Bright Supernovae - 2020

This data comes mostly from TNS, and occasionally more data comes from IAUC TOCP and ATEL circulars.   An archive of the 2020 updates to this page is available.

This is a partial list of the SN discovered in 2020. Please look at the main page for the latest data.   In previous years I tried to keep the yearly archive alphabetically sorted by CBAT supernova name.   Since that is no longer applicable, I am sorting this archive by "first observed" date, which I have listed as the discovery date.   Note that Extra galactic Novae have been moved to a special Extra galactic novae page.   Mistakes (Galactic variables, asteroids, unconfirmed, etc) are in the boneyard.   I also maintain an archive of the updates.

AT2020afbs, TNS discovered 2020/10/11.840 by Robledo at R.A. = 01h11m47s.180, Decl. = -83°37'51".55 Mag 21.1:10/11, Type unknown

AT2020afay (= MUSSES2020J), TNS discovered 2020/12/11.310 by MUSSES at R.A. = 02h36m10s.520, Decl. = -03°10'59".00 Mag 25.9:12/11, Type unknown

2020aeps (= XM25HT) (= ZTF20adagenq) (= Gaia21adn), ATEL 14313 discovered 2020/12/29.904 by Xingming Observatory Sky Survey (XOSS)
Found in KUG 1206+328 at R.A. = 12h08m47s.430, Decl. = +32°32'07".58
Located 1".8 east and 7".4 south of the center of KUG 1206+328
Mag 18.0:2/24 (16.1:1/11), Type Ia (z=0.0244) (z=0.024400) (References: ZTF observations, TNS, Gaia observations)

2020adox (= ASASSN-20qk) (= ATLAS20bhnl), ATEL 14381 discovered 2020/12/24.270 by All Sky Automated Survey for SuperNovae (ASAS-SN)
Found in an anonymous galaxy at R.A. = 04h53m40s.321, Decl. = -31°09'10".18
Located 0".0 east and 0".0 north of the center of the host galaxy (Discovery image)
Mag 17.5:12/24, Type Ia (z=0.074) (References: TNS, ATEL 14366)

2020adow (= ASASSN-20qj), ATEL 14366 discovered 2020/12/26.410 by All Sky Automated Survey for SuperNovae (ASAS-SN)
Found in KUG 0830+278 at R.A. = 08h33m42s.266, Decl. = +27°42'43".83
Located 0".0 east and 0".0 north of the center of KUG 0830+278 (Discovery image) (Andrea Mantero image) (Enrico Prosperi image)
Mag 17.1:3/3 (16.2:12/26), Type Ic-BL (z=0.0074) (zhost=0.007505) (References: AstroNote 2021-47, TNS)

2020adnx (= MASTER OT J030555.49+413631.1) (= ATLAS20bjhy) (= Gaia20fxw), TNS discovered 2020/12/24.859 by MASTER
Found in UGC 2528 at R.A. = 03h05m55s.530, Decl. = +41°36'31".36
Located 0".0 east and 0".0 north of the center of UGC 2528 (Gianpiero Locatelli image) (Carols Segarra image) (Odd Trondal image)
Mag 19.3:3/22 (17.2:12/24), Type II (z=0.021001) (References: Gaia observations)

AT2020adnv (= SNhunt436), TNS discovered 2020/12/24.124 by Catalina Real-Time Transient Survey and Mirco Villi
Found in PGC 1374835 at R.A. = 04h36m00s.288, Decl. = +10°07'27".12
Located 4".7 east and 19".4 north of the center of PGC 1374835 (Discovery image)
Mag 20.3:12/24, Type unknown (zhost=0.028900)

2020adnu (= ASASSSN-20qi), ATEL 14366 discovered 2020/12/22.280 by All Sky Automated Survey for SuperNovae (ASAS-SN)
Found in an anonymous galaxy at R.A. = 11h38m08s.320, Decl. = -32°51'07".87
Located 0".0 east and 0".0 north of the center of the host galaxy (Discovery image)
Mag 17.2:12/22, Type Ia (z=0.031) (zhost=0.030625) (References: AstroNote 2021-6, TNS)

2020admb (= JVAR20a), TNS discovered 2020/12/22.163 by Vázquez Ramió
Found in MCG +9-14-52 at R.A. = 08h32m25s.992, Decl. = +56°27'53".64
Located 0".0 east and 0".0 north of the center of MCG +9-14-52 (Discovery image)
Mag 21.1:12/22, Type Ia (zhost=0.044000)

2020adlh (= ASASSN-20qh) (= Gaia20fvy), ATEL 14366 discovered 2020/12/21.944 by All Sky Automated Survey for SuperNovae (ASAS-SN)
Found in an anonymous galaxy at R.A. = 13h38m26s.115, Decl. = -31°15'50".03
Located 0".0 east and 0".0 north of the center of the host galaxy (Discovery image)
Mag 17.0:12/22, Type Ia (z=0.036) (zhost=0.038013) (References: AstroNote 2021-6, TNS, Gaia observations)

2020adkz (= ASASSN-20qg) (= Gaia21agj), ATEL 14366 discovered 2020/12/22.480 by All Sky Automated Survey for SuperNovae (ASAS-SN)
Found in KUG 1134+193 at R.A. = 11h37m30s.155, Decl. = +19°02'33".77
Located 0".0 east and 0".0 north of the center of KUG 1134+193 (Discovery image) (Odd Trondal image)
Mag 17.4:1/12 (17.2:12/22), Type Ia (z=0.029) (zhost=0.029603) (References: AstroNote 2020-264, Gaia observations, TNS)

2020acma (= ATLAS20bhnw) (= Gaia21ajv), AstroNote 2020-254 discovered 2020/12/12.592 by ATLAS
Found in ESO 437-G19 at R.A. = 10h37m57s.860, Decl. = -28°54'30".78
Located 21".8 east and 4".2 south of the center of ESO 437-G19 (Fabio Feijo image)
Mag 17.2:2/6 (15.9:12/16), Type Ia (z=0.014) (zhost=0.013923) (References: AstroNote 2020-256, TNS, Gaia observations)

2020adhh (= SNhunt435), TNS discovered 2020/12/17.312 by Catalina Real-Time Transient Survey and Mirco Villi
Found in UGC 3142 at R.A. = 04h43m46s.152, Decl. = +28°58'10".56
Located 8".4 west and 8".3 south of the center of UGC 3142 (Discovery image) (Odd Trondal image)
Mag 21.0:12/17, Type II (z=0.022) (zhost=0.021660) (References: AstroNote 2021-6)

2020adgf (= ASASSN-20qb), ATEL 14284 discovered 2020/12/18.820 by All Sky Automated Survey for SuperNovae (ASAS-SN)
Found in an anonymous galaxy at R.A. = 05h14m12s.141, Decl. = -51°09'08".31
Located 0".0 east and 0".0 north of the center of the host galaxy (Discovery image)
Mag 18.1:12/18, Type Ia-91T (z=0.06) (zhost=0.060092) (References: AstroNote 2020-264, TNS)

2020adaf (= ASASSN-20pz), ATEL 14284 discovered 2020/12/14.080 by All Sky Automated Survey for SuperNovae (ASAS-SN)
Found in an anonymous galaxy at R.A. = 02h25m08s.116, Decl. = -61°33'19".94
Located 0".0 east and 0".0 north of the center of the host galaxy (Discovery image)
Mag 17.9:12/14, Type Ia (z=0.048) (zhost=0.048597) (References: AstroNote 2020-262, TNS)

AT2020acpc (= ASASSN-20pu), ATEL 14284 discovered 2020/12/12.520 by All Sky Automated Survey for SuperNovae (ASAS-SN)
Found in an anonymous galaxy at R.A. = 09h42m37s.427, Decl. = +24°18'07".59
Located 0".0 east and 0".0 north of the center of the host galaxy (Discovery image) (Manfred Mrotzek image)
Mag 18.0:12/12, Type Ia (zhost=0.051371) (References: ATEL 14273, TNS)

2020acch (= ZTF20acvziuf) (= Gaia20fwe), TNS discovered 2020/12/10.204 by Zwicky Transient Facility (ZTF)
Found in UGC 1161 at R.A. = 01h38m14s.510, Decl. = +36°36'34".45
Located 7".5 east and 0".8 north of the center of UGC 1161 (Odd Trondal image) (Enrico Prosperi image)
Mag 18.4:2/11 (15.8:12/23), Type Ia (zhost=0.017072) (References: ZTF observations, Gaia observations)

2020abzv (= ASASSN-20pm), ATEL 14284 discovered 2020/12/09.000 by All Sky Automated Survey for SuperNovae (ASAS-SN)
Found in NGC 813 at R.A. = 02h01m39s.660, Decl. = -68°26'12".20
Located 19".8 east and 8".9 north of the center of NGC 813 (Discovery image)
Mag 16.6:12/9, Type Ia (z=0.027) (zhost=0.026992) (References: AstroNote 2021-2, TNS)

2020abww (= ASASSN-20pi), ATEL 14284 discovered 2020/12/02.173 by All Sky Automated Survey for SuperNovae (ASAS-SN)
Found in PGC 127532 at R.A. = 03h14m25s.073, Decl. = -62°27'02".71
Located 0".0 east and 0".0 north of the center of PGC 127532 (Discovery image)
Mag 17.1:12/2, Type Ia (z=0.059) (References: AstroNote 2020-250, TNS)

2020abql (= ASASSN-20pf) (= Gaia21aiz), ATEL 14284 discovered 2020/12/05.250 by All Sky Automated Survey for SuperNovae (ASAS-SN)
Found in ESO 18-G6 at R.A. = 08h21m32s.236, Decl. = -80°34'00".90
Located 15".4 east and 30".9 north of the center of ESO 18-G6 (Discovery image) (Fabio Feijo image) (Diago Canosa image)
Mag 19.1:3/24 (15.5:12/5), Type Ia (z=0.015) (References: TNS, Gaia observations)

AT2020aboy (= ASASSN-20pe), ATEL 14250 discovered 2020/12/05.130 by All Sky Automated Survey for SuperNovae (ASAS-SN)
Found in an anonymous galaxy at R.A. = 02h31m08s.717, Decl. = -57°41'51".26
Located 0".0 east and 0".0 north of the center of the host galaxy (Discovery image)
Mag 17.7:12/5, Type unknown (zhost=0.037733) (References: TNS)

AT2020ablj (= ASASSN-20pa), ATEL 14250 discovered 2020/12/03.060 by All Sky Automated Survey for SuperNovae (ASAS-SN)
Found in an anonymous galaxy at R.A. = 23h12m12s.514, Decl. = -57°59'36".08
Located 0".0 east and 0".0 north of the center of the host galaxy (Discovery image)
Mag 17.0:12/3, Type unknown (zhost=0.042656) (References: TNS)

2020abjq (= ATLAS20bgkm) (= Gaia20fss), TNS discovered 2020/12/02.377 by ATLAS
Found in UGC 678 at R.A. = 01h06m14s.630, Decl. = +03°34'26".08
Located 9".0 east and 1".8 south of the center of UGC 678 (Enrico Prosperi image)
Mag 17.3:2/2 (16.3:12/14), Type II (z=0.018433) (References: AstroNote 2020-240, Gaia observations)

2020abgq (= PSN J12285028-0156386) (= Gaia20fsh) (= ATLAS20bgwv) (= ZTF20acuosvy), TNS discovered 2020/11/30.854 by Koichi Itagaki
Found in NGC 4454 at R.A. = 12h28m50s.250, Decl. = -01°56'38".80
Located 6".9 west and 17".5 south of the center of NGC 4454 (Discovery image) (Odd Trondal image)
Mag 19.7:2/23 (16.3:11/30), Type Ia (zhost=0.008029) (References: CBAT TOCP, Gaia observations, ZTF observations; SN 2018bsk)

2020aavb (= ATLAS20bgfa) (= Gaia21agi), TNS discovered 2020/11/23.116 by Fabio Briganti and Paolo Campaner (ISSP)
Found in NGC 3697 at R.A. = 11h28m48s.294, Decl. = +20°47'38".65
Located 27".2 west and 5".0 south of the center of NGC 3697 (Discovery image) (Paolo Campaner image) (Paolo Campaner image) (Paolo Campaner image) (Odd Trondal image) (Paolo Campaner image) (Paolo Campaner image) (J. Camarasa image) (Manfred Mrotzek image) (Enrico Prosperi image)
Mag 18.0:1/27 (16.0:11/30), Type Ia (z=0.020884) (Claudio Balcon spectrum) (References: ATEL 14210, Gaia observations)

2020aatc (= ZTF20actddoh) (= PS21t) (= ATLAS20bgjn) (= Gaia21abr), TNS discovered 2020/11/23.257 by Zwicky Transient Facility (ZTF)
Found in MCG -2-8-7 at R.A. = 02h48m16s.430, Decl. = -10°15'07".52
Located 14".9 east and 1".0 north of the center of MCG -2-8-7
Mag 16.1:1/10 (15.3:12/14), Type Ia (zhost=0.015254) (References: ATEL 14218, AstroNote 2020-237, ZTF observations, Gaia observations)

2020aary (= ASASSN-20op) (= Gaia21aaq), ATEL 14250 discovered 2020/11/22.190 by All Sky Automated Survey for SuperNovae (ASAS-SN)
Found in an anonymous galaxy at R.A. = 03h21m29s.861, Decl. = -61°46'11".96
Located 0".0 east and 0".0 north of the center of the host galaxy (Discovery image)
Mag 17.7:12/30 (16.6:11/22), Type Ia (z=0.026) (References: ATEL 14218, TNS, AstroNote 2020-237, Gaia observations)

2020aakp (= ASASSN-20ol) (= Gaia20fxn), ATEL 14250 discovered 2020/11/18.183 by All Sky Automated Survey for SuperNovae (ASAS-SN)
Found in PGC 19480 at R.A. = 06h43m06s.147, Decl. = -74°12'49".45
Located 0".0 east and 0".0 north of the center of PGC 19480 (Discovery image)
Mag 17.4:12/27 (16.5:11/22), Type Ia (z=0.028) (zhost=0.023349) (References: AstroNote 2020-234, TNS, Gaia observations)

AT2020aaix (= ASASSN-20oj), ATEL 14250 discovered 2020/11/16.500 by All Sky Automated Survey for SuperNovae (ASAS-SN)
Found in an anonymous galaxy at R.A. = 11h06m49s.429, Decl. = +47°51'11".58
Located 0".0 east and 0".0 north of the center of the host galaxy (Discovery image)
Mag 17.5:11/16, Type unknown (zhost=0.064270) (References: TNS)

AT2020aafv, TNS discovered 2020/11/16.000 by Kuin
Found in an anonymous galaxy at R.A. = 09h56m21s.701, Decl. = +00°17'32".24
Located 0".0 east and 0".0 north of the center of the host galaxy
Mag 18.8:11/16, Type unknown

AT2020zvs (= AHTS-2020-001), TNS discovered 2020/11/14.119 by AHTS
Found in an anonymous galaxy at R.A. = 20h13m36s.590, Decl. = +23°42'59".50
Located 0".0 east and 0".0 north of the center of the host galaxy (Discovery image)
Mag 17.4:11/14, Type unknown

AT2020zre (= ASASSN-20oe) (= Gaia20fjc), ATEL 14250 discovered 2020/11/13.000 by All Sky Automated Survey for SuperNovae (ASAS-SN)
Found in an anonymous galaxy at R.A. = 06h54m00s.703, Decl. = -65°25'00".95
Located 0".0 east and 0".0 north of the center of the host galaxy (Discovery image)
Mag 18.9:12/25 (16.8:11/13), Type unknown (zhost=0.040918) (References: TNS, Gaia observations)

2020zqo (= ASASSN-20od) (= Gaia20fol), ATEL 14250 discovered 2020/11/13.170 by All Sky Automated Survey for SuperNovae (ASAS-SN)
Found in an anonymous galaxy at R.A. = 04h02m55s.180, Decl. = -31°20'17".01
Located 0".0 east and 0".0 north of the center of the host galaxy (Discovery image)
Mag 18.7:12/4 (18.2:11/13), Type Ia (z=0.06) (zhost=0.059658) (References: AstroNote 2020-234, TNS, Gaia observations)

2020zoq (= ASASSN-20oc) (= Gaia20fpl), ATEL 14250 discovered 2020/11/14.561 by All Sky Automated Survey for SuperNovae (ASAS-SN)
Found in UGC 5760 at R.A. = 10h36m21s.573, Decl. = +13°43'07".36
Located 0".0 east and 0".0 north of the center of UGC 5760 (Discovery image) (Enrico Prosperi image) (Enrico Prosperi image)
Mag 17.6:1/26 (16.5:1/16), Type II (z=0.01) (zhost=0.010040) (References: AstroNote 2020-234, ATEL 14175, TNS, Gaia observations)

AT2020zmw (= ASASSN-20ob) (= PS20mwp) (= ATLAS20bfbj), ATEL 14250 discovered 2020/11/13.140 by All Sky Automated Survey for SuperNovae (ASAS-SN)
Found in an anonymous galaxy at R.A. = 21h36m25s.214, Decl. = -15°02'33".61
Located 0".0 east and 0".0 north of the center of the host galaxy (Discovery image)
Mag 17.8:12/3 (16.8:11/13), Type unknown (zhost=0.038483) (References: TNS)

2020zdm (= ASASSN-20nz), ATEL 14166 discovered 2020/11/10.280 by All Sky Automated Survey for SuperNovae (ASAS-SN)
Found in an anonymous galaxy at R.A. = 06h29m22s.213, Decl. = -48°51'58".11
Located 0".0 east and 0".0 north of the center of the host galaxy (Discovery image)
Mag 17.8:11/10, Type Ia (z=0.05) (References: AstroNote 2020-229, TNS)

AT2020zbx (= ASASSN-20nx) (= Gaia20fkp), ATEL 14166 discovered 2020/11/06.070 by All Sky Automated Survey for SuperNovae (ASAS-SN)
Found in an anonymous galaxy at R.A. = 19h41m38s.622, Decl. = -50°10'11".81
Located 0".0 east and 0".0 north of the center of the host galaxy (Discovery image)
Mag 17.0:11/23 (16.3:11/8), Type unknown (zhost=0.024704) (References: TNS, Gaia observations)

AT2020zbw (= ASASSN-20nw), ATEL 14166 discovered 2020/11/09.830 by All Sky Automated Survey for SuperNovae (ASAS-SN)
Found in IC 4853 at R.A. = 19h30m47s.911, Decl. = -71°04'17".28
Located 0".0 east and 0".0 north of the center of IC 4853 (Discovery image)
Mag 16.5:11/9, Type unknown (zhost=0.014230) (References: TNS)

2020zbv (= DLT20u), TNS discovered 2020/11/10.172 by DLT40
Found in NGC 1448 at R.A. = 03h44m28s.620, Decl. = -44°39'25".93
Located 35".2 west and 44".5 south of the center of NGC 1448
Mag 18.8:11/10, Type IIP (z=0.0039) (zhost=0.003896) (References: ATEL 14226; SN 2014df, 2003hn, 2001el, 1983S)

2020zbo (= ASASSN-20nv), ATEL 14166 discovered 2020/11/06.280 by All Sky Automated Survey for SuperNovae (ASAS-SN)
Found in an anonymous galaxy at R.A. = 03h22m16s.118, Decl. = -33°49'17".78
Located 0".0 east and 0".0 north of the center of the host galaxy (Discovery image)
Mag 17.0:11/6, Type Ia (z=0.043270) (References: TNS)

2020yzo (= ASASSN-20nu) (= Gaia20fjo), ATEL 14166 discovered 2020/11/06.350 by All Sky Automated Survey for SuperNovae (ASAS-SN)
Found in ESO 34-G12 at R.A. = 06h43m32s.096, Decl. = -72°35'25".53
Located 0".0 east and 0".0 north of the center of ESO 34-G12 (Discovery image) (Joseph Brimacombe image)
Mag 18.3:12/27 (15.9:11/6), Type II (z=0.0185) (zhost=0.018503) (References: TNS, AstroNote 2020-222, Gaia observations; SN OGLE-2014-SN-137)

2020yzn (= ASASSN-20nt) (= Gaia20fkg), ATEL 14166 discovered 2020/11/06.080 by All Sky Automated Survey for SuperNovae (ASAS-SN)
Found in ESO 142-G19 at R.A. = 19h33m22s.407, Decl. = -58°07'22".11
Located 27".0 east and 31".0 south of the center of ESO 142-G19 (Discovery image) (Dennis Denisenko image)
Mag 17.3:11/22 (16.3:11/7), Type Ia-91bg (z=0.016) (zhost=0.014643) (References: TNS, AstroNote 2020-226, Gaia observations)

2020yzq (= PSP20B) (= PSN J18222333+2328322) (= Gaia20flm), TNS discovered 2020/11/07.523 by Xingming Observatory Sky Survey (XOSS)
Found in NGC 6628 at R.A. = 18h22m23s.330, Decl. = +23°28'32".20
Located 19".5 east and 10".8 south of the center of NGC 6628 (Discovery image) (Andre Mantero image) (Claudio Balcon image) (Giancarlo Cortini image) (Manfred Mrotzek image) (Enrico Prosperi image) (Joel Nicolas image) (Enrico Prosperi image)
Mag 18.1:2/5 (15.9:11/17), Type II (z=0.01482) (References: CBAT TOCP, Gaia observations)

2020yvu (= ATLAS20bevw) (= Gaia20fex), TNS discovered 2020/11/04.368 by ATLAS
Found in an anonymous galaxy at R.A. = 23h00m59s.870, Decl. = +40°54'38".16
Located 0".0 east and 0".0 north of the center of the host galaxy (Odd Trondal image) (Enrico Prosperi image) (Enrico Prosperi image)
Mag 18.6:2/11 (15.1:11/22), Type Ia (z=0.010000) (References: Gaia observations)

2020ywx (= ATLAS20bewg) (= Gaia22cag), TNS discovered 2020/11/04.620 by ATLAS
Found in an anonymous galaxy at R.A. = 11h53m26s.229, Decl. = +10°53'47".29
Located 3".6 west and 0".2 north of the center of host galaxy
Mag 18.9:5/7/2022 (16.5:11/4), Type IIn (z=0.021700) (References: ATEL 14210, AstroNote 2020-215, AstroNote 2020-260, Gaia observations)

AT2020ybf (= ASASSN-20nh), ATEL 14166 discovered 2020/10/20.300 by All Sky Automated Survey for SuperNovae (ASAS-SN)
Found in an anonymous galaxy at R.A. = 04h29m47s.403, Decl. = -67°03'20".25
Located 0".0 east and 0".0 north of the center of the host galaxy (Discovery image)
Mag 17.1:10/20, Type unknown (References: TNS)

2020xyw (= DLT20q) (= Gaia20fjh), TNS discovered 2020/10/22.695 by DLT40
Found in IC 2200A at R.A. = 07h28m07s.980, Decl. = -62°21'28".95
Located 66".3 west and 18".4 south of the center of IC 2200A (Diego Canosa image) (Fabio Fiejo image)
Mag 18.1:1/23 (15.4:10/26), Type Ia (zhost=0.010834) (References: Gaia observations)

2020xtz (= ZTF20aclwclm) (= Gaia21arj), TNS discovered 2020/10/21.165 by Zwicky Transient Facility (ZTF)
Found in NGC 6574 at R.A. = 18h11m51s.097, Decl. = +14°58'56".82
Located 2".0 west and 2".5 north of the center of NGC 6574 (Enrico Prosperi image) (Enrico Prosperi image)
Mag 18.0:3/3 (14.1:11/10), Type Ia (z=0.007612) (zhost=0.007612) (References: AstroNote 2020-200, ZTF observations, Gaia observations; SN 2008eb)

2020uyn (= TMTS-2020B) (= ATLAS20bcms) (= Gaia20exx) (= PS20kug), TNS discovered 2020/10/05.478 by TMTS
Found in an anonymous galaxy at R.A. = 19h10m25s.440, Decl. = +47°40'02".32
Located 2".0 east and 1".6 north of the center of host galaxy (Odd Trondal image) (Enrico Prosperi image)
Mag 19.7:12/21 (16.9:10/5), Type Ia-91T (zhost=0.047000) (References: ATEL 14071, Gaia observations)

2020uxz (= ATLAS20bcma) (= ZTF20achlced) (= PS20idl) (= Gaia20fty), TNS discovered 2020/10/05.573 by Koichi Itagaki
Found in NGC 514 at R.A. = 01h24m06s.890, Decl. = +12°55'17".26
Located 43".6 east and 14".7 north of the center of NGC 514 (Discovery image)
Mag 17.1:2/12 (13.5:10/23), Type Ia (z=0.008246) (References: ZTF observations, Gaia observations)
2020uxz images sub-page

2020ukx (= ASASSN-20mr) (= Gaia20exq) (= ATLAS20bcmr), ATEL 14166 discovered 2020/09/28.130 by All Sky Automated Survey for SuperNovae (ASAS-SN)
Found in NGC 2784 at R.A. = 09h12m20s.536, Decl. = -24°10'19".29
Located 14".2 east and 2".1 north of the center of NGC 2784 (Discovery image) (Joseph Brimacombe image) (Diego Canosa image)
Mag 16.4:12/14 (15.0:10/22), Type Ia (z=0.0023) (zhost=0.002305) (References: TNS, AstroNote 2020-190, Gaia observations)

AT2020ual (= ASASSN-20mi), ATEL 14166 discovered 2020/09/23.010 by All Sky Automated Survey for SuperNovae (ASAS-SN)
Found in an anonymous galaxy at R.A. = 21h15m40s.241, Decl. = -49°04'34".62
Located 0".0 east and 0".0 north of the center of the host galaxy (Discovery image)
Mag 17.0:9/23, Type unknown (zhost=0.031100) (References: TNS)

2020tnq (= ASASSN-20lv) (= Gaia20ewk), ATEL 14023 discovered 2020/09/16.140 by All Sky Automated Survey for SuperNovae (ASAS-SN)
Found in an anonymous galaxy at R.A. = 08h34m33s.048, Decl. = -01°57'28".87
Located 0".0 east and 0".0 north of the center of the host galaxy (Discovery image)
Mag 18.5:10/16 (17.0:9/16), Type Ia (z=0.033) (zhost=0.030334) (References: TNS, Gaia observations)

AT2020tll (= ASASSN-20lu) (= Gaia20epp), ATEL 14023 discovered 2020/09/15.920 by All Sky Automated Survey for SuperNovae (ASAS-SN)
Found in NGC 25 at R.A. = 00h09m57s.342, Decl. = -57°01'28".45
Located 15".8 west and 13".5 south of the center of NGC 25 (Discovery image)
Mag 17.9:10/3 (17.2:9/15), Type unknown (zhost=0.031572) (References: TNS, Gaia observations)

2020tlf (= ATLAS20bbft) (= Gaia20enm), TNS discovered 2020/09/16.221 by ATLAS
Found in NGC 5731 at R.A. = 14h40m10s.034, Decl. = +42°46'39".64
Located 9".1 east and 6".8 south of the center of NGC 5731 (Giancarlo Cortini image) (Odd Trondal image)
Mag 14.7:9/28, Type IIn (z=0.008) (z=0.008463) (References: ATEL 14024, AstroNote 2020-179, Gaia observations)

2020tld (= ASASSN-20ls) (= Gaia20eqc), ATEL 14018 discovered 2020/09/15.990 by All Sky Automated Survey for SuperNovae (ASAS-SN)
Found in ESO 194-G21 at R.A. = 00h29m41s.590, Decl. = -51°32'10".97
Located 0".6 west and 56".6 south of the center of ESO 194-G21 (Discovery image)
Mag 16.0:10/4, Type Ia (zhost=0.011201) (References: TNS, Gaia observations)

AT2020swi (= ASASSN-20ll) (= Gaia20enw), ATEL 14023 discovered 2020/09/08.850 by All Sky Automated Survey for SuperNovae (ASAS-SN)
Found in an anonymous galaxy at R.A. = 00h58m44s.987, Decl. = -67°13'13".13
Located 2".5 west and 13".7 south of the center of host galaxy (Discovery image)
Mag 18.7:9/29 (17.7:9/8), Type unknown (References: TNS, Gaia observations)

2020svp (= ASASSN-20lk) (= Gaia20ehl), ATEL 14023 discovered 2020/09/08.720 by All Sky Automated Survey for SuperNovae (ASAS-SN)
Found in ESO 445-G54 at R.A. = 13h50m32s.663, Decl. = -30°02'55".86
Located 0".7 east and 0".7 south of the center of ESO 445-G54 (Discovery image)
Mag 15.0:9/13, Type unknown (zhost=0.017886) (References: TNS, Gaia observations)

AT2020svh (= ASASSN-20le) (= Gaia20fah), ATEL 14023 discovered 2020/09/07.870 by All Sky Automated Survey for SuperNovae (ASAS-SN)
Found in an anonymous galaxy at R.A. = 00h54m18s.436, Decl. = -61°53'34".60
Located 0".1 east and 0".3 south of the center of host galaxy (Discovery image)
Mag 17.5:9/30 (16.5:9/7), Type unknown (zhost=0.027746) (References: TNS, Gaia observations)

2020ssf (= ZTF20abyptpc) (= PS20heu), TNS discovered 2020/09/06.252 by Zwicky Transient Facility (ZTF)
Found in NGC 7722 at R.A. = 23h38m40s.872, Decl. = +15°57'14".55
Located 4".9 west and 2".2 south of the center of NGC 7722 (Giancarlo Cortini image)
Mag 18.4:1/19 (13.6:9/21), Type Ia (zhost=0.013350) (References: ZTF observations)
2020ssf images sub-page

AT2020sjw (= ASASSN-20ld) (= Gaia20eoe), ATEL 14023 discovered 2020/08/27.603 by All Sky Automated Survey for SuperNovae (ASAS-SN)
Found in an anonymous galaxy at R.A. = 18h37m09s.041, Decl. = -65°15'37".44
Located 221".8 west and 90".9 north of the center of host galaxy (Discovery image)
Mag 15.7:9/1, Type II (zhost=0.015491) (References: TNS, Gaia observations)

2020sjo (= ZTF20abydkrl) (= Gaia20esg), TNS discovered 2020/08/31.473 by Zwicky Transient Facility (ZTF)
Found in NGC 1575 at R.A. = 04h26m21s.940, Decl. = -10°05'55".80
Located 20".5 east and 1".4 south of the center of NGC 1575
Mag 16.8:9/15, Type Ia (zhost=0.031141) (References: ZTF observations, Gaia observations)

AT2020sfq (= XM33MZ), TNS discovered 2020/08/29.831 by Xingming Observatory Sky Survey (XOSS)
Found in LEDA 2748946 at R.A. = 16h44m49s.190, Decl. = +72°19'45".10
Located 29".7 west and 1".1 north of the center of LEDA 2748946 (Discovery image) (Odd Trondal image)
Mag 18.8:8/29, Type unknown

AT2020sde (= ASASSN-20ky) (= Gaia20ere), ATEL 14023 discovered 2020/08/26.890 by All Sky Automated Survey for SuperNovae (ASAS-SN)
Found in an anonymous galaxy at R.A. = 01h04m59s.957, Decl. = -46°04'33".09
Located 0".8 east and 0".1 south of the center of host galaxy (Discovery image)
Mag 18.7:10/5 (16.8:8/26), Type unknown (zhost=0.029887) (References: TNS, Gaia observations)

2020scc (= PSN J09140899+4004410) (= XM01QY) (= Gaia20fdd), TNS discovered 2020/08/20.915 by Xingming Observatory Sky Survey (XOSS)
Found in NGC 2782 at R.A. = 09h14m09s.003, Decl. = +40°04'40".87
Located 44".5 east and 128".1 south of the center of NGC 2782 (Discovery image) (Odd Trondal image) (Claudio Balcon image) (Ken'ichi Nishimura image) (Ken'ichi Nishimura image)
Mag 17.8:11/29 (13.7:8/20), Type Ia (zhost=0.008483) (Claudio Balcon spectrum) (References: ATEL 14002, CBAT TOCP, Gaia observations; SN 1994ak)

2020rvf (= ASASSN-20ko), ATEL 14023 discovered 2020/08/22.120 by All Sky Automated Survey for SuperNovae (ASAS-SN)
Found in CGCG 465-012 at R.A. = 03h54m15s.996, Decl. = +15°55'42".92
Located 1".2 west and 0".5 south of the center of CGCG 465-012 (Discovery image) (Odd Trondal image)
Mag 17.4:8/22, Type Ic (zhost=0.022222) (References: ATEL 14030, TNS)

AT2020ruq (= ASASSN-20kn), ATEL 14023 discovered 2020/08/19.950 by All Sky Automated Survey for SuperNovae (ASAS-SN)
Found in ESO 285-G31 at R.A. = 20h34m00s.854, Decl. = -44°16'50".36
Located 3".2 west and 7".6 south of the center of ESO 285-G31 (Discovery image)
Mag 17.1:8/19, Type unknown (zhost=0.022949) (References: TNS)

AT2020rub (= ASASSN-20km), ATEL 13960 discovered 2020/08/21.230 by All Sky Automated Survey for SuperNovae (ASAS-SN)
Found in an anonymous galaxy at R.A. = 22h17m06s.152, Decl. = -26°38'38".98
Located 3".2 east and 5".9 north of the center of host galaxy (Discovery image)
Mag 17.1:8/21, Type unknown (zhost=0.060065) (References: TNS)

AT2020rte, TNS discovered 2020/08/20.851 by Tercu
Found in PGC 53229 at R.A. = 14h54m38s.820, Decl. = +42°01'23".16
Located 5".0 west and 2".8 south of the center of PGC 53229 (Andre Mantero image) (Stan Howerton image)
Mag 17.7:8/20, Type unknown (zhost=0.008399)

AT2020rsy (= ASASSN-20ki), ATEL 13960 discovered 2020/08/19.810 by All Sky Automated Survey for SuperNovae (ASAS-SN)
Found in an anonymous galaxy at R.A. = 23h20m51s.171, Decl. = -41°15'46".32
Located 5".1 west and 19".1 north of the center of host galaxy (Discovery image)
Mag 16.9:8/19, Type unknown (References: TNS)

2020rqk (= ATLAS20xrs) (= Gaia20dxx), TNS discovered 2020/08/19.246 by ATLAS
Found in UGC 10157 at R.A. = 16h00m58s.450, Decl. = +70°36'15".05 (aka NGC 6071)
Located 2".5 west and 12".3 north of the center of UGC 10157 (Giancarlo Cortini image) (Francisco Calvo image) (Odd Trondal image) (Irydeo Obs image)
Mag 16.1:9/3, Type Ia (References: AstroNote 2020-158, Gaia observations)

AT2020rim (= ASASSN-20jz), ATEL 13960 discovered 2020/08/14.390 by All Sky Automated Survey for SuperNovae (ASAS-SN)
Found in an anonymous galaxy at R.A. = 22h16m45s.855, Decl. = -22°53'29".60
Located 1".0 west and 1".4 north of the center of host galaxy (Discovery image)
Mag 17.9:8/14, Type unknown (zhost=0.055700) (References: TNS)

AT2020reu (= ASASSN-20ju) (= Gaia20dxz), ATEL 13960 discovered 2020/08/11.269 by All Sky Automated Survey for SuperNovae (ASAS-SN)
Found in PGC 2774595 at R.A. = 13h14m17s.304, Decl. = +77°43'26".48
Located 0".0 east and 0".0 north of the center of PGC 2774595 (Discovery image) (Odd Trondal image)
Mag 18.1:8/22 (17.9:8/11), Type unknown (References: TNS, Gaia observations)

2020rcq (= ZTF20abqvsik) (= Gaia20era), TNS discovered 2020/08/09.168 by Zwicky Transient Facility (ZTF)
Found in UGC 6930 at R.A. = 11h57m14s.680, Decl. = +49°17'32".00
Located 26".1 west and 32".9 north of the center of UGC 6930 (Paolo Campaner image)
Mag 17.8:6/2 (11.8:8/25), Type Ia (z=0.002597) (zhost=0.002592) (References: AstroNote 2020-152, AstroNote 2020-151, ZTF observations, Gaia observations)
2020rcq images sub-page

AT2020ral (= ASASSN-20jr), ATEL 13960 discovered 2020/08/10.240 by All Sky Automated Survey for SuperNovae (ASAS-SN)
Found in an anonymous galaxy at R.A. = 15h17m17s.446, Decl. = +54°45'46".77
Located 0".0 east and 0".0 north of the center of the host galaxy (Discovery image)
Mag 16.8:8/10, Type unknown (zhost=0.038765) (References: TNS)

2020qxp (= ASASSN-20jq) (= Gaia20dqm), ATEL 13960 discovered 2020/08/08.130 by All Sky Automated Survey for SuperNovae (ASAS-SN)
Found in NGC 5002 at R.A. = 13h10m37s.787, Decl. = +36°37'43".65
Located 2".6 west and 18".5 south of the center of NGC 5002 (Discovery image) (Odd Trondal image) (David Briggs image) (Gregor Krannich image) (Paolo Campaner image) (Gianluca Masi image) (Stan Howerton image)
Mag 14.5:8/20, Type Ia (zhost=0.003639) (References: TNS, Gaia observations)

AT2020quo (= Romanov SN1), TNS discovered 2020/07/22.464 by Filipp Romanov
Found in an anonymous galaxy at R.A. = 21h52m16s.360, Decl. = -19°01'30".42
Located 0".0 east and 0".0 north of the center of the host galaxy (Discovery image)
Mag 21.2:7/22, Type unknown

2020qmp (= PGIR20eid) (= Gaia20dof) (= ZTF20abotkfn) (= PS20lxi) (= ATLAS20viz) (= MASTER OT J120844.44+364817.2), TNS discovered 2020/07/24.574 by Gattini
Found in UGC 7125 at R.A. = 12h08m44s.443, Decl. = +36°48'17".27
Located 25".2 east and 9".5 north of the center of UGC 7125 (Odd Trondal image) (Paolo Campaner image) (Ken'ichi Nishimura image) (Ken'ichi Nishimura image) (Maurice Audejean image) (Carlos Segarra image) (Gianluca Masi image) (Yuji Tanaka image) (Odd Trondal image) (Enrico Prosperi image)
Mag 18.3:6/12 (14.1:11/14), Type II (z=0.003) (zhost=0.003572) (References: ATEL 13911, 13909, 13912, 13915, 14011, AstroNote 2020-147, AstroNote 2020-149, ZTF observations, Gaia observations)

2020qmz (= ASASSN-20jj), ATEL 13960 discovered 2020/07/29.090 by All Sky Automated Survey for SuperNovae (ASAS-SN)
Found in an anonymous galaxy at R.A. = 03h43m56s.332, Decl. = -20°31'40".17
Located 2".3 east and 5".9 north of the center of host galaxy (Discovery image) (Joseph Brimacombe image)
Mag 17.8:8/2 (17.2:7/29), Type Ia (z=0.0405) (zhost=0.040498) (References: TNS)

AT2020qlo (= ASASSN-20jf), ATEL 13960 discovered 2020/07/29.010 by All Sky Automated Survey for SuperNovae (ASAS-SN)
Found in an anonymous galaxy at R.A. = 00h05m27s.867, Decl. = -28°52'38".65
Located 0".6 west and 0".3 south of the center of host galaxy (Discovery image)
Mag 17.4:7/29, Type unknown (zhost=0.062100) (References: TNS)

AT2020qll (= ASASSN-20je), ATEL 13960 discovered 2020/07/26.110 by All Sky Automated Survey for SuperNovae (ASAS-SN)
Found in IC 2029 at R.A. = 04h01m18s.008, Decl. = -52°48'04".18
Located 0".5 east and 1".4 south of the center of IC 2029 (Discovery image)
Mag 17.4:7/26, Type unknown (zhost=0.033517) (References: TNS)

2020qln (= ATLAS20uuo), TNS discovered 2020/07/28.524 by ATLAS
Found in UGC 784 at R.A. = 01h14m04s.288, Decl. = -01°44'27".10
Located 2".8 east and 5".1 north of the center of UGC 784
Mag 18.8:7/28, Type I (z=0.016) (zhost=0.016348) (References: AstroNote 2020-153, AstroNote 2020-146)

2020qim (= GOTO20avm) (= Gaia20dyn), TNS discovered 2020/07/26.883 by GOTO
Found in NGC 6365A at R.A. = 17h22m43s.515, Decl. = +62°09'39".82
Located 2".1 west and 18".1 south of the center of NGC 6365A (Claudio Balcon image) (Manfred Mrotzek image) (Joel Nicolas image) (Joel Nicolas image) (Marc Serrau image) (Marc Serrau image)
Mag 18.9:8/22 (17.7:8/10), Type II (z=0.028) (zhost=0.028341) (References: Gaia observations; SN 2016ino, 2003U)

2020qes (= ASASSN-20jb), ATEL 14023 discovered 2020/07/24.050 by All Sky Automated Survey for SuperNovae (ASAS-SN)
Found in an anonymous galaxy at R.A. = 00h13m26s.153, Decl. = -28°01'58".94
Located 0".3 east and 0".7 north of the center of host galaxy (Discovery image)
Mag 16.7:7/24, Type Ia (z=0.026) (zhost=0.026095) (References: ATEL 13896, TNS)

AT2020qbt (= ASASSN-20iw), ATEL 13891 discovered 2020/07/21.180 by All Sky Automated Survey for SuperNovae (ASAS-SN)
Found in ESO 87-G1 at R.A. = 06h14m46s.980, Decl. = -63°00'13".99
Located 0".0 east and 0".0 north of the center of ESO 87-G1 (Discovery image)
Mag 17.2:7/21, Type unknown (zhost=0.036699) (References: TNS)

AT2020pyh (= ASASSN-20iu), ATEL 13891 discovered 2020/07/20.900 by All Sky Automated Survey for SuperNovae (ASAS-SN)
Found in an anonymous galaxy at R.A. = 21h48m05s.657, Decl. = -35°00'22".13
Located 0".0 east and 0".0 north of the center of the host galaxy (Discovery image)
Mag 17.4:7/20, Type unknown (References: TNS)

AT2020pwm (= Gaia20dkl), TNS discovered 2020/07/21.057 by DogsHeavenTS
Found in GSC2 S9FS138279 at R.A. = 15h08m30s.310, Decl. = -39°47'23".68
Located 0".0 east and 0".0 north of the center of GSC2 S9FS138279
Mag 15.7:7/23 (15.5:7/21), Type unknown (References: Gaia observations)

AT2020pua (= ASASSN-20io), ATEL 13891 discovered 2020/07/19.710 by All Sky Automated Survey for SuperNovae (ASAS-SN)
Found in ESO 171-G1 at R.A. = 11h53m44s.864, Decl. = -54°06'19".21
Located 0".0 east and 0".0 north of the center of ESO 171-G1 (Discovery image)
Mag 17.0:7/19, Type unknown (zhost=0.022416) (References: TNS; SN PSN J11534177-5406168)

2020pst (= ZTF20abmudrv) (= Gaia20dnz), TNS discovered 2020/07/17.460 by Zwicky Transient Facility (ZTF)
Found in UGC 768 NOTES01 at R.A. = 01h13m12s.038, Decl. = +02°17'01".82
Located 0".0 east and 0".0 north of the center of UGC 768 NOTES01
Mag 17.9:7/25, Type Ia (z=0.046) (zhost=0.046035) (References: ZTF observations, Gaia observations)

AT2020pqe (= ASASSN-20in), ATEL 13891 discovered 2020/07/15.970 by All Sky Automated Survey for SuperNovae (ASAS-SN)
Found in an anonymous galaxy at R.A. = 22h19m46s.678, Decl. = -56°37'49".42
Located 0".0 east and 0".0 north of the center of the host galaxy (Discovery image)
Mag 17.3:7/15, Type unknown (References: TNS)

2020ppi (= ASASSN-20im) (= Gaia20drk), ATEL 13891 discovered 2020/07/17.740 by All Sky Automated Survey for SuperNovae (ASAS-SN)
Found in IC 4830 at R.A. = 19h13m45s.435, Decl. = -59°18'02".66
Located 0".0 east and 0".0 north of the center of IC 4830 (Discovery image)
Mag 18.0:8/8 (17.5:7/17), Type II (zhost=0.014637) (References: TNS, Gaia observations; SN 2001bt)

AT2020pom (= ASASSN-20il), ATEL 13891 discovered 2020/07/08.180 by All Sky Automated Survey for SuperNovae (ASAS-SN)
Found in ESO 486-G17 at R.A. = 05h03m11s.470, Decl. = -22°48'49".73
Located 0".0 east and 0".0 north of the center of ESO 486-G17 (Discovery image)
Mag 16.2:7/8, Type unknown (zhost=0.015841) (References: TNS)

AT2020pnk, TNS discovered 2020/07/16.951 by DogsHeavenTS
Found in TESS 1510828094 at R.A. = 17h59m22s.370, Decl. = -62°10'14".64
Located 0".0 east and 0".0 north of the center of TESS 1510828094
Mag 16.8:7/16, Type unknown

2020pni (= ZTF20ablygyy) (= Gaia20dus), TNS discovered 2020/07/16.198 by Zwicky Transient Facility (ZTF)
Found in UGC 9684 at R.A. = 15h03m49s.964, Decl. = +42°06'50".52
Located 5".7 west and 5".0 south of the center of UGC 9684 (Stan Howerton image) (Giancarlo Cortini image) (Odd Trondal image)
Mag 17.0:8/15 (16.2:7/21), Type II (zhost=0.016872) (References: AstroNote 2020-136, ZTF observations, Gaia observations; SN AT2017cgh)

2020ohg (= MSOSSP_06), TNS discovered 2020/07/10.108 by Duszanowicz
Found in IC 4654 at R.A. = 17h37m11s.010, Decl. = -74°22'58".00
Located 12".6 east and 4".8 south of the center of IC 4654 (Fábio Feijó image)
Mag 16.0:7/10, Type Ia (zhost=0.017240)

2020nvb (= ATLAS20rvf) (= Gaia20dmy), TNS discovered 2020/07/01.549 by Koichi Itagaki
Found in NGC 4457 at R.A. = 12h28m58s.790, Decl. = +03°34'22".09
Located 3".3 west and 8".0 north of the center of NGC 4457 (Discovery image)
Mag 18.1:1/30 (11.8:7/19), Type Ia (zhost=0.002939) (References: ATEL 13848, 13849, 13858, 13937, AstroNote 2020-130, Gaia observations)
2020nvb images sub-page

2020nub (= ASASSN-20ho) (= Gaia20drn), ATEL 13891 discovered 2020/06/30.110 by All Sky Automated Survey for SuperNovae (ASAS-SN)
Found in NGC 808 at R.A. = 02h03m56s.030, Decl. = -23°18'50".31
Located 6".9 west and 8".4 south of the center of NGC 808 (Discovery image)
Mag 16.3:7/20, Type IIn (z=0.017) (zhost=0.016558) (References: TNS, ATEL 13892, Gaia observations; SN 2004ds)

AT2020nqq (= ATLAS20qwg) (= Gaia20dch), TNS discovered 2020/06/27.257 by ATLAS
Found in NGC 5128 at R.A. = 13h25m44s.450, Decl. = -43°00'12".82
Located 184".6 east and 56".0 north of the center of NGC 5128
Mag 17.8:7/3 (17.8:6/27), Type LRN (z=0.001830) (References: Gaia observations; SN 2016adj)

AT2020nni (= ASASSN-20hk) (= Gaia20ehb), ATEL 13843 discovered 2020/06/26.260 by All Sky Automated Survey for SuperNovae (ASAS-SN)
Found in an anonymous galaxy at R.A. = 18h08m22s.467, Decl. = +17°03'12".94
Located 0".0 east and 0".0 north of the center of the host galaxy (Discovery image) (Enrico Prosperi image)
Mag 18.7:8/21 (16.9:6/26), Type unknown (References: TNS, Gaia observations)

2020nlb (= ATLAS20qoq) (= Gaia20dlp) (= PS20emh), TNS discovered 2020/06/25.251 by ATLAS
Found in M85 at R.A. = 12h25m24s.181, Decl. = +18°12'12".52
Located 1".0 east and 43".2 north of the center of M85 (Gianluca Masi image)
Mag 19.0:5/11 (12.0:7/11), Type Ia (References: AstroNote 2020-127, AstroNote 2020-126, Gaia observations; SN 1960R)
2020nlb images sub-page

AT2020nkm (= ASASSN-20hh), ATEL 13891 discovered 2020/06/24.770 by All Sky Automated Survey for SuperNovae (ASAS-SN)
Found in NGC 3492 at R.A. = 11h00m56s.725, Decl. = +10°30'15".70
Located 0".0 east and 0".0 north of the center of NGC 3492 (Discovery image)
Mag 17.0:6/24, Type unknown (zhost=0.036272) (References: TNS)

AT2020nju (= ASASSN-20hg), ATEL 13843 discovered 2020/06/23.716 by All Sky Automated Survey for SuperNovae (ASAS-SN)
Found in an anonymous galaxy at R.A. = 09h51m06s.536, Decl. = -00°24'26".74
Located 0".0 east and 0".0 north of the center of the host galaxy (Discovery image)
Mag 17.1:6/23, Type unknown (References: TNS)

2020nif (= ZTF20abhjwvh) (= Gaia20dlo), TNS discovered 2020/06/24.195 by Zwicky Transient Facility (ZTF)
Found in NGC 4939 at R.A. = 13h04m13s.743, Decl. = -10°21'03".56
Located 9".5 west and 41".0 south of the center of NGC 4939 (Stan Howerton image) (Fábio Feijó image) (Stan Howerton image) (Enrico Prosperi image)
Mag 14.7:6/30, Type II (z=0.010374) (References: ZTF observations, Gaia observations; SN 2014B)

AT2020nhi (= ASASSN-20he), ATEL 13843 discovered 2020/06/23.120 by All Sky Automated Survey for SuperNovae (ASAS-SN)
Found in an anonymous galaxy at R.A. = 02h24m26s.001, Decl. = -51°44'52".51
Located 0".0 east and 0".0 north of the center of the host galaxy (Discovery image)
Mag 16.7:6/23, Type unknown (References: TNS)

AT2020ngz (= ASASSN-20hd) (= Gaia20dal), ATEL 13843 discovered 2020/06/14.804 by All Sky Automated Survey for SuperNovae (ASAS-SN)
Found in NGC 3250E at R.A. = 10h29m02s.133, Decl. = -40°05'20".56
Located 16".5 east and 22".5 south of the center of NGC 3250E (Discovery image)
Mag 16.3:6/29, Type unknown (zhost=0.009350) (References: TNS, Gaia observations)

AT2020nej (= MASTER OT J023717.57+071736.1) (= Gaia20dab), ATEL 13826 discovered 2020/06/22.157 by MASTER
Found in NGC 997 at R.A. = 02h37m17s.570, Decl. = +07°17'36".10
Located 42".2 east and 43".9 south of the center of NGC 997 (Discovery image)
Mag 17.8:6/27 (17.0:6/22), Type Ia (z=0.02168) (References: TNS, Gaia observations)

AT2020nbu (= ASASSN-20gw), ATEL 13843 discovered 2020/06/20.590 by All Sky Automated Survey for SuperNovae (ASAS-SN)
Found in an anonymous galaxy at R.A. = 01h55m00s.840, Decl. = -04°41'03".72
Located 0".0 east and 0".0 north of the center of the host galaxy (Discovery image)
Mag 16.9:6/20, Type unknown (References: TNS)

AT2020nbt (= ASASSN-20gv) (= Gaia20cwo), ATEL 13843 discovered 2020/05/26.336 by All Sky Automated Survey for SuperNovae (ASAS-SN)
Found in an anonymous galaxy at R.A. = 09h07m26s.622, Decl. = -16°29'11".47
Located 0".0 east and 0".0 north of the center of the host galaxy (Discovery image)
Mag 17.3:6/19, Type unknown (References: TNS, Gaia observations)

AT2020naw (= ASASSN-20gq), ATEL 13843 discovered 2020/06/19.170 by All Sky Automated Survey for SuperNovae (ASAS-SN)
Found in an anonymous galaxy at R.A. = 03h48m24s.507, Decl. = -26°43'08".42
Located 0".0 east and 0".0 north of the center of the host galaxy (Discovery image)
Mag 17.4:6/19, Type unknown (References: TNS)

2020mvp (= ATLAS20prc) (= ZTF20abfyriw) (= Gaia20cuz), TNS discovered 2020/06/17.346 by ATLAS
Found in UGC 9396 at R.A. = 14h35m46s.545, Decl. = +24°43'34".40
Located 11".2 east and 1".5 north of the center of UGC 9396 (Enrico Prosperi image) (Joseph Brimacombe image) (Enrico Prosperi image) (Enrico Prosperi image) (Enrico Prosperi image)
Mag 18.9:6/18 (18.9:6/17), Type Ia (z=0.036091) (References: ZTF observations, Gaia observations; SN 2014bg, 2012N)

2020mnv (= ATLAS20oyk) (= Gaia20dfh) (= PS20esw), TNS discovered 2020/06/14.402 by ATLAS
Found in an anonymous galaxy at R.A. = 16h40m43s.830, Decl. = +40°24'52".13
Located 0".0 east and 0".0 north of the center of the host galaxy (Paolo Campaner image) (Claudio Balcon image)
Mag 16.1:7/5, Type Ia (z=0.025975) (Claudio Balcon spectrum) (References: TNS, Gaia observations)

2020mmz (= ZTF20abevbxv) (= Gaia20djl), TNS discovered 2020/06/13.221 by Zwicky Transient Facility (ZTF)
Found in NGC 2814 at R.A. = 09h21m11s.568, Decl. = +64°15'14".25
Located 0".6 east and 2".7 north of the center of NGC 2814 (Rafael G. Farfán image) (Giancarlo Cortini image) (Claduio Balcon image) (Stan Howerton image) (Odd Trondal image) (Giancarlo Cortini image) (Paolo Campaner image)
Mag 16.2:7/21 (14.2:6/28), Type II (z=0.00531) (zhost=0.005310) (Claudio Balcon Spectrum) (References: ZTF observations, Gaia observations)

2020mjm (= ZTF20abeohfn) (= PS20egb) (= ATLAS20pod) (= Gaia20cyn), TNS discovered 2020/06/12.193 by Zwicky Transient Facility (ZTF)
Found in UGC 9299 at R.A. = 14h29m29s.331, Decl. = -00°01'17".71
Located 79".0 west and 12".2 south of the center of UGC 9299 (Enrico Prosperi image) (Stan Howerton image)
Mag 16.3:6/26 (15.7:6/19), Type II (z=0.005134) (References: ZTF observations, Gaia observations; SN 2002ao)

AT2020mbo (= MSOSSP_05), TNS discovered 2020/06/08.883 by Duszanowicz
Found in PGC 37739 at R.A. = 11h59m08s.500, Decl. = -53°24'40".80
Located 9".1 west and 8".3 south of the center of PGC 37739
Mag 16.9:6/8, Type unknown (zhost=0.014370)

2020mbe (= Gaia20aez) (= ZTF20aaetirf) (= ATLAS20avp), TNS discovered 2020/01/10.862 by Gaia Photometric Science Alerts programme
Found in NGC 819 at R.A. = 02h08m34s.440, Decl. = +29°14'09".10
Located 0".9 east and 6".6 north of the center of NGC 819
Mag 18.6:1/10, Type Ic (z=0.022000) (References: Gaia observations, ZTF observations; SN 2016hkn, 2007hb)

2020lyo (= ASASSN-20gb), ATEL 13843 discovered 2020/06/05.248 by All Sky Automated Survey for SuperNovae (ASAS-SN)
Found in IC 2759 at R.A. = 11h22m13s.304, Decl. = +24°19'02".44
Located 0".5 west and 0".0 south of the center of IC 2759 (Discovery image)
Mag 16.3:6/5, Type Ia (z=0.027) (zhost=0.025700) (References: TNS)

AT2020lri, TNS discovered 2020/06/02.360 by Walter Robledo
Found in NGC 2573B at R.A. = 23h05m23s.140, Decl. = -89°07'28".40
Located 29".9 west and 29".0 south of the center of NGC 2573B
Mag 20.6:6/2, Type unknown (zhost=0.008533)

2020llx (= ASASSN-20fv), ATEL 13772 discovered 2020/05/31.010 by All Sky Automated Survey for SuperNovae (ASAS-SN)
Found in NGC 7140 at R.A. = 21h52m14s.015, Decl. = -55°33'44".76
Located 10".9 west and 26".0 north of the center of NGC 7140 (Discovery image) (Fabio Feijo image)
Mag 15.0:5/31, Type II (zhost=0.009947) (References: ATEL 13805, TNS)

2020lkb (= Gaia20dbs), TNS discovered 2020/05/30.738 by Koichi Itagaki
Found in NGC 582 at R.A. = 01h31m55s.090, Decl. = +33°28'20".40
Located 37".0 west and 15".1 south of the center of NGC 582 (Discovery image) (Yasuo Sano image) (Enrico Prosperi image)
Mag 18.7:7/1 (16.9:5/31), Type II (z=0.0145) (zhost=0.014517) (References: Gaia observations; SN 2015cz)

AT2020lgt (= ASASSN-20fp), ATEL 13772 discovered 2020/05/28.600 by All Sky Automated Survey for SuperNovae (ASAS-SN)
Found in MRK 0344 at R.A. = 00h38m32s.096, Decl. = +23°36'48".13
Located 0".5 west and 0".2 north of the center of MRK 0344 (Discovery image) (Enrico Prosperi image)
Mag 17.2:5/28, Type unknown (zhost=0.024867) (References: TNS)

AT2020lgs (= ASASSN-20fo), ATEL 13772 discovered 2020/05/28.390 by All Sky Automated Survey for SuperNovae (ASAS-SN)
Found in an anonymous galaxy at R.A. = 21h40m25s.433, Decl. = -14°15'12".56
Located 1".0 west and 0".5 north of the center of host galaxy (Discovery image)
Mag 17.9:5/28, Type unknown (zhost=0.060765) (References: TNS)

AT2020ler, TNS discovered 2020/05/26.931 by PIKA
Found in an anonymous galaxy at R.A. = 18h24m34s.140, Decl. = +09°45'48".90
Located 6".0 east and 0".0 north of the center of the host galaxy (Discovery image)
Mag 17.2:5/26, Type unknown

2020kyg (= ATLAS20nuc) (= ZTF20abaunmw), TNS discovered 2020/05/24.386 by ATLAS
Found in NGC 5012 at R.A. = 13h11m39s.596, Decl. = +22°54'55".92
Located 35".3 east and 0".2 north of the center of NGC 5012 (Manfred Mrotzek image) (Enrico Prosperi image)
Mag 18.9:6/11 (18.6:5/25), Type Ia-02cx (zhost=0.008736) (References: ATEL 13761, AstroNote 2020-113, ZTF observations, TNS; SN 1997eg)

AT2020kol (= SNhunt434), TNS discovered 2020/05/20.288 by Catalina Real-Time Transient Survey and Mirco Villi
Found in UGC 9089 at R.A. = 14h12m27s.816, Decl. = +11°14'00".96
Located 30".1 west and 25".0 south of the center of UGC 9089 (Discovery image)
Mag 21.2:5/20, Type unknown (zhost=0.028300)

AT2020kny (= ASASSN-20fh) (= Gaia20cna), ATEL 13772 discovered 2020/05/14.843 by All Sky Automated Survey for SuperNovae (ASAS-SN)
Found in ESO 24-IG15 NED01 at R.A. = 18h23m06s.424, Decl. = -77°43'18".35
Located 2".5 west and 46".3 south of the center of ESO 24-IG15 NED01 (Discovery image)
Mag 17.2:5/19, Type unknown (zhost=0.004500) (References: TNS, Gaia observations)

AT2020kmn (= SNhunt433), TNS discovered 2020/05/18.206 by Catalina Real-Time Transient Survey and Mirco Villi
Found in an anonymous galaxy at R.A. = 11h42m34s.824, Decl. = +24°48'38".21
Located 0".7 east and 0".0 north of the center of the host galaxy (Discovery image)
Mag 18.8:5/18, Type unknown

AT2020kbv (= Gaia20cju), TNS discovered 2020/05/16.486 by Stu Parker (BOSS)
Found in ESO 184-G64 at R.A. = 19h25m26s.490, Decl. = -53°36'37".30
Located 7".8 east and 2".0 south of the center of ESO-184-G64 (Discovery image)
Mag 18.5:5/21 (17.9:5/16), Type unknown (References: Gaia observations)

AT2020jvv (= ASASSN-20es) (= Gaia20crb), ATEL 13772 discovered 2020/05/13.690 by All Sky Automated Survey for SuperNovae (ASAS-SN)
Found in ESO 203-G2 at R.A. = 04h47m07s.035, Decl. = -50°03'01".61
Located 11".4 east and 1".4 north of the center of ESO 203-G2 (Discovery image) (Joseph Brimacombe image)
Mag 17.0:6/8 (16.0:5/13), Type unknown (zhost=0.018076) (References: TNS, Gaia observations)

AT2020jvs (= Gaia20cug), TNS discovered 2020/05/13.216 by Stu Parker (BOSS)
Found in NGC 642 at R.A. = 01h39m06s.320, Decl. = -29°55'19".59
Located 94".3 east and 12".5 north of the center of NGC 639 (Discovery image) (Stu Parker image)
Mag 17.4:6/16 (15.9:5/13), Type unknown (zhost=0.019253) (References: Gaia observations; SN 2016grp)

AT2020juh (= DLT20j) (= Gaia20ckh), TNS discovered 2020/05/12.819 by DLT40
Found in ESO 97-G13 at R.A. = 14h13m21s.060, Decl. = -65°20'28".69
Located 69".5 east and 7".5 south of the center of ESO 97-G13
Mag 17.3:5/16, Type unknown (References: Gaia observations, SN 1996cr)

AT2020jfw (= ASASSN-20ep) (= Gaia20cfi), ATEL 13772 discovered 2020/04/23.450 by All Sky Automated Survey for SuperNovae (ASAS-SN)
Found in an anonymous galaxy at R.A. = 00h12m39s.268, Decl. = -27°15'30".90
Located 0".0 west and 1".1 north of the center of host galaxy (Discovery image)
Mag 16.1:5/6, Type unknown (zhost=0.026557) (References: TNS, Gaia observations)

2020jhf (= ATLAS20lts) (= ZTF18aahvndq) (= PS20dap) (= Gaia20djh), TNS discovered 2020/05/08.426 by ATLAS
Found in UGC 8325 at R.A. = 13h14m53s.433, Decl. = +27°00'31".11
Located 0".2 west and 2".0 north of the center of UGC 8325 (Enrico Prosperi image) (Enrico Prosperi image)
Mag 18.4:8/6 (14.9:5/28), Type Ia (z=0.015371) (References: AstroNote 2020-102, ZTF observations, Gaia observations)

2020jfo (= ZTF20aaynrrh) (= ATLAS20ltk) (= PS20daq) (= Gaia20cwc), TNS discovered 2020/05/06.203 by Zwicky Transient Facility (ZTF)
Found in M61 at R.A. = 12h21m50s.479, Decl. = +04°28'54".14
Located 66".0 west and 29".0 north of the center of M61 (Nico Montigiani and Massimiliano Mannucci image)
Mag 17.7:7/18 (14.3:5/10), Type IIP (z=0.005224) (References: AstroNote 2020-100, AstroNote 2020-99, ZTF observations, Gaia observations; SN 2014dt, 2008in, 2006ov, 1999gn, 1964F, 1961I, 1926A)
2020jfo images sub-page

AT2020jfk (= SNhunt432), TNS discovered 2020/05/05.288 by Catalina Real-Time Transient Survey and Mirco Villi
Found in UGC 8588 at R.A. = 13h35m41s.616, Decl. = +45°55'31".80
Located 11".6 west and 14".7 south of the center of UGC 8588 (Discovery image)
Mag 20.7:5/5, Type unknown (zhost=0.004800)

2020jee (= ZTF20aayknlo) (= Gaia20cgo) (= ATLAS20lsc), TNS discovered 2020/05/05.190 by Zwicky Transient Facility (ZTF)
Found in CGCG 097-064 at R.A. = 11h42m14s.700, Decl. = +20°05'51".07
Located 1".2 east and 1".2 south of the center of CGCG 097-064 (Enrico Prosperi image)
Mag 16.3:6/23 (15.6:5/28), Type Ia (z=0.019930) (References: ATEL 13861, ZTF observations, Gaia observations)

2020izc (= MASTER OT J000502.49-070602.6) (= Gaia20cca), ATEL 13701 discovered 2020/05/02.156 by MASTER
Found in IC 1528 at R.A. = 00h05m02s.490, Decl. = -07°06'02".60
Located 42".9 west and 26".5 south of the center of IC 1528 (Discovery image)
Mag 17.5:5/3 (17.0:5/2), Type II (z=0.012699) (References: TNS, Gaia observations)

2020iic (= PTSS-20hk) (= Gaia20ccv), TNS discovered 2020/04/26.577 by PMO-Tsinghua Supernova Survey (PTSS)
Found in an anonymous galaxy at R.A. = 11h44m57s.410, Decl. = -02°30'26".16
Located 1" west and 3" north of the center of the host galaxy (Discovery image)
Mag 17.9:5/3 (17.3:4/26), Type Ibn (z=0.0471) (zhost=0.047151) (References: ATEL 13700, Gaia observations)

AT2020hzf (= SNhunt431), TNS discovered 2020/04/23.252 by Catalina Real-Time Transient Survey and Mirco Villi
Found in an MCG +1-30-19 at R.A. = 11h54m54s.336, Decl. = +02°58'37".56
Located 45".5 east and 64".3 north of the center of host galaxy (Discovery image)
Mag 21.2:4/23, Type unknown

2020hvq (= ATLAS20kts) (= Gaia20cdi), TNS discovered 2020/04/21.559 by ATLAS
Found in UGC 10561 at R.A. = 16h46m34s.853, Decl. = +62°49'36".80
Located 7".8 west and 15".1 north of the center of UGC 10561 (Claudio Balcon image) (Odd Trondal image) (Manfred Mrotzek image) (Simone Bolzoni image) (Ken'ichi Nishimura image) (Ken'ichi Nishimura image) (Ken'ichi Nishimura image)
Mag 16.6:5/14 (15.9:5/5), Type Ia (zhost=0.019043) (Claudio Balcon spectrum) (References: Gaia observations)

2020hvp (= ATLAS20ktt) (= PS20cna) (= ZTF20aavzffg) (= Gaia20dtc), TNS discovered 2020/04/21.517 by ATLAS
Found in NGC 6118 at R.A. = 16h21m45s.395, Decl. = -02°17'21".29
Located 48".4 west and 20".9 south of the center of NGC 6118 (Nico Montigiani and Massimiliano Mannucci image)
Mag 17.8:8/13 (14.6:5/4), Type Ib (zhost=0.005247) (References: AstroNote 2021-212, AstroNote 2020-89, ZTF observations, Gaia observations; SN 2004dk)
2020hvp images sub-page

2020hvn (= ASASSN-20ed), ATEL 13666 discovered 2020/04/20.320 by All Sky Automated Survey for SuperNovae (ASAS-SN)
Found in an anonymous galaxy at R.A. = 11h19m38s.018, Decl. = +30°06'43".19
Located 0".2 east and 0".6 north of the center of host galaxy (Discovery image)
Mag 17.7:4/20, Type II (z=0.02344) (zhost=0.023386) (References: TNS)

2020hvf (= ATLAS20ktq) (= Gaia20ccj) (= ZTF20aavpnlv) (= PS20clz), TNS discovered 2020/04/21.380 by ATLAS
Found in NGC 3643 at R.A. = 11h21m26s.450, Decl. = +03°00'52".85
Located 21".9 east and 2".7 north of the center of NGC 3643 (Nico Montigiani and Massimiliano Mannucci image)
Mag 14.5:6/26 (12.4:5/10), Type Ia (z=0.005838) (References: AstroNote 2020-87, Gaia observations, ZTF observations)
2020hvf images sub-page

AT2020hqy (= GSNST-20bg), TNS discovered 2020/04/17.772 by GSNST
Found in an anonymous galaxy at R.A. = 13h10m41s.074, Decl. = +39°19'45".48
Located 13".5 east and 9".3 north of the center of host galaxy
Mag 19.5:4/17, Type unknown (zhost=0.075005)

AT2020hax (= ATLAS20jxl) (= Gaia20cjv), TNS discovered 2020/04/12.595 by ATLAS
Found in ESO 400-G23 at R.A. = 20h27m11s.310, Decl. = -37°09'50".90
Located 11".1 west and 2".2 south of the center of ESO 400-G23
Mag 15.4:6/4 (14.7:4/15), Type unknown (zhost=0.009183) (References: Gaia observations)

AT2020hat (= ATLAS20jxk) (= ZTF20aawdwch) (= PS20cjf), TNS discovered 2020/04/12.475 by ATLAS
Found in NGC 5068 at R.A. = 13h19m01s.930, Decl. = -21°03'16".36
Located 99".6 east and 55".4 south of the center of NGC 5068 (K. Itagaki image)
Mag 17.8:4/12, Type LRN (zhost=0.002248) (References: ATEL 13644, ATEL 13642, AstroNote 2020-81, ZTF observations)

2020gpe (= OMB-PSN3 Zwicky 7996) (= PSN J16393220+6602141) (= Gaia20cdn), TNS discovered 2020/04/12.140 by Raffaele Belligoli, Flavio Castellani, Claudio Marangoni and Fernando Marziali (ISSP)
Found in NGC 6214 at R.A. = 16h39m32s.190, Decl. = +66°02'12".60
Located 2".0 west and 9".0 south of the center of NGC 6214 (Discovery image) (Paolo Campaner image) (Claudio Balcon image) (Paolo Campaner image) (Manfred Mrotzek image) (Odd Trondal image)
Mag 17.4:5/5 (16.2:4/12), Type II (zhost=0.025414) (References: ATEL 13640, CBAT TOCP, Gaia observations)

2020gkz (= SNhunt430), TNS discovered 2020/04/10.380 by Catalina Real-Time Transient Survey and Mirco Villi
Found in an anonymous galaxy at R.A. = 15h33m52s.416, Decl. = +56°41'27".96
Located 9".1 west and 1".6 north of the center of host galaxy (Discovery image)
Mag 19.5:4/10, Type Ia (z=0.039605) (zhost=0.039600)

AT2020gdw (= TCP J13224632-1259255) (= ZTF20aatznro), TNS discovered 2020/04/10.583 by Koichi Itagaki
Found in NGC 5111 at R.A. = 13h22m46s.330, Decl. = -12°59'25".50
Located 148".9 west and 92".2 south of the center of NGC 5111 (Discovery image (mirror))
Mag 16.5:4/27 (15.8:4/10), Type Ia (z=0.018) (zhost=0.018396) (ASASSN light curve) (References: CBAT TOCP, ZTF observations)

AT2020gas (= PS20ata) (= Gaia20btp), TNS discovered 2020/04/04.436 by PS1 Science consortium
Found in UGC 8347 at R.A. = 13h16m27s.940, Decl. = +52°56'12".80
Located 17".1 west and 11".6 north of the center of UGC 8347 (Odd Trondal image)
Mag 18.6:4/11, Type unknown (References: AstroNote 2020-79, Gaia observations)

AT2020fvl (= SNhunt429), TNS discovered 2020/04/03.284 by Catalina Real-Time Transient Survey and Mirco Villi
Found in NGC 4520 at R.A. = 12h33m44s.328, Decl. = -07°22'01".20
Located 82".9 west and 30".8 north of the center of NGC 4520 (Discovery image)
Mag 18.8:4/3, Type unknown (References: SN 2000bk)

AT2020fup (= BraTS-OCA-T1-012), TNS discovered 2020/04/03.201 by BraTS
Found in an anonymous galaxy at R.A. = 13h28m04s.330, Decl. = -29°28'42".60
Located 0".0 east and 0".0 north of the center of the host galaxy
Mag 17.5:4/3, Type unknown

2020ftl (= SNhunt428) (= PS20bak) (= AT2020ghk) (= ATLAS20jqt) (= ZTF20aaumsrr) (= Gaia20dna), TNS discovered 2020/04/02.267 by Catalina Real-Time Transient Survey and Mirco Villi
Found in NGC 4277 at R.A. = 12h20m03s.772, Decl. = +05°20'35".95
Located 0".4 east and 6".6 north of the center of NGC 4277 (Discovery image)
Mag 17.5:6/20 (13.8:4/17), Type Ia (z=0.0073) (zhost=0.007300) (References: ZTF observations, Gaia observations)
2020ftl images sub-page

2020fqv (= ZTF20aatzhhl) (= PS20bzn) (= ATLAS20jjt) (= Gaia20cvs), TNS discovered 2020/03/31.338 by Zwicky Transient Facility (ZTF)
Found in NGC 4568 at R.A. = 12h36m33s.261, Decl. = +11°13'53".96
Located 14".6 west and 26".0 south of the center of NGC 4568
Mag 16.0:7/4 (15.2:4/15), Type IIb (z=0.007) (zhost=0.007522) (References: ATEL 13605, ATEL 13607, ATEL 13642, AstroNote 2020-73, AstroNote 2020-74, AstroNote 2020-80, ZTF observations, Gaia observations; SN 2004cc, 1990B)
2020fqv images sub-page

AT2020fpf (= GSNST-20aw), TNS discovered 2020/03/31.419 by GSNST
Found in an anonymous galaxy at R.A. = 10h57m00s.326, Decl. = +29°37'15".24
Located 1".7 west and 3".9 south of the center of host galaxy (Andre Mantero image unconfirmed)
Mag 17.6:3/31, Type unknown (zhost=0.034290)

2020fhs (= ATLAS20jhi) (= Gaia20bpt), TNS discovered 2020/03/29.529 by ATLAS
Found in CGCG 108-053 at R.A. = 16h01m06s.280, Decl. = +19°27'00".61
Located 10".9 west and 5".8 north of the center of CGCG 108-053 (Claudio Balcon image) (Odd Trondal image) (Manfred Mrotzek image) (Simone Bolzoni image) (Enrico Prosperi image)
Mag 16.1:4/15, Type Ia-91bg (z=0.0145) (Claudio Balcon Spectrum) (References: AstroNote 2020-71, Gaia observations)

AT2020fgr (= MSOSSP_03) (= Gaia20boj), TNS discovered 2020/03/25.916 by Duszanowicz
Found in LEDA 3079521 at R.A. = 13h51m29s.930, Decl. = -52°55'33".40
Located 59".0 east and 42".6 south of the center of LEDA 3079521
Mag 17.3:3/25, Type unknown (zhost=0.012919) (References: Gaia observations)

AT2020fcg (= MASTER OT J211817.43-381202.7) (= Gaia20ciw), ATEL 13595 discovered 2020/03/27.097 by MASTER
Found in ESO 342-G34 at R.A. = 21h18m17s.430, Decl. = -38°12'02".70
Located 23".2 west and 8".1 north of the center of ESO 342-G34 (Discovery image)
Mag 18.3:4/16 (17.0:3/27), Type unknown (References: TNS, Gaia observations)

2020euy (= ASASSN-20dn), ATEL 13666 discovered 2020/03/21.318 by All Sky Automated Survey for SuperNovae (ASAS-SN)
Found in anonymous galaxy at R.A. = 13h36m29s.488, Decl. = +47°34'26".36
Located 0".1 east and 0".3 north of the center of host galaxy (Discovery image)
Mag 17.8:3/21, Type Ic (zhost=0.062230) (References: ATEL 13608, TNS)

2020esx (= TMTS-20A) (= Gaia20ciz), TNS discovered 2020/03/22.539 by TMTS
Found in an anonymous galaxy at R.A. = 08h18m45s.020, Decl. = +52°49'45".90
Located 1".6 east and 1".0 south of the center of host galaxy
Mag 18.0:4/11 (17.7:3/22), Type II (z=0.0338) (zhost=0.033900) (Jaroslaw Grzegorzek spectrum) (References: Gaia observations)

2020esm (= ASASSN-20dl) (= Gaia20czc), ATEL 13666 discovered 2020/03/22.370 by All Sky Automated Survey for SuperNovae (ASAS-SN)
Found in an anonymous galaxy at R.A. = 14h07m18s.271, Decl. = -05°07'37".32
Located 11".1 east and 11".4 south of the center of host galaxy (Discovery image)
Mag 18.7:6/26 (17.7:3/22), Type IIP (z=0.036) (zhost=0.036188) (References: TNS, Gaia observations)

2020eqv (= ASASSN-20dk), ATEL 13666 discovered 2020/03/21.310 by All Sky Automated Survey for SuperNovae (ASAS-SN)
Found in NGC 2674 at R.A. = 08h49m13s.194, Decl. = -14°17'37".74
Located 0".3 west and 1".5 north of the center of NGC 2674 (Discovery image)
Mag 16.8:3/21, Type Ia (zhost=0.017706) (References: TNS)

2020epi, TNS discovered 2020/03/19.120 by Emmanuel Conseil
Found in PGC 40043 at R.A. = 12h22m08s.760, Decl. = +06°06'01".30
Located 13".5 east and 10".8 south of the center of PGC 40043 (Tarot Calern image Discovery) (A.Klotz;A.Cailleau image confirmation) (Emmanuel Conseil image) (Andrea Mantero image) (Discovery page) (Odd Trondal image) (Enrico Prosperi image)
Mag 19.3:4/25 (18.0:3/20), Type Ic (z=0.024) (zhost=0.024562)

2020enm (= XMPGS1) (= PSN J16350676+4612538) (= Gaia20bow), TNS discovered 2020/03/16.913 by Xingming Observatory Sky Survey (XOSS)
Found in IC 1222 at R.A. = 16h35m06s.760, Decl. = +46°12'53".80
Located 25".2 west and 3".7 north of the center of IC 1222 (Discovery page) (Odd Trondal image) (Manfred Mrotzek image) (Jordi Camarasa image) (Pierre Ponsard wide field image) (Pierre Ponsard image) (Paolo Campaner image) (G. Wells and D. Bamberger image) (Enrico Prosperi image)
Mag 19.0:6/29 (16.7:4/1), Type Ia-99aa (zhost=0.030768) (References: ATEL 13566 CBAT TOCP, Gaia observations; SN 2001dq)

2020ekk (= Gaia20bob), TNS discovered 2020/03/11.779 by Koichi Itagaki
Found in UGC 10528 at R.A. = 16h44m45s.160, Decl. = +22°30'48".00
Located 60".1 west and 28".6 south of the center of UGC 10528 (Discovery image) (Marc Deldem image) (Yasuo Sano image) (Masanori Mizutani image) (Gregor Krannich image) (Odd Trondal image) (Marc Deldem image) (Robert Spellman image) (Paolo Campaner image) (Manfred Mrotzek image) (Enrico Prosperi image) (Enrico Prosperi image)
Mag 16.6:3/28 (15.8:3/20), Type II (z=0.011) (References: ATEL 13550, Gaia observations)

2020ejm (= DLT20h), TNS discovered 2020/03/11.238 by DLT40
Found in IC 2560 at R.A. = 10h16m18s.850, Decl. = -33°33'49".17
Located 1".7 east and 0".5 north of the center of IC 2560
Mag 16.0:3/11, Type Ia (zhost=0.009757)

2020ees (= ATLAS20hmy) (= Gaia20bxv), TNS discovered 2020/03/05.472 by ATLAS
Found in NGC 5157 at R.A. = 13h27m15s.192, Decl. = +32°02'01".09
Located 21".3 west and 10".2 north of the center of NGC 5157 (Enrico Prosperi image)
Mag 17.5:5/7 (15.7:3/11), Type Ia (zhost=0.024424) (References: Gaia observations; SN 1995L)
2020ees images sub-page

2020dxa (= ATLAS20hid) (= PS20abh) (= Gaia20bpr), TNS discovered 2020/03/03.610 by ATLAS
Found in MRK 0492 at R.A. = 15h58m43s.092, Decl. = +26°49'09".66
Located 8".1 west and 4".3 north of the center of MRK 0492 (Odd Trondal image) (Cedric Raguenaud image) (Manfred Mrotzek image) (G. Wells and D. Bamberger image) (Enrico Prosperi image) (Enrico Prosperi image) (Gertlin Hoop image) (Gregor Krannich image)
Mag 17.2:5/30 (14.7:3/17), Type Ia (zhost=0.014233) (References: AstroNote 2020-59, Gaia observations)

AT2020drr (= ASASSN-20cq), ATEL 13666 discovered 2020/02/27.770 by All Sky Automated Survey for SuperNovae (ASAS-SN)
Found in an anonymous galaxy at R.A. = 02h01m10s.140, Decl. = -33°12'30".10
Located 0".0 east and 0".0 north of the center of the host galaxy (Discovery image)
Mag 16.9:2/27, Type unknown (zhost=0.035555) (References: TNS)

2020dpw (= Gaia20bod), TNS discovered 2020/02/26.418 by Patrick Wiggins
Found in NGC 6952 at R.A. = 20h37m10s.720, Decl. = +66°06'12".80
Located 20".5 west and 7".5 south of the center of NGC 6952 (Discovery image) (Andrea Mantero image) (Giancarlo Cortini image) (Paolo Campaner image) (Odd Trondal image) (Simone Bolzoni image) (Ken'ichi Nishimura image) (Ken'ichi Nishimura image) (Manfred Mrotzek image)
Mag 17.9:7/11 (16.1:3/8), Type II (z=0.004800) (Robin Leadbeater spectrum) (References: Gaia observations; SN AT2016ejj, 2015G, 2000E, 1999el)

2020dko (= ZTF20aarbget), TNS discovered 2020/02/25.499 by Zwicky Transient Facility (ZTF)
Found in NGC 5258 at R.A. = 13h39m57s.069, Decl. = +00°49'41".38
Located 9".3 west and 10".0 south of the center of NGC 5258
Mag 17.9:4/25 (15.8:3/19), Type Ia (z=0.0225) (zhost=0.022539) (Paolo Campaner image) (Luca Grazzini image) (Gianluca Masi image) (Enrico Prosperi image) (Enrico Prosperi image) (References: AstroNote 2020-53, ZTF observations)

AT2020dke (= GSNST-20af), TNS discovered 2020/02/25.935 by GSNST
Found in anonymous galaxy at R.A. = 14h45m30s.330, Decl. = +37°37'40".28
Located 0".0 east and 0".0 north of the center of the host galaxy
Mag 19.5:2/25, Type unknown

2020dht (= ASASSN-20cj), ATEL 13666 discovered 2020/02/24.210 by All Sky Automated Survey for SuperNovae (ASAS-SN)
Found in PGC 587284 at R.A. = 13h53m12s.578, Decl. = -40°21'51".82
Located 0".0 east and 0".0 north of the center of PGC 587284 (Discovery image) (Joseph Brimacombe image)
Mag 17.8:2/24, Type Ia (z=0.039) (References: TNS)

2020cwd (= ASASSN-20bz), ATEL 13503 discovered 2020/02/19.200 by All Sky Automated Survey for SuperNovae (ASAS-SN)
Found in PGC 481435 at R.A. = 06h06m59s.063, Decl. = -49°00'24".85
Located 0".0 east and 0".0 north of the center of PGC 481435 (Discovery image) (Joseph Brimacombe image) (Roland Santallo image)
Mag 17.4:2/19, Type Ibn (z=0.052) (References: AstroNote 2020-47, TNS)

2020cvg (= GOTO20hm), TNS discovered 2020/02/06.108 by GOTO
Found in UGC 7248 at R.A. = 12h14m37s.060, Decl. = +24°18'15".79
Located 0".0 east and 0".0 north of the center of UGC 7248 (Odd Trondal image)
Mag 18.4:2/6, Type Ia (z=0.021) (zhost=0.046500)

2020cui (= ZTF20aammbvq) (= Gaia20cbz) (= TCP J11221964-0734471), TNS discovered 2020/02/09.419 by Zwicky Transient Facility (ZTF)
Found in an anonymous galaxy at R.A. = 11h22m19s.650, Decl. = -07°34'47".14
Located 101".7 east and 3".3 south of the center of host galaxy (Koichi Itagaki image)
Mag 16.4:5/30 (16.0:3/5), Type IIn (z=0.0238) (References: AstroNote 2020-47, TNS, ZTF observations, Gaia observations)

AT2020cug (= SNhunt427) TNS discovered 2020/02/17.238 by Catalina Real-Time Transient Survey and Mirco Villi
Found in an anonymous galaxy at R.A. = 08h50m35s.688, Decl. = -03°06'53".28
Located 0".0 east and 0".0 north of the center of the host galaxy (Discovery image)
Mag 19.0:2/17, Type unknown

2020clq (= ZTF20aamuqwn) (= Gaia20bne), TNS discovered 2020/02/14.137 by Zwicky Transient Facility (ZTF)
Found in NGC 1613 at R.A. = 04h33m25s.570, Decl. = -04°15'56".99
Located 3".5 east and 1".5 south of the center of NGC 1613 (Enrico Prosperi image) (Enrico Prosperi image)
Mag 16.4:3/26 (15.3:2/21), Type Ia (z=0.015007) (References: ZTF observations, Gaia observations)

AT2020chs (= ASASSN-20bx) (= Gaia20axl), ATEL 13503 discovered 2020/02/11.800 by All Sky Automated Survey for SuperNovae (ASAS-SN)
Found in an anonymous galaxy at R.A. = 02h12m39s.892, Decl. = -40°13'50".61
Located 0".0 east and 0".0 north of the center of the host galaxy (Discovery image)
Mag 17.4:2/20 (17.0:2/11), Type unknown (References: TNS, Gaia observations)

2020cdr (= Gaia20boy), TNS discovered 2020/02/09.488 by Stu Parker (BOSS)
Found in ESO 119-G13 at R.A. = 04h50m24s.230, Decl. = -61°20'49".30
Located 18".1 west and 5".6 south of the center of ESO 119-G13 (Discovery image) (Stu Parker closeup image) (Stu Parker image)
Mag 16.0:3/1, Type Ia (z=0.019) (zhost=0.019690) (References: AstroNote 2020-43, Gaia observations)

2020bwr (= ASASSN-20bu) (= Gaia20bap), ATEL 13503 discovered 2020/01/22.702 by All Sky Automated Survey for SuperNovae (ASAS-SN)
Found in an anonymous galaxy at R.A. = 16h34m59s.349, Decl. = +36°12'27".08
Located 0".0 east and 0".0 north of the center of the host galaxy (Discovery image) (Joseph Brimacombe image)
Mag 16.7:2/15, Type II (zhost=0.060637) (References: TNS, Gaia observations)

2020bvc (= ASASSN-20bs), ATEL 13503 discovered 2020/02/04.620 by All Sky Automated Survey for SuperNovae (ASAS-SN)
Found in UGC 9379 at R.A. = 14h33m57s.021, Decl. = +40°14'38".10
Located 0".0 east and 0".0 north of the center of UGC 9379 (Discovery image) (Joseph Brimacombe image) (Enrico Prosperi image) (Odd Trondal image)
Mag 16.7:2/8, Type Ic-BL (zhost=0.025235) (References: AstroNote 2020-37, AstroNote 2020-42, AstroNote 2020-45, ATEL 13496, ATEL 13509, TNS; SN 2013cu)

AT2020bql (= ASASSN-20bo), ATEL 13503 discovered 2020/02/02.260 by All Sky Automated Survey for SuperNovae (ASAS-SN)
Found in an anonymous galaxy at R.A. = 06h18m40s.348, Decl. = -57°40'13".60
Located 0".0 east and 0".0 north of the center of the host galaxy (Discovery image) (Joseph Brimacombe image) (Roland Santallo image)
Mag 17.7:2/15, Type unknown (zhost=0.040074) (References: TNS)

AT2020bou (= ASASSN-20bn) (= Gaia20bey), ATEL 13503 discovered 2020/02/01.349 by All Sky Automated Survey for SuperNovae (ASAS-SN)
Found in ESO 36-G15 at R.A. = 08h58m40s.059, Decl. = -73°19'31".75
Located 0".0 east and 0".0 north of the center of ESO 36-G15 (Discovery image) (Joseph Brimacombe image)
Mag 17.1:2/1, Type unknown (zhost=0.038473) (References: TNS, Gaia observations; SN 2017dyu)

2020bkp (= ASASSN-20bm) (= Gaia20bjv), ATEL 13503 discovered 2020/01/30.280 by All Sky Automated Survey for SuperNovae (ASAS-SN)
Found in ESO 220-G19 at R.A. = 13h34m00s.446, Decl. = -50°29'55".98
Located 0".0 east and 0".0 north of the center of ESO 220-G19 (Discovery image)
Mag 17.0:2/7 (17.0:1/30), Type II (z=0.012) (zhost=0.013231) (References: AstroNote 2020-33, TNS, Gaia observations)

2020bio, TNS discovered 2020/01/29.769 by Koichi Itagaki
Found in NGC 5371 at R.A. = 13h55m37s.685, Decl. = +40°28'39".02
Located 25".6 west and 56".6 north of the center of NGC 5371 (Discovery image)
Mag 16.5:2/15 (15.9:1/30), Type II (zhost=0.008533) (References: ATEL 13432; SN 1994Y)
2020bio images sub-page

2020bij (= Gaia20anq), TNS discovered 2020/01/29.682 by Koichi Itagaki
Found in NGC 3463 at R.A. = 10h55m11s.681, Decl. = -26°08'24".46
Located 22".5 west and 0".9 north of the center of NGC 3463 (Discovery image)
Mag 17.9:1/30 (17.5:1/29), Type II (z=0.013) (zhost=0.013176) (References: AstroNote 2020-33, Gaia observations)

2020big (= ASASSN-20bl), ATEL 13503 discovered 2020/01/29.320 by All Sky Automated Survey for SuperNovae (ASAS-SN)
Found in an anonymous galaxy at R.A. = 05h01m15s.791, Decl. = -14°01'27".58
Located 0".0 east and 0".0 north of the center of the host galaxy (Discovery image) (Joseph Brimacombe image)
Mag 17.7:1/29, Type Ibn (z=0.0245) (zhost=0.024467) (References: AstroNote 2020-36, TNS)

AT2020bdv (= GSNST-20ad), TNS discovered 2020/01/27.549 by GSNST
Found in an anonymous galaxy at R.A. = 11h29m43s.310, Decl. = +20°26'20".70
Located 0".0 east and 0".1 south of the center of the host galaxy (Odd Trondal image)
Mag 16.5:1/27, Type unknown (zhost=0.130600)

2020bcq (= ZTF20aajcdad), TNS discovered 2020/01/27.474 by Zwicky Transient Facility (ZTF)
Found in NGC 5154 at R.A. = 13h26m29s.652, Decl. = +36°00'31".16
Located 13".6 east and 6".0 south of the center of NGC 5154 (Paolo Campaner image) (Odd Trondal image) (Robert Spellman image) (Gertlin Hoop image) (Manfred Mrotzek image)
Mag 16.8:2/6, Type Ib (z=0.018) (zhost=0.018610) (References: ATEL 13445, ZTF observations)

2020aze (= DLT20d) (= ATLAS20efg) (= Gaia20ckr), TNS discovered 2020/01/26.744 by DLT40
Found in NGC 3318 at R.A. = 10h37m15s.343, Decl. = -41°37'29".59
Located 2".6 west and 10".1 north of the center of NGC 3318 (Wim Cuppens image) (Grzegorz Duszanowicz image prediscovery (mirror)) (Roland Santallo image)
Mag 17.9:5/24 (16.4:2/19), Type II (z=0.009) (References: AstroNote 2020-33, Gaia observations; SN 2017ahn, 2000cl)

2020ayh (= Gaia20ale), TNS discovered 2020/01/25.180 by Gaia Photometric Science Alerts programme
Found in UGC 11430 at R.A. = 19h21m08s.160, Decl. = +43°19'43".21
Located 0".0 east and 0".0 north of the center of UGC 11430 (Paolo Campaner image) (Odd Trondal image)
Mag 16.3:2/15 (15.6:1/25), Type Ia (z=0.017) (References: Gaia observations; SN 2003is)

AT2020ati, TNS discovered 2020/01/16.343 by SGLF
Found in an anonymous galaxy at R.A. = 10h48m04s.020, Decl. = +39°23'27".35
Located 0".0 east and 0".0 north of the center of the host galaxy
Mag 19.6:1/16, Type unknown

AT2020arf (= SAGUARO20f), TNS discovered 2020/01/24.501 by Lundquist
Found in LEDA 50668 at R.A. = 14h11m28s.360, Decl. = +24°02'16".06
Located 0".0 east and 0".0 north of the center of LEDA 50668
Mag 20.8:1/24, Type unknown (zhost=0.054670)

AT2020ang (= MASTER OT J050605.96-471343.0), ATEL 13419 discovered 2020/01/23.176 by MASTER
Found in PGC 130509 at R.A. = 05h06m05s.960, Decl. = -47°13'43".00
Located 17".5 west and 1".1 north of the center of PGC 130509 (Discovery image)
Mag 17.5:1/23, Type unknown (zhost=0.046579) (References: TNS)

2020alh (= ATLAS20caf), TNS discovered 2020/01/19.591 by ATLAS
Found in NGC 5419 at R.A. = 14h03m38s.763, Decl. = -33°58'37".39
Located 0".4 east and 4".3 north of the center of NGC 5419
Mag 15.3:1/19, Type Ia (z=0.016) (zhost=0.013763) (References: AstroNote 2020-21, AstroNet 2020-19; SN 2018zz)

2020ais (= ASASSN-20as), ATEL 13413 discovered 2020/01/19.610 by All Sky Automated Survey for SuperNovae (ASAS-SN)
Found in IC 727 at R.A. = 11h44m28s.621, Decl. = +10°47'01".31
Located 0".3 east and 0".4 south of the center of IC 727 (Discovery image) (Joseph Brimacombe image) (Enrico Prosperi image)
Mag 18.0:1/19, Type Ia-91bg (z=0.02) (zhost=0.019707) (References: TNS)

2020agu (= ASASSN-20ar), ATEL 13503 discovered 2020/01/19.410 by All Sky Automated Survey for SuperNovae (ASAS-SN)
Found in PGC 157191 at R.A. = 11h58m31s.598, Decl. = -20°41'53".74
Located 0".0 east and 0".0 north of the center of PGC 157191 (Discovery image)
Mag 17.3:1/19, Type II (z=0.025) (References: TNS, AstroNet 2020-20)

2020afp (= ASASSN-20aq) (= Gaia20alv), ATEL 13413 discovered 2020/01/18.660 by All Sky Automated Survey for SuperNovae (ASAS-SN)
Found in IC 3900 at R.A. = 12h55m41s.263, Decl. = +27°15'01".97
Located 0".5 west and 0".8 south of the center of IC 3900 (Discovery image) (Joseph Brimacombe image)
Mag 17.0:1/26 (16.7:1/18), Type Ia (zhost=0.023733) (References: TNS, Gaia observations; SN 2001cg)

AT2020aap (= ASASSN-20ao) (= Gaia20aok), ATEL 13413 discovered 2020/01/15.100 by All Sky Automated Survey for SuperNovae (ASAS-SN)
Found in an anonymous galaxy at R.A. = 00h54m46s.189, Decl. = -51°30'39".47
Located 2".5 west and 2".4 south of the center of host galaxy (Discovery image) (Joseph Brimacombe image)
Mag 16.2:2/1, Type unknown (zhost=0.024934) (References: TNS, Gaia observations)

2020ue (= ATLAS20aup) (= PS20ep) (= Gaia20ari), TNS discovered 2020/01/12.722 by Koichi Itagaki
Found in NGC 4636 at R.A. = 12h42m46s.765, Decl. = +02°39'34".25
Located 45".6 west and 101".8 south of the center of NGC 4636 (Discovery image)
Mag 16.3:5/7 (11.8:1/30), Type Ia (z=0.003) (zhost=0.003129) (References: Gaia observations; SN 1939A)
2020ue images sub-page

2020oi (= ZTF20aaelulu) (= Gaia20ali), TNS discovered 2020/01/07.542 by Zwicky Transient Facility (ZTF)
Found in M100 at R.A. = 12h22m54s.925, Decl. = +15°49'25".05
Located 1".3 east and 6".5 north of the center of M100 (K. Itagaki image)
Mag 17.7:5/8 (13.2:1/14), Type Ic (z=0.005) (zhost=0.005240) (References: ATEL 13393, 13391, 13396, 13398, 13400, 13401, 13403, 13404, 13448, ZTF observations, Alerce observations, Gaia observations, AstroNote 2020-8, 2020-9, 2020-10, 2020-11; SN 2019ehk, 2006X, 1979C, 1959E, 1914A, 1901B)
2020oi images sub-page

2020np (= ASASSN-20ah) (= Gaia20aoe), ATEL 13413 discovered 2020/01/07.140 by All Sky Automated Survey for SuperNovae (ASAS-SN)
Found in an anonymous galaxy at R.A. = 00h55m47s.859, Decl. = -51°25'51".47
Located 0".8 west and 1".2 south of the center of host galaxy (Discovery image) (Joseph Brimacombe image)
Mag 16.9:2/1 (15.9:1/11), Type Ia (z=0.025) (References: TNS, Gaia observations)

2020ga (= ASASSN-20ag), ATEL 13413 discovered 2020/01/05.360 by All Sky Automated Survey for SuperNovae (ASAS-SN)
Found in NGC 5333 at R.A. = 13h54m24s.238, Decl. = -48°30'44".85
Located 0".2 east and 0".2 north of the center of NGC 5333 (Discovery image) (Joseph Brimacombe image)
Mag 15.5:1/5, Type Ia (z=0.00917) (zhost=0.009180) (References: TNS)

2020ad (= Gaia20afi), TNS discovered 2019/12/22.033 by Koichi Itagaki
Found in IC 4351 at R.A. = 13h57m56s.820, Decl. = -29°17'07".70
Located 0".0 east and 0".0 north of the center of IC 4351 (Discovery image) (Toshihide Noguchi image)
Mag 16.9:1/1, Type II (z=0.0089) (References: ATEL 13477, Gaia observations)

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Please send feedback to David Bishop