Mark Armstrong
Found in NGC 735 at R.A. = 01h56m40s.63, Decl. = +34°10'12".4
Located 32".1 east and 24".3 south of the nucleus of NGC 735 (Discovery image)
Mag 18.7* (16.7:9/12), Type II (z=0.015) (References: IAUC 7491, TNS, OSC; SN 2006ei, 1972L)
SN 2000dj images sub-page

2000di, IAUC 7483 discovered 2000/08/23.708 by Masakatsu Aoki
Found in IC 1637 at R.A. = 01h11m02s.01, Decl. = -30°26'31".2
Located 12".3 east and 11".5 south of the nucleus of IC 1637 (Discovery image) (M. Aoki image) (Remanzacco Obs. image)
Mag 18.0:* (17.2:9/8), Type II (References: TNS, OSC)

2000dg, IAUC 7480 discovered 2000/08/20.5 by Lick Observatory Supernova Search
Found in MCG +1-1-29 at R.A. = 00h06m13s.81, Decl. = +08°53'17".5
Located 7".1 west and 0".8 south of the nucleus of MCG +1-1-29 (Discovery image) (Giovanni Sostero image (mirror)) (Rafael Ferrando image) (Kereszty Zsolt image) (Odd Trondal images)
Mag 17.5:* (17.3:8/27), Type Ia (z=0.038) (References: IAUC 7484, TNS, OSC)

2000df, IAUC 7478 discovered 2000/08/17.204 by Mike Schwartz
Found in CGCG 51-70 at R.A. = 16h14m12s.22, Decl. = +06°09'00".6
Located 9".2 east and 2".6 south of the nucleus of CGCG 51-70 (Discovery image (mirror)) (Rafael Ferrando image) (Fred Ewalt image) (Rafael Ferrando image)
Mag 17.1*, Type Ia (References: IAUC 7483, TNS, OSC)

2000de, IAUC 7478 discovered 2000/08/10.9 by Marco Migliardi (CROSS)
Found in NGC 4384 at R.A. = 12h25m12s.20, Decl. = +54°30'29".5
Located 1" east and 5" north of the nucleus of NGC 4384 (Discovery image)
Mag 16.0*, Type Ib (References: IAUC 7481, TNS, OSC)
SN 2000de images sub-page

2000dd, IAUC 7477 discovered 2000/08/10.3 by Lick Observatory Supernova Search
Found in an anonymous galaxy at R.A. = 20h35m00s.10, Decl. = -23°05'55".2 (56" east and 22" north of MCG -4-48-19)
Located 1".6 north of the nucleus of the host galaxy (Discovery image) (Rafael Ferrando image) (Larry Robinson image)
Mag 17.3*, Type Ia (References: IAUC 7483, TNS, OSC)

2000dc, IAUC 7476 discovered 2000/08/09.3 by Lick Observatory Supernova Search
Found in ESO 527-G19 at R.A. = 20h20m45s.47, Decl. = -24°07'57".5
Located 3".5 west and 16".0 south of the nucleus of ESO 527-G19 (Discovery image)
Mag 16.8* (16.5:8/10), Type II (References: IAUC 7483, TNS, OSC)
SN 2000dc images sub-page

2000db, IAUC 7475 discovered 2000/08/06.498 by Masakatsu Aoki
Found in NGC 3949 at R.A. = 11h53m39s.75, Decl. = +47°51'46".6
Located 20" northwest of the center of NGC 3949 (Discovery image)
Mag 16.3* (13.9:8/9), Type II (References: IAUC 7480, 7481, 7495, TNS, OSC)
SN 2000db images sub-page

2000da, IAUC 7474 discovered 2000/08/04.5 by Lick Observatory Supernova Search
Found in UGC 5 at R.A. = 00h03m06s.52, Decl. = -01°54'41".8
Located 12".8 east and 9".3 north of the nucleus of UGC 5 (Discovery image) (Rafael Ferrando image) (Anton Spenko image) (Kereszty Zsolt image) (Rafael Ferrando image)
Mag 17.1*, Type II (References: IAUC 7481, TNS, OSC; SN 2003lq)

2000cz, IAUC 7470 discovered 2000/07/29.05 by Mark Armstrong
Found in IC 1535 at R.A. = 00h13m58s.23, Decl. = +48°09'14".2
Located 8".4 east and 14".9 south of the nucleus IC 1535
Mag 19.0:* (17.7:7/8), Type II (z=0.017) (References: IAUC 7474, TNS, OSC)
SN 2000cz images sub-page

2000cx, IAUC 7458 discovered 2000/07/17.5 by Lick Observatory Supernova Search
Found in NGC 524 at R.A. = 01h24m46s.15, Decl. = +09°30'30".9 (AAVSO finder chart) (AUDE finder chart)
Located 23".0 west and 109".3 south of the nucleus of NGC 524 (Discovery image)
Mag 18.5* (13.1:7/30), Type Ia-pec (References: IAUC 7463, 7470, 7471, 7493, TNS, OSC; SN 2008Q)
SN 2000cx images sub-page

2000cy, IAUC 7468 discovered 2000/07/26.11 by Tim Puckett and D. George
Found in MCG +3-40-2 at R.A. = 15h32m14s.75, Decl. = +18°40'22".9
Located 29".4 west and 5".7 south of the center of MCG +3-40-2 (Discovery image (mirror))
Mag 19.5*, Type unknown (References: vsnet-id-sn 5, TNS, OSC)

2000cw, IAUC 7456 discovered 2000/07/14.5 by Lick Observatory Supernova Search
Found in MCG +5-56-7 at R.A. = 23h47m25s.10, Decl. = +28°23'15".8
Located 8".4 east and 21".2 south of the nucleus of MCG +5-56-7 (Discovery image)
Mag 18.0:* (17.1:7/23), Type Ia (z=0.030) (References: IAUC 7457, 7463, TNS, OSC; SN 2004fg)
SN 2000cw images sub-page

2000cv, IAUC 7456 discovered 2000/07/11.2 by Mike Schwartz
Found in PGC 39222 at R.A. = 12h15m42s.21, Decl. = +61°53'24".0
Located 9".6 east and 1".2 north of the nucleus of PGC 39222 (Discovery image (mirror)) (Anton Spenko image) (JM Llapasset image) (Rafael Ferrando image)
Mag 16.1* (16.0:7/12), Type Ia (z=0.020) (References: IAUC 7464; vsnet-alert 5115, id-sn 2, TNS, OSC)
AUDE 2000cv page

2000cu, IAUC 7453 discovered 2000/07/12.3 by Lick Observatory Supernova Search
Found in ESO 525-G4 at R.A. = 19h24m20s.95, Decl. = -25°59'04".1
Located 12".1 east and 1".5 north of the nucleus of ESO 525-G4 (Discovery image) (Larry Robinson image) (Salvo Massaro image (2x zoom)) (Rafael Ferrand image)
Mag 17.1* (16.1:7/13), Type Ia (References: IAUC 7454; vsnet-alert 5104, TNS, OSC)

2000ct, IAUC 7448 discovered 2000/07/04.13 by Tim Puckett, A. Sehgal, and Jack Newton
Found in an anonymous galaxy at R.A. = 17h01m03s.64, Decl. = +33°28'45".0 (SW of IC 4638)
Located 7".0 west and 13".4 north of the center of the host galaxy
Mag 18.8* (16.9:7/9), Type IIn (z=0.030) (References: IAUC 7449, TNS, OSC)
SN 2000ct images sub-page

2000cs, IAUC 7446 discovered 2000/06/30.25 by Tim Puckett
Found in MCG +7-34-15 at R.A. = 16h23m32s.24, Decl. = +39°07'29".1
Located 5".5 west and 11".9 north of the center of MCG +7-34-15 (Discovery image)
Mag 17.7*, Type II (z=0.035) (References: IAUC 7448, 7459, TNS, OSC)
SN 2000cs images sub-page

2000cr, IAUC 7443 discovered 2000/06/25.9 by Marco Migliardi and A. Dimai (CROSS)
Found in NGC 5395 at R.A. = 13h58m38s.37, Decl. = +37°26'12".9
Located 4".2 east and 45".2 north of the nucleus of NGC 5395
Mag 17.7* (15.9:7/12), Type Ic (z=0.011) (References: IAUC 7444, 7466, TNS, OSC)
SN 2000cr images sub-page

2000cq, IAUC 7442 discovered 2000/06/23.3 by Lick Observatory Supernova Search
Found in UGC 10354 at R.A. = 16h21m21s.34, Decl. = +40°48'09".7
Located 7".8 west and 28".6 south of the nucleus of UGC 10354 (Tim Puckett Pre-discovery image) (Discovery image) (Larry Robinson image) (B. Csák, K. Sárneczky, Gy. Szabó image) (Larry Robinson image)
Mag 19.3*, Type II (z=0.030) (References: IAUC 7443, 7444; vsnet-chat 3227, TNS, OSC)

2000cp, IAUC 7441 discovered 2000/06/15.3 by Lick Observatory Supernova Search
Found in PGC 57064 at R.A. = 16h05m27s.62, Decl. = +17°49'48".8 (member of the Hercules cluster)
Located 3".3 west and 1".7 north of the southern nucleus of PGC 57064 (Discovery image) (Larry Robinson image) (FBAC image)
Mag 18.0*, Type Ia (z=0.034) (References: IAUC 7442; vsnet-chat 3131, TNS, OSC)

2000co, IAUC 7436 discovered 2000/06/02.26 by Tim Puckett
Found in MCG +7-33-17 at R.A. = 15h57m24s.59, Decl. = +41°54'02".0
Located 4".1 east and 9".0 south of the center of MCG +7-33-17 (Discovery image (mirror)) (Martin Fiedler image) (Juan Gonçalves image) (Larry Robinson image)
Mag 19.2*, Type II (z=0.039) (References: IAUC 7437; vsnet-chat 3022, TNS, OSC)

2000cn, IAUC 7436 discovered 2000/06/02.5 by Lick Observatory Supernova Search
Found in UGC 11064 at R.A. = 17h57m40s.42, Decl. = +27°49'58".1
Located 7".2 west and 7".2 south of the nucleus of UGC 11064
Mag > 19.5 (16.7:6/16), Type Ia (z=0.024) (References: IAUC 7437, 7441, TNS, OSC; SN 2005ds 2010gd)
SN 2000cn images sub-page

2000cm, IAUC 7436 discovered 2000/05/31 by Jean Mueller
Found in FGC 1384 at R.A. = 12h12m59s.43, Decl. = +07°18'00".8
Located 9" west and 6" north of the center of FGC 1384
Mag 16.0* (14.9:6/4), Type Ia (z=0.008) (References: IAUC 7437, 7438, TNS, OSC)
SN 2000cm images sub-page

2000cl, IAUC 7432 discovered 2000/05/26.66 by Robin Chassagne
Found in NGC 3318 at R.A. = 10h37m16s.07, Decl. = -41°37'47".8
Located 6" east and 7" south of the center of NGC 3318
Mag 15.0* (14.4:5/28), Type IIn (References: IAUC 7782, 7783, TNS, OSC)
SN 2000cl images sub-page

2000ck, IAUC 7431 discovered 2000/05/26.28 by Tim Puckett
Found in IC 4355 at R.A. = 13h58m06s.15, Decl. = +28°25'13".0
Located 0".3 west and 8".8 south of the center of IC 4355
Mag 16.7*, Type IIL (z=0.027) (References: IAUC 7434, 7452, TNS, OSC)
SN 2000ck images sub-page

2000cj, IAUC 7425 discovered 2000/05/14.7 by Robert Evans
Found in NGC 6753 at R.A. = 19h11m27s.49, Decl. = -57°03'14".1 (AAVSO finder chart)
Located 33".2 east and 21".8 south of the center of NGC 6753
Mag 17.4* (14.6:5/17), Type Ia (References: IAUC 7428, 7438, TNS, OSC; SN 2005cb)
SN 2000cj images sub-page

2000ci, IAUC 7424 discovered 2000/05/12.28 by Tim Puckett and Alex Langoussis
Found in NGC 6470 at R.A. = 17h44m13s.21, Decl. = +67°35'46".3
Located 1".7 east and 10".3 north of the center of NGC 6470 (Discovery image (mirror)) (Rafael Ferrando image (mirror)) (Odd Trondal image) (J. Goncalves image) (B. Csák, K. Sárneczky, Gy. Szabó image)
Mag > 19.0 (18.1:5/12), Type unknown (References: vsnet-chat 2939, TNS, OSC)

2000cg, IAUC 7421 discovered 2000/04/27.4 by Lick Observatory Supernova Search
Found in UGC 10121 at R.A. = 15h59m45s.52, Decl. = +18°48'13".0
Located 4".0 west and 9".0 north of the nucleus of UGC 10121 (Discovery image)
Mag 19.0* (18.6:5/6), Type II (z=0.029) (References: IAUC 7424; vsnet-alert 4801, TNS, OSC)

2000cf, IAUC 7421 discovered 2000/05/08.13 by Tim Puckett and A. Sehgal
Found in MCG +11-19-25 at R.A. = 15h52m56s.19, Decl. = +65°56'12".7
Located 3".1 east and 4".3 north of the center of MCG +11-19-25 (Discovery image (mirror)) (Rok Palcic image) (Odd Trondal image) (Rafael Ferrando image (mirror)) (APO image) (J. Goncalves image) (Ajai Sehgal image)
Mag 17.4* (16.9:5/9), Type Ia (z=0.036) (References: IAUC 7423, 7433, TNS, OSC)

2000ce, IAUC 7417 discovered 2000/05/08.13 by Tim Puckett
Found in UGC 4195 at R.A. = 08h05m09s.45, Decl. = +66°47'15".2 (AAVSO finder chart)
Located 15".1 east and 17".3 north of the center of UGC 4195
Mag 18.3* (15.9:5/8), Type Ia (z=0.0005) (References: IAUC 7422, 7423, 7424, 7429, TNS, OSC)
SN 2000ce images sub-page

2000cd, IAUC 7416 discovered 2000/03/24 by Nearby Galaxies Supernova Search at R.A. = 10h56m48s.69, Decl. = -05°34'40".8 Mag 18.3, Type IIn (z=0.047) (Discovery image) (References: TNS, OSC)

2000cc, IAUC 7413 discovered 2000/04/26.5 by Lick Observatory Supernova Search
Found in CGCG 140-04 at R.A. = 17h23m14s.34, Decl. = +23°40'18".7
Located 5".9 east and 9".1 south of the nucleus of CGCG 140-14 (Discovery image) (Odd Trondal image) (J.Porto and J. Goncalves image) (Rafael Ferrando image)
Mag 19.5* (18.5:5/1), Type unknown (References: IAUC 7414; chat 2881, TNS, OSC)

2000cb, IAUC 7410 discovered 2000/04/24.4 by LOSS; BAO
Found in IC 1158 at R.A. = 16h01m32s.15, Decl. = +01°42'23".0
Located 29".5 west and 4".2 south of the nucleus of IC 1158
Mag 17.4* (16.0:5/30), Type II (z=0.0064) (References: IAUC 7413, 7414, 7415, TNS, OSC)
SN 2000cb images sub-page

2000ca, IAUC 7409 discovered 2000/04/28.18 by Roberto Antezana and L. E. Gonzalez
Found in ESO 383-32 at R.A. = 13h35m22s.98, Decl. = -34°09'37".0
Located 0".6 east and 4".7 north of the nucleus of ESO 383-32 (Mario Hamuy image)
Mag 16.0* (15.9:4/29), Type Ia (z=0.024) (References: IAUC 7413; vsnet-alert 4727, chat 2879, TNS, OSC)

2000bs, IAUC 7406 discovered 2000/04/19.5 by Lick Observatory Supernova Search
Found in UGC 10710 at R.A. = 17h06m54s.67, Decl. = +43°06'41".7
Located 23".9 east and 38".0 south of the nucleus of UGC 10710
Mag 19.9* (17.1:5/3), Type II (z=0.028) (References: IAUC 7408, 7412, 7445, TNS, OSC)
SN 2000bs images sub-page

2000bk, IAUC 7402 discovered 2000/04/11.942 by Mark Armstrong
Found in NGC 4520 at R.A. = 12h33m53s.94, Decl. = -07°22'42".9
Located 61" east and 10" south of the nucleus of NGC 4520
Mag 17.6* (17.0:4/7), Type Ia (z=0.025) (References: IAUC 7408, 7414, TNS, OSC)
SN 2000bk images sub-page

2000bj, IAUC 7398 discovered 2000/04/05.039 by Deep Lens Survey team at R.A. = 10h51m27s.24, Decl. = -05°08'29".6 Mag 24.3, Type unknown (finder charts) (References: TNS, OSC)

2000bi, IAUC 7398 discovered 2000/03/22.9 by Monte Agliale Supernovae Search
Found in PGC 20784 at R.A. = 07h21m33s.52, Decl. = +55°45'30".8 (member of Abell 576)
Located 12" east and 4" north of the nucleus of PGC 20784 (M.Santangelo image (mirror))
Mag 19.3*, Type unknown (References: vsnet-chat 2815, IAUC 7399, 7416, TNS, OSC)

2000bh, IAUC 7397 discovered 2000/04/05.23 by Roberto Antezana and L. E. Gonzalez
Found in ESO 573-14 at R.A. = 12h21m15s.14, Decl. = -21°59'55".7
Located 8" west and 11" south of the nucleus of ESO 573-14 (Larry Robinson image) (Rafael Ferrando image (mirror)) (Salvo Massaro image (FITS version)) (Mario Hamuy image)
Mag 17.5* (16.0:4/5), Type Ia (References: vsnet-chat 2792, TNS, OSC)

2000bg, IAUC 7392 discovered 2000/04/01.5 by Lick Observatory Supernova Search
Found in NGC 6240 at R.A. = 16h52m58s.13, Decl. = +02°23'50".5
Located 11".4 west and 12".0 south of the nucleus of NGC 6240
Mag 17.4* (17.0:5/3), Type IIn (z=0.024) (References: IAUC 7394, TNS, OSC; SN 2010gp)
SN 2000bg images sub-page

2000au, IAUC 7389 discovered 2000/03/28.16 by Tim Puckett and Alex Langoussis
Found in MCG +8-15-14 at R.A. = 07h53m08s.40, Decl. = +50°07'35".3
Located 5".1 west and 14".5 south of the center of MCG +8-15-14
Mag 17.8*, Type II found after maximum light (z=0.02) (References: IAUC 7394, TNS, OSC)
SN 2000au images sub-page

2000Q, IAUC 7380 discovered 2000/03/12.5 by Lick Observatory Supernova Search
Found in an anonymous galaxy a160516+693950 at R.A. = 16h05m11s.85, Decl. = +69°39'51".5 (3.7' east of NGC 6079)
Located 4".1 east and 1".6 north of the nucleus of the host galaxy (Discovery image) (L. Kiss image) (Odd Trondal images) (S. Moretti image) (L. Kiss image) (Yasuo Sano image)
Mag > 18.4*, Type Ia (z=0.02) (References: vsnet-chat 2743, TNS, OSC; IAUC 7399)

2000P, IAUC 7378 discovered 2000/03/08.03 by Robin Chassagne
Found in NGC 4965 at R.A. = 13h07m09s.88, Decl. = -28°13'59".3
Located 16" east and 21" south of the center of NGC 4965
Mag 18.1* (14.1:3/8), Type IIn (z=0.0074) (References: IAUC 7379, 7380, 7381, TNS, OSC)
SN 2000P images sub-page

2000O, IAUC 7375 discovered 2000/03/05.26 by Tim Puckett
Found in MCG +3-31-61 at R.A. = 12h11m15s.58, Decl. = +17°53'32".2
Located 7".7 east and 14".6 north of the center of MCG +3-31-61
Mag 17.0* (17.1:3/5), Type Ia found after maximum light (z=0.023) (References: IAUC 7378, TNS, OSC)
SN 2000O images sub-page

2000N, IAUC 7374 discovered 2000/03/04.4 by Lick Observatory Supernova Search
Found in MCG -2-34-54 at R.A. = 13h27m56s.19, Decl. = -13°24'48".3
Located 9".2 east and 34".1 north of the nucleus of MCG -2-34-54 (Tim Puckett image) (Laurent Courier image) (Larry Robinson image) (J.Porto and J. Goncalves image)
Mag 16.9* (16.9:4/25), Type II (z=0.013) (References: IAUC 7374, TNS, OSC; vsnet-alert 4343, chat 2714)
PARG SN 2000N page

2000M, IAUC 7373 discovered 2000/02/27.174 by Marco Migliardi (CROSS)
Found in NGC 6389 at R.A. = 17h32m39s.61, Decl. = +16°23'54".9
Located 3" west and 13" south of the nucleus of NGC 6389
Mag 18.5* (16.5:2/27), Type II found after maximum light (z=0.011) (References: IAUC 7374, TNS, OSC; SN 1992ab)
SN 2000M images sub-page

2000L, IAUC 7372 discovered 2000/02/29.13 by Tim Puckett
Found in UGC 5520 at R.A. = 10h15m01s.82, Decl. = +65°08'03".5
Located 6".9 east and 19".3 south of the center of UGC 5520
Mag 18.5 (17.2:3/2), Type II (z=0.011) (References: IAUC 7373, TNS, OSC)
SN 2000L images sub-page

2000K, IAUC 7371 discovered 2000/02/28.07 by Paolo Sala; Tim Puckett and D. George
Found in MCG +9-19-191 at R.A. = 11h47m50s.08, Decl. = +56°01'01".3 (200" NNE of NGC 3888)
Located 15".5 east and 4".8 south of MCG +9-19-191
Mag 18.5* (16.6:2/28), Type Ia found after maximum light (z=0.05) (References: IAUC 7399, TNS, OSC)
SN 2000K images sub-page

2000J, IAUC 7362 discovered 2000/02/04.37 by Tim Puckett and D. George
Found in UGC 8510 at R.A. = 13h31m16s.24, Decl. = +29°22'32".3
Located 16".9 west and 28".3 north of the center of UGC 8510
Mag 18.4* (18.5:2/10), Type II (z=0.04) (References: IAUC 7381, TNS, OSC)
SN 2000J images sub-page

2000I, IAUC 7362 discovered 2000/02/04.17 by Tim Puckett and D. George
Found in NGC 2958 at R.A. = 09h40m41s.54, Decl. = +11°53'08".5
Located 1".8 west and 10".2 south of the center of NGC 2958
Mag 18.2* (16.8:2/16), Type II (z=0.021) (References: IAUC 7381, 7399, TNS, OSC)
SN 2000I images sub-page

2000H, IAUC 7361 discovered 2000/02/02.2 by Mark Armstrong; Lick Observatory Supernova Search
Found in IC 454 at R.A. = 06h51m07s.67, Decl. = +12°55'18".5
Located 19".6 east and 0".2 south of the nucleus of IC 454
Mag 18.5* (16.6:2/10), Type IIb (z=0.014) (References: IAUC 7366, 7367, 7375, 7382, TNS, OSC)
SN 2000H images sub-page

2000G, IAUC 7358 discovered 2000/02/05.04 by Tim Puckett
Found in UGC 1773 at R.A. = 02h18m15s.27, Decl. = +13°12'19".4
Located 1".9 east and 3".3 north of the center of UGC 1773 (Discovery image)
Mag 17.2*, Type II discovered just after max (z=0.012) (References: IAUC 7369; vsnet-chat 2655, TNS, OSC)

2000F, IAUC 7353 discovered 2000/01/10.2 by Lick Observatory Supernova Search
Found in IC 302 at R.A. = 03h12m52s.71, Decl. = +04°42'34".4
Located 21".2 east and 8".8 north of the nucleus of IC 302 (Discovery image) (APO image) (Larry Robinson image) (Hubert Lehmann image (caption)) (Fred Ewalt image)
Mag 17.0* (17.0:2/6), Type Ic (z=0.0195) (References: IAUC 7360; vsnet-chat 2633, TNS, OSC)

2000E, IAUC 7351 discovered 2000/01/26.73 by Teramo Observatory
Found in NGC 6951 at R.A. = 20h37m13s.77, Decl. = +66°05'50".2 (AAVSO finder chart)
Located 6".3 west and 26".7 south of the center of NGC 6951 (Discovery image)
Mag 19.0* (13.6:2/11), Type Ia (References: IAUC 7353, 7359, 7397, 7413, TNS, OSC; SN 1999el)
SN 1999el and 2000E images sub-page

2000D, IAUC 7350 discovered 2000/01/22.928 by Tom Boles
Found in UGC 1767 at R.A. = 02h18m04s.84, Decl. = +38°04'27".4
Located 6" west and 11" south of the center of UGC 1767
Mag 17.5* (15.8:2/6), Type II (z=0.018) (References: IAUC 7352, IAUC 7389, TNS, OSC)
SN 2000D images sub-page

2000C (= Possible supernova), IAUC 7348, discovered 2000/01/08.789 by Steven Foulkes; Marco Migliardi (CROSS)
Found in NGC 2415 at R.A. = 07h36m56s.99, Decl. = +35°14'37".2
Located 7".7 east and 7".2 north of the nucleus of NGC 2415
Mag 15.5* (14.5:1/20), Type Ic (z=0.012) (References: IAUC 7352, 7356, TNS, OSC; SN 1998Y)
SN 2000C images sub-page

2000B (Possible supernova), IAUC 7347, discovered 2000/01/11.00 by Pierre Antonini (AUDE)
Found in NGC 2320 at R.A. = 07h05m40s.73, Decl. = +50°35'10.5"
Located 14" west and 19" north of the nucleus of NGC 2320
Mag 18.3* (15.8:1/25), Type Ia (References: IAUC 7351, 7353, 7399, TNS, OSC)
SN 2000B images sub-page

2000A, IAUC 7341, discovered 2000/01/01.07 by Lick Observatory Supernova Search
Found in MCG +1-59-81 at R.A. = 23h27m58s.90, Decl. = +08°47'02".1 (30" NE of NGC 7674)
Located 1".6 east and 4".6 north of the nucleus of MCG +1-59-81 (Discovery image) (Odd Trondal image) (Fred Ewalt image) (Fred Ewalt image) (Kereszty Zsolt image)
Mag 16.0*, Type Ia (z=0.029) (References: vsnet-chat 2504, TNS, OSC)

Last modified: Fri Feb 14 15:56:24 EST 2003

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