Bright Supernovae - 2019

This data comes from IAU Circulars and occasionally more data will be provided on IAU's Astronomical Headlines page. An archive of the 2019 updates to this page is available.

This is a partial list of the SN discovered in 2019. Since 2019 is still ongoing, please look at the main page for the latest data.   In previous years I tried to keep the yearly archive alphabetically sorted by CBAT supernova name.   Since that is no longer applicable, I am sorting this archive by "first observed" date, which I have listed as the discovery date.   Note that Extra galactic Novae have been moved to a special Extra galactic novae page.   Mistakes (Galactic variables, asteroids, unconfirmed, etc) are in the boneyard.   I also maintain an archive of the updates. The brightest SN of the year 2019 are 2019np (Mag 13.0), followed by 2019ein (Mag 13.2)

AT2019aalp, TNS discovered 2019/02/08.302 by Galaxy Zoo
Found in an anonymous galaxy at R.A. = 06h56m15s.980, Decl. = +71°43'23".19
Located 0".0 east and 0".0 north of the center of the host galaxy
Mag 20.6:2/8, Type unknown

AT2019aall (= ZTF19abzqfcn), TNS discovered 2019/08/26.446 by Zwicky Transient Facility (ZTF)
Found in UGC 215 at R.A. = 00h22m26s.398, Decl. = +29°30'15".27
Located 0".0 east and 0".0 north of the center of UGC 215
Mag 16.4:8/26, Type unknown (zhost=0.023656) (References: ZTF observations)

AT2019aalj (= ZTF19aaqxmbq), TNS discovered 2019/04/18.000 by Zwicky Transient Facility (ZTF)
Found in M94 at R.A. = 12h50m34s.374, Decl. = +41°05'00".02
Located 0".0 east and 0".0 north of the center of M94
Mag 19.5:4/18, Type unknown (zhost=0.001230) (References: ZTF observations)

AT2019aacd (= CFHT0054-2456zau), TNS discovered 2019/08/18.527 by Nicholas Vieira
Found in an anonymous galaxy at R.A. = 00h54m11s.280, Decl. = -24°56'17".66
Located 0".0 east and 0".0 north of the center of the host galaxy
Mag 20.8:8/18, Type unknown

AT2019aabz (= desgw-190814af), TNS discovered 2019/08/18.283 by DESGW at R.A. = 00h54m31s.457, Decl. = -24°17'10".53 Mag 22.1:8/18, Type unknown (zhost=0.110000)

2019zhs (= MASTER OT J153855.46+043442.3) (= Gaia20aaj) (= AT2020af) (= ATLAS20aut), TNS discovered 2019/12/30.194 by Paolo Campaner and Fabio Briganti (ISSP)
Found in IC 4552 at R.A. = 15h38m55s.480, Decl. = +04°34'41".05
Located 13".6 east and 23".1 south of the center of IC 4552 (Paolo Campaner image) (Paolo Campaner image) (Odd Trondal image) (Paolo Campaner image) (Paolo Campaner image) (Paolo Campaner image) (Giueppe Pletran image) (Paolo Campaner image) (Enrico Prosperi image) (Enrico Prosperi image) (Manfred Mrotzek image) (Enrico Prosperi image)
Mag 17.8:3/17 (15.8:1/5), Type Ia-91T (z=0.0228) (zhost=0.022816) (Referencess; ATEL 13378, Gaia observations, TNS 2020af)

2019yxp (= Gaia19ftw), TNS discovered 2019/12/27.907 by Gaia Photometric Science Alerts programme
Found in IC 995 at R.A. = 14h16m32s.130, Decl. = +57°48'28".80
Located 0".0 east and 0".0 north of the center of IC 995 (Odd Trondal image) (Odd Trondal image) (Odd Trondal image)
Mag 16.5:12/27, Type Ib (z=0.010417) (References: TNS, Gaia observations)

2019yvr (= ATLAS19benc) (= AT2019zez), AstroNote 2019-161 discovered 2019/12/27.521 by ATLAS
Found in NGC 4666 at R.A. = 12h45m08s.132, Decl. = -00°27'32".66
Located 6".8 west and 10".1 north of the center of NGC 4666 (K. Itagaki image) (K. Itagaki image) (Prediscovery image) (Simone Leonini image prediscovery) (Paolo Campaner image) (Odd Trondal image) (Enrico Prosperi image) (Enrico Prosperi image) (Enrico Prosperi image) (Manfred Mrotzek image) (Gerhard Dangl image) (Enrico Prosperi image)
Mag 16.5:4/1 (14.5:1/9), Type Ib (z=0.005) (zhost=0.005101) (References: ATEL 13375, AstroNote 2019-162, TNS; SN 1965H)

2019yvq (= ZTF19adcecwu) (= ATLAS19bfni) (= Gaia20apu) (= MASTER OT J122721.02+644803.5) (= AT2020dnf), TNS discovered 2019/12/28.741 by Koichi Itagaki
Found in NGC 4441 at R.A. = 12h27m21s.690, Decl. = +64°47'59".70
Located 8".6 east and 5".7 south of the center of NGC 4441 (Discovery image)
Mag 17.0:3/25 (15.0:2/19), Type Ib/c (z=0.00908) (zhost=0.009080) (References: ZTF observations, Gaia observations)
2019yvq images sub-page

2019ymy (= ASASSN-19aeb) (= Gaia20aie), ATEL 13413 discovered 2019/12/28.240 by All Sky Automated Survey for SuperNovae (ASAS-SN)
Found in KUG 2217+186 at R.A. = 22h20m21s.356, Decl. = +18°56'38".02
Located 10".1 east and 4".9 north of the center of KUG 2217+186 (Discovery image) (Jose Maria Fernandez image) (Gregor Krannich image) (Odd Trondal image) (Joseph Brimacombe image) (Enrico Prosperi image) (Enrico Prosperi image) (Enrico Prosperi image)
Mag 17.4:1/17 (15.8:12/30), Type Ia (z=0.031) (zhost=0.030581) (References: TNS, Gaia observations)

2019ybv (= ASASSN-19adz) (= Gaia20adg), ATEL 13413 discovered 2019/12/27.240 by All Sky Automated Survey for SuperNovae (ASAS-SN)
Found in an anonymous galaxy at R.A. = 06h50m08s.949, Decl. = -45°57'38".49
Located 0".0 east and 0".0 north of the center of the host galaxy (Discovery image) (Roland Santallo image) (Joseph Brimacombe image)
Mag 17.1:1/6, Type Ia-91T (z=0.04) (References: AstroNote 2020-4, Gaia observations, TNS)

AT2019ybw (= ASASSN-19aea), TNS discovered 2019/12/27.530 by All Sky Automated Survey for SuperNovae (ASAS-SN)
Found in NGC 3395 at R.A. = 10h49m50s.030, Decl. = +32°59'00".17
Located 0".0 east and 0".0 north of the center of NGC 3395 (Joseph Brimacombe image) (Enrico Prosperi image) (Enrico Prosperi image) (Enrico Prosperi image) (Manfred Mrotzek image unconfirmed)
Mag 16.2:1/24, Type unknown (zhost=0.005400)

AT2019xuq (= Germes-SN2), TNS discovered 2019/10/25.535 by Dennis Denisenko
Found in an anonymous galaxy at R.A. = 03h18m25s.703, Decl. = +15°07'55".08
Located 5" west and 0" south of the center of the host galaxy
Mag 21.5:10/25, Type unknown

AT2019xtx (= ASASSN-19adv), ATEL 13413 discovered 2019/12/23.890 by All Sky Automated Survey for SuperNovae (ASAS-SN)
Found in an anonymous galaxy at R.A. = 02h52m13s.806, Decl. = -39°16'16".54
Located 0".0 east and 0".0 north of the center of the host galaxy (Discovery image)
Mag 17.7:12/23, Type unknown (References: TNS)

2019xtw (= ASASSN-19adu) (= Gaia20ayj), TNS discovered 2019/12/24.240 by All Sky Automated Survey for SuperNovae (ASAS-SN)
Found in ESO 299-G13 at R.A. = 02h43m33s.600, Decl. = -38°37'31".12
Located 0".0 east and 0".0 north of the center of ESO 299-G13 (Jose Maria Fernandez image) (Roland Sanyallo image)
Mag 17.0:1/24 (16.1:12/29), Type II (zhost=0.015964) (References: Gaia observations)

2019xit (= ASASSN-19adq), TNS discovered 2019/12/22.290 by All Sky Automated Survey for SuperNovae (ASAS-SN)
Found in an anonymous galaxy at R.A. = 04h37m17s.998, Decl. = -22°12'57".67
Located 0".0 east and 0".0 north of the center of the host galaxy
Mag 18.0:12/22, Type Ia-91T (z=0.064) (zhost=0.064000)

2019xin (= ASASSN-19adp), TNS discovered 2019/12/22.390 by All Sky Automated Survey for SuperNovae (ASAS-SN)
Found in an anonymous galaxy at R.A. = 09h44m48s.960, Decl. = -16°56'01".86
Located 0".0 east and 0".0 north of the center of the host galaxy
Mag 17.8:12/22, Type Ia (z=0.06)

ZTF19acyihlk, AstroNote 2019-155 discovered 2019/12/10.454 by Zwicky Transient Facility (ZTF)
Found in an anonymous galaxy at R.A. = 08h48m11s.530, Decl. = +03°55'56".95
Located 0".0 east and 0".0 north of the center of the host galaxy
Mag 19.1:12/13, Type Ia (z=0.068) (References: ZTF observations)

AT2019xgq (= ASASSN-19adn), TNS discovered 2019/12/20.170 by All Sky Automated Survey for SuperNovae (ASAS-SN)
Found in an anonymous galaxy at R.A. = 06h28m18s.624, Decl. = -54°15'06".91
Located 0".0 east and 0".0 north of the center of the host galaxy
Mag 17.5:12/20, Type unknown (zhost=0.052059)

2019xfi (= ASASSN-19adm) (= Gaia20aee), TNS discovered 2019/12/20.330 by All Sky Automated Survey for SuperNovae (ASAS-SN)
Found in ESO 218-G13 at R.A. = 12h39m47s.990, Decl. = -48°17'40".02
Located 0".0 east and 0".0 north of the center of ESO 218-G13
Mag 16.4:12/20, Type Ia (zhost=0.017969) (References: AstroNote 2020-12, Gaia observations)

2019xcv (= ATLAS19bdhq), TNS discovered 2019/12/19.330 by ATLAS
Found in NGC 562 at R.A. = 01h28m30s.474, Decl. = +48°23'04".41
Located 12".1 east and 9".1 south of the center of NGC 562 (Michael Aitken image) (Claudio Balcon image) (Manfred Mrotzek image)
Mag 18.8:12/19, Type Ia (zhost=0.034200) (Claudio Balcon spectrum)

2019wzj (= Gaia19fth), TNS discovered 2019/12/18.875 by Jaroslaw Grzegorzek
Found in PGC 213076 at R.A. = 02h43m59s.550, Decl. = +32°31'41".70
Located 0".0 east and 0".0 north of the center of PGC 213076 (Jaroslaw Grzegorzek image) (Jordi Camarasa image) (Andre Mantero image) (Nick Haigh image) (Odd Trondal image) (Enrico Prosperi image) (Enrico Prosperi image) (Enrico Prosperi image) (Enrico Prosperi image)
Mag 18.9:1/29 (17.2:12/30), Type Ia (z=0.02) (References: Gaia observations)

AT2019wxr (= ASASSN-19adi) (= Gaia19frc), TNS discovered 2019/12/18.090 by All Sky Automated Survey for SuperNovae (ASAS-SN)
Found in an anonymous galaxy at R.A. = 22h12m43s.627, Decl. = -61°53'10".79
Located 0".0 east and 0".0 north of the center of the host galaxy
Mag 18.3:12/20 (17.9:12/18), Type unknown (zhost=0.056399) (References: TNS, Gaia observations)

AT2019wwg (= MASTER OT J064855.37-055545.7), TNS discovered 2019/12/16.067 by MASTER
Found in an anonymous galaxy at R.A. = 06h48m55s.370, Decl. = -05°55'45".70
Located 0".0 east and 0".0 north of the center of the host galaxy
Mag 16.6:12/16, Type unknown

2019wrz (= ASASSN-19adg), TNS discovered 2019/12/15.480 by All Sky Automated Survey for SuperNovae (ASAS-SN)
Found in CGCG 128-002 at R.A. = 12h03m07s.020, Decl. = +20°48'21".85
Located 0".0 east and 0".0 north of the center of CGCG 128-002 (Enrico Prosperi image)
Mag 16.7:12/15, Type Ia (z=0.024) (zhost=0.023666)

AT2019wjh (= MASTER OT J131642.11-422353.5) (= Gaia20aer), TNS discovered 2019/12/10.336 by MASTER
Found in an anonymous galaxy at R.A. = 13h16m42s.110, Decl. = -42°23'53".50
Located 0".0 east and 0".0 north of the center of the host galaxy
Mag 17.1:12/17, Type unknown (References: Gaia observations)

2019wep (= PSP19F) (= PSN J11043699+4558395), TNS discovered 2019/12/07.969 by Xingming Observatory Sky Survey (XOSS)
Found in UGC 6136 at R.A. = 11h04m36s.990, Decl. = +45°58'39".50 (= PGC 33464)
Located 2".6 east and 27".6 south of the center of UGC 6136 (Discovery image)
Mag 18.2:12/7, Type II-pec (z=0.025) (zhost=0.025087) (References: ATEL 13337, CBAT TOCP)

2019wdx (= ASASSN-19acx), TNS discovered 2019/12/07.380 by All Sky Automated Survey for SuperNovae (ASAS-SN)
Found in IC 2341 at R.A. = 08h23m41s.393, Decl. = +21°26'03".70
Located 0".0 east and 0".0 north of the center of IC 2341 (Enrico Prosperi image) (Enrico Prosperi image)
Mag 16.6:12/7, Type Ia (z=0.02) (zhost=0.017155) (References: AstroNote 2019-152)

AT2019wdt (= ASASSN-19acw) (= Gaia20aji), TNS discovered 2019/12/06.510 by All Sky Automated Survey for SuperNovae (ASAS-SN)
Found in UGC 09137 NED02 at R.A. = 14h16m53s.563, Decl. = +10°47'51".50
Located 0".0 east and 0".0 north of the center of UGC 09137 NED02 (Enrico Prosperi image unconfirmed)
Mag 17.3:12/26 (16.5:12/6), Type unknown (zhost=0.023012) (References: Gaia observations)

AT2019wda (= MASTER OT J065608.15+744455.3), TNS discovered 2019/12/03.981 by MASTER
Found in an anonymous galaxy at R.A. = 06h56m08s.150, Decl. = +74°44'55".30
Located 0".0 east and 0".0 north of the center of the host galaxy
Mag 14.9:12/3, Type unknown

AT2019wcg (= MASTER OT J031044.67-020230.3), TNS discovered 2019/12/04.823 by MASTER
Found in an anonymous galaxy at R.A. = 03h10m44s.670, Decl. = -02°02'30".30
Located 0".0 east and 0".0 north of the center of the host galaxy (Enrico Prosperi image unconfirmed)
Mag 17.0:12/4, Type unknown

2019vyw (= SGLF2) (= ZTF19acsaoxd), TNS discovered 2019/11/09.549 by Zwicky Transient Facility (ZTF)
Found in an anonymous galaxy at R.A. = 08h12m00s.621, Decl. = +31°49'34".97
Located 0".0 east and 0".0 north of the center of the host galaxy
Mag 20.3:11/9, Type Ia (z=0.149) (References: ZTF observations)

2019vxm (= ASASSN-19acc) (= Gaia19fje), TNS discovered 2019/12/01.040 by All Sky Automated Survey for SuperNovae (ASAS-SN)
Found in an anonymous galaxy at R.A. = 19h58m28s.639, Decl. = +62°08'16".04
Located 2".1 west and 8".5 south of the center of the host galaxy (Discovery image) (Gregor Krannich image) (David Swan image)
Mag 14.7:1/5, Type IIn (z=0.019) (References: ATEL 13326, Gaia observations)

AT2019vte (= SGLF1), (= ZTF19acrddfv), TNS discovered 2019/11/03.098 by Zwicky Transient Facility (ZTF)
Found in anonymous galaxy at R.A. = 21h15m01s.798, Decl. = -06°21'42".15
Located 0".0 east and 0".0 north of the center of the host galaxy
Mag 19.6:11/3, Type unknown (References: ZTF observations)

2019vsq (= Gaia20awy), TNS discovered 2019/11/29.567 by Koichi Itagaki
Found in NGC 2308 at R.A. = 06h58m35s.200, Decl. = +45°12'31".60
Located 25".3 west and 6".4 south of the center of NGC 2308 (Discovery image (mirror)) (Toshihide Noguchi image) (Andre Mantero image) (Jordi Camarasa image) (Manfred Mrotzek image) (Enrico Prosperi image) (Odd Trondal image)
Mag 18.6:2/19 (17.4:12/2), Type II (zhost=0.019520) (References: Gaia observations)

AT2019vsp (= ASASSN-19acb), ATEL 13325 discovered 2019/11/26.180 by All Sky Automated Survey for SuperNovae (ASAS-SN)
Found in an anonymous galaxy at R.A. = 01h17m39s.308, Decl. = -81°10'38".89
Located 0".0 east and 0".0 north of the center of the host galaxy (Discovery image)
Mag 17.6:11/26, Type unknown (References: TNS)

2019vsa (= ATLAS19bbmq) (= Gaia20agm), TNS discovered 2019/11/28.624 by ATLAS
Found in IC 2995 at R.A. = 12h05m47s.619, Decl. = -27°56'38".66
Located 9".4 east and 14".2 south of the center of IC 2995
Mag 16.42:1/13 (14.7:11/28), Type Ia (z=0.006102) (References: AstroNote 2019-143, Gaia observations)

2019vrq (= ASASSN-19aca) (= ATLAS19bbhr), ATEL 13325 discovered 2019/11/28.240 by All Sky Automated Survey for SuperNovae (ASAS-SN)
Found in an anonymous galaxy at R.A. = 03h04m21s.421, Decl. = -16°01'26".99
Located 1".3 west and 0".8 south of the center of host galaxy (Discovery image)
Mag 17.0:11/28, Type Ia-91T (zhost=0.013079) (z=0.0131) (References: AstroNote 2019-141, TNS)

2019vrp (= ASASSN-19abz) (= PS19gul) (= Gaia19fra), ATEL 13325 discovered 2019/11/28.063 by All Sky Automated Survey for SuperNovae (ASAS-SN)
Found in 2MFGC 00814 at R.A. = 01h07m21s.322, Decl. = +09°45'36".85
Located 0".6 west and 2".5 south of the center of 2MFGC 00814 (Discovery image) (Gregor Krannich image) (Odd Trandal image) (Enrico Prosperi image)
Mag 16.6:12/10 (16.5:11/30), Type Ia (z=0.039) (zhost=0.039000) (References: TNS, Gaia observations)

2019vqf (= ASASSN-19abx), ATEL 13325 discovered 2019/11/26.040 by All Sky Automated Survey for SuperNovae (ASAS-SN)
Found in an anonymous galaxy at R.A. = 06h15m16s.949, Decl. = -45°19'05".66
Located 0".0 east and 0".0 north of the center of the host galaxy (Discovery image) (Joseph Brimacombe image) (Roland Santallo image)
Mag 18.6:12/21 (17.9:11/26), Type Ia (z=0.066) (References: AstroNote 2019-139, TNS)

AT2019vqh (= ASASSN-19aby), ATEL 13325 discovered 2019/11/25.340 by All Sky Automated Survey for SuperNovae (ASAS-SN)
Found in ESO 504-G4 at R.A. = 11h36m54s.233, Decl. = -24°35'54".03
Located 0".0 east and 0".0 north of the center of ESO 504-G4 (Discovery image) (Joseph Brimacombe image)
Mag 17.1:11/25, Type unknown (zhost=0.027072) (References: TNS)

2019vqc (= ASASSN-19abw) (= Gaia19fgt), ATEL 13325 discovered 2019/11/24.270 by All Sky Automated Survey for SuperNovae (ASAS-SN)
Found in an anonymous galaxy at R.A. = 05h00m47s.345, Decl. = -45°52'24".91
Located 0".0 east and 0".0 north of the center of the host galaxy (Discovery image) (Joseph Brimacombe image)
Mag 17.6:11/25, Type Ia (zhost=0.049187) (References: AstroNote 2019-151, TNS, Gaia observations)

2019von (= ASASSN-19abt), ATEL 13325 discovered 2019/11/21.270 by All Sky Automated Survey for SuperNovae (ASAS-SN)
Found in an anonymous galaxy at R.A. = 02h09m47s.589, Decl. = -11°37'46".69
Located 0".0 east and 0".0 north of the center of the host galaxy (Discovery image)
Mag 17.1:11/21, Type Ia (zhost=0.039908) (References: TNS)

2019vnj (= ASASSN-19abq) (= Gaia20aij), ATEL 13323 discovered 2019/11/25.330 by All Sky Automated Survey for SuperNovae (ASAS-SN)
Found in PGC 922031 at R.A. = 11h09m01s.230, Decl. = -14°38'10".33
Located 0".0 east and 0".0 north of the center of PGC 922031 (Discovery image) (Joseph Brimacombe image)
Mag 16.8:12/13 (16.6:11/25), Type Ia (z=0.02) (References: ATEL 13313, ATEL 13325, TNS, Gaia observations)

AT2019vlf (= SAGUARO19i), TNS discovered 2019/11/24.103 by Lundquist
Found in LEDA 1434759 at R.A. = 22h22m08s.539, Decl. = +13°34'38".07
Located 0".0 east and 0".0 north of the center of LEDA 1434759
Mag 19.9:11/24, Type unknown (zhost=0.120000)

2019vju (= Gaia20ahr), TNS discovered 2019/11/23.854 by Koichi Itagaki
Found in NGC 3514 at R.A. = 11h04m00s.190, Decl. = -18°46'35".80
Located 0".0 east and 0".0 north of the center of NGC 3514 (Discovery image)
Mag 18.3:1/17 (17.0:11/23), Type Ia (z=0.012872) (References: Gaia observations)

2019vjl (= ASASSN-19abo), ATEL 13323 discovered 2019/11/23.500 by All Sky Automated Survey for SuperNovae (ASAS-SN)
Found in NGC 3015 at R.A. = 09h49m23s.678, Decl. = +01°08'47".57
Located 0".0 east and 0".0 north of the center of NGC 3015 (Discovery image) (Enrico Prosperi image)
Mag 17.4:11/26 (17.3:11/23), Type II (zhost=0.025017) (References: AstroNote 2019-141 TNS)

AT2019vjk (= ASASSN-19abn) (= Gaia19fhw), ATEL 13323 discovered 2019/11/23.060 by All Sky Automated Survey for SuperNovae (ASAS-SN)
Found in an anonymous galaxy at R.A. = 21h48m20s.174, Decl. = -68°36'50".72
Located 0".0 east and 0".0 north of the center of the host galaxy (Discovery image) (Joseph Brimacombe image)
Mag 16.9:11/28 (16.5:11/23), Type unknown (References: Gaia observations, TNS)

AT2019vjf (= ASASSN-19abm), ATEL 13323 discovered 2019/11/21.940 by All Sky Automated Survey for SuperNovae (ASAS-SN)
Found in an anonymous galaxy at R.A. = 06h40m19s.000, Decl. = -39°54'20".69
Located 0".0 east and 0".0 north of the center of the host galaxy (Discovery image) (Joseph Brimacombe image)
Mag 17.4:11/21, Type unknown (References: TNS)

2019vje, TNS discovered 2019/11/04.514 by Zwicky Transient Facility (ZTF)
Found in an anonymous galaxy at R.A. = 10h10m16s.818, Decl. = +35°55'33".92
Located 0".0 east and 0".0 north of the center of the host galaxy
Mag 20.6:11/4, Type Ia (z=0.143000) (References: ZTF observations)

2019vjm (= ASASSN-19abp) (= Gaia19fnd), ATEL 13323 discovered 2019/11/23.500 by All Sky Automated Survey for SuperNovae (ASAS-SN)
Found in CGCG 036-029 at R.A. = 10h04m41s.004, Decl. = +04°48'59".14
Located 0".0 east and 0".0 north of the center of CGCG 036-029 (Discovery image) (Joseph Brimacombe image)
Mag 17.1:12/11, Type Ia (zhost=0.029841) (References: TNS, Gaia observations)

AT2019vig (= ASASSN-19abl), ATEL 13323 discovered 2019/11/20.260 by All Sky Automated Survey for SuperNovae (ASAS-SN)
Found in FAIRALL 022 at R.A. = 02h37m58s.401, Decl. = -62°03'44".79
Located 0".0 east and 0".0 north of the center of FAIRALL 022 (Discovery image) (Joseph Brimacombe image)
Mag 17.6:11/20, Type unknown (zhost=0.052103) (References: TNS)

AT2019vif (= ASASSN-19abk), ATEL 13323 discovered 2019/11/20.770 by All Sky Automated Survey for SuperNovae (ASAS-SN)
Found in an anonymous galaxy at R.A. = 03h45m35s.977, Decl. = -38°27'54".54
Located 1".0 west and 0".4 north of the center of host galaxy (Discovery image) (Joseph Brimacombe image) (Roland Santallo image)
Mag 17.7:11/20, Type unknown (zhost=0.048510) (References: TNS)

AT2019uxv (= ASASSN-19abg) (= Gaia19fjo), ATEL 13323 discovered 2019/11/15.040 by All Sky Automated Survey for SuperNovae (ASAS-SN)
Found in IC 4890 at R.A. = 19h45m32s.041, Decl. = -56°33'11".71
Located 28".3 west and 28".1 south of the center of IC 4890 (Discovery image) (Joseph Brimacombe image)
Mag 17.4:12/9 (17.1:11/15), Type unknown (zhost=0.017477) (References: TNS, Gaia observations)

2019upw (= ATLAS19bala) (= Gaia19fpn), TNS discovered 2019/11/12.407 by ATLAS
Found in NGC 109 at R.A. = 00h26m15s.505, Decl. = +21°48'35".90
Located 11".9 east and 9".7 north of the center of NGC 109 (Rafael G. Farfán image) (Enrico Prosperi image) (Paolo Campaner image) (Enrico Prosperi image) (Odd Trondal image) (Gertlin Hoop image color) (Enrico Prosperi image) (Jose Maria Fernandez image) (Enrico Prosperi image) (Enrico Prosperi image) (Enrico Prosperi image)
Mag 16.9:1/9 (15.2:11/25), Type Ia (z=0.02) (zhost=0.018206) (References: AstroNote 2019-132, Gaia observations)

2019unb (= ZTF19acgjpgh) (= Gaia19fbu), TNS discovered 2019/10/20.520 by Zwicky Transient Facility (ZTF)
Found in an anonymous galaxy at R.A. = 09h47m57s.015, Decl. = +00°49'35".93
Located 0".0 east and 0".0 north of the center of the host galaxy
Mag 19.0:10/20, Type II (z=0.064) (References: ZTF observations, Gaia observations)

2019uli (= ZTF19acnpnqq), TNS discovered 2019/10/31.512 by Zwicky Transient Facility (ZTF)
Found in an anonymous galaxy at R.A. = 07h03m20s.939, Decl. = +69°47'44".80
Located 0".0 east and 0".0 north of the center of the host galaxy
Mag 19.8:10/31, Type Ia (z=0.116000) (References: ZTF observations)

2019uju (= ZTF19acfvuxk), TNS discovered 2019/10/19.138 by Zwicky Transient Facility (ZTF)
Found in an anonymous galaxy at R.A. = 02h10m57s.251, Decl. = +29°37'42".08
Located 0".0 east and 0".0 north of the center of the host galaxy
Mag 19.9:10/19, Type Ia (z=0.105000) (References: ZTF observations)

2019ugf (= ZTF19acfxbxe), TNS discovered 2019/10/19.188 by Zwicky Transient Facility (ZTF)
Found in an anonymous galaxy at R.A. = 01h33m08s.823, Decl. = +01°48'58".28
Located 0".0 east and 0".0 north of the center of the host galaxy
Mag 19.9:10/19, Type Ia (z=0.171) (References: ZTF observations)

2019ufq (= ASASSN-19aat), ATEL 13271 discovered 2019/11/05.235 by All Sky Automated Survey for SuperNovae (ASAS-SN)
Found in an anonymous galaxy at R.A. = 23h07m55s.169, Decl. = -57°41'26".69
Located 0".0 east and 0".0 north of the center of the host galaxy (Discovery image) (Joseph Brimacombe image)
Mag 17.1:11/5, Type Ia (z=0.044) (References: TNS, AstroNote 2019-125)

AT2019udc (= DLT19o) (= ZTF19acoaiub (= ATLAS19ztm), TNS discovered 2019/11/04.135 by DLT40
Found in NGC 718 at R.A. = 01h53m11s.206, Decl. = +04°11'47".00
Located 31".3 west and 2".0 north of the center of NGC 718 (Rafael G. Farfán image) (Paolo Campaner image)
Mag 17.5:11/9, Type LBV (z=0.006) (References: AstroNote 2019-123)

2019uat (= ATLAS19zta) (= Gaia19ewi) (= ZTF19acjifxp), TNS discovered 2019/11/02.619 by ATLAS
Found in IC 737 at R.A. = 11h48m27s.320, Decl. = +12°43'37".99
Located 3".0 west and 0".6 south of the center of IC 737 (Enrico Prosperi image) (Enrico Prosperi image) (Enrico Prosperi image)
Mag 16.7:12/18 (15.0:11/13), Type Ia (z=0.0136) (zhost=0.013706) (References: AstroNote 2019-120, Gaia observations, ZTF observations)

AT2019tyo (= DNTTM-SN2), TNS discovered 2019/10/25.532 by Dennis Denisenko
Found in an anonymous galaxy at R.A. = 03h07m03s.825, Decl. = +11°50'54".78
Located 0".0 east and 0".0 north of the center of the host galaxy
Mag 20.2:10/25, Type unknown

2019tym (= ASASSN-19aak) (= Gaia19ewy), ATEL 13271 discovered 2019/11/02.240 by All Sky Automated Survey for SuperNovae (ASAS-SN)
Found in 2MFGC 16828 at R.A. = 22h19m43s.749, Decl. = +36°24'35".28
Located 0".0 east and 0".0 north of the center of 2MFGC 16828 (Discovery image) (Joseph Brimacombe image) (Enrico Prosperi image) (Odd Trondal image) (Gertlin Hoop image)
Mag 15.9:11/29, Type Ia (z=0.02) (References: TNS, Gaia observations)

2019tua (= ATLAS19zjt) (= Gaia19ezc), TNS discovered 2019/10/31.328 by ATLAS
Found in UGC 11860 at R.A. = 21h58m00s.280, Decl. = +24°15'57".10
Located 8".1 east and 3".1 south of the center of UGC 11860 (Enrico Prosperi image) (Odd Trondal image)
Mag 15.9:12/9 (15.0:11/29), Type II (z=0.010424) (References: AstroNote 2019-119, Gaia observations; SN ASASSN-14dq)

AT2019ttv (= ZTF19achewzu), TNS discovered 2019/10/25.213 by Perez-Fournon
Found in an anonymous galaxy at R.A. = 00h07m14s.550, Decl. = +04°13'14".39
Located 0".0 east and 0".0 north of the center of the host galaxy
Mag 19.5:10/25, Type unknown (zhost=0.100711) (References: ZTF observations)

AT2019trp (= ASASSN-19aah), ATEL 13271 discovered 2019/10/27.060 by All Sky Automated Survey for SuperNovae (ASAS-SN)
Found in an anonymous galaxy at R.A. = 16h26m19s.103, Decl. = +43°24'22".47
Located 0".0 east and 0".0 north of the center of the host galaxy (Discovery image) (Joseph Brimacombe image) (Claudio Balcon image)
Mag 17.1:11/10, Type unknown (zhost=0.031725) (References: TNS)

AT2019tqz (= MASTER OT J201637.86+420615.4), ATEL 13240 discovered 2019/10/28.919 by MASTER
Found in IC 1318A at R.A. = 20h16m37s.860, Decl. = +42°06'15".40
Located 0".0 east and 0".0 north of the center of IC 1318A (Discovery image) (Enrico Prosperi image unconfirmed)
Mag 17.8:10/28, Type unknown (References: TNS)

2019tqb (= ZTF19acjtpqd) (= Gaia20aaz), TNS discovered 2019/10/29.117 by Zwicky Transient Facility (ZTF)
Found in NGC 6131 at R.A. = 16h21m53s.900, Decl. = +38°55'47".24
Located 0".0 east and 0".0 north of the center of NGC 6131
Mag 16.9:11/23, Type Ic (z=0.01717) (zhost=0.017068) (References: ZTF observations, Gaia observations)

AT2019toy (= SNhunt426), TNS discovered 2019/10/27.275 by Catalina Real-Time Transient Survey and Mirco Villi
Found in an anonymous galaxy at R.A. = 01h33m23s.592, Decl. = +03°04'09".48
Located 0".0 east and 0".0 north of the center of the host galaxy (Discovery image)
Mag 20.4:10/27, Type unknown

2019tjm (= ASASSN-19zw) (= Gaia19eyr), ATEL 13271 discovered 2019/10/26.280 by All Sky Automated Survey for SuperNovae (ASAS-SN)
Found in an anonymous galaxy at R.A. = 01h16m45s.170, Decl. = -28°33'39".97
Located 0".0 east and 0".0 north of the center of the host galaxy (Discovery image) (Roland Santallo image) (Roland Santallo image)
Mag 17.1:11/19, Type Ia-91T (z=0.037) (zhost=0.036655) (References: TNS, AstroNote 2019-116, Gaia observations)

2019tja (= ASASSN-19zv) (= Gaia19fhm), ATEL 13271 discovered 2019/10/25.210 by All Sky Automated Survey for SuperNovae (ASAS-SN)
Found in IC 5173B at R.A. = 22h14m32s.461, Decl. = -69°22'11".96
Located 0".0 east and 0".0 north of the center of IC 5173B (Discovery image)
Mag 16.7:10/26, Type Ia (zhost=0.010621) (References: TNS, Gaia observations)

2019tiz (= ASASSN-19zu), ATEL 13271 discovered 2019/10/24.490 by All Sky Automated Survey for SuperNovae (ASAS-SN)
Found in an anonymous galaxy at R.A. = 03h34m51s.038, Decl. = -02°49'48".29
Located 0".0 east and 0".0 north of the center of the host galaxy (Discovery image)
Mag 18.0:10/24, Type Ia (z=0.038) (References: ATEL 13251, TNS)

AT2019tiy (= ASASSN-19zt) (= Gaia19exw), ATEL 13271 discovered 2019/10/25.290 by All Sky Automated Survey for SuperNovae (ASAS-SN)
Found in PGC 341465 at R.A. = 06h17m06s.817, Decl. = -62°40'03".61
Located 0".0 east and 0".0 north of the center of PGC 341465 (Discovery image)
Mag 18.0:11/3 (17.8:10/25), Type unknown (References: TNS, Gaia observations)

AT2019tif (= ASASSN-19zs), ATEL 13271 discovered 2019/10/25.040 by All Sky Automated Survey for SuperNovae (ASAS-SN)
Found in an anonymous galaxy at R.A. = 20h36m41s.312, Decl. = -38°07'30".91
Located 0".0 east and 0".0 north of the center of the host galaxy (Discovery image)
Mag 17.8:10/25, Type unknown (zhost=0.024831) (References: TNS)

AT2019tib (= ASASSN-19zr) (= Gaia19evq), ATEL 13227 discovered 2019/10/20.280 by All Sky Automated Survey for SuperNovae (ASAS-SN)
Found in an anonymous galaxy at R.A. = 23h49m23s.878, Decl. = -45°29'08".79
Located 0".0 east and 0".0 north of the center of the host galaxy (Discovery image)
Mag 18.1:10/29 (17.8:10/20), Type unknown (References: TNS Gaia observations)

AT2019thm (= DG19gyvx), TNS discovered 2019/08/15.292 by DECam-GROWTH
Found in an anonymous galaxy at R.A. = 00h47m56s.625, Decl. = -26°54'02".80
Located 0".0 east and 0".0 north of the center of the host galaxy
Mag 99.0:8/15, Type unknown

2019tgm (= ATLAS19ysj) (= Gaia19ewc), TNS discovered 2019/10/24.201 by ATLAS
Found in UGC 11979 at R.A. = 22h18m10s.970, Decl. = +45°43'10".13
Located 14".2 east and 51".5 north of the center of UGC 11979 (Claudio Balcon image) (Claudio Balcon Spectrum) (Paolo Campaner image) (Claudio Balcon Spectrum)
Mag 19.0:10/24, Type Ia (z=0.019107) (References: AstroNote 2019-112, TNS, Gaia observations)

2019swh (= DLT19n) (= Gaia19far), TNS discovered 2019/10/06.375 by DLT40
Found in ESO 428-G23 at R.A. = 07h22m09s.108, Decl. = -29°13'35".44
Located 0".0 east and 0".0 north of the center of ESO 428-G23 (Joseph Brimacombe image)
Mag 17.4:11/10 (15.8:10/6), Type Ia (zhost=0.010124) (References: Gaia observations)

2019sss (= ASASSN-19zh) (= Gaia19fgr), ATEL 13227 discovered 2019/10/18.300 by All Sky Automated Survey for SuperNovae (ASAS-SN)
Found in an anonymous galaxy at R.A. = 03h02m49s.924, Decl. = -60°52'16".46
Located 0".0 east and 0".0 north of the center of the host galaxy (Discovery image)
Mag 17.7:11/2 (16.7:10/18), Type Ia (z=0.04) (References: TNS AstroNote 2019-108, Gaia observations)

2019spq (= ASASSN-19ze), ATEL 13227 discovered 2019/10/16.760 by All Sky Automated Survey for SuperNovae (ASAS-SN)
Found in an anonymous galaxy at R.A. = 00h01m19s.103, Decl. = -43°18'03".12
Located 0".0 east and 0".0 north of the center of the host galaxy (Discovery image)
Mag 17.4:10/16, Type Ia (z=0.036) (References: TNS, AstroNote 2019-107)

2019sox (= ATLAS19ygo) (= Gaia19erh), TNS discovered 2019/10/16.332 by ATLAS
Found in NGC 7081 at R.A. = 21h31m24s.760, Decl. = +02°29'38".97
Located 0".0 east and 0".0 north of the center of NGC 7081 (Enrico Prosperi image)
Mag 17.2:10/22, Type II (z=0.01) (zhost=0.010918) (References: AstroNote 2019-104, Gaia observations)

AT2019skd (= MASTER OT J024205.83+422540.1), TNS discovered 2019/10/09.894 by MASTER
Found in an anonymous galaxy at R.A. = 02h42m05s.830, Decl. = +42°25'40".10
Located 0".0 east and 0".0 north of the center of the host galaxy
Mag 15.9:10/9, Type unknown

2019shq (= ASASSN-19yx) (= Gaia19fab), ATEL 13227 discovered 2019/10/08.369 by All Sky Automated Survey for SuperNovae (ASAS-SN)
Found in ESO 432-IG6 at R.A. = 08h44m28s.653, Decl. = -31°41'25".69
Located 0".0 east and 0".0 north of the center of ESO 432-IG6 (Discovery image) (Joseph Brimacombe image)
Mag 17.6:11/7 (16.1:10/8), Type Ia (z=0.016) (zhost=0.016165) (References: TNS AstroNote 2019-107, Gaia observations)

AT2019she (= ASASSN-19yw), TNS discovered 2019/10/08.630 by All Sky Automated Survey for SuperNovae (ASAS-SN)
Found in an anonymous galaxy at R.A. = 09h46m55s.735, Decl. = +29°30'31".14
Located 0".0 east and 0".0 north of the center of the host galaxy
Mag 17.5:10/8, Type unknown (zhost=0.074895)

AT2019sgn (= ZTF19acdpnck), TNS discovered 2019/10/08.213 by SAGUARO
Found in an anonymous galaxy at R.A. = 00h30m37s.863, Decl. = +08°07'37".90
Located 0".0 east and 0".0 north of the center of the host galaxy
Mag 20.4:10/8, Type unknown (References: ZTF observations)

AT2019scp (= ASASSN-19yo) (= ATLAS19xzu), ATEL 13227 discovered 2019/09/30.360 by All Sky Automated Survey for SuperNovae (ASAS-SN)
Found in an anonymous galaxy at R.A. = 06h37m02s.353, Decl. = -44°09'31".59
Located 0".0 east and 0".0 north of the center of the host galaxy (Discovery image) (Joseph Brimacombe image)
Mag 17.7:9/30, Type unknown (zhost=0.016992) (References: TNS)

AT2019sbk (= Swift J2247181-581450), TNS discovered 2019/10/01.305 by Paul Kuin
Found in an anonymous galaxy at R.A. = 22h47m18s.100, Decl. = -58°14'50".80
Located 0".0 east and 0".0 north of the center of the host galaxy
Mag 18.8:10/1, Type unknown (zhost=0.054000)

AT2019rws (= ASASSN-19yl), ATEL 13227 discovered 2019/10/05.000 by All Sky Automated Survey for SuperNovae (ASAS-SN)
Found in NGC 2205 at R.A. = 06h10m32s.633, Decl. = -62°32'17".94
Located 0".0 east and 0".0 north of the center of NGC 2205 (Discovery image) (Joseph Brimacombe image)
Mag 16.5:10/5, Type Ia (zhost=0.027969) (References: ATEL 13224 TNS)

2019rwq (= ASASSN-19yk), ATEL 13227 discovered 2019/10/05.220 by All Sky Automated Survey for SuperNovae (ASAS-SN)
Found in an anonymous galaxy at R.A. = 02h18m57s.689, Decl. = -66°23'30".18
Located 0".0 east and 0".0 north of the center of the host galaxy (Discovery image) (Joseph Brimacombe image)
Mag 17.6:10/5, Type Ic (z=0.0255) (References: TNS)

AT2019rwi (= MASTER OT J221621.65-362518.2), TNS discovered 2019/10/04.974 by MASTER
Found in DUKST 405-060 at R.A. = 22h16m21s.650, Decl. = -36°25'18".20
Located 0".0 east and 0".0 north of the center of DUKST 405-060
Mag 17.0:10/4, Type unknown

AT2019rsl (= PGIR19btg), TNS discovered 2019/09/30.400 by Gattini at R.A. = 23h48m00s.030, Decl. = +76°39'02".32 Mag 15.2:9/30, Type unknown

AT2019rsh (= Germes V4), TNS discovered 2019/10/02.567 by Dennis Denisenko
Found in an anonymous galaxy at R.A. = 04h14m01s.210, Decl. = -55°56'52".50
Located 0".0 east and 0".0 north of the center of the host galaxy
Mag 17.3:10/2, Type unknown

AT2019rqt (= ASASSN-19yi), ATEL 13227 discovered 2019/10/02.180 by All Sky Automated Survey for SuperNovae (ASAS-SN)
Found in an anonymous galaxy at R.A. = 19h45m11s.993, Decl. = -55°20'27".34
Located 0".0 east and 0".0 north of the center of the host galaxy (Discovery image)
Mag 17.1:10/2, Type unknown (zhost=0.014940) (References: TNS)

2019rpr (= MASTER OT J205529.78+220725.5), ATEL 13151 discovered 2019/09/30.890 by MASTER robotic Net
Found in an anonymous galaxy at R.A. = 20h55m29s.780, Decl. = +22°07'25".50
Located 0".0 east and 0".0 north of the center of the host galaxy (Discovery image) (Marco Russiani image) (Marco Russiani image) (M. Russiani image)
Mag 16.6:10/11, Type Ia (z=0.03) (References: GCN 25922, GNC 25875, GNC 25870, TNS)

2019rjm (= ASASSN-19xv), ATEL 13147 discovered 2019/09/28.340 by All Sky Automated Survey for SuperNovae (ASAS-SN)
Found in KUG 0415+087 at R.A. = 04h18m33s.749, Decl. = +08°53'32".08
Located 0".0 east and 0".0 north of the center of KUG 0415+087 (Discovery image) (Joseph Brimacombe image) (Enrico Prosperi image)
Mag 17.8:11/25 (17.2:9/28), Type Ia (z=0.029) (References: TNS)

AT2019riz (= ASASSN-19xp), ATEL 13147 discovered 2019/09/26.250 by All Sky Automated Survey for SuperNovae (ASAS-SN)
Found in an anonymous galaxy at R.A. = 23h46m29s.296, Decl. = -73°00'04".54
Located 0".0 east and 0".0 north of the center of the host galaxy (Discovery image)
Mag 17.6:9/26, Type unknown (References: TNS)

AT2019riy (= ASASSN-19xu), ATEL 13147 discovered 2019/09/28.120 by All Sky Automated Survey for SuperNovae (ASAS-SN)
Found in NGC 6122 at R.A. = 16h20m09s.519, Decl. = +37°47'53".60
Located 0".0 east and 0".0 north of the center of NGC 6122 (Discovery image)
Mag 17.6:9/28, Type unknown (zhost=0.033650) (References: TNS; SN 2003ge)

2019rix (= ASASSN-19xt), ATEL 13147 discovered 2019/09/27.340 by All Sky Automated Survey for SuperNovae (ASAS-SN)
Found in an anonymous galaxy at R.A. = 06h28m11s.118, Decl. = -49°08'51".14
Located 0".0 east and 0".0 north of the center of the host galaxy (Discovery image)
Mag 17.5:9/27, Type Ia (z=0.046) (References: TNS)

2019rfi (= Gaia19elu), TNS discovered 2019/09/04.591 by Travis Mong
Found in LEDA 810636 at R.A. = 06h10m00s.912, Decl. = -22°40'04".08
Located 0".0 east and 0".0 north of the center of LEDA 810636 (Discovery image)
Mag 18.3:9/21, Type II (z=0.038) (References: Gaia observations)

AT2019rds (= MASTER OT J170234.36-554312.1), TNS discovered 2019/09/24.809 by MASTER at R.A. = 17h02m34s.360, Decl. = -55°43'12".10 Mag 17.6:9/24, Type unknown

AT2019rdi (= ATLAS19vzj), TNS discovered 2019/09/25.447 by ATLAS
Found in an anonymous galaxy at R.A. = 01h23m01s.512, Decl. = -33°35'12".01
Located 0".0 east and 0".0 north of the center of the host galaxy
Mag 18.8:9/25, Type unknown

2019qyl (= DLT19m), TNS discovered 2019/09/26.229 by DLT40
Found in NGC 300 at R.A. = 00h54m57s.570, Decl. = -37°38'39".99
Located 48".6 east and 143".8 north of the center of NGC 300 (Toshihide Noguchi image) (K. Itagaki image)
Mag 18.1:9/28 (17.1:9/26), Type IIn/LBV (z=0.00048) (References: SN 2010da)

2019qyk (= ZTF19acbvpjn) (= Gaia19eue), TNS discovered 2019/09/25.794 by Koichi Itagaki
Found in UGC 5604 at R.A. = 10h22m42s.290, Decl. = +46°14'43".20
Located 16".2 east and 23".9 north of the center of UGC 5604 (Discovery image) (Kunihiro Shima image) (Paolo Campaner image) (Mauro Bachini image)
Mag 16.8:10/25 (15.6:9/29), Type Ia (z=0.016875) (References: ZTF observations, Gaia observations)

AT2019qwq (= GOTO19dv) (= Gaia19enp), TNS discovered 2019/09/24.908 by GOTO
Found in an anonymous galaxy at R.A. = 18h58m35s.680, Decl. = -17°04'58".66
Located 0".0 east and 0".0 north of the center of the host galaxy
Mag 18.3:10/13 (17.7:9/24), Type unknown (References: Gaia observations)

2019qwd (= ASASSN-19xl) (= Gaia19ekp), ATEL 13147 discovered 2019/09/24.380 by All Sky Automated Survey for SuperNovae (ASAS-SN)
Found in an anonymous galaxy at R.A. = 07h12m08s.740, Decl. = -49°23'06".73
Located 0".0 east and 0".0 north of the center of the host galaxy (Discovery image) (Joseph Brimacombe image)
Mag 17.5:10/3 (16.3:9/27), Type Ia (z=0.0319) (References: TNS, Gaia observations)

AT2019qwc (= ASASSN-19xj), ATEL 13147 discovered 2019/09/20.930 by All Sky Automated Survey for SuperNovae (ASAS-SN)
Found in an anonymous galaxy at R.A. = 00h00m41s.678, Decl. = -61°35'43".64
Located 0".0 east and 0".0 north of the center of the host galaxy (Discovery image)
Mag 17.7:9/20, Type unknown (References: TNS)

2019qti, ATEL 13147 discovered 2019/09/22.349 by All Sky Automated Survey for SuperNovae (ASAS-SN)
Found in ESO 206-G21 at R.A. = 06h43m16s.521, Decl. = -49°29'30".92
Located 0".0 east and 0".0 north of the center of ESO 206-G21 (Discovery image)
Mag 17.5:9/22, Type Ia (zhost=0.037513) (References: TNS)

AT2019qqk (= PGIR19bra) (= ZTF19abzpkss), TNS discovered 2019/09/19.360 by Gattini at R.A. = 23h40m37s.558, Decl. = +42°35'27".67 Mag 17.0:10/11 (15.5:9/19), Type unknown (Enrico Prosperi image) (References: ZTF observations)

AT2019qqj (= SAGUARO19g), TNS discovered 2019/09/22.426 by SAGUARO at R.A. = 01h18m41s.758, Decl. = +14°47'13".73 Mag 20.4:9/22, Type unknown

AT2019qqi (= ASASSN-19xc), ATEL 13147 discovered 2019/09/22.090 by All Sky Automated Survey for SuperNovae (ASAS-SN)
Found in an anonymous galaxy at R.A. = 21h09m03s.370, Decl. = -42°35'51".11
Located 0".0 east and 0".0 north of the center of the host galaxy (Discovery image)
Mag 17.9:9/22, Type Ia (z=0.06) (zhost=0.062793) (References: TNS, ATEL 13126)

2019qqh (= ASASSN-19xb), ATEL 13147 discovered 2019/09/22.360 by All Sky Automated Survey for SuperNovae (ASAS-SN)
Found in an anonymous galaxy at R.A. = 02h38m58s.050, Decl. = -53°20'57".40
Located 0".0 east and 0".0 north of the center of the host galaxy (Discovery image)
Mag 17.9:9/22, Type Ia (z=0.05) (References: ATEL 13126, TNS)

AT2019qmj (= ASASSN-19xa) (= Gaia19ehq), ATEL 13147 discovered 2019/09/21.380 by All Sky Automated Survey for SuperNovae (ASAS-SN)
Found in an anonymous galaxy at R.A. = 03h22m46s.214, Decl. = -54°13'39".65
Located 0".0 east and 0".0 north of the center of the host galaxy (Discovery image)
Mag 17.4:9/25 (17.2:9/210, Type Ia (z=0.05) (References: ATEL 13126, TNS, Gaia observations)

AT2019qgw (= ASASSN-19wv), TNS discovered 2019/09/18.058 by All Sky Automated Survey for SuperNovae (ASAS-SN)
Found in an anonymous galaxy at R.A. = 20h11m32s.446, Decl. = -41°57'11".16
Located 0".0 east and 0".0 north of the center of the host galaxy
Mag 16.7:9/18, Type unknown

AT2019qeu (= PGIR19bki), TNS discovered 2019/09/12.200 by Gattini at R.A. = 19h53m46s.552, Decl. = -07°48'38".13 Mag 15.0:9/12, Type unknown

2019qar (= DLT19l), TNS discovered 2019/09/12.690 by DLT40
Found in NGC 7083 at R.A. = 21h35m46s.010, Decl. = -63°54'16".03
Located 8".7 east and 5".8 south of the center of NGC 7083
Mag 17.5:9/12, Type Ib-pec (z=0.01) (zhost=0.010344) (References: ATEL 13136; SN 2009hm, 1983Y)

2019pxo (= ATLAS19uve) (= Gaia19env), TNS discovered 2019/09/10.546 by ATLAS
Found in UGC 2614 at R.A. = 03h15m18s.370, Decl. = +42°41'43".95
Located 5".1 east and 2".7 south of the center of UGC 2614 (Rafael G. Farfán image) (Marco Russiani image) (Luca Grazzini image) (Odd Trondal image)
Mag 17.5:10/5 (15.9:9/23), Type Ia (z=0.017519) (References: AstroNote 2019-91, Gaia observations)

AT2019pwm (= GOTO031455.02-025932.0), TNS discovered 2019/09/10.232 by GOTO
Found in an anonymous galaxy at R.A. = 03h14m55s.022, Decl. = -02°59'32".03
Located 0".0 east and 0".0 north of the center of the host galaxy
Mag 19.2:9/10, Type unknown (zhost=0.029000)

2019pwj (= ZTF19abtrgey), TNS discovered 2019/08/23.439 by Perez-Fournon
Found in an anonymous galaxy at R.A. = 01h39m21s.070, Decl. = +07°27'07".54
Located 0".0 east and 0".0 north of the center of the host galaxy
Mag 20.5:8/23, Type Ia (z=0.171) (References: ZTF observations)

AT2019pub (= MASTER OT J174536.96-113805.2) (= GRB190906.05), TNS discovered 2019/09/06.787 by MASTER
Found in an anonymous galaxy at R.A. = 17h45m36s.960, Decl. = -11°38'05".20
Located 0".0 east and 0".0 north of the center of the host galaxy
Mag 16.2:9/6, Type unknown

AT2019pry (= MASTER OT J083307.81-043935.1) (= Gaia19epc), ATEL 13091 discovered 2019/09/07.147 by MASTER
Found in anonymous galaxy at R.A. = 08h33m07s.810, Decl. = -04°39'35".10
Located 14".0 west and 9".2 south of the center of the host galaxy (Discovery image)
Mag 18.8:10/15 (17.6:9/7), Type unknown (zhost=0.030131) (References: TNS, Gaia observations)

AT2019pnu (= MASTER OT J040032.12-143518.9), TNS discovered 2019/09/06.087 by MASTER
Found in an anonymous galaxy at R.A. = 04h00m32s.120, Decl. = -14°35'18".90
Located 0".0 east and 0".0 north of the center of the host galaxy
Mag 18.5:9/6, Type unknown

AT2019plr (= SAGUARO19f), TNS discovered 2019/09/05.419 by SAGUARO
Found in PGC 1082316 at R.A. = 00h56m57s.918, Decl. = -02°48'49".23
Located 0".0 east and 0".0 north of the center of PGC 1082316
Mag 20.2:9/5, Type unknown (zhost=0.152059)

AT2019plq (= SNhunt425), TNS discovered 2019/09/05.333 by Catalina Real-Time Transient Survey and Mirco Villi
Found in NGC 7694 at R.A. = 23h33m17s.5, Decl. = -02°42'09".72
Located 21".2 east and 0".7 north of the center of NGC 7694
Mag 19.7:9/5, Type unknown (zhost=0.007600)

AT2019plp (= Gaia19edf), TNS discovered 2019/09/02.528 by Koichi Itagaki
Found in anonymous galaxy at R.A. = 08h59m58s.950, Decl. = +53°54'40".80
Located 0".0 east and 0".0 north of the center of the host galaxy (Discovery image)
Mag 17.6:9/5, Type unknown (References: Gaia observations)

AT2019plo (= SAGUARO19e), TNS discovered 2019/09/05.492 by SAGUARO
Found in PGC 1128552 at R.A. = 02h41m58s.169, Decl. = -01°01'50".64
Located 0".0 east and 0".0 north of the center of PGC 1128552
Mag 20.4:9/5, Type unknown (zhost=0.043600)

AT2019plm (= GSNST-19al), TNS discovered 2019/09/02.199 by GSNST
Found in IC 1691 at R.A. = 01h24m25s.760, Decl. = +33°24'25".73
Located 0".5 west and 0".7 north of the center of IC 1691 (Enrico Prosperi image)
Mag 16.1:9/2, Type unknown (zhost=0.016621)

2019pkz (= ASASSN-19wf) (= ATLAS18bcla), TNS discovered 2019/09/04.250 by All Sky Automated Survey for SuperNovae (ASAS-SN)
Found in VII Zw 923 at R.A. = 19h58m29s.797, Decl. = +61°13'09".13
Located 0".1 west and 0".3 south of the center of VII Zw 923 (Discovery image)
Mag 17.2:9/4, Type Ia (z=0.05) (References: ATEL 13093)

AT2019pky (= ASASSN-19we) (= Gaia19edu), ATEL 13094 discovered 2019/09/04.220 by All Sky Automated Survey for SuperNovae (ASAS-SN)
Found in an anonymous galaxy at R.A. = 19h05m49s.459, Decl. = -54°32'53".29
Located 0".0 east and 0".0 north of the center of the host galaxy (Discovery image) (Roland Santallo image)
Mag 17.5:9/24 (17.2:9/4), Type unknown (References: AstroNote 2019-90, TNS, Gaia observations)

2019pjv (= MASTER OT J171434.95+280725.6) (= Gaia19dyk) (= ATLAS19uro), ATEL 13076 discovered 2019/09/03.969 by MASTER
Found in MCG +5-41-1 at R.A. = 17h14m34s.950, Decl. = +28°07'25".60 (= PGC 59913)
Located 44" west and 10".8 north of the center of the MCG +5-41-1 (Discovery image) (Enrico Prosperi image)
Mag 17.5:9/7 (15.5:9/14), Type Ia-91T (z=0.023) (zhost=0.022653) (References: TNS, Gaia observations)

2019pjs (= kait-19ad) (= ATLAS19urn) (= ZTF19abwztsb) (= Gaia19els), TNS discovered 2019/09/04.145 by Lick Observatory Supernova Search
Found in UGC 11105 at R.A. = 18h04m40s.344, Decl. = +21°38'04".20
Located 0".0 east and 0".0 north of the center of UGC 11105 (Discovery image) (Stan Howerton image) (Enrico Prosperi image)
Mag 16.5:9/14, Type II (zhost=0.007415) (References: ZTF observations, Gaia observations)

AT2019piq (= GSNST-19ak), TNS discovered 2019/09/01.313 by GSNST
Found in LEDA 1030835 at R.A. = 02h18m34s.600, Decl. = -06°36'39".00
Located 0".0 east and 0".0 north of the center of LEDA 1030835
Mag 16.3:9/1, Type unknown

2019pil (= ASASSN-19vq), ATEL 13094 discovered 2019/09/03.560 by All Sky Automated Survey for SuperNovae (ASAS-SN)
Found in MCG +1-10-2 at R.A. = 03h37m21s.124, Decl. = +05°21'17".67
Located 0".0 east and 0".0 north of the center of MCG +1-10-2 (Discovery image)
Mag 17.9:9/3, Type Ia (z=0.0323) (zhost=0.032289) (References: AstroNote 2019-87, TNS)

2019pig (= ASASSN-19vp) (= Gaia19dys) (= ATLAS19uoe) (= ZTF19abuejud), ATEL 13094 discovered 2019/09/03.139 by All Sky Automated Survey for SuperNovae (ASAS-SN)
Found in an anonymous galaxy at R.A. = 15h01m33s.481, Decl. = +49°06'34".52
Located 0".0 east and 0".0 north of the center of the host galaxy (Discovery image) (Gregor Krannich image)
Mag 15.6:9/14, Type Ia (z=0.026) (zhost=0.025980) (References: TNS, Gaia observations, ZTF observations)

2019phq (= ASASSN-19vo) (= Gaia19dzx), ATEL 13094 discovered 2019/09/02.260 by All Sky Automated Survey for SuperNovae (ASAS-SN)
Found in FAIRALL 0368 at R.A. = 00h35m30s.308, Decl. = -52°10'56".08
Located 0".0 east and 0".0 north of the center of FAIRALL 0368 (Discovery image)
Mag 17.6:9/8 (17.5:9/2), Type Ia-91T (z=0.054) (zhost=0.042029) (References: AstroNote 2019-90, TNS, Gaia observations)

2019pgo (= ATLAS19unz) (= ZTF19abupned), TNS discovered 2019/09/01.600 by Tsinghua-NAOC Transient Survey (TNTS)
Found in an anonymous galaxy at R.A. = 23h52m60s.000, Decl. = +25°07'18".10
Located 0".0 east and 0".0 north of the center of the host galaxy
Mag 18.4:9/1, Type Ic-BL (z=0.05)

AT2019pgm (= SAGUARO19d), TNS discovered 2019/09/01.465 by SAGUARO
Found in an anonymous galaxy at R.A. = 03h49m49s.696, Decl. = +14°35'48".01
Located 0".0 east and 0".0 north of the center of the host galaxy
Mag 20.8:9/1, Type unknown (zhost=0.074200)

AT2019pco, TNS discovered 2019/08/31.869 by Jaroslaw Grzegorzek
Found in an anonymous galaxy at R.A. = 19h27m50s.500, Decl. = +54°20'32".40
Located 0".0 east and 0".0 north of the center of the host galaxy (Discovery image) (Jaroslaw Grzegorzek image)
Mag 17.4:8/31, Type unknown

2019ozz (= ASASSN-19vk) (= Gaia19eea), ATEL 13094 discovered 2019/08/30.200 by All Sky Automated Survey for SuperNovae (ASAS-SN)
Found in FAIRALL 0056 at R.A. = 19h20m01s.804, Decl. = -60°49'06".49
Located 0".0 east and 0".0 north of the center of FAIRALL 0056 (Discovery image)
Mag 17.3:8/28, Type Ia (zhost=0.036232) (References: AstroNote 2019-90, TNS, Gaia observations)

AT2019ozq (= GSNST-19aj), TNS discovered 2019/08/29.236 by GSNST
Found in an anonymous galaxy at R.A. = 00h02m31s.290, Decl. = -27°11'34".40
Located 0".0 east and 0".0 north of the center of the host galaxy
Mag 17.3:8/29, Type unknown

2019ozb (= ASASSN-19vj), ATEL 13061, discovered 2019/08/29.980 by All Sky Automated Survey for SuperNovae (ASAS-SN)
Found in an anonymous galaxy at R.A. = 13h44m41s.944, Decl. = -29°54'13".04
Located 0".0 east and 0".0 north of the center of the host galaxy (Discovery image) (Joseph Brimacombe image)
Mag 16.9:9/6, Type Ia (z=0.042) (References: ATEL 13082, TNS)

AT2019oyw (= MASTER OT J025810.51-085727.2) (= GBR190829A), TNS discovered 2019/08/29.868 by MASTER
Found in anonymous galaxy at R.A. = 02h58m10s.510, Decl. = -08°57'27".20
Located 0".0 east and 0".0 north of the center of the host galaxy
Mag 18.4:8/30 (14.7:8/29), Type Ic-BL (z=0.0785) (zhost=0.079023) (GRB afterflow) (References: GNC 25558, GNC 25677, GNC 25565, AstroNote 2019-86)

AT2019oyo (= ASASSN-19vi), ATEL 13094 discovered 2019/08/28.730 by All Sky Automated Survey for SuperNovae (ASAS-SN)
Found in PGC 569012 at R.A. = 14h38m49s.563, Decl. = -42°02'42".77
Located 0".0 east and 0".0 north of the center of PGC 569012 (Discovery image)
Mag 17.8:8/28, Type unknown (References: TNS)

2019oyg (= ZTF19abrdliq), TNS discovered 2019/08/14.455 by Perez-Fournon
Found in an anonymous galaxy at R.A. = 00h19m08s.893, Decl. = +04°58'55".25
Located 0".0 east and 0".0 north of the center of the host galaxy
Mag 20.3:8/14, Type Ia-91T (z=0.157000)

2019ovu (= ASASSN-19vh) (= Gaia19ecg), ATEL 13094 discovered 2019/08/28.260 by All Sky Automated Survey for SuperNovae (ASAS-SN)
Found in IC 1783 at R.A. = 02h10m05s.743, Decl. = -32°56'19".66
Located 0".0 east and 0".0 north of the center of IC 1783 (Discovery image)
Mag 17.4:9/14 (17.2:8/28), Type Ia-02cx (zhost=0.011174) (References: AstroNote 2019-90, TNS, Gaia observations)

AT2019ovt (= ASASSN-19vg), ATEL 13094 discovered 2019/08/28.469 by All Sky Automated Survey for SuperNovae (ASAS-SN)
Found in UGC 2105 at R.A. = 02h37m39s.889, Decl. = +34°25'54".59
Located 0".0 east and 0".0 north of the center of UGC 2105 (Discovery image) (Enrico Prosperi image)
Mag 17.6:8/28, Type unknown (zhost=0.016395) (References: TNS; SN 1938A)

2019osl (= ATLAS19tgt) (= Gaia19emq), AstroNote 2019-77 discovered 2019/08/26.574 by ATLAS
Found in UGC 3115 at R.A. = 04h38m54s.332, Decl. = +18°50'10".23
Located 5".9 west and 10".2 south of the center of UGC 3115 (Rafael G. Farfán image) (Enrico Prosperi image) (Odd Trondal image)
Mag 17.4:11/30 (16.4:10/27), Type II (zhost=0.010857) (References: TNS, Gaia observations)

AT2019osy (= ASKAP 005547-270433), TNS discovered 2019/08/23.572 by DECam-GROWTH
Found in an anonymous galaxy at R.A. = 00h55m47s.000, Decl. = -27°04'33".00
Located 0".0 east and 0".0 north of the center of the host galaxy
Mag > 23.5 (00.6:8/23R), Type unknown (zhost=0.073800) (Radio observation) (References: GCN 25492, GCN 25488, GCN 25487)

2019oqr (= ASASSN-19up), ATEL 13046 discovered 2019/08/26.220 by All Sky Automated Survey for SuperNovae (ASAS-SN)
Found in an anonymous galaxy at R.A. = 23h51m15s.826, Decl. = -37°42'40".40
Located 0".0 east and 0".0 north of the center of the host galaxy (Discovery image) (Joseph Brimacombe image) (Roland Santallo image)
Mag 16.9:9/2, Type Ia (zhost=0.050648) (offset 18.9) (References: AstroNote 2019-78, TNS)

2019oqj (= ASASSN-19uo) (= Gaia19ebb), ATEL 13046 discovered 2019/08/24.260 by All Sky Automated Survey for SuperNovae (ASAS-SN)
Found in an anonymous galaxy at R.A. = 16h13m13s.157, Decl. = +17°48'34".68
Located 0".0 east and 0".0 north of the center of the host galaxy (Discovery image) (Enrico Prosperi image) (Enrico Prosperi image)
Mag 18.8:9/10 (17.0:8/29), Type Ia (z=0.037) (zhost=0.037186) (offset 18.0) (References: TNS, Gaia observations)

AT2019opf (= ASASSN-19ul), ATEL 13046 discovered 2019/08/24.750 by All Sky Automated Survey for SuperNovae (ASAS-SN)
Found in an anonymous galaxy at R.A. = 17h37m12s.207, Decl. = -84°10'56".99
Located 0".0 east and 0".0 north of the center of the host galaxy (Discovery image) (Joseph Brimacombe image)
Mag 18.1:8/24, Type unknown (References: TNS)

2019ope (= ASASSN-19uk), ATEL 13046 discovered 2019/08/25.140 by All Sky Automated Survey for SuperNovae (ASAS-SN)
Found in an anonymous galaxy at R.A. = 23h06m52s.502, Decl. = -37°51'00".54
Located 0".0 east and 0".0 north of the center of the host galaxy (Discovery image) (Roland Santallo image)
Mag 17.7:9/1 (17.7:8/25), Type Ia (zhost=0.060442) (offset 19.3) (References: AstroNote 2019-78, TNS)

2019omk (= ASASSN-19ui) (= Gaia19dxw), ATEL 13046 discovered 2019/08/23.340 by All Sky Automated Survey for SuperNovae (ASAS-SN)
Found in an anonymous galaxy at R.A. = 23h21m30s.818, Decl. = -61°36'56".61
Located 0".0 east and 0".0 north of the center of the host galaxy (Discovery image)
Mag 17.1:8/23, Type Ia (z=0.041) (References: AstroNote 2019-82 (References: TNS, Gaia observations)

2019omo (= ASASSN-19uj) (= Gaia19ehr), ATEL 13046 discovered 2019/08/24.310 by All Sky Automated Survey for SuperNovae (ASAS-SN)
Found in an anonymous galaxy at R.A. = 03h12m27s.898, Decl. = -64°55'38".89
Located 0".0 east and 0".0 north of the center of the host galaxy (Discovery image)
Mag 18.1:9/3 (17.5:8/24), Type II (z=0.0335) (References: AstroNote 2019-90, TNS, Gaia observations)

2019omb (= PS19erz), AstroNote 2019-76 discovered 2019/08/23.610 by PS1 Science consortium
Found in UGC 116 at R.A. = 00h12m39s.665, Decl. = +05°30'32".13
Located 0".0 east and 0".0 north of the center of UGC 116
Mag 19.7:8/23, Type II (z=0.028) (References: TNS)

2019odl (= ASASSM-19ub), ATEL 13046 discovered 2019/08/22.270 by All Sky Automated Survey for SuperNovae (ASAS-SN)
Found in an anonymous galaxy at R.A. = 21h45m25s.017, Decl. = -62°00'24".13
Located 0".0 east and 0".0 north of the center of the host galaxy (Discovery image)
Mag 18.0:8/22, Type Ia (zhost=0.063197) (offset 19.2) (References: TNS)

2019nyn (= ASASSN-19tx), ATEL 13046 discovered 2019/08/20.090 by All Sky Automated Survey for SuperNovae (ASAS-SN)
Found in an anonymous galaxy at R.A. = 01h07m37s.226, Decl. = -41°51'11".74
Located 0".0 east and 0".0 north of the center of the host galaxy (Discovery image) (Joseph Brimacombe image) (Roland Santallo image)
Mag 17.2:8/31 (17.1:8/20), Type II (zhost=0.023947) (offset 17.9) (References: AstroNote 2019-71, TNS)

AT2019ntq (= MASTER OT J074512.39+530415.5), TNS discovered 2019/08/13.057 by MASTER at R.A. = 07h45m12s.390, Decl. = +53°04'15".50 Mag 18.6:8/13, Type unknown

AT2019nsp (= GSNST-19ai), TNS discovered 2019/08/12.271 by GSNST
Found in LEDA 10167 at R.A. = 02h40m58s.123, Decl. = +38°42'09".62
Located 0".0 east and 0".0 north of the center of LEDA 10167
Mag 19.7:8/12, Type unknown

AT2019nmb (= MASTER OT J172354.10-650404.0), TNS discovered 2019/08/14.847 by MASTER at R.A. = 17h23m54s.100, Decl. = -65°04'04".00 Mag 16.7:8/14, Type unknown

AT2019nmc (= kait-19aa), TNS discovered 2019/08/14.508 by Lick Observatory Supernova Search
Found in IC 1613 at R.A. = 01h04m48s.984, Decl. = +02°05'29".04
Located 0".0 east and 0".0 north of the center of IC 1613 (Discovery image) (Enrico Prosperi image)
Mag 16.8:9/20, Type unknown (zhost=-0.000781) (References: SN 2016ijb)

2019nkf (= MASTER OT J104058.87+653055.3), ATEL 13021 discovered 2019/08/12.865 by MASTER
Found in PGC 3139929 at R.A. = 10h40m58s.870, Decl. = +65°30'55".30
Located 1".9 east and 0".6 north of the center of PGC 3139929 (Discovery image)
Mag 16.0:8/12, Type Ic (z=0.0108) (References: TNS)

2019nka (= MASTER OT J073411.00+584202.3) (= Gaia19dvp), ATEL 13019 discovered 2019/08/12.945 by MASTER
Found in MCG +10-11-83 at R.A. = 07h34m11s.000, Decl. = +58°42'02".30
Located 6".8 east and 35".1 south of the center of MCG +10-11-83 (Discovery image)
Mag 18.3:8/29 (17.3:8/12), Type Ia (z=0.041) (References: TNS, Gaia observations)

AT2019njs (= GSNST-19ah), TNS discovered 2019/08/11.521 by GSNST
Found in UGC 1245 at R.A. = 01h46m50s.479, Decl. = +11°24'06".13
Located 4".6 west and 0".6 north of the center of UGC 1245 (Enrico Prosperi image)
Mag 18.6:8/11, Type unknown

2019mxk (= ASASSN-19tt), ATEL 13046 discovered 2019/08/08.280 by All Sky Automated Survey for SuperNovae (ASAS-SN)
Found in an anonymous galaxy at R.A. = 02h12m04s.557, Decl. = -25°44'40".19
Located 0".0 east and 0".0 north of the center of the host galaxy (Discovery image) (Joseph Brimacombe image)
Mag 18.0:8/8, Type Ia (zhost=0.056336) (offset 18.9) (References: TNS)

AT2019mxm (= MASTER OT J035355.43+430237.6), TNS discovered 2019/08/05.122 by MASTER at R.A. = 03h53m55s.430, Decl. = +43°02'37".60 Mag 16.9:8/5, Type unknown

AT2019mwv (= MASTER OT J201544.38-063112.5) (= ZTF18acufxxm), TNS discovered 2019/08/07.976 by MASTER at R.A. = 20h15m44s.380, Decl. = -06°31'12".50 Mag 18.4:8/23 (16.6:8/7), Type unknown (References: ZTF observations)

AT2019mul (= MASTER OT J212053.48-440650.8), TNS discovered 2019/08/03.963 by MASTER at R.A. = 21h20m53s.480, Decl. = -44°06'50".80 Mag 18.1:8/3, Type unknown

AT2019muj (= ASASSN-19tr) (= ATLAS19rqi), ATEL 13004 discovered 2019/08/07.400 by All Sky Automated Survey for SuperNovae (ASAS-SN)
Found in VV 525 at R.A. = 02h26m18s.472, Decl. = -09°50'09".92
Located 41".8 west and 17".1 north of the center of VV 525 (Discovery image) (Joseph Brimacombe image)
Mag 17.4:8/7, Type Iax (zhost=0.007035) (References: ATEL 13105, TNS)

AT2019mud (= MASTER OT J004323.89+414306.1), TNS discovered 2019/08/05.194 by MASTER at R.A. = 00h43m23s.890, Decl. = +41°43'06".10 Mag 19.8:8/5, Type unknown

2019msz (= ASASSN-19to), ATEL 12998 discovered 2019/08/03.300 by All Sky Automated Survey for SuperNovae (ASAS-SN)
Found in an anonymous galaxy at R.A. = 20h32m09s.390, Decl. = -59°11'58".85
Located 6".3 east and 2".3 north of the center of host galaxy (Discovery image) (Joseph Brimacombe image)
Mag 17.6:8/3, Type Ia (z=0.063) (zhost=0.060502) (offset -19.7) (References: AstroNote 2019-63, TNS)

AT2019msb (= ASASSN-19td), TNS discovered 2019/08/01.732 by All Sky Automated Survey for SuperNovae (ASAS-SN) at R.A. = 13h23m06s.694, Decl. = -42°57'58".14 Mag 17.3:8/1, Type unknown

AT2019mqx (= MASTER OT J043517.41+434103.3), TNS discovered 2019/08/05.124 by MASTER at R.A. = 04h35m17s.410, Decl. = +43°41'03".30 Mag 16.1:8/5, Type unknown

AT2019mod (= MASTER OT J155909.83-440653.7), TNS discovered 2019/08/04.708 by MASTER at R.A. = 15h59m09s.830, Decl. = -44°06'53".70 Mag 18.6:8/4, Type unknown

2019mkv (= ASASSN-18tc), ATEL 12998 discovered 2019/08/02.033 by All Sky Automated Survey for SuperNovae (ASAS-SN)
Found in an anonymous galaxy at R.A. = 22h52m30s.218, Decl. = -46°41'44".25
Located 5".4 west and 0".6 north of the center of host galaxy (Discovery image) (Joseph Brimacombe image)
Mag 18.0:8/6, Type Ia (z=0.054) (zhost=0.051135) (offset -19.0) (References: AstroNote 2019-63, TNS)

2019mhm (= Gaia19egp), TNS discovered 2019/08/02.551 by Peter Marples, Greg Bock, Pat Pearl (BOSS)
Found in NGC 6753 at R.A. = 19h11m24s.060, Decl. = -57°03'18".00
Located 3".4 east and 19".6 south of the center of NGC 6753 (Discovery image) (Kevin Parker image) (Stan Howerton image) (Roland Santallo image)
Mag 17.0:8/28 (16.6:8/2), Type II (z=0.0106) (zhost=0.010570) (References: ATEL 13040, ATEL 12987, Gaia observations; SN 2005cb, 2000cj)

AT2019mil (= kait-19X), TNS discovered 2019/08/01.453 by Lick Observatory Supernova Search
Found in NGC 7286 at R.A. = 22h27m51s.841, Decl. = +29°05'58".92
Located 17".4 east and 13".4 north of the center of NGC 7286 (Discovery image (mirror))
Mag 19.0:8/1, Type LBV (z=0.003) (zhost=0.003362)

2019meo (= ASASSN-19sy) (= Gaia19djh), ATEL 12998 discovered 2019/08/01.375 by All Sky Automated Survey for SuperNovae (ASAS-SN)
Found in an anonymous galaxy at R.A. = 05h34m07s.128, Decl. = -29°36'39".79
Located 1".0 east and 6".2 south of the center of host galaxy (Discovery image) (Joseph Brimacombe image)
Mag 17.4:8/5, Type Ia (zhost=0.036312) (offset -18.6) (References: TNS, Gaia observations; SN AT2017ile)

AT2019lzw (= ASASSN-19sx), ATEL 12998 discovered 2019/07/30.270 by All Sky Automated Survey for SuperNovae (ASAS-SN)
Found in an anonymous galaxy at R.A. = 21h05m29s.160, Decl. = -52°10'39".56
Located 0".1 west and 0".5 south of the center of host galaxy (Discovery image) (Roland Santallo image)
Mag 16.3:8/4, Type unknown (zhost=0.048957) (References: TNS)

AT2019lza (= LANAT-PSN1), ATEL 12966 discovered 2019/07/29.416 by Dennis Denisenko
Found in an anonymous galaxy at R.A. = 04h29m10s.270, Decl. = -54°00'10".80
Located 0".0 east and 0".0 north of the center of the host galaxy (Discovery image)
Mag 18.8:7/29, Type unknown (References: TNS)

AT2019lyd (= MASTER OT J192114.14+405316.6), TNS discovered 2019/07/28.029 by MASTER at R.A. = 19h21m14s.140, Decl. = +40°53'16".60 Mag 18.3:7/28, Type unknown

2019lyb (= ASASSN-19sv), ATEL 12998 discovered 2019/07/29.290 by All Sky Automated Survey for SuperNovae (ASAS-SN)
Found in CGCG 274-031 at R.A. = 15h11m03s.360, Decl. = +52°03'00".61
Located 6".0 east and 0".5 north of the center of CGCG 274-031 (Discovery image) (Rafael G. Farfán image) (Gianpiero Locatelli image)
Mag 17.1:7/30, Type Ia (z=0.03692) (zhost=0.036876) (References: ATEL 12984, TNS, AstroNote 2019-61; SN AT2019myq)

2019lwy, TNS discovered 2019/05/31.422 by Sebastian Gomez, Griffin Hosseinzadeh, Peter Blanchard, Edo Berger (Harvard CfA)
Found in an anonymous galaxy at R.A. = 20h38m06s.431, Decl. = +06°40'59".38
Located 0".0 east and 0".0 north of the center of the host galaxy
Mag 20.0:5/31, Type IIP (z=0.133000)

AT2019lwp (= MASTER OT J183425.28+254920.9), TNS discovered 2019/07/24.042 by MASTER at R.A. = 18h34m25s.280, Decl. = +25°49'20".90 Mag 16.5:7/24, Type unknown

2019ltw (= ASASSN-19sj), ATEL 12998 discovered 2019/07/25.880 by All Sky Automated Survey for SuperNovae (ASAS-SN)
Found in CGCG 137-076 at R.A. = 16h18m38s.495, Decl. = +21°58'23".25
Located 0".4 west and 0".2 south of the center of CGCG 137-076 (Discovery image) (Joseph Brimacombe image) (Enrico Prosperi image)
Mag 17.0:7/25, Type IIb (z=0.016) (zhost=0.016077) (offset -17.3) (References: ATEL 12962, TNS AstroNote 2019-56)

AT2019ltv (= MASTER OT J133855.61+235305.5), TNS discovered 2019/07/20.955 by MASTER at R.A. = 13h38m55s.610, Decl. = +23°53'05".50 Mag 17.5:7/20, Type unknown

2019lsm (= ASASSN-19sf), ATEL 12998 discovered 2019/07/25.282 by All Sky Automated Survey for SuperNovae (ASAS-SN)
Found in an anonymous galaxy at R.A. = 14h35m02s.612, Decl. = +14°46'37".60
Located 7".0 east and 2".0 south of the center of host galaxy (Discovery image) (Joseph Brimacombe image) (Enrico Prosperi image)
Mag 18.6:8/6 (17.6:7/25), Type Ibn (z=0.041) (zhost=0.041680) (offset -18.4) (References: AstroNote 2019-58, TNS, ATEL 12978)

2019lrj (= DLT19g) (= Gaia20bes), TNS discovered 2019/07/24.198 by DLT40
Found in an anonymous galaxy at R.A. = 20h18m37s.910, Decl. = -54°00'24".16
Located 9".4 west and 0".2 north of the center of host galaxy
Mag 17.4:3/6, Type Ia (z=0.051) (zhost=0.043000) (References: Gaia observations)

2019lrb (= ASASSN-19sb) (= Gaia19dhq), ATEL 12998 discovered 2019/07/21.760 by All Sky Automated Survey for SuperNovae (ASAS-SN)
Found in MRK 0784 at R.A. = 13h07m03s.010, Decl. = +13°04'29".65
Located 0".3 east and 0".3 north of the center of MRK 0784 (Discovery image)
Mag 17.6:8/2 (17.1:7/21), Type Ic (zhost=0.027439) (offset -18.4) (References: AstroNote 2019-50, TNS, Gaia observations)

AT2019lqr (= ASASSN-19rw), TNS discovered 2019/07/22.130 by All Sky Automated Survey for SuperNovae (ASAS-SN)
Found in an anonymous galaxy at R.A. = 12h04m48s.343, Decl. = +47°14'09".28
Located 11".8 east and 4".4 north of the center of host galaxy
Mag 17.1:7/22, Type unknown (zhost=0.024178)

2019lqo (= Gaia19dcu), TNS discovered 2019/07/21.315 by Gaia Photometric Science Alerts programme
Found in NGC 3690 at R.A. = 11h28m32s.460, Decl. = +58°33'44".82
Located 1".3 east and 1".8 north of the center of NGC 3690
Mag 18.3:7/21, Type II (z=0.010300) (References: ATEL 12961, Gaia observations; SN 2010P, 2010O, 2005U, 1999D, 1998T, 1993G, 1992bu)

2019llt (= ASASSN-19rv) (= Gaia19dgt), ATEL 12954 discovered 2019/07/20.150 by All Sky Automated Survey for SuperNovae (ASAS-SN)
Found in an anonymous galaxy at R.A. = 13h33m55s.472, Decl. = +29°33'25".73
Located 0".0 east and 0".3 south of the center of host galaxy (Discovery image) (Joseph Brimacombe image)
Mag 18.1:8/16 (16.7:7/31), Type Ia (zhost=0.037000) (References: AstroNote 2019-50, TNS, Gaia observations)

AT2019lis (= Gaia19czu), TNS discovered 2019/07/13.458 by Gaia Photometric Science Alerts programme
Found in ESO 492-G2 at R.A. = 07h11m40s.440, Decl. = -26°42'18".00
Located 0".0 west and 0".2 north of the center of ESO 492-G2
Mag 16.1:7/13, Type unknown (zhost=0.008639) (References: Gaia observations; SN 2009ag, 2005lr)

AT2019lcx (= ASASSN-19ro) (= Gaia19djz), ATEL 12954 discovered 2019/07/06.187 by All Sky Automated Survey for SuperNovae (ASAS-SN)
Found in an anonymous galaxy at R.A. = 04h58m57s.599, Decl. = -22°06'05".80
Located 2".4 west and 2".2 south of the center of host galaxy (Discovery image) (Joseph Brimacombe image)
Mag 17.3:7/14, Type Ia (z=0.0395) (References: ATEL 12973, TNS, Gaia observations)

AT2019lbs (= MASTER OT J162922.93+544537.5), TNS discovered 2019/07/06.897 by MASTER at R.A. = 16h29m22s.930, Decl. = +54°45'37".50 Mag 18.2:7/6, Type unknown

AT2019lbm (= MASTER OT J220722.71-800608.8), TNS discovered 2019/07/13.301 by MASTER at R.A. = 22h07m22s.710, Decl. = -80°06'08".80 Mag 16.7:7/13, Type unknown

2019lbi (= ATLAS19pbu), AstroNotes 2019-46 discovered 2019/07/12.258 by ATLAS
Found in anonymous galaxy at R.A. = 12h40m21s.143, Decl. = +01°16'26".45
Located 14".93 east and 2".63 north of the center of the host galaxy
Mag 17.1:7/12, Type II (z=0.013) (zhost=0.01585) (References: TNS)

AT2019lbj (= MASTER OT J113043.63-464844.0), TNS discovered 2019/07/10.816 by MASTER at R.A. = 11h30m43s.630, Decl. = -46°48'44".00 Mag 18.2:7/10, Type unknown

AT2019kys (= SAGUARO19c), TNS discovered 2019/07/09.240 by David Sand, Wen-fai Fong, Kerry Paterson, Michael Lundquist (SAGUARO)
Found in UGC 10217 at R.A. = 16h07m40s.078, Decl. = +22°20'41".59
Located 6".2 east and 10".4 north of the center of UGC 10217
Mag 19.8:7/9, Type unknown (zhost=0.044800)

AT2019kvw (= SNhunt424), TNS discovered 2019/06/25.455 by Catalina Real-Time Transient Survey and Mirco Villi
Found in UGC 12545 at R.A. = 23h21m42s.168, Decl. = +27°04'22".44
Located 3".4 east and 7".8 north of the center of UGC 12545 (Discovery image)
Mag 20.9:6/25, Type unknown (zhost=0.019200)

2019krv (= ATLAS19ooz), TNS discovered 2019/07/07.456 by ATLAS
Found in NGC 7236 at R.A. = 22h14m43s.884, Decl. = +13°51'53".11
Located 16".1 west and 65".7 north of the center of NGC 7236 (Enrico Prosperi image) (Luca Grazzini image) (Marco Russiani image) (Enrico Prosperi image) (Enrico Prosperi image) (Kopernik image)
Mag 17.6:8/10 (16.4:7/25), Type Ia (z=0.026170) (zhost=0.026282)

AT2019ksa (= ASASSN-19rf) (= Gaia19cyt), ATEL 12954 discovered 2019/07/07.720 by All Sky Automated Survey for SuperNovae (ASAS-SN)
Found in an anonymous galaxy at R.A. = 12h13m30s.488, Decl. = -42°39'37".26
Located 3".9 west and 14".2 south of the center of host galaxy (Discovery image) (Joseph Brimacombe image)
Mag 17.7:8/16 (15.7:7/11), Type unknown (zhost=0.016000) (References: TNS, Gaia observations)

AT2019krm (= MASTER OT J025255.76+421430.4), TNS discovered 2019/07/05.952 by MASTER
Found in an anonymous galaxy at R.A. = 02h52m55s.760, Decl. = +42°14'30".40
Located 0".0 east and 0".0 north of the center of the host galaxy
Mag 17.3:7/5, Type unknown

2019krl (= ZTF19abehwhj), TNS discovered 2019/07/06.454 by Zwicky Transient Facility (ZTF)
Found in M74 at R.A. = 01h36m49s.629, Decl. = +15°46'46".07
Located 113".8 east and 15".1 south of the center of M74
Mag 21.0:7/6, Type IIn/LBV (zhost=0.002192) (References: ATEL 12913, ATEL 12934, ZTF observations; SN 2013ej, 2003gd, 2002ap)

AT2019krg (= GSNST-19ag), TNS discovered 2019/07/07.041 by GSNST
Found in an anonymous galaxy at R.A. = 17h59m09s.913, Decl. = +63°32'14".51
Located 0".3 east and 0".7 south of the center of host galaxy (Rohit Chinchwadkar image)
Mag 17.1:7/11, Type unknown (References: AstroNote 2019-44)

AT2019knz (= PS19dlm), AstroNote 2019-43 discovered 2019/07/03.324 by PS1 Science consortium
Found in IC 1048 at R.A. = 14h42m59s.275, Decl. = +04°53'04".45
Located 23".47 east and 34".26 south of the center of IC 1048 Mag 22.2:7/3 (22.1:7/3), Type unknown (offset 25.8) (Discovery image) (References: TNS)

2019khq (= PS19did) (= ZTF19abalqkq), AstroNote 2019-42 discovered 2019/07/02.312 by PS1 Science consortium
Found in UGC 11003 at R.A. = 17h50m41s.757, Decl. = +14°49'26".37
Located 1" west and 8" north of the center of the UGC 11003 Mag 19.9:7/2 (19.9:7/2), Type II (z=0.01356) (offset 8.1) (Discovery image) (References: TNS, ZTF observations)

2019knu (= ASASSN-19qx), ATEL 12954 discovered 2019/07/05.400 by All Sky Automated Survey for SuperNovae (ASAS-SN)
Found in an anonymous galaxy at R.A. = 03h17m52s.678, Decl. = -07°18'11".89
Located 1".0 west and 7".1 south of the center of host galaxy (Discovery image) (Joseph Brimacombe image)
Mag 17.0:7/5, Type IIn (z=0.03) (zhost=0.017062) (References: ATEL 12929, TNS)

2019knt (= ASASSN-19qw) (= Gaia19dad), ATEL 12954 discovered 2019/07/03.800 by All Sky Automated Survey for SuperNovae (ASAS-SN)
Found in ESO 375-G70 at R.A. = 10h35m50s.294, Decl. = -34°16'22".48
Located 10".6 west and 10".9 south of the center of ESO 375-G70 (Discovery image)
Mag 15.1:7/13, Type Ia (zhost=0.012826) (References: ATEL 12954, TNS, Gaia observations, AstroNotes 2019-49)

2019klf (= ASASSN-19qu) (= Gaia19dcj), ATEL 12954 discovered 2019/07/04.187 by All Sky Automated Survey for SuperNovae (ASAS-SN)
Found in PGC 285584 at R.A. = 22h13m18s.865, Decl. = -68°28'33".26
Located 0".0 east and 0".0 north of the center of PGC 285584 (Discovery image)
Mag 17.7:7/18 (17.7:7/4), Type Ia (z=0.037) (References: ATEL 12929, TNS, Gaia observations)

AT2019khk (= ASASSN-19qt), ATEL 12954 discovered 2019/07/03.960 by All Sky Automated Survey for SuperNovae (ASAS-SN)
Found in an anonymous galaxy at R.A. = 09h47m40s.256, Decl. = -14°11'13".31
Located 0".1 east and 1".8 south of the center of host galaxy (Discovery image) (Joseph Brimacombe image)
Mag 16.0:7/4, Type unknown (References: TNS)

2019khf (= ASASSN-19qr) (= Gaia19dob), ATEL 12954 discovered 2019/07/03.030 by All Sky Automated Survey for SuperNovae (ASAS-SN)
Found in TOLOLO 00091 at R.A. = 11h41m27s.530, Decl. = -38°38'03".10
Located 7".0 east and 2".8 south of the center of TOLOLO 00091 (Discovery image) (Joseph Brimacombe image)
Mag 15.3:7/12, Type Ia (zhost=0.013756) (References: TNS, AstroNotes 2019-49, Gaia observations)

AT2019klp (= MASTER OT J221114.39-193127.6), TNS discovered 2019/07/04.005 by MASTER
Found in an anonymous galaxy at R.A. = 22h11m14s.390, Decl. = -19°31'27".60
Located 0".0 east and 0".0 north of the center of the host galaxy
Mag 19.7:7/4, Type unknown

AT2019kow, TNS discovered 2019/07/05.915 by BraTS
Found in an anonymous galaxy at R.A. = 14h44m24s.430, Decl. = -47°44'41".60
Located 0".0 east and 0".0 north of the center of the host galaxy
Mag 17.8:7/5, Type unknown

2019kep (= ATLAS19oil) (= Gaia19dhx), AstroNote 2019-40 discovered 2019/07/02.592 by ATLAS
Found in MCG -2-4-5 at R.A. = 01h10m20s.421, Decl. = -09°34'29".02
Located 5".6 west and 18".7 south of the center of MCG -2-4-5
Mag 18.7:8/3 (18.0:7/2), Type IIn (z=0.02388) (References: TNS, Gaia observations)

AT2019kae, TNS discovered 2019/07/01.187 by R. Gagliano, R. Post, E. Weinberg, Jack Newton, and Tim Puckett
Found in IC 1093 at R.A. = 15h07m35s.500, Decl. = +14°32'42".80
Located 2".0 west and 10".0 south of the center of IC 1093 (Discovery image)
Mag 19.1:7/1, Type unknown (zhost=0.044614)

2019jyw (= ZTF19abcekty), TNS discovered 2019/06/28.444 by Zwicky Transient Facility (ZTF)
Found in MCG +0-3-73 at R.A. = 01h06m30s.220, Decl. = -02°11'56".32
Located 0".0 east and 0".0 north of the center of MCG +0-3-73 (Enrico Prosperi image)
Mag 16.5:8/10 (15.9:6/28), Type II (z=0.011638) (References: ZTF observations)

AT2019jyx (= MASTER OT J203459.47+015306.8), TNS discovered 2019/06/30.301 by MASTER robotic Net
Found in an anonymous galaxy at R.A. = 20h34m59s.470, Decl. = +01°53'06".80
Located 0".0 east and 0".0 north of the center of the host galaxy (Enrico Prosperi image unconfirmed)
Mag 16.2:6/30, Type unknown

AT2019ikp (= ASASSN-19qo), ATEL 12901 discovered 2019/06/23.160 by All Sky Automated Survey for SuperNovae (ASAS-SN)
Found in PGC 5806890 at R.A. = 12h12m13s.013, Decl. = -59°00'30".62
Located 0".0 east and 0".0 north of the center of PGC 5806890 (Discovery image) (Joseph Brimacombe image)
Mag 17.2:6/23, Type unknown (zhost=0.017362) (References: TNS)

AT2019ijf (= ASASSN-19qm) (= Gaia19czp), ATEL 12901 discovered 2019/06/12.019 by All Sky Automated Survey for SuperNovae (ASAS-SN)
Found in an anonymous galaxy at R.A. = 11h52m11s.947, Decl. = -34°24'46".19
Located 9".8 west and 3".9 south of the center of host galaxy (Discovery image) (Joseph Brimacombe image)
Mag 17.8:6/28, Type unknown (zhost=0.043440) (References: TNS, Gaia observations)

AT2019ihd, TNS discovered 2019/06/26.699 by Berto Monard
Found in NGC 2718 at R.A. = 08h58m49s.400, Decl. = +06°17'47".80
Located 15".9 west and 13".0 north of the center of NGC 2718
Mag 16.8:6/26, Type unknown (zhost=0.012819) (References: SN AT2002me)

2019igz (= ASASSN-19qg), ATEL 12901 discovered 2019/06/16.138 by All Sky Automated Survey for SuperNovae (ASAS-SN)
Found in PGC 83420 at R.A. = 10h59m41s.652, Decl. = +10°50'01".14
Located 3".7 west and 1".6 north of the center of PGC 83420 (Discovery image) (Joseph Brimacombe image)
Mag 18.0:6/16, Type Ia (z=0.035) (zhost=0.034570) (References: TNS)

2019ifm (= Gaia19cus), TNS discovered 2019/06/26.354 by R. Gagliano, R. Post, E. Weinberg, Jack Newton, and Tim Puckett
Found in UGC 10839 at R.A. = 17h23m41s.300, Decl. = +52°00'36".60
Located 0".3 west and 3".3 south of the center of UGC 10839 (Discovery image) (Andrea Mantero image)
Mag 17.8:7/3, Type II (zhost=0.024070) (References: ATEL 12896, Gaia observations)

2019iex (= SAGUARO19b) (= Gaia19dce) (= PS19dcr) (= SNhunt423), TNS discovered 2019/06/26.457 by David Sand, Wen-fai Fong, Kerry Paterson, Michael Lundquist (SAGUARO)
Found in NGC 7769 at R.A. = 23h51m03s.612, Decl. = +20°08'43".69
Located 5".0 west and 17".8 south of the center of NGC 7769 (Mishevskiy Nikolay image) (Luca Grazzini image) (Ken'ichi Nishimura image) (Jordi Camarasa image) (Gertlin Hoop image color) (Markus Bütikofer image color)
Mag 17.2:8/4 (16.3:7/2), Type II (zhost=0.014046) (References: ATEL 12896, Gaia observations)

AT2019idu (= SNhunt422), TNS discovered 2019/06/23.182 by Catalina Real-Time Transient Survey and Nikolay Mishevskiy
Found in NGC 5301 at R.A. = 13h46m20s.448, Decl. = +46°07'41".52
Located 43".9 west and 76".1 north of the center of NGC 5301 (Discovery image)
Mag 20.9:6/23, Type unknown (zhost=0.005000) (References: SN 2009at)

2019icv (= ATLAS19nsb), TNS discovered 2019/06/24.151 by Stu Parker (BOSS)
Found in IC 5186 at R.A. = 22h18m46s.109, Decl. = -36°48'04".86 (= ESO 405-G7)
Located 3".9 west and 2".7 south of the center of IC 5186 (Discovery image)
Mag 16.0:6/24, Type Ia (z=0.02) (zhost=0.016405) (References: AstroNotes 2019-55)

AT2019iat (= ATLAS19nqj), TNS discovered 2019/06/24.269 by ATLAS
Found in CGCG 010-017 at R.A. = 10h48m04s.651, Decl. = -01°55'47".70
Located 1".5 west and 8".9 south of the center of CGCG 010-017
Mag 15.5:6/24, Type unknown (zhost=0.037689)

2019hyk (= ASASSN-19pt) (= ATLAS19nqt) (= ZTF19abajxet) (= Gaia19edz), ATEL 12901 discovered 2019/06/22.349 by All Sky Automated Survey for SuperNovae (ASAS-SN)
Found in IC 4397 at R.A. = 14h17m57s.895, Decl. = +26°25'17".43
Located 10".7 west and 32".1 north of the center of IC 4397 (Discovery image) (Andrea Mantero image) (Rafael G. Farfán image) (Gianpiero Locatelli image) (Gregor Krannich image) (Enrico Prosperi image) (Cedric Raguenaud image) (Joseph Brimacombe image) (Gregor Krannich image) (Gianluca Masi image) (Gerhard Dangl image) (Enrico Prosperi image) (Enrico Prosperi image)
Mag 17.5:9/16 (15.6:7/1), Type II (zhost=0.014744) (References: TNS, ZTF observations, Gaia observations; SN 2018dbg)

AT2019hxc (= ATLAS19nkr), AstroNet 2019-36 discovered 2019/06/21.248 by ATLAS
Found in ESO 571-G6 at R.A. = 11h35m22s.843, Decl. = -21°42'54".91
Located 10".66 east and 2".77 south of the center of ESO 571-G6
Mag 17.2:6/21, Type Ia-91T (z=0.012158) (References: ATEL 12884, TNS)

2019hvv (= ATLAS19njc) (= Gaia19cnj), AstroNote 2019-35 discovered 2019/06/20.562 by ATLAS
Found in MCG -1-4-16 at R.A. = 01h14m24s.368, Decl. = -07°28'31".68
Located 16".24 west and 9".72 north of the center of MCG -1-4-16 (Enrico Prosperi image)
Mag 17.0:8/10, Type Ia (zhost=0.018) (References: TNS, Gaia observations)

2019hsx (= ZTF19aawqcgy) (= 2014ga), TNS discovered 2019/06/02.330 by Zwicky Transient Facility (ZTF)
Found in NGC 6621 at R.A. = 18h12m56s.219, Decl. = +68°21'45".21
Located 5".0 east and 3".2 south of the center of NGC 6621
Mag 18.0:6/17, Type Ic-BL (z=0.020652) (References: ZTF observations; SN 2010hi)

2019hsw (= ASASSN-19pn), ATEL 12901 discovered 2019/06/18.130 by All Sky Automated Survey for SuperNovae (ASAS-SN)
Found in NGC 2805 at R.A. = 09h20m33s.763, Decl. = +64°04'22".77
Located 87".5 east and 107".2 south of the center of NGC 2805 (Discovery image) (A. Mantero image) (G. Locatelli image) (G. Locatelli image) (Gianluca Masi image) (Paolo Campaner image) (Stan Howerton image) (Giancarlo Cortini image) (Rodrigo Losada image) (Joseph Brimacombe image)
Mag 15.1:6/25 (15.1:6/20), Type II (z=0.0055) (zhost=0.005779) (References: ATEL 12877, TNS)

AT2019hsc (= MASTER OT J151544.20-713558.4), TNS discovered 2019/06/14.798 by MASTER robotic Net at R.A. = 15h15m44s.200, Decl. = -71°35'58".40 Mag 17.5:6/14, Type unknown

AT2019hsb (= ASASSN-19pm), TNS discovered 2019/06/17.010 by All Sky Automated Survey for SuperNovae (ASAS-SN)
Found in an anonymous galaxy at R.A. = 12h13m05s.095, Decl. = +05°41'23".64
Located 0".1 west and 0".8 north of the center of host galaxy (Enrico Prosperi image)
Mag 16.7:6/24 (16.6:6/17), Type unknown (zhost=0.083004)

2019hoc (= ATLAS19nfk) (= Gaia19cvv), TNS discovered 2019/06/15.473 by ATLAS
Found in anonymous galaxy at R.A. = 17h16m24s.950, Decl. = +36°06'50".83
Located 0".0 east and 0".0 north of the center of the host galaxy (Claudio Balcon image)
Mag 17.7:7/23 (16.8:7/5), Type Ia (z=0.04) (References: Gaia observations)

AT2019hnp (= MASTER OT J130242.44-692147.7), TNS discovered 2019/06/14.001 by MASTER robotic Net at R.A. = 13h02m42s.440, Decl. = -69°21'47".70 Mag 16.5:6/14, Type unknown

2019hnl (= ATLAS19ndl) (= Gaia19cjq), AstroNote 2019-34 discovered 2019/06/14.569 by ATLAS
Found in SS2b312.003 at R.A. = 23h43m10s.236, Decl. = -02°56'58".72
Located 15".64 west and 21".29 north of the center of SS2b312.003 (Enrico Prosperi image)
Mag 18.4:6/15, Type II (z=0.022869) (References: TNS, Gaia observations)

AT2019hmp (= ASASSN-19pk), ATEL 12901 discovered 2019/06/14.110 by All Sky Automated Survey for SuperNovae (ASAS-SN)
Found in an anonymous galaxy at R.A. = 18h21m33s.197, Decl. = -49°33'52".49
Located 0".0 east and 0".0 north of the center of the host galaxy (Discovery image) (Joseph Brimacombe image)
Mag 16.4:6/14, Type unknown (zhost=0.061089) (References: TNS)

2019hlv (= ASASSN-19pj), ATEL 12901 discovered 2019/06/12.180 by All Sky Automated Survey for SuperNovae (ASAS-SN)
Found in an anonymous galaxy at R.A. = 19h40m27s.919, Decl. = -51°01'10".30
Located 0".0 east and 0".0 north of the center of the host galaxy (Discovery image) (Joseph Brimacombe image) (R Santallo image) (Roland Santallo image)
Mag 17.4:7/1 (17.0:6/12), Type Ia (z=0.043) (References: ATEL 12909, TNS)

AT2019hlq (= MASTER OT J130356.36-433229.5), TNS discovered 2019/06/07.812 by MASTER robotic Net at R.A. = 13h03m56s.360, Decl. = -43°32'29".50 Mag 17.7:6/7, Type unknown

AT2019hlp (= MASTER OT J133646.72-454952.3), TNS discovered 2019/06/12.766 by MASTER robotic Net at R.A. = 13h36m46s.720, Decl. = -45°49'52".30 Mag 17.3:6/12, Type unknown

AT2019hlo (= MASTER OT J183709.85-521359.3), TNS discovered 2019/06/10.232 by MASTER robotic Net at R.A. = 18h37m09s.850, Decl. = -52°13'59".30 Mag 16.7:6/10, Type unknown

AT2019hiy (= ATLAS19muh), AstroNote 2019-32 discovered 2019/06/11.406 by ATLAS
Found in an anonymous galaxy at R.A. = 18h39m49s.457, Decl. = -38°09'14".97
Located 0".2 east and 2".17 north of the center of the host galaxy
Mag 18.0:6/11, Type unknown (zhost=0.015574) (References: TNS)

AT2019hhk, TNS discovered 2019/06/10.569 by Tsinghua-NAOC Transient Survey (TNTS)
Found in IC 1071 at R.A. = 14h54m12s.520, Decl. = +04°44'59".40
Located 0".0 east and 0".0 north of the center of IC 1071 (Enrico Prosperi image)
Mag 15.4:6/16, Type unknown (zhost=0.027692) (References: VSnet observations)

2019hgp (= ZTF19aayejww), AstroNote 2019-30 discovered 2019/06/08.242 by ATLAS
Found in anonymous galaxy at R.A. = 15h36m12s.874, Decl. = +39°44'00".56
Located 0".0 east and 0".0 north of the center of the host galaxy
Mag 20.2:6/8, Type Icn (z=0.0641) (References: AstroNote 2021-76, TNS, ZTF observations)

AT2019heg, TNS discovered 2019/06/09.198 by R. Gagliano, R. Post, E. Weinberg, Jack Newton, and Tim Puckett
Found in UGC 8653 at R.A. = 13h40m21s.230, Decl. = +31°23'01".90
Located 0".0 east and 0".0 north of the center of UGC 8653 (Discovery image)
Mag 19.2:6/9, Type unknown (zhost=0.035422)

AT2019hef (= MASTER OT J182528.48-454703.4), TNS discovered 2019/06/08.827 by MASTER robotic Net at R.A. = 18h25m28s.480, Decl. = -45°47'03".40 Mag 16.8:6/8, Type unknown

AT2019hcy (= ATLAS19mhd), AstroNote 2019-28 discovered 2019/06/09.456 by ATLAS
Found in ESO 337-IG1 at R.A. = 18h55m34s.458, Decl. = -41°44'31".49
Located 2".50 west and 3".40 south of the center of ESO 337-IG1
Mag 18.6:6/9, Type unknown (z=0.019) (References: TNS)

2019hcn (= ASASSN-19or) (= Gaia19csz), ATEL 12864 discovered 2019/06/08.180 by All Sky Automated Survey for SuperNovae (ASAS-SN)
Found in PGC 217162 at R.A. = 13h15m31s.702, Decl. = -86°04'07".03
Located 0".0 east and 0".0 north of the center of PGC 217162 (Discovery image) (Joseph Brimacombe image)
Mag 17.6:6/29 (17.5:6/8), Type II (z=0.018) (References: ATEL 12861, TNS, Gaia observations)

AT2019hcm (= ASASSN-19oq) (= Gaia19cmu), ATEL 12863 discovered 2019/06/08.600 by All Sky Automated Survey for SuperNovae (ASAS-SN)
Found in KUG 0140+310 at R.A. = 01h43m14s.882, Decl. = +31°18'26".17
Located 0".0 east and 0".0 north of the center of KUG 0140+310 (Discovery image) (Enrico Prosperi image unconfirmed)
Mag 18.0:6/19 (17.2:6/8), Type unknown (References: TNS, Gaia observations)

2019hcg (= ASASSN-19op), ATEL 12863 discovered 2019/06/07.390 by All Sky Automated Survey for SuperNovae (ASAS-SN)
Found in an anonymous galaxy at R.A. = 16h04m43s.319, Decl. = +27°57'11".64
Located 0".0 east and 0".0 north of the center of the host galaxy (Discovery image)
Mag 18.3:6/7, Type Ia (zhost=0.077296) (References: TNS)

2019hbt, TNS discovered 2019/06/06.905 by S. Leonini, M. Conti, P. Rosi and L.M. Tinjaca Ramirez (ISSP)
Found in UGC 8685 at R.A. = 13h43m10s.290, Decl. = +30°20'36".40
Located 18".5 east and 21".1 north of the center of UGC 8685 (Discovery image) (Giancarlo Favero image) (Manfred Mrotzek image)
Mag 18.9:6/6, Type II (z=0.034) (zhost=0.034814) (References: ATEL 12852; SN 1993ak)

2019has (= ASASSN-19ol) (= Gaia19crw), TNS discovered 2019/06/07.426 by Stu Parker (BOSS)
Found in PGC 133907 at R.A. = 02h46m55s.181, Decl. = -24°48'24".01
Located 16".6 west and 9".0 north of the center of PGC 133907 (ASASSN image)
Mag 15.9:6/27, Type Ia (z=0.022) (zhost=0.022080) (References: ATEL 12852, ATEL 12863, Gaia observations)

2019gxa (= ASASSN-19oi), ATEL 12863 discovered 2019/06/04.419 by All Sky Automated Survey for SuperNovae (ASAS-SN)
Found in an anonymous galaxy at R.A. = 23h53m51s.785, Decl. = -40°01'20".03
Located 0".0 east and 0".0 north of the center of the host galaxy (Discovery image) (Joseph Brimacombe image)
Mag 17.4:6/4, Type Ia (z=0.04) (zhost=0.040000) (References: ATEL 12852, TNS)

2019geb (= ZTF19aavnwtf) (= ASASSN-19of) (= AT2019gvs), TNS discovered 2019/05/28.270 by Zwicky Transient Facility (ZTF)
Found in an anonymous galaxy at R.A. = 10h23m20s.246, Decl. = +41°23'41".58
Located 0".0 east and 0".0 north of the center of the host galaxy (ASASSN image)
Mag 18.0:5/31, Type Ia (z=0.0515) (zhost=0.051485) (References: ATEL 12863, ATEL 12865, ZTF observations)

2019gvp (= ATLAS19mco), AstroNote 2019-24 discovered 2019/06/03.419 by ATLAS
Found in ESO 453-G3 at R.A. = 16h46m35s.521, Decl. = -31°35'31".28
Located 1".02 east and 8".51 south of the center of ESO 453-G3
Mag 19.4:6/3, Type Ib (z=0.015) (References: ATEL 12856, TNS)

2019gvo (= ASASSN-19oe), ATEL 12863 discovered 2019/06/01.140 by All Sky Automated Survey for SuperNovae (ASAS-SN)
Found in an anonymous galaxy at R.A. = 00h54m31s.012, Decl. = -49°08'52".22
Located 0".0 east and 0".0 north of the center of the host galaxy (Discovery image)
Mag 18.1:6/1, Type Ia (z=0.05) (References: ATEL 12852, TNS)

AT2019gvm (= MASTER OT J215411.42-651801.3), ATEL 12834 discovered 2019/06/02.968 by MASTER robotic Net at R.A. = 21h54m11s.420, Decl. = -65°18'01".30 Mag 17.8:6/2, Type unknown (Discovery image) (References: TNS)

AT2019guc (= Gaia19cau), TNS discovered 2019/06/01.592 by Gaia Photometric Science Alerts programme
Found in NGC 2258 at R.A. = 06h47m49s.790, Decl. = +74°29'45".96
Located 16".0 east and 52".0 north of the center of NGC 2258 (Giancarlo Cortini image)
Mag 16.7:6/1, Type unknown (zhost=0.013539) (References: Gaia observations; SN 1997E)

2019gtv (= MASTER OT J120315.71-525727.2), ATEL 12834 discovered 2019/06/03.057 by MASTER robotic Net
Found in LEDA 3074107 at R.A. = 12h03m15s.710, Decl. = -52°57'27".20
Located 1".1 east and 6".3 south of the center of LEDA 3074107 (Discovery image)
Mag 17.7:6/3, Type Ia (z=0.042) (References: ATEL 12862, TNS)

AT2019grp (= ASASSN-19nz), ATEL 12901 discovered 2019/06/02.430 by All Sky Automated Survey for SuperNovae (ASAS-SN)
Found in LEDA 128589 at R.A. = 02h49m46s.510, Decl. = -55°37'32".58
Located 0".0 east and 0".0 north of the center of LEDA 128589 (Discovery image)
Mag 17.9:6/2, Type unknown (zhost=0.021245) (References: TNS)

2019gqv (= ASASSN-19ny) (= Gaia19cah), ATEL 12835 discovered 2019/06/01.740 by All Sky Automated Survey for SuperNovae (ASAS-SN)
Found in ESO 35-G17 at R.A. = 07h50m19s.310, Decl. = -72°52'34".79
Located 1".1 east and 6".2 south of the center of ESO 35-G17 (Discovery image)
Mag 16.7:6/1, Type Ia (z=0.017) (zhost=0.017549) (References: ATEL 12845, TNS, Gaia observations; SN OGLE-2013-SN-099)

2019gql (= ASASSN-19nx), ATEL 12863 discovered 2019/06/01.120 by All Sky Automated Survey for SuperNovae (ASAS-SN)
Found in an anonymous galaxy at R.A. = 00h51m40s.845, Decl. = -13°19'05".37
Located 0".0 east and 0".0 north of the center of the host galaxy (Discovery image) (Joseph Brimacombe image)
Mag 17.4:6/1, Type II (z=0.021) (References: ATEL 12852, TNS)

2019gqk (= ASASSN-19nw) (= Gaia19chr), ATEL 12863 discovered 2019/05/29.610 by All Sky Automated Survey for SuperNovae (ASAS-SN)
Found in CGCG 536-010 at R.A. = 00h55m51s.793, Decl. = +43°29'23".76
Located 0".0 east and 0".0 north of the center of CGCG 536-010 (Discovery image)
Mag 17.4:6/14 (17.2:5/29), Type IIP (z=0.013) (References: TNS, Gaia observations)

2019gfb (= ASASSN-19nv), ATEL 12863 discovered 2019/05/30.600 by All Sky Automated Survey for SuperNovae (ASAS-SN)
Found in an anonymous galaxy at R.A. = 23h47m25s.868, Decl. = +00°56'58".11
Located 0".0 east and 0".0 north of the center of the host galaxy (Discovery image) (Joseph Brimacombe image)
Mag 17.2:5/30, Type Ia (z=0.027) (zhost=0.027482) (References: ATEL 12828, TNS)

AT2019gdy (= MASTER OT J171438.08-585400.2), TNS discovered 2019/05/30.245 by MASTER robotic Net at R.A. = 17h14m38s.080, Decl. = -58°54'00".20 Mag 15.2:5/30, Type unknown

AT2019gdw (= MASTER OT J080207.73+352847.7), TNS discovered 2019/05/30.765 by MASTER robotic Net at R.A. = 08h02m07s.730, Decl. = +35°28'47".70 Mag 16.7:5/30, Type unknown

AT2019gdx (= ATLAS19lxo), TNS discovered 2019/05/30.564 by ATLAS
Found in ESO 464-G19 at R.A. = 21h03m24s.467, Decl. = -27°51'32".60
Located 3".94 east and 15".94 south of the center of ESO 464-G19
Mag 19.1:5/30, Type unknown (zhost=0.019520) (References: AstroNote 2019-20)

AT2019gdj (= Gaia19bze), TNS discovered 2019/05/28.323 by Gaia Photometric Science Alerts programme
Found in UGC 11404 at R.A. = 19h07m03s.820, Decl. = +29°00'12".17
Located 0".0 east and 0".0 north of the center of UGC 11404 (Enrico Prosperi image) (Enrico Prosperi image) (Enrico Prosperi image) (Enrico Prosperi image)
Mag 18.3:8/29, Type unknown (zhost=0.013062) (References: Gaia observations; SN 2012gj)

2019gcd (= SNhunt421), TNS and Mirco Villi discovered 2019/05/29.440 by Catalina Real-Time Transient Survey
Found in UGC 11852 at R.A. = 21h55m58s.032, Decl. = +27°53'56".40
Located 16".9 west and 2".1 north of the center of UGC 11852 (Discovery image) (Enrico Prosperi image) (Enrico Prosperi image)
Mag 19.3:8/10 (18.8:5/29), Type Ia-pec (z=0.019) (zhost=0.019513)

2019gcc (= ASASSN-19ns), ATEL 12819 discovered 2019/05/26.319 by All Sky Automated Survey for SuperNovae (ASAS-SN)
Found in UGC 10905 at R.A. = 17h34m06s.404, Decl. = +25°20'38".31
Located 0".3 east and 0".2 north of the center of UGC 10905 (Discovery image) (Enrico Prosperi image)
Mag 17.1:5/26, Type Ia (z=0.026) (zhost=0.026161) (References: TNS)

AT2019gbz, TNS discovered 2019/05/29.200 by Berto Monard
Found in IC 1734 at R.A. = 01h49m21s.210, Decl. = -32°43'03".40
Located 0".0 east and 0".0 north of the center of IC 1734
Mag 15.9:5/29, Type unknown

2019gbx (= ATLAS19ltg) (= Gaia19clb), TNS discovered 2019/05/29.335 by ATLAS
Found in MCG -2-33-17 at R.A. = 12h50m02s.804, Decl. = -14°46'00".23
Located 27".06 west and 119".83 south of the center of MCG -2-33-17
Mag 14.9:6/17, Type Ia (z=0.013) (zhost=0.013059) (References: ATEL 12823, AstroNote 2019-19, Gaia observations; SN 2008io)

AT2019gbt (= Gaia19cdt) (= ATLAS19ltp), TNS discovered 2019/05/28.880 by GOTO
Found in UGC 4722 at R.A. = 09h00m23s.880, Decl. = +25°36'51".16
Located 4".6 east and 10".5 north of the center of UGC 4722 (Stan Howerton image) (Claudio Balcon image)
Mag 14.8:6/13, Type unknown (zhost=0.005980) (References: Gaia observations)

2019gak (= ASASSN-19nq), ATEL 12819 discovered 2019/05/21.356 by All Sky Automated Survey for SuperNovae (ASAS-SN)
Found in an anonymous galaxy at R.A. = 17h50m29s.555, Decl. = -65°37'21".46
Located 0".7 east and 1".6 south of the center of host galaxy (Discovery image)
Mag 17.6:5/21, Type Ia (z=0.045) (References: TNS)

AT2019gac (= MASTER OT J173045.95-344454.7), TNS discovered 2019/05/27.325 by MASTER robotic Net at R.A. = 17h30m45s.950, Decl. = -34°44'54".70 Mag 16.5:5/27, Type unknown

2019fzm (= ASASSN-19nn) (= Gaia19crx), ATEL 12819 discovered 2019/05/27.310 by All Sky Automated Survey for SuperNovae (ASAS-SN)
Found in CGCG 020-034 at R.A. = 14h56m32s.874, Decl. = -02°06'23".06
Located 4".1 west and 0".0 north of the center of CGCG 020-034 (Discovery image) (Joseph Brimacombe image) (Masanori Mizutani image) (Enrico Prosperi image) (Enrico Prosperi image)
Mag > 18.0:8/14 (17.1:6/27), Type Ia (z=0.023) (zhost=0.023129) (References: ATEL 12828, TNS, Gaia observations)

2019fzl (= PTSS-19cmsa), TNS discovered 2019/05/26.639 by PMO-Tsinghua Supernova Survey (PTSS)
Found in an anonymous galaxy at R.A. = 15h27m06s.270, Decl. = +02°34'27".97
Located 0".0 east and 0".0 north of the center of the host galaxy
Mag 19.4:5/26, Type Ia (z=0.083) (References: ATEL 12810)

2019fyw (= ASASSN-19nm) (= Gaia19cmh), ATEL 12819 discovered 2019/05/25.319 by All Sky Automated Survey for SuperNovae (ASAS-SN)
Found in CGCG 016-002 at R.A. = 13h07m18s.461, Decl. = +02°00'11".55
Located 7".5 west and 1".6 south of the center of CGCG 016-002 (Discovery image) (Joseph Brimacombe image) (Rafael G. Farfán image) (Enrico Prosperi image)
Mag 17.3:6/20 (17.1:6/1), Type II (z=0.01943) (zhost=0.019430) (References: TNS, VSnet observations, Gaia observations)

2019fya (= Gaia19dbw), TNS discovered 2019/05/24.769 by Koichi Itagaki
Found in NGC 7549 at R.A. = 23h15m16s.120, Decl. = +19°02'30".20
Located 15".7 west and 0".1 north of the center of NGC 7549 (Discovery image) (Yasuo Sano image) (Yasuo Sano image) (Luca Grazzini image) (Enrico Prosperi image) (Jordi Camarasa image) (Enrico Prosperi image) (Enrico Prosperi image) (Enrico Prosperi image)
Mag 16.7:8/22 (16.0:5/26), Type II (z=0.0158) (zhost=0.015799) (References: ATEL 12807, Gaia observations; SN 2009nq)

2019fxk (= ASASSN-19nk), ATEL 12819 discovered 2019/05/23.390 by All Sky Automated Survey for SuperNovae (ASAS-SN)
Found in an anonymous galaxy at R.A. = 00h52m12s.984, Decl. = -59°14'02".93
Located 0".6 west and 0".4 north of the center of host galaxy (Discovery image)
Mag 17.1:5/23, Type Ia (z=0.026) (References: TNS)

2019fum (= ASASSN-19ng) (= Gaia19ckq), ATEL 12819 discovered 2019/05/21.890 by All Sky Automated Survey for SuperNovae (ASAS-SN)
Found in an anonymous galaxy at R.A. = 12h41m12s.288, Decl. = -16°56'40".88
Located 0".0 east and 0".4 south of the center of host galaxy (Discovery image)
Mag 18.2:6/16 (17.1:5/21), Type Ia (zhost=0.035558) (References: TNS, Gaia observations)

AT2019fsj (= MASTER OT J195143.14-344906.0), TNS discovered 2019/05/15.383 by MASTER robotic Net at R.A. = 19h51m43s.140, Decl. = -34°49'06".00 Mag 16.8:5/15, Type unknown

AT2019fpo (= MASTER OT J204859.34-712538.9), TNS discovered 2019/05/18.770 by MASTER robotic Net at R.A. = 20h48m59s.340, Decl. = -71°25'38".90 Mag 16.6:5/18, Type unknown

2019fpc (= ASASSN-19nd), ATEL 12819 discovered 2019/05/18.390 by All Sky Automated Survey for SuperNovae (ASAS-SN)
Found in an anonymous galaxy at R.A. = 00h09m47s.627, Decl. = -57°59'50".20
Located 10".7 west and 2".1 south of the center of host galaxy (Discovery image) (Joseph Brimacombe image)
Mag 17.2:5/20 (16.7:5/18), Type Ia (z=0.037) (zhost=0.035745) (References: ATEL 12792, TNS)

AT2019fmr (= ASASSN-19nb) (= Gaia19bwu) (= MASTER OT J231738.85-591543.5), ATEL 12819 discovered 2019/05/16.370 by All Sky Automated Survey for SuperNovae (ASAS-SN)
Found in an anonymous galaxy at R.A. = 23h17m38s.750, Decl. = -59°15'42".22
Located 6".4 west and 9".9 north of the center of host galaxy (Discovery image) (Joseph Brimacombe image)
Mag 16.1:5/22, Type Ia (zhost=0.026915) (References: ATEL 12792, TNS, Gaia observations)

2019fmm (= ASASSN-19my), ATEL 12819 discovered 2019/04/26.451 by All Sky Automated Survey for SuperNovae (ASAS-SN)
Found in UGC 12039 at R.A. = 22h26m48s.537, Decl. = +35°31'07".53
Located 0".9 east and 0".1 north of the center of UGC 12039 (Discovery image) (Joseph Brimacombe image)
Mag 16.2:4/26, Type Ia (z=0.020) (zhost=0.020057) (References: TNS; SN 2018gqh)

2019fcr (= ASASSN-19mm) (= GOTO2019bsnf) (= Gaia19cpw), ATEL 12756 discovered 2019/05/13.460 by All Sky Automated Survey for SuperNovae (ASAS-SN)
Found in an anonymous galaxy at R.A. = 13h33m19s.635, Decl. = +41°12'56".98
Located 0".0 east and 0".0 north of the center of the host galaxy (Discovery image) (Manfred Mrotzek image)
Mag 18.1:6/24 (16.9:5/13), Type Ia (z=0.027) (zhost=0.027236) (References: ATEL 12759, TNS, Gaia observations)

2019fcn (= ASASSN-19ml) (= ATLAS19kvn), ATEL 12754 discovered 2019/05/08.960 by All Sky Automated Survey for SuperNovae (ASAS-SN)
Found in ESO 430-G20 at R.A. = 08h07m08s.057, Decl. = -28°03'22".75
Located 6".5 west and 14".0 south of the center of ESO 430-G20 (Discovery image) (Joseph Brimacombe image)
Mag 15.2:5/13, Type II (z=0.003) (zhost=0.003402) (References: ATEL 12757, ATEL 12760, ATEL 12820, TNS; SN 2019ejj)

2019fcg (= ASASSN-19mk) (= ATLAS19krw) (= Gaia19cga), ATEL 12756 discovered 2019/05/12.370 by All Sky Automated Survey for SuperNovae (ASAS-SN)
Found in an anonymous galaxy at R.A. = 21h30m28s.482, Decl. = -32°36'44".22
Located 0".0 east and 0".0 north of the center of the host galaxy (Discovery image)
Mag 16.7:5/17, Type IIn (z=0.055) (References: ATEL 12757, TNS, Gaia observations)

2019fcc (= MASTER OT J135130.87-525534.4) (= Gaia19ciw), TNS discovered 2019/05/12.282 by MASTER robotic Net
Found in an anonymous galaxy at R.A. = 13h51m30s.870, Decl. = -52°55'34".40
Located 0".0 east and 0".0 north of the center of the host galaxy
Mag 17.8:6/15 (15.8:5/12), Type II (z=0.0126) (References: Gaia observations)

2019fcb (= ASASSN-19mj) (= ZTF19aatmkll) (= Gaia19bzk), ATEL 12756 discovered 2019/05/12.319 by All Sky Automated Survey for SuperNovae (ASAS-SN)
Found in CGCG 340-049 at R.A. = 18h30m29s.019, Decl. = +74°07'15".89
Located 0".0 east and 0".0 north of the center of CGCG 340-049 (Discovery image)
Mag 18.5:5/29 (17.5:5/12), Type Ia (zhost=0.024757) (References: TNS, Gaia observations; SN AT2016dqt)

2019fbz (= ASASSN-19mi), ATEL 12756 discovered 2019/05/11.130 by All Sky Automated Survey for SuperNovae (ASAS-SN)
Found in an anonymous galaxy at R.A. = 23h30m55s.561, Decl. = -38°00'46".44
Located 0".2 east and 0".4 north of the center of the host galaxy (Discovery image)
Mag 17.7:5/11, Type Ia (z=0.045) (zhost=0.046489) (References: ATEL 12804, TNS)

2019fbv (= ATLAS19kky) (= Gaia19buu), TNS discovered 2019/05/11.362 by ATLAS
Found in UGC 8031 at R.A. = 12h54m31s.900, Decl. = +35°17'50".42
Located 0".0 east and 0".0 north of the center of UGC 8031
Mag 18.6:5/15, Type II (z=0.028) (References: ATEL 12762, ATEL 12759, Gaia observations)

2019exy (= ASASSN-19mh), ATEL 12756 discovered 2019/05/11.140 by All Sky Automated Survey for SuperNovae (ASAS-SN)
Found in an anonymous galaxy at R.A. = 23h45m41s.962, Decl. = -38°31'04".67
Located 0".0 east and 0".0 north of the center of the host galaxy (Discovery image)
Mag 17.3:5/11, Type Ia (z=0.049) (References: ATEL 12757, TNS)

AT2019exw (= MASTER OT J060606.43-353229.8), TNS discovered 2019/05/10.781 by MASTER robotic Net
Found in an anonymous galaxy at R.A. = 06h06m06s.430, Decl. = -35°32'29".80
Located 0".0 east and 0".0 north of the center of the host galaxy
Mag 20.0:5/10, Type unknown

AT2019ewc (= ASASSN-19md) (= ATLAS19kys) (= AT2019fmo), ATEL 12756 discovered 2019/05/09.148 by All Sky Automated Survey for SuperNovae (ASAS-SN)
Found in an anonymous galaxy at R.A. = 09h10m37s.590, Decl. = -09°30'10".91
Located 0".0 east and 0".0 north of the center of the host galaxy (Discovery image)
Mag 17.2:5/17, Type unknown (zhost=0.054700) (References: TNS)

2019fck (= ZTF18aaqkcso), TNS discovered 2019/05/13.183 by Zwicky Transient Facility (ZTF)
Found in NGC 5243 at R.A. = 13h36m13s.015, Decl. = +38°21'18".22
Located 22".8 west and 40".1 north of the center of NGC 5243
Mag 18.0:9/8 (14.4:5/23), Type Ia (z=0.020) (zhost=0.014026) (References: ZTF observations)
2019fck images sub-page

2019euw (= GOTO2019ayff) (= ATLAS19jrk), TNS discovered 2019/05/08.132 by GOTO
Found in an anonymous galaxy at R.A. = 19h14m03s.206, Decl. = -23°12'37".87
Located 0".0 east and 0".0 north of the center of the host galaxy
Mag 17.7:5/8, Type Ia (z=0.040000)

2019etp (= ASASSN-19mb) (= Gaia19dcc), ATEL 12756 discovered 2019/05/06.619 by All Sky Automated Survey for SuperNovae (ASAS-SN)
Found in UGC 12864 at R.A. = 23h57m23s.093, Decl. = +30°59'26".62
Located 11".5 west and 5".2 south of the center of UGC 12864 (Discovery image)
Mag 17.0:6/12 (16.7:5/6), Type II (zhost=0.015621) (References: TNS, Gaia observations)

2019eto (= ASASSN-19ma), ATEL 12756 discovered 2019/05/07.331 by All Sky Automated Survey for SuperNovae (ASAS-SN)
Found in NGC 3016 at R.A. = 09h49m50s.634, Decl. = +12°41'43".12
Located 0".4 west and 0".3 north of the center of NGC 3016 (Discovery image) (Enrico Prosperi image)
Mag 17.1:5/7, Type Ic-BL (z=0.03) (zhost=0.029850) (References: TNS)

2019esn (= SNhunt420) (= PS19due), TNS discovered 2019/05/05.280 by Catalina Real-Time Transient Survey and Mirco Villi
Found in IC 1074 at R.A. = 14h51m56s.064, Decl. = +51°15'51".12
Located 11".8 west and 2".5 south of the center of IC 1074 (Discovery image)
Mag 19.9:5/5, Type II (z=0.02702) (zhost=0.025921)

2019esa (= Gaia19cag), TNS discovered 2019/05/06.154 by DLT40
Found in ESO 35-G18 at R.A. = 07h55m00s.889, Decl. = -76°24'43".11
Located 0".0 east and 0".0 north of the center of ESO 035-G18
Mag 15.0:7/2 (14.6:5/30), Type IIn (z=0.005891) (zhost=0.005891) (References: ATEL 12736, ATEL 12820, Gaia observations)

AT2019erz (= BraTS-OCA-T1-008), TNS discovered 2019/05/06.045 by BraTS at R.A. = 13h48m47s.940, Decl. = -42°07'05".40 Mag 17.5:5/6, Type unknown

AT2019eoi (= SNhunt419) (= PS19un), TNS discovered 2019/05/04.408 by Catalina Real-Time Transient Survey and Mirco Villi
Found in ESO 582-G20 at R.A. = 15h35m04s.176, Decl. = -17°54'43".56
Located 0".0 east and 0".0 north of the center of ESO 582-G20 (Discovery image)
Mag 20.5:5/4, Type unknown (zhost=0.059400)

2019emh (= ASASSN-19ls), ATEL 12756 discovered 2019/05/03.165 by All Sky Automated Survey for SuperNovae (ASAS-SN)
Found in an anonymous galaxy at R.A. = 17h52m57s.999, Decl. = -70°00'03".70
Located 0".0 east and 0".0 north of the center of the host galaxy (Discovery image) (Joseph Brimacombe image)
Mag 17.6:5/3, Type Ia (z=0.058) (zhost=0.057950) (References: ATEL 12745, TNS)

AT2019ejn (= kait-19Q), TNS discovered 2019/04/30.349 by Lick Observatory Supernova Search
Found in NGC 4449 at R.A. = 12h28m09s.121, Decl. = +44°06'40".69
Located 0".0 east and 0".0 north of the center of NGC 4449 (Discovery image)
Mag 20.1:7/9 (18.8:4/30), Type unknown (zhost=0.000690) (References: SN AT2019ttd)

AT2019ejk (= PTSS-19clej), TNS discovered 2019/05/01.580 by PMO-Tsinghua Supernova Survey (PTSS)
Found in NGC 5058 at R.A. = 13h16m52s.280, Decl. = +12°32'44".02
Located 0".5 west and 9".6 south of the center of NGC 5058 (Discovery image)
Mag 17.8:5/1, Type unknown (zhost=0.003206) (References: ATEL 12752)

2019ejg (= PTSS-19clcj), TNS discovered 2019/05/01.657 by PMO-Tsinghua Supernova Survey (PTSS)
Found in an anonymous galaxy at R.A. = 14h27m01s.020, Decl. = +01°40'09".76
Located 0".0 east and 0".0 north of the center of the host galaxy (Discovery image)
Mag 18.5:5/1, Type Ia (z=0.058) (References: ATEL 12762)

AT2019ejf (= ASASSN-19lp) (= Gaia19btc), ATEL 12756 discovered 2019/05/02.370 by All Sky Automated Survey for SuperNovae (ASAS-SN)
Found in an anonymous galaxy at R.A. = 22h52m29s.329, Decl. = -11°05'25".31
Located 0".0 east and 0".0 north of the center of the host galaxy (Discovery image) (Joseph Brimacombe image)
Mag 17.0:5/10 (16.8:5/2), Type unknown (zhost=0.025271) (References: TNS, Gaia observations)

2019eix (= ATLAS19ify) (= Gaia19brh), ATEL 12716 discovered 2019/05/01.590 by ATLAS
Found in NGC 6695 at R.A. = 18h42m42s.889, Decl. = +40°22'07".80
Located 1".7 east and 7".0 north of the center of NGC 6695 (Enrico Prosperi image) (Rafael G. Farfán image) (Enrico Prosperi image) (Yasuo Sano image) (Manfred Mrotzek image) (Enrico Prosperi image) (Enrico Prosperi image)
Mag > 18.5:7/19 (16.0:5/19), Type Ic (z=0.018000) (zhost=0.018369) (References: ATEL 12734, TNS Gaia observations, VSnet observations)

AT2019eio (= PTSS-19clby), TNS discovered 2019/05/01.503 by PMO-Tsinghua Supernova Survey (PTSS)
Found in an anonymous galaxy at R.A. = 07h06m10s.010, Decl. = +21°21'10".62
Located 0".0 east and 0".0 north of the center of the host galaxy (Discovery image)
Mag 17.1:5/1, Type unknown

2019ein (= ATLAS19ieo) (= ZTF19aatlmbo) (= Gaia19bqv), ATEL 12710 discovered 2019/05/01.474 by ATLAS
Found in NGC 5353 at R.A. = 13h53m29s.134, Decl. = +40°16'31".40
Located 27".9 east and 27".5 south of the center of NGC 5353
Mag 18.1:9/8 (13.2:5/6), Type Ia-pec (z=0.007755) (References: ATEL 12719, ATEL 12720, TNS)
2019ein images sub-page

2019eim (= ASASSN-19ln), ATEL 12713 discovered 2019/05/01.390 by All Sky Automated Survey for SuperNovae (ASAS-SN)
Found in an anonymous galaxy at R.A. = 23h49m42s.979, Decl. = -69°42'03".30
Located 1".5 west and 0".2 south of the center of host galaxy (Discovery image)
Mag 17.9:5/1, Type Ia-pec (z=0.039) (References: ATEL 12721, TNS)

2019enr (= ATLAS19ina) (= ZTF19aatwvft), ATEL 12728 discovered 2019/05/04.326 by ATLAS
Found in NGC 2919 at R.A. = 09h34m47s.720, Decl. = +10°17'12".81
Located 2".9 east and 11".4 north of the center of NGC 2919 (Enrico Prosperi image)
Mag 17.4:5/16, Type II (z=0.008180) (References: TNS, VSnet observations)

2019ejj (= ATLAS19igh) (= Gaia19brv), ATEL 12717 discovered 2019/05/02.263 by ATLAS
Found in ESO 430-G20 at R.A. = 08h07m08s.763, Decl. = -28°03'11".82
Located 2".8 east and 3".0 south of the center of ESO 430-G20 (ASASSN image) (Joseph Brimacombe image)
Mag 17.8:5/2, Type II (z=0.003) (References: ATEL 12820, TNS, Gaia observations; SN 2019fcn)

2019eho (= ASASSN-19lg), ATEL 12713 discovered 2019/04/30.360 by All Sky Automated Survey for SuperNovae (ASAS-SN)
Found in an anonymous galaxy at R.A. = 21h25m53s.298, Decl. = +00°24'52".81
Located 0".0 east and 0".0 north of the center of the host galaxy (Discovery image)
Mag 17.9:4/30, Type Ia (zhost=0.031770) (References: TNS)

2019ehn (= ASASSN-19lf), ATEL 12713 discovered 2019/04/30.390 by All Sky Automated Survey for SuperNovae (ASAS-SN)
Found in an anonymous galaxy at R.A. = 17h14m35s.609, Decl. = -71°36'46".15
Located 0".0 east and 0".0 north of the center of the host galaxy (Discovery image)
Mag 17.3:4/30, Type Ia (zhost=0.030) (References: TNS)

2019ehk (= ZTF19aatesgp) (= ATLAS19ibr) (= Gaia19bqn) (= PSN J12225612+1549338), TNS discovered 2019/04/29.935 by Jaroslaw Grzegorzek
Found in M100 at R.A. = 12h22m56s.130, Decl. = +15°49'33".60 (= NGC 4321)
Located 18".7 east and 15".1 north of the center of NGC 4321 (= M100)
Mag 19.0:7/15 (15.8:5/3), Type Ib (z=0.005) (References: ATEL 12734, ATEL 12707, ATEL 12715, SN 2006X, 1979C, 1959E, 1914A 1901B)
2019ehk images sub-page

AT2019ehj (= Gaia19cbr), TNS discovered 2019/04/28.131 by Michael Lundquist
Found in anonymous galaxy at R.A. = 08h20m04s.514, Decl. = +13°33'50".65
Located 0".0 east and 0".0 north of the center of the host galaxy
Mag 18.2:5/15, Type unknown (References: Gaia observations)

AT2019ehi (= GSNST-19ae), TNS discovered 2019/04/29.060 by GSNST at R.A. = 12h37m51s.300, Decl. = +41°56'29".90 Mag 18.1:4/29, Type unknown (Enrico Prosperi image)

AT2019ehh (= SNhunt418), TNS discovered 2019/04/29.131 by Catalina Real-Time Transient Survey and Mirco Villi
Found in UGC 4900 at R.A. = 09h16m38s.712, Decl. = +07°16'17".04
Located 16".0 west and 18".1 north of the center of UGC 4900 (Discovery image)
Mag 20.4:4/29, Type unknown (zhost=0.018700)

2019ehg (= ASASSN-19le), ATEL 12713 discovered 2019/04/29.000 by All Sky Automated Survey for SuperNovae (ASAS-SN)
Found in an anonymous galaxy at R.A. = 11h51m17s.798, Decl. = -34°09'37".80
Located 0".0 east and 0".0 north of the center of the host galaxy (Discovery image)
Mag 17.7:4/29, Type unknown (References: TNS)

AT2019egj (= MASTER OT J142815.00+304306.0), TNS discovered 2019/04/28.933 by MASTER robotic Net
Found in an anonymous galaxy at R.A. = 14h28m15s.000, Decl. = +30°43'06".00
Located 0".0 east and 0".0 north of the center of the host galaxy
Mag 19.0:4/28, Type unknown

AT2019eez (= ASASSN-19kz) (= Gaia19bxq), ATEL 12713 discovered 2019/04/27.990 by All Sky Automated Survey for SuperNovae (ASAS-SN)
Found in NGC 2207 at R.A. = 06h16m22s.256, Decl. = -21°21'35".14
Located 3".2 east and 46".5 north of the center of NGC 2207 (Discovery image) (Robert Fidrich image)
Mag 16.4:5/10, Type II (zhost=0.009143) (z=0.009) (References: ATEL 12706, ATEL 12820, TNS, Gaia observations; SN 2013ai, 2010jp, 2003H, 1999ec, 1975A)

2019edz (= ASASSN-19ky), TNS discovered 2019/04/27.148 by All Sky Automated Survey for SuperNovae (ASAS-SN)
Found in UGC 9786 at R.A. = 15h13m12s.159, Decl. = +71°12'40".09
Located 0".0 west and 0".0 north of the center of UGC 9786 (Discovery image)
Mag 17.3:4/27, Type Ia (z=0.037) (zhost=0.037116)

AT2019edx (= GSNST-19ad), TNS discovered 2019/04/25.026 by GSNST
Found in MCG +9-23-58 at R.A. = 14h13m36s.200, Decl. = +54°38'13".30
Located 0".4 west and 0".1 south of the center of MCG +9-23-58
Mag 16.0:4/25, Type unknown

2019edo (= ASASSN-19kx) (= PSN J12115160+2408118) (= Gaia19bph) (= AT2019ehp), ATEL 12713 discovered 2019/04/27.310 by All Sky Automated Survey for SuperNovae (ASAS-SN)
Found in NGC 4162 at R.A. = 12h11m51s.566, Decl. = +24°08'11".67
Located 12".1 west and 46".5 north of the center of NGC 4162 (Discovery image) (Giancarlo Cortini image) (Manfred Mrotzek image) (Enrico Prosperi image) (Giancarlo Cortini image) (K. Itagaki image) (Andrea Mantero image) (Rafael G. Farfan image) (Ken'ichi Nishimura image) (Rafael G. Farfan image) (Enrico Prosperi image)
Mag 16.5:6/16 (16.1:5/6), Type II (z=0.0086) (zhost=0.008569) (References: ATEL 12708, TNS, VSnet observations, Gaia observations, CBAT TOCP; SN 2001hg, 1965G)

2019edm (= ASASSN-19kw) (= Gaia19boh), ATEL 12713 discovered 2019/04/27.419 by All Sky Automated Survey for SuperNovae (ASAS-SN)
Found in ESO 471-G18 at R.A. = 23h47m45s.212, Decl. = -27°29'08".17
Located 6".8 east and 6".4 north of the center of ESO 471-G18 (Discovery image)
Mag 16.0:4/27, Type Ia (z=0.028) (zhost=0.030258) (References: ATEL 12721, Gaia observations, TNS)

2019dwy (= ASASSN-19ku) (= Gaia19bnh), ATEL 12713 discovered 2019/04/24.410 by All Sky Automated Survey for SuperNovae (ASAS-SN)
Found in an anonymous galaxy at R.A. = 11h14m10s.822, Decl. = +70°46'04".55
Located 0".0 east and 0".0 north of the center of the host galaxy (Discovery image)
Mag 17.2:4/24, Type Ic (z=0.045) (References: ATEL 12714, TNS, Gaia observations)

AT2019dvc (= SNhunt417), TNS discovered 2019/04/23.301 by Catalina Real-Time Transient Survey and Nikolay Mishevskiy
Found in an anonymous galaxy at R.A. = 14h07m34s.344, Decl. = +55°06'36".00
Located 0".0 east and 0".0 north of the center of the host galaxy (Discovery image)
Mag 20.2:4/23, Type unknown (zhost=0.132000)

2019dps (= ASASSN-19kn) (= Gaia19bky), ATEL 12713 discovered 2019/04/15.349 by All Sky Automated Survey for SuperNovae (ASAS-SN)
Found in ESO 187-G38 at R.A. = 20h58m41s.566, Decl. = -54°11'06".92
Located 0".0 east and 0".0 north of the center of ESO 187-G38 (Discovery image)
Mag 18.3:4/19 (17.9:4/15), Type Ic (zhost=0.044107) (References: TNS, Gaia observations)

2019dnt (= ASASSN-19kh) (= Gaia19bxg), ATEL 12673 discovered 2019/04/16.319 by All Sky Automated Survey for SuperNovae (ASAS-SN)
Found in ESO 235-IG30 at R.A. = 21h00m01s.566, Decl. = -49°57'57".11
Located 0".0 east and 0".0 north of the center of ESO 235-IG30 (Discovery image) (Joseph Brimacombe image) (Joseph Brimacombe image)
Mag 17.4:4/18, Type Ia (zhost=0.049047) (References: TNS, Gaia observations)

2019dma (= ATLAS19hhj) (= Gaia19bkd), ATEL 12662 discovered 2019/04/14.617 by ATLAS
Found in an UGC 12248 at R.A. = 22h54m49s.848, Decl. = +36°32'36".79
Located 0".0 east and 0".0 north of the center of UGC 12248
Mag 17.3:4/16 (17.1:4/14), Type II (z=0.0163) (References: TNS, Gaia observations)

AT2019dlc (= ASASSN-19kb), ATEL 12673 discovered 2019/04/13.260 by All Sky Automated Survey for SuperNovae (ASAS-SN)
Found in LEDA 986847 at R.A. = 12h45m51s.035, Decl. = -09°45'21".17
Located 0".0 east and 0".0 north of the center of LEDA 986847 (Discovery image) (Joseph Brimacombe image)
Mag 18.3:4/13, Type Ia (z=0.053) (References: ATEL 12265, TNS)

AT2019dkr (= ASASSN-19ka), ATEL 12673 discovered 2019/04/13.019 by All Sky Automated Survey for SuperNovae (ASAS-SN)
Found in IC 4770 at R.A. = 18h48m13s.503, Decl. = -63°23'38".14
Located 0".0 east and 0".0 north of the center of IC 4770 (Discovery image) (Joseph Brimacombe image)
Mag 17.3:4/13, Type unknown (zhost=0.014470) (References: TNS)

2019dkq (= ASASSN-19jz), ATEL 12673 discovered 2019/04/12.410 by All Sky Automated Survey for SuperNovae (ASAS-SN)
Found in ESO 190-G5 at R.A. = 22h24m28s.917, Decl. = -56°30'47".07
Located 0".0 east and 0".0 north of the center of ESO 190-G5 (Discovery image) (Joseph Brimacombe image)
Mag 17.0:4/12, Type Ia (zhost=0.036368) (References: TNS)

AT2019dkp (= GSNST-19ac), TNS discovered 2019/04/12.780 by GSNST
Found in an anonymous galaxy at R.A. = 16h17m57s.730, Decl. = +56°38'22".50
Located 0".0 east and 0".0 north of the center of the host galaxy (Cedric Raguenaud image) (Cedric Raguenaud image)
Mag 15.6:4/12, Type unknown (zhost=0.065700)

2019dke (= ASASSN-19jy) (= Gaia19ckm), ATEL 12657 discovered 2019/04/11.880 by All Sky Automated Survey for SuperNovae (ASAS-SN)
Found in ESO 507-G42 at R.A. = 12h53m38s.393, Decl. = -26°17'31".52
Located 28".9 east and 7".8 north of the center of ESO 507-G42 (Joseph Brimacombe image) (Roland Santallo image)
Mag 17.3:6/16 (16.9:4/11), Type II (zhost=0.010637) (References: TNS, ATEL 12661, Gaia observations)

2019dkd (= ASASSN-19jx), ATEL 12673 discovered 2019/04/12.110 by All Sky Automated Survey for SuperNovae (ASAS-SN)
Found in an anonymous galaxy at R.A. = 21h02m42s.105, Decl. = -60°06'19".50
Located 0".0 east and 0".0 north of the center of the host galaxy (Discovery image) (Joseph Brimacombe image)
Mag 17.3:4/12, Type Ia (z=0.047) (zhost=0.047400) (References: ATEL 12265, TNS)

AT2019dkc (= Gaia20djp), TNS discovered 2019/04/12.127 by Amaral at R.A. = 15h08m40s.710, Decl. = -29°09'44".03 Mag 18.5:7/22/2020 (18.5:4/12), Type unknown (References: Gaia observations)

2019dhc (= ATLAS19ggw) (= Gaia19bra), ATEL 12650 discovered 2019/04/08.474 by ATLAS
Found in an UGC 8752 at R.A. = 13h50m33s.016, Decl. = +35°07'50".67
Located 0".0 east and 0".0 north of the center of the UGC 8752 (Manfred Mrotzek image)
Mag 17.9:5/3, Type II (z=0.021000) (offset 3.1) (References: ATEL 12653, Gaia observations, TNS)

2019dfa (= ATLAS19gcr) (= Gaia19bkz), TNS discovered 2019/04/10.344 by ATLAS
Found in IC 582 at R.A. = 09h58m59s.807, Decl. = +17°49'07".66
Located 0".0 east and 0".0 north of the center of IC 582
Mag 16.7:4/18, Type Ia (z=0.025440) (References: Gaia observations; SN 2009ba, 2001gb)

2019dez (= ASASSN-19jr) (= Gaia19bxw), ATEL 12658 discovered 2019/04/10.100 by All Sky Automated Survey for SuperNovae (ASAS-SN)
Found in an anonymous galaxy at R.A. = 21h16m01s.303, Decl. = -58°38'08".61
Located 0".0 east and 0".0 north of the center of the host galaxy (Discovery image)
Mag 18.2:4/20 (17.6:4/10), Type II (z=0.034) (References: TNS, Gaia observations)

AT2019dex (= ASASSN-19jo), ATEL 12673 discovered 2019/04/09.410 by All Sky Automated Survey for SuperNovae (ASAS-SN)
Found in ESO 147-G6 at R.A. = 22h43m18s.733, Decl. = -59°24'49".96
Located 0".0 east and 0".0 north of the center of ESO 147-G6 (Discovery image)
Mag 16.8:4/9, Type unknown (zhost=0.017179) (References: TNS)

AT2019ddt (= MASTER OT J231043.35+470954.0) (= Gaia19bhc), TNS discovered 2019/04/07.637 by MASTER robotic Net at R.A. = 23h10m43s.350, Decl. = +47°09'54".00 Mag 16.4:4/9 (15.3:4/7), Type unknown (References: Gaia observations)

AT2019dds (= MASTER OT J154209.55-431742.2), TNS discovered 2019/04/09.054 by MASTER robotic Net at R.A. = 15h42m09s.550, Decl. = -43°17'42".20 Mag 17.0:4/9, Type unknown

2019cxy (= ASASSN-19jl) (= Gaia19bmw), ATEL 12658 discovered 2019/04/09.000 by All Sky Automated Survey for SuperNovae (ASAS-SN)
Found in an anonymous galaxy at R.A. = 10h27m31s.743, Decl. = -26°24'39".52
Located 0".0 east and 0".0 north of the center of the host galaxy (Discovery image)
Mag 18.3:4/15 (18.0:4/9), Type Ia (zhost=0.057456) (References: TNS, Gaia observations

2019cxx (= Gaia19boc) TNS discovered 2019/04/05.506 by Masaomi Tanaka, Nozomu Tominaga, Tomoki Morokuma, and Tomo-e Goze
Found in an anonymous galaxy at R.A. = 11h17m48s.220, Decl. = +13°43'42".00
Located 0".0 east and 0".0 north of the center of the host galaxy (Cedric Raguenaud image unconfirmed)
Mag 16.4:4/25, Type Ia (zhost=0.025000) (References: Gaia observations)

AT2019cxw (= SNhunt416), TNS discovered 2019/04/08.304 by Catalina Real-Time Transient Survey and Nikolay Mishevskiy
Found in an anonymous galaxy at R.A. = 13h01m59s.808, Decl. = -06°55'45".48
Located 0".0 east and 0".0 north of the center of the host galaxy
Mag 20.5:4/8, Type unknown

2019cwt (= ASASSN-19jg) (= Gaia19bxh), ATEL 12658 discovered 2019/04/08.360 by All Sky Automated Survey for SuperNovae (ASAS-SN)
Found in ESO 399-G14 at R.A. = 20h00m40s.177, Decl. = -34°47'42".59
Located 57".9 east and 63".4 south of the center of ESO 399-G14 (Discovery image) (Joseph Brimacombe image)
Mag 17.0:4/14, Type Ic-pec (z=0.018) (zhost=0.018086) (References: ATEL 12265, TNS, Gaia observations)

MASTER OT J121900.16-465047.9, ATEL 12723 discovered 2019/04/30.083 by MASTER robotic Net
Found in ESO 267-040 at R.A. = 12h19m00s.160, Decl. = -46°50'47".90
Located 14".0 east and 15".2 south of the center of ESO 267-040 (Discovery image)
Mag 17.3:4/30, Type unknown (References: SN 2019dbm)

AT2019dbm (= MASTER OT J121900.03-465048.7) (= ATLAS19etk), ATEL 12639 discovered 2019/04/07.925 by MASTER robotic Net
Found in ESO 267-040 at R.A. = 12h19m00s.030, Decl. = -46°50'48".70
Located 12".3 east and 16".0 south of the center of ESO 267-040 (Discovery image)
Mag 18.1:4/8 (18.0:4/7), Type unknown (References: TNS; SN MASTER OT J121900.16-465047.9)

2019cwi (= ASASSN-19iz), ATEL 12658 discovered 2019/04/07.390 by All Sky Automated Survey for SuperNovae (ASAS-SN)
Found in an anonymous galaxy at R.A. = 22h02m27s.547, Decl. = -53°22'10".75
Located 0".0 east and 0".0 north of the center of the host galaxy (Discovery image)
Mag 17.7:4/7, Type Ia (z=0.053) (References: ATEL 12265, TNS)

AT2019cwa (= PTSS-19cksr), TNS discovered 2019/04/06.818 by PMO-Tsinghua Supernova Survey (PTSS)
Found in an anonymous galaxy at R.A. = 20h18m04s.330, Decl. = +06°30'54".53
Located 0".0 east and 0".0 north of the center of the host galaxy
Mag 18.1:4/6, Type unknown

AT2019cvy (= SNhunt415), TNS discovered 2019/04/05.299 by Catalina Real-Time Transient Survey and Mirco Villi
Found in an anonymous galaxy at R.A. = 12h24m12s.960, Decl. = +02°50'08".16
Located 0".0 east and 0".0 north of the center of the host galaxy
Mag 19.4:4/5, Type unknown (zhost=0.079000)

2019cvl (= ASASSN-19ip), ATEL 12658 discovered 2019/04/04.085 by All Sky Automated Survey for SuperNovae (ASAS-SN)
Found in ESO 460-G10 at R.A. = 19h32m22s.107, Decl. = -29°23'07".88
Located 0".0 east and 0".0 north of the center of ESO 460-G10 (Discovery image)
Mag 17.0:4/4, Type Ia (z=0.024) (zhost=0.023800) (References: ATEL 12636, TNS)

AT2019ctz (= ASASSN-19io), ATEL 12658 discovered 2019/04/04.140 by All Sky Automated Survey for SuperNovae (ASAS-SN)
Found in an anonymous galaxy at R.A. = 21h33m10s.649, Decl. = -18°20'24".49
Located 0".0 east and 0".0 north of the center of the host galaxy (Discovery image)
Mag 17.7:4/4, Type unknown (References: TNS)

2019cth (= ATLAS19emj) (= Gaia19bqi), TNS discovered 2019/04/03.267 by R. Gagliano, R. Post, E. Weinberg, Jack Newton, and Tim Puckett
Found in IC 1056 at R.A. = 14h45m47s.500, Decl. = +50°23'49".00
Located 14".8 west and 10".4 north of the center of IC 1056 (Discovery image) (Jaroslaw Grzegorzek image) (Cedric Raguenaud image) (Cedric Raguenaud image) (Enrico Prosperi image) (Odd Trondal image) (Gerhard Dangl image)
Mag 19.4:7/24 (15.5:5/1), Type Ia (zhost=0.013344) (References: Gaia observations, VSnet observations)

AT2019csy, TNS discovered 2019/03/29.668 by Tsinghua-NAOC Transient Survey (TNTS)
Found in an anonymous galaxy at R.A. = 12h19m56s.890, Decl. = +20°36'17".60
Located 0".6 east and 2".6 north of the center of the host galaxy
Mag 19.5:3/29, Type unknown

AT2019csx, TNS discovered 2019/03/29.580 by Tsinghua-NAOC Transient Survey (TNTS)
Found in an anonymous galaxy at R.A. = 11h44m02s.940, Decl. = +20°20'50".90
Located 1".2 east and 0" south of the center of the host galaxy
Mag 18.4:3/29, Type unknown (zhost=0.039119)

AT2019csw, TNS discovered 2019/03/29.581 by Tsinghua-NAOC Transient Survey (TNTS)
Found in an anonymous galaxy at R.A. = 11h46m01s.070, Decl. = +20°09'58".90
Located 0".6 east and 2" north of the center of the host galaxy
Mag 18.4:3/29, Type unknown (zhost=0.080849)

2019csd (= ASASSN-19ik) (= Gaia19blm), ATEL 12658 discovered 2019/03/24.151 by All Sky Automated Survey for SuperNovae (ASAS-SN)
Found in IC 5032 at R.A. = 20h45m24s.295, Decl. = -67°33'11".74
Located 12".9 east and 4".9 south of the center of IC 5032 (Discovery image)
Mag 16.6:3/24, Type Ia (zhost=0.034067) (References: TNS)

AT2019csc (= SNhunt414) (= AT2019ctk) (= ZTF19aancoel), TNS discovered 2019/04/02.159 by Catalina Real-Time Transient Survey and Mirco Villi
Found in CGCG 117-037 at R.A. = 07h25m47s.856, Decl. = +25°42'37".80
Located 13".9 east and 5".2 south of the center of CGCG 117-037 (Discovery image)
Mag 19.3:4/2, Type unknown (zhost=0.039647) (References: ZTF observations)

2019cqs (= ASASSN-19ih), ATEL 12658 discovered 2019/03/28.010 by All Sky Automated Survey for SuperNovae (ASAS-SN)
Found in an anonymous galaxy at R.A. = 04h34m12s.987, Decl. = -12°51'21".59
Located 0".0 east and 0".0 north of the center of the host galaxy (Discovery image)
Mag 18.0:3/28, Type Ia (zhost=0.038350) (References: TNS)

AT2019cqp (= ASASSN-19hw), ATEL 12636 discovered 2019/03/31.998 by All Sky Automated Survey for SuperNovae (ASAS-SN)
Found in an anonymous galaxy at R.A. = 02h35m17s.564, Decl. = -63°11'48".07
Located 0".0 east and 0".0 north of the center of the host galaxy (Discovery image)
Mag 17.6:3/31, Type unknown (References: TNS)

2019com (= ASASSN-19hv), ATEL 12636 discovered 2019/03/31.290 by All Sky Automated Survey for SuperNovae (ASAS-SN)
Found in IC 4712 at R.A. = 18h31m06s.913, Decl. = -71°41'32".81
Located 0".0 east and 0".0 north of the center of IC 4712 (Discovery image) (Joseph Brimacombe image)
Mag 16.7:3/31, Type II (zhost=0.012799) (References: TNS)

2019cmh (= ASASSN-19hu), ATEL 12636 discovered 2019/03/27.460 by All Sky Automated Survey for SuperNovae (ASAS-SN)
Found in an anonymous galaxy at R.A. = 10h34m39s.397, Decl. = +53°58'23".41
Located 0".0 east and 0".0 north of the center of the host galaxy (Discovery image) (Cedric Raguenaud image)
Mag 17.0:4/9, Type Ia (zhost=0.046386) (References: TNS)

AT2019clr (= SNhunt413), TNS discovered 2019/03/28.472 by Catalina Real-Time Transient Survey and Nikolay Mishevskiy
Found in IC 4182 at R.A. = 13h05m43s.104, Decl. = +37°37'36".12
Located 0".0 east and 0".0 north of the center of IC 4182 (Discovery image) (Manfred Mrotzek image)
Mag 19.6:3/28, Type unknown (zhost=0.001070) (References: SN 1937C)

2019clp (= ASASSN-19hp), ATEL 12636 discovered 2019/03/27.510 by All Sky Automated Survey for SuperNovae (ASAS-SN)
Found in UGC 7230 NED02 at R.A. = 12h13m39s.838, Decl. = +16°07'24".26
Located 16".4 east and 3".3 north of the center of UGC 7230 NED02 (Discovery image) (Rafael G. Farfan image) (Gianpiero Locatelli image) (Manfred Mrotzek image) (Enrico Prosperi image) (Enrico Prosperi image) (Claudio Balcon image) (Enrico Prosperi image) (Enrico Prosperi image)
Mag 18.0:5/31 (16.3:3/29), Type II (zhost=0.024184) (References: ATEL 12621, ATEL 12664, TNS, VSnet observations)

2019clh (= ASASSN-19hm), ATEL 12636 discovered 2019/03/27.120 by All Sky Automated Survey for SuperNovae (ASAS-SN)
Found in an anonymous galaxy at R.A. = 13h27m12s.994, Decl. = -31°08'41".97
Located 0".0 east and 0".0 north of the center of the host galaxy (Discovery image) (Joseph Brimacombe image)
Mag 17.3:4/4, Type Ia (z=0.05) (zhost=0.046332) (References: ATEL 12636, TNS)

AT2019clg (= PTSS-19ckkm), TNS discovered 2019/03/26.484 by PMO-Tsinghua Supernova Survey (PTSS)
Found in an anonymous galaxy at R.A. = 07h47m04s.840, Decl. = +18°40'29".64
Located 0".0 east and 0".0 north of the center of the host galaxy
Mag 19.1:3/26, Type unknown

AT2019ckb (= SNhunt412), TNS discovered 2019/03/03.478 by Catalina Real-Time Transient Survey and Mirco Villi
Found in UGC 7577 at R.A. = 12h07m40s.032, Decl. = +43°29'46".32
Located 0".0 east and 0".0 north of the center of UGC 7577 (Discovery image)
Mag 20.5:3/3, Type unknown (zhost=0.000650)

AT2019cjt, TNS discovered 2019/03/25.500 by Tsinghua-NAOC Transient Survey (TNTS)
Found in an anonymous galaxy at R.A. = 08h35m42s.520, Decl. = +49°07'12".80
Located 0" east and 1" north of the center of the host galaxy
Mag 19.0:3/25, Type unknown (zhost=0.050000)

AT2019ceu, TNS discovered 2019/03/25.600 by Tsinghua-NAOC Transient Survey (TNTS)
Found in an anonymous galaxy at R.A. = 08h39m08s.260, Decl. = +44°25'15".30
Located 0".0 east and 0".0 north of the center of the host galaxy
Mag 19.6:3/25, Type unknown

2019cdc (= ATLAS19eaf), TNS discovered 2019/03/25.506 by ATLAS
Found inUGC 9045 at R.A. = 14h08m49s.135, Decl. = +35°36'51".40
Located 0".0 east and 0".0 north of the center of UGC 9045 (Claudio Balcon image)
Mag 18.0:3/25, Type Ia-91bg (z=0.027770) (Claudio Balcon spectrum)

AT2019cdb (= ASASSN-19hg), ATEL 12636 discovered 2019/03/22.750 by All Sky Automated Survey for SuperNovae (ASAS-SN)
Found in an anonymous galaxy at R.A. = 04h20m31s.852, Decl. = -38°57'34".74
Located 0".0 east and 0".0 north of the center of the host galaxy (Discovery image)
Mag 17.7:3/22, Type unknown (zhost=0.041229) (References: TNS; SN 2018ioa)

2019cda, TNS discovered 2019/03/24.947 by S. Leonini, M. Conti, P. Rosi and L.M. Tinjaca Ramirez (ISSP)
Found in NGC 3362 at R.A. = 10h44m49s.850, Decl. = +06°36'04".03
Located 0".0 east and 0".0 north of the center of NGC 3362 (Discovery image) (Joseph Brimacombe image) (Martin Mobberley image) (Giancarlo Cortini image) (Andre Mantero image) (Paolo Campaner image) (Joel Nicolas image) (Manfred Mrotzek image) (Enrico Prosperi image) (Jordi Camarasa image) (Cedric Raguenaud image)
Mag 17.6:4/12, Type Ic (z=0.02765) (References: VSnet observations; SN 2010ct, 2001Y)

AT2019ccq, TNS discovered 2019/03/24.600 by Tsinghua-NAOC Transient Survey (TNTS)
Found in an anonymous galaxy at R.A. = 09h18m12s.860, Decl. = +53°43'30".90
Located 2" east and 0" north of the center of the host galaxy
Mag 19.0:3/24, Type unknown

2019cbc (= ZTF19aamljom) (= Gaia19bpl), TNS discovered 2019/03/15.526 by ATLAS
Found in anonymous galaxy at R.A. = 18h06m09s.172, Decl. = +65°20'46".91
Located 0".0 east and 0".0 north of the center of the host galaxy (Marc Deldem image) (Cedric Raguenaud image) (Marc Deldem image) (Marc Deldem image) (Marc Deldem image) (Claudio Balcon image)
Mag 16.2:3/29 (16.0:3/22), Type IIn (z=0.02) (Claudio Balcon spectrum) (References: ATEL 12621, ATEL 12664, ZTF observations, Gaia observations, VSnet observations)

2019cad (= ZTF19aamsetj), TNS discovered 2019/03/17.238 by Zwicky Transient Facility (ZTF)
Found in UGC 4798 at R.A. = 09h08m42s.971, Decl. = +44°48'46".04
Located 3".6 east and 7".6 north of the center of UGC 4798 (Cedric Raguenaud image) (Enrico Prosperi image)
Mag 19.1:3/24 (18.4:3/22), Type Ic (z=0.027510) (References: ZTF observations, VSnet observations; SN PSN J09084248+4448132, 2013V, 2005mf)

AT2019bzi (= SNhunt411), TNS discovered 2019/03/17.350 by Catalina Real-Time Transient Survey and Mirco Villi
Found in an anonymous galaxy at R.A. = 14h00m27s.168, Decl. = -07°57'24".84
Located 0".0 east and 0".0 north of the center of the host galaxy (Discovery image)
Mag 18.9:3/17, Type unknown (zhost=0.027500)

AT2019bzh (= SNhunt410), TNS discovered 2019/03/17.285 by Catalina Real-Time Transient Survey and Mirco Villi
Found in IC 3799 at R.A. = 12h48m58s.704, Decl. = -14°24'19".44
Located 0".0 east and 0".0 north of the center of IC 3799 (Discovery image)
Mag 20.0:3/17, Type unknown (zhost=0.012300)

AT2019bze (= MASTER OT J120256.68-510743.7), ATEL 12583 discovered 2019/03/15.907 by MASTER robotic Net
Found in an anonymous galaxy at R.A. = 12h02m56s.680, Decl. = -51°07'43".70
Located 0".0 east and 0".0 north of the center of the host galaxy (Discovery image)
Mag 16.9:3/15, Type unknown (References: TNS)

2019bzb, TNS discovered 2019/03/13.700 by Tsinghua-NAOC Transient Survey (TNTS)
Found in an anonymous galaxy at R.A. = 12h35m44s.400, Decl. = +16°05'36".80
Located 2" east and 0" north of the center of the host galaxy (Cedric Raguenaud image)
Mag 17.2:3/22, Type unknown (References: SN PSN J12354442+1606366)

2019bwb (= ATLAS19dzi) (= Gaia19bgz), ATEL 12591 discovered 2019/03/17.417 by ATLAS
Found in ESO 264-G41 at R.A. = 10h48m26s.366, Decl. = -45°41'31".95
Located 9".10 east and 3".60 south of the center of ESO 264-G41 (Roland Santallo image) (Roland Santallo image) (Cedric Raguenaud image)
Mag 16.8:4/7 (16.7:4/3), Type IIn (z=0.020) (zhost=0.020192) (References: ATEL 12598, TNS, Gaia observations)

2019bzd (= MASTER OT J144732.04-194558.16) (= Gaia19cqz), ATEL 12583 discovered 2019/03/15.255 by MASTER robotic Net
Found in ESO 580-G29 at R.A. = 14h47m32s.070, Decl. = -19°45'57".80 (= PGC 52824)
Located 22".4 west and 7".0 south of the center of ESO 580-G29 (Discovery image)
Mag 17.8:6/26 (15.5:3/15), Type IIP (z=0.008) (zhost=0.008659) (References: ATEL 12593, TNS, Gaia observations)

2019bvt (= Gaia19bdi), TNS discovered 2019/03/17.509 by R. Gagliano, R. Post, E. Weinberg, Jack Newton, and Tim Puckett
Found in MCG +8-33-46 at R.A. = 18h28m48s.500, Decl. = +50°22'23".20
Located 4".2 east and 2".3 north of the center of MCG +8-33-46 (Discovery image)
Mag 15.5:3/28, Type Ia (z=0.0169) (zhost=0.016448) (References: ATEL 12602, Gaia observations)

AT2019btr, TNS discovered 2019/03/13.700 by Tsinghua-NAOC Transient Survey (TNTS)
Found in an anonymous galaxy at R.A. = 12h11m31s.880, Decl. = +16°16'51".10
Located 1" east and 1" north of the center of the host galaxy
Mag 18.7:3/13, Type unknown (zhost=0.023000)

2019btp (= ASASSN-19gl) (= ZTF19aamrdmm), ATEL 12636 discovered 2019/03/15.350 by All Sky Automated Survey for SuperNovae (ASAS-SN)
Found in an anonymous galaxy at R.A. = 17h43m26s.015, Decl. = +05°38'19".46
Located 0".0 east and 0".0 north of the center of the host galaxy (Discovery image)
Mag 17.6:3/15, Type Ia (z=0.042) (zhost=0.041856) (References: ATEL 12585, TNS, ZTF observations)

2019bse (= ASASSN-19fx), ATEL 12579 discovered 2019/03/13.340 by All Sky Automated Survey for SuperNovae (ASAS-SN)
Found in an anonymous galaxy at R.A. = 09h26m02s.541, Decl. = +18°56'24".71
Located 0".2 east and 0".2 south of the center of host galaxy (Discovery image) (Emmanuel Conseil image) (Enrico Prosperi image) (Enrico Prosperi image) (Enrico Prosperi image)
Mag 18.0:5/16, Type Ia (z=0.025) (References: TNS, VSnet observations)

AT2019bsc, TNS discovered 2019/03/12.775 by Tsinghua-NAOC Transient Survey (TNTS)
Found in an anonymous galaxy at R.A. = 13h15m30s.100, Decl. = +29°53'23".10
Located 1".2 west and 6".1 north of the center of the host galaxy
Mag 19.1:3/12, Type unknown (zhost=0.092932)

AT2019bsb, TNS discovered 2019/03/12.685 by Tsinghua-NAOC Transient Survey (TNTS)
Found in IC 4045 at R.A. = 13h00m48s.890, Decl. = +28°05'26".40
Located 3".6 west and 0".4 south of the center of IC 4045 (Enrico Prosperi image)
Mag 18.8:3/12, Type unknown (zhost=0.023149)

2019bsa (= ASASSN-19fi), ATEL 12579 discovered 2019/03/12.880 by All Sky Automated Survey for SuperNovae (ASAS-SN)
Found in an anonymous galaxy at R.A. = 11h10m51s.756, Decl. = +28°42'10".97
Located 33".7 east and 21".0 north of the center of host galaxy (Discovery image) (Enrico Prosperi image)
Mag 16.0:3/23, Type Ia (z=0.02) (zhost=0.033997) (References: TNS, VSnet observations)

2019brq (= ASASSN-19fh), ATEL 12579 discovered 2019/03/07.320 by All Sky Automated Survey for SuperNovae (ASAS-SN)
Found in an anonymous galaxy at R.A. = 17h48m38s.217, Decl. = -66°25'40".65
Located 9".7 east and 1".3 north of the center of host galaxy (Discovery image) (Joseph Brimacombe image)
Mag 17.6:3/7, Type Ia (zhost=0.040044) (References: TNS)

AT2019brp, TNS discovered 2019/03/11.600 by Tsinghua-NAOC Transient Survey (TNTS)
Found in an anonymous galaxy at R.A. = 09h18m39s.830, Decl. = +45°30'24".90
Located 3" east and 1" north of the center of the host galaxy
Mag 18.8:3/11, Type unknown (zhost=0.190000)

AT2019brn (= SNhunt409), TNS discovered 2019/03/09.510 by Catalina Real-Time Transient Survey and Nikolay Mishevskiy
Found in CGCG 108-046 at R.A. = 16h00m48s.216, Decl. = +18°04'36".84
Located 13".0 east and 3".2 south of the center of CGCG 108-046 (Discovery image)
Mag 20.7:3/9, Type unknown (zhost=0.043900)

AT2019bql (= ASASSN-19ff), TNS discovered 2019/03/08.269 by All Sky Automated Survey for SuperNovae (ASAS-SN) at R.A. = 10h15m23s.918, Decl. = -59°12'32".15 Mag 16.8:3/8, Type unknown (Joseph Brimacobe image)

AT2019bqk (= ASASSN-19fe), TNS discovered 2019/03/08.280 by All Sky Automated Survey for SuperNovae (ASAS-SN) at R.A. = 08h30m19s.836, Decl. = -47°56'05".35 Mag 16.2:3/8, Type unknown (Joseph Brimacombe image)

AT2019bqe (= PSP19B) (= ATLAS19dwe) (= PSN J09593994+3523422), TNS discovered 2019/03/07.810 by Xingming Observatory Sky Survey (XOSS)
Found in NGC 3074 at R.A. = 09h59m39s.940, Decl. = +35°23'42".20
Located 15".6 west and 8".1 north of the center of NGC 3074 (Discovery image)
Mag 18.7:4/5 (17.3:3/12), Type Ia (zhost=0.017159) (References: ATEL 12571 CBAT TOCP; SN 2002cp, 1965N)
2019bqe images sub-page

AT2019bqd (= ASASSN-19fa) (= Gaia19bbs), ATEL 12579 discovered 2019/03/08.046 by All Sky Automated Survey for SuperNovae (ASAS-SN)
Found in ESO 357-G24 at R.A. = 03h22m54s.096, Decl. = -36°45'53".11
Located 15".1 east and 9".7 north of the center of ESO 357-G24 (Discovery image)
Mag 17.5:3/8, Type unknown (zhost=0.041060) (References: TNS, Gaia observations)

AT2019bpu, TNS discovered 2019/03/06.500 by Tsinghua-NAOC Transient Survey (TNTS)
Found in UGC 4551 at R.A. = 08h44m06s.240, Decl. = +49°47'37".70
Located 5" east and 0" south of the center of UGC 4551 (Enrico Prosperi image) (Cedric Raguernaud image unconfirmed)
Mag 14.3:3/12, Type unknown (zhost=0.006000) (References: VSnet observations)

AT2019bpt (= PTSS-19cjzq), TNS discovered 2019/03/07.737 by PMO-Tsinghua Supernova Survey (PTSS)
Found in NGC 4307 at R.A. = 12h22m06s.940, Decl. = +09°03'25".22
Located 17" east and 48" north of the center of NGC 4307 (Discovery image)
Mag 19.2:3/7, Type unknown (zhost=0.003600)

AT2019bps, TNS discovered 2019/03/07.600 by Tsinghua-NAOC Transient Survey (TNTS)
Found in an anonymous galaxy at R.A. = 07h55m47s.750, Decl. = +51°56'32".40
Located 22" west and 4" south of the center of the host galaxy
Mag 19.3:3/7, Type II (z=0.069)

2019bpc (= ASASSN-19ew) (= Gaia19axa), ATEL 12579 discovered 2019/03/07.430 by All Sky Automated Survey for SuperNovae (ASAS-SN)
Found in UGC 7744 at R.A. = 12h34m43s.780, Decl. = +46°57'31".63
Located 3".8 east and 3".4 north of the center of UGC 7744 (Discovery image) (Andre Mantero image) (Jordi Camarasa image) (Cedric Raguenaud image)
Mag 16.4:3/23 (16.0:3/16), Type Ia (z=0.024) (zhost=0.024449) (References: ATEL 12585, TNS, Gaia observations)

2019bpb (= ASASSN-19ev) (= Gaia19bcp), ATEL 12579 discovered 2019/03/01.551 by All Sky Automated Survey for SuperNovae (ASAS-SN)
Found in an anonymous galaxy at R.A. = 05h12m09s.781, Decl. = -43°55'16".38
Located 6".5 east and 0".5 south of the center of host galaxy (Discovery image)
Mag 17.6:3/7, Type Ia (z=0.060) (References: ATEL 12563, TNS, Gaia observations)

AT2019bpa (= PTSS-19cjuz), TNS discovered 2019/03/06.635 by PMO-Tsinghua Supernova Survey (PTSS)
Found in an anonymous galaxy at R.A. = 10h30m13s.700, Decl. = +22°19'00".80
Located 7" west and 9" north of the center of the host galaxy (Discovery image)
Mag 19.5:3/6, Type unknown (zhost=0.040000)

2019bnc (= ASASSN-19et), ATEL 12579 discovered 2019/03/06.050 by All Sky Automated Survey for SuperNovae (ASAS-SN)
Found in an anonymous galaxy at R.A. = 13h31m28s.453, Decl. = +25°12'12".31
Located 0".8 west and 0".3 south of the center of host galaxy (Discovery image)
Mag 17.9:3/6, Type Ia (z=0.045) (zhost=0.045645) (References: ATEL 12585, TNS)

AT2019bnb (= ASASSN-19es), TNS discovered 2019/03/01.110 by All Sky Automated Survey for SuperNovae (ASAS-SN)
Found in an anonymous galaxy at R.A. = 03h48m26s.112, Decl. = -54°03'37".73
Located 1".2 west and 0".4 north of the center of host galaxy
Mag 18.3:3/1, Type unknown

AT2019bkz (= ASASSN-19ed), ATEL 12579 discovered 2019/03/03.830 by All Sky Automated Survey for SuperNovae (ASAS-SN)
Found in an anonymous galaxy at R.A. = 03h28m40s.992, Decl. = -47°14'09".38
Located 6".7 east and 5".3 south of the center of host galaxy (Discovery image)
Mag 17.7:3/3, Type unknown (zhost=0.038830) (References: TNS)

2019bkh (= ASASSN-19ec) (= Gaia19bqz), ATEL 12547 discovered 2019/03/03.380 by All Sky Automated Survey for SuperNovae (ASAS-SN)
Found in MCG +5-31-141 at R.A. = 13h08m57s.326, Decl. = +28°16'52".58
Located 2".0 east and 2".7 north of the center of MCG +5-31-141 (Discovery image) (HST image)
Mag 18.3:5/2 (17.6:3/3), Type Ia (zhost=0.019510) (References: ATEL 12550, TNS, Gaia observations)

2019bkg (= ASASSN-19eb) (= Gaia19bct), ATEL 12579 discovered 2019/03/02.800 by All Sky Automated Survey for SuperNovae (ASAS-SN)
Found in an anonymous galaxy at R.A. = 04h53m17s.959, Decl. = -32°50'49".19
Located 3".3 east and 2".6 south of the center of host galaxy (Discovery image)
Mag 17.9:3/3 (17.8:3/2), Type II (z=0.040) (zhost=0.036519) (References: ATEL 12563, TNS, Gaia observations)

2019bka (= ASASSN-19ea), ATEL 12547 discovered 2019/03/02.150 by All Sky Automated Survey for SuperNovae (ASAS-SN)
Found in an anonymous galaxy at R.A. = 11h44m25s.797, Decl. = +19°42'48".20
Located 0".0 east and 0".0 north of the center of the host galaxy (Discovery image) (Andre Mantero image (facebook version)) (Roberto De Lorenzo image (facebook version)
Mag 16.8:3/2, Type Ia-91T (z=0.024) (References: ATEL 12546, TNS)

2019bjz (= ASASSN-19dz), ATEL 12547 discovered 2019/03/02.100 by All Sky Automated Survey for SuperNovae (ASAS-SN)
Found in an anonymous galaxy at R.A. = 16h02m11s.826, Decl. = +15°55'05".43
Located 0".0 east and 0".0 north of the center of the host galaxy (Discovery image)
Mag 16.8:3/2, Type Ia (z=0.033) (zhost=0.033260) (References: ATEL 12559, TNS)

2019bjy (= ASASSN-19dy), ATEL 12547 discovered 2019/03/02.230 by All Sky Automated Survey for SuperNovae (ASAS-SN)
Found in an anonymous galaxy at R.A. = 13h06m00s.943, Decl. = -37°36'57".94
Located 0".6 west and 0".9 north of the center of host galaxy (Discovery image) (Joseph Brimacombe image)
Mag 17.9:3/2, Type Ia (z=0.046) (zhost=0.049010) (References: ATEL 12563, TNS)

AT2019bjx (= ASASSN-19dx) (= Gaia19bbi), ATEL 12547 discovered 2019/03/02.100 by All Sky Automated Survey for SuperNovae (ASAS-SN)
Found in an anonymous galaxy at R.A. = 06h25m17s.326, Decl. = -85°41'54".47
Located 16".2 west and 0".1 north of the center of host galaxy (Discovery image)
Mag 17.7:3/2, Type unknown (zhost=0.041665) (References: TNS, Gaia observations)

2019bjw (= ASASSN-19dw), ATEL 12547 discovered 2019/03/02.400 by All Sky Automated Survey for SuperNovae (ASAS-SN)
Found in an anonymous galaxy at R.A. = 10h55m47s.440, Decl. = +27°40'17".57
Located 0".0 west and 0".7 north of the center of host galaxy (Discovery image)
Mag 17.0:3/2, Type Ia (zhost=0.030050) (References: ATEL 12546, TNS)

2019bjv (= ASASSN-19dv), ATEL 12547 discovered 2019/03/01.450 by All Sky Automated Survey for SuperNovae (ASAS-SN)
Found in an anonymous galaxy at R.A. = 16h25m38s.651, Decl. = +47°26'14".08
Located 0".3 east and 0".2 south of the center of host galaxy (Discovery image)
Mag 17.8:3/1, Type Ic (z=0.0265) (References: TNS)

2019bju (= ASASSN-19du) (= Gaia19bde), ATEL 12547 discovered 2019/02/26.976 by All Sky Automated Survey for SuperNovae (ASAS-SN)
Found in an anonymous galaxy at R.A. = 06h06m45s.725, Decl. = -48°50'53".13
Located 0".2 east and 3".6 north of the center of host galaxy (Discovery image)
Mag 17.5:2/28 (17.3:2/26), Type II (z=0.029) (References: ATEL 12563, TNS, Gaia observations)

2019bjm (= ATLAS19dqg) (= Gaia19awg), ATEL 12542 discovered 2019/03/01.251 by ATLAS
Found in ESO 420-G3 at R.A. = 04h07m46s.216, Decl. = -29°51'34".10
Located 7".21 east and 3".28 south of the center of ESO 420-G3
Mag 15.9:3/5, Type Ia (zhost=0.014) (References: TNS, Gaia observations; SN 2005dg)

2019bic (= MASTER OT J093137.72+411921.31) (= ZTF19aalcyfd) (= ATLAS19dpm) (= Gaia19bln), ATEL 12536 discovered 2019/02/27.016 by MASTER robotic Net
Found in UGC 5072 at R.A. = 09h31m37s.720, Decl. = +41°19'21".31
Located 12".7 east and 18".5 north of the center of UGC 5072 (Discovery image) (A. Mantero image (Facebook version)) (Enrico Prosperi image) (Marco Russiani image)
Mag 18.8:4/19 (16.5:3/8), Type Ia (z=0.035187) (References: ATEL 12544, TNS, ZTF observations, Gaia observations, vsnet-recent-sn 7674; SN AT2018bhz)

AT2019bib (= SNhunt408), TNS discovered 2019/02/28.351 by Catalina Real-Time Transient Survey and Nikolay Mishevskiy
Found in an anonymous galaxy at R.A. = 11h24m52s.392, Decl. = +03°10'15".96
Located 8".8 west and 19".2 south of the center of host galaxy (Discovery image)
Mag 20.9:2/28, Type unknown

AT2019bia, TNS discovered 2019/02/27.803 by Marco Russiani
Found in PGC 27115 at R.A. = 09h32m44s.100, Decl. = +21°27'37".70
Located 68".0 east and 18".0 south of the center of PGC 27115 (Discovery image) (Marco Russiani image) (A. Mantero image unconfirmed (Facebook version))
Mag 18.5:2/27, Type unknown (zhost=0.001700)

AT2019bds (= ATLAS19dlh), ATEL 12533 discovered 2019/02/26.437 by ATLAS
Found in PGC 1032285 at R.A. = 09h54m20s.054, Decl. = -06°29'18".49
Located 1".70 west and 2".40 south of the center of PGC 1032285
Mag 19.4:2/26, Type unknown (References: TNS)

AT2019bdr (= SNhunt407), TNS discovered 2019/02/26.396 by Catalina Real-Time Transient Survey and Nikolay Mishevskiy
Found in an anonymous galaxy at R.A. = 10h28m52s.992, Decl. = +19°46'45".12
Located 0".0 east and 0".0 north of the center of the host galaxy (Discovery image)
Mag 21.1:2/26, Type unknown

AT2019bdq (= SNhunt406), TNS discovered 2019/02/26.490 by Catalina Real-Time Transient Survey and Mirco Villi
Found in NGC 3806 at R.A. = 11h40m47s.520, Decl. = +17°47'31".20
Located 12".7 east and 15".4 south of the center of NGC 3806 (Discovery image) (Claudio Balcon image)
Mag 18.3:3/23, Type unknown (zhost=0.011700)

2019bcf (= ASASSN-19dk) (= Gaia19asj), ATEL 12547 discovered 2019/02/23.157 by All Sky Automated Survey for SuperNovae (ASAS-SN)
Found in ESO 337-G16 at R.A. = 19h16m21s.461, Decl. = -40°07'43".97
Located 20".3 west and 11".3 south of the center of ESO 337-G16 (Discovery image) (Joseph Brimacombe image) (Emmanuel Conseil image)
Mag 16.2:2/27 (16.0:2/23), Type Ia (zhost=0.019860) (References: TNS, Gaia observations, VSnet observations)

2019bao (= ZTF19aaknate) (= ATLAS19dli) (= Gaia19blr), TNS discovered 2019/02/24.248 by ATLAS
Found in UGC 5687 at R.A. = 10h29m18s.522, Decl. = +06°07'21".83
Located 0".0 east and 0".0 north of the center of UGC 5687 (Enrico Prosperi image) (Enrico Prosperi image) (Enrico Prosperi image)
Mag 18.8:5/16 (17.2:3/23), Type IIb (zhost=0.011885) (References: ATEL 12546, ZTF observations, VSnet observations, Gaia observations)

AT2019azg (= ASASSN-19di) (= Gaia19avg), ATEL 12526 discovered 2019/02/22.020 by All Sky Automated Survey for SuperNovae (ASAS-SN)
Found in an LEDA 429512 at R.A. = 02h04m21s.518, Decl. = -53°28'35".12
Located 5".3 west and 10".8 north of the center of host galaxy (Discovery image)
Mag 18.5:3/4 (17.8:2/22), Type unknown (References: TNS, Gaia observations)

2019azf (= ASASSN-19dh) (= Gaia19aws), ATEL 12526 discovered 2019/02/22.020 by All Sky Automated Survey for SuperNovae (ASAS-SN)
Found in an anonymous galaxy at R.A. = 01h12m31s.466, Decl. = -45°48'49".85
Located 4".6 west and 3".8 north of the center of host galaxy (Discovery image)
Mag 17.5:3/8 (17.0:2/22), Type Ia (zhost=0.030568) (References: TNS, Gaia observations)

2019axz (= ATLAS19djo) (= Gaia19bcf), ATEL 12516 discovered 2019/02/17.610 by ATLAS
Found in ESO 272-G11 at R.A. = 14h30m16s.704, Decl. = -43°33'41".09
Located 14".32 west and 1".36 south of the center of ESO 272-G11 (Emmanuel Conseil image)
Mag 17.7:3/24, Type II (z=0.015) (zhost=0.014870) (References: ATEL 12530, TNS, VSnet observations, Gaia observations)

2019axf (= ASASSN-19cy) (= Gaia19bnr), ATEL 12526 discovered 2019/02/13.490 by All Sky Automated Survey for SuperNovae (ASAS-SN) at R.A. = 16h24m26s.434, Decl. = +82°47'41".70 Mag 17.5:3/21 (16.1:2/13), Type Ia (z=0.023) (Discovery image) (References: TNS, Gaia observations)

AT2019auj (= SNhunt405), TNS discovered 2019/02/09.443 by Catalina Real-Time Transient Survey and Nikolay Mishevskiy
Found in CGCG 064-023 at R.A. = 09h59m42s.504, Decl. = +14°03'19".44
Located 18".6 east and 53".4 south of the center of CGCG 064-023 (Discovery image)
Mag 19.9:2/9, Type unknown (zhost=0.052700)

AT2019asy (= ASASSN-19cq), TNS discovered 2019/02/09.380 by All Sky Automated Survey for SuperNovae (ASAS-SN) at R.A. = 17h47m05s.765, Decl. = -13°31'42".46 Mag 14.1:2/18 (13.9:2/17), Type unknown (Emmanuel Conseil image) (Emmanuel Conseil image) (References: vsnet-recent-sn 7650)

2019arb (= ZTF19aahjhoy) (= Gaia19awm), TNS discovered 2019/02/08.463 by Zwicky Transient Facility (ZTF)
Found in UGC 7367 at R.A. = 12h19m31s.228, Decl. = +49°48'50".97
Located 8".3 west and 5".7 south of the center of UGC 7367 (Grzegorz Duszanowicz image) (Cedric Raguenaud image) (Enrico Prosperi image)
Mag 17.5:3/25 (16.6:2/8), Type Ia (z=0.014) (zhost=0.013696) (References: ATEL 12489, ZTF observations, Gaia observations; SN AT2018cci, 2016iuh)

2019ape (= PS19mq) (= ATLAS19ded), ATEL 12483 discovered 2019/02/05.394 by PS1 Science consortium
Found in NGC 3426 at R.A. = 10h51m42s.538, Decl. = +18°28'52".73
Located 11".07 east and 1".73 north of the center of NGC 3426 (Discovery image) (Manfred Mrotzek image) (Cedric Raguenaud image)
Mag 18.4:2/21, Type Ic (z=0.02) (References: ATEL 12485, TNS)

2019aos (= ASASSN-19co) (= Gaia19ang) (= ATLAS19dee), ATEL 12526 discovered 2019/02/06.200 by All Sky Automated Survey for SuperNovae (ASAS-SN)
Found in an anonymous galaxy at R.A. = 13h12m38s.628, Decl. = -30°01'23".97
Located 2".8 east and 1".8 south of the center of host galaxy (Discovery image) (R.Santallo image) (Joseph Brimacombe image) (Emmanuel Conseil image)
Mag 16.7:2/26 (16.7:2/11), Type Ia-91T (z=0.03) (References: ATEL 12485, TNS, Gaia observations, vsnet-recent-sn 7649)

2019ano (= ASASSN-19ci) (= ATLAS19dbw), ATEL 12526 discovered 2019/02/06.140 by All Sky Automated Survey for SuperNovae (ASAS-SN)
Found in an anonymous galaxy at R.A. = 08h49m20s.663, Decl. = +11°11'56".69
Located 0".4 east and 3".9 north of the center of host galaxy (Discovery image)
Mag 18.1:2/6, Type Ia-91T (z=0.072) (References: TNS)

2019amr (= ASASSN-19cf) (= ATLAS19dcc), ATEL 12526 discovered 2019/02/05.340 by All Sky Automated Survey for SuperNovae (ASAS-SN)
Found in an anonymous galaxy at R.A. = 14h16m27s.742, Decl. = -45°25'12".66
Located 10".1 west and 1".3 north of the center of host galaxy (Discovery image)
Mag 17.3:2/5, Type Ia (z=0.036) (zhost=0.035908) (References: ATEL 12485, TNS)

2019akq (= ATLAS19cdi) (= Gaia19aou), TNS discovered 2019/02/03.307 by ATLAS
Found in UGC 3044 at R.A. = 04h26m49s.330, Decl. = +29°57'06".30
Located 7".5 west and 14".5 north of the center of UGC 3044 (Claudio Balcon image) (Paolo Campaner image)
Mag 16.7:2/28 (16.4:2/13), Type Ia (zhost=0.017459) (Claudio Balcon spectrum) (References: Gaia observations; SN AT2018hdh)

AT2019ajf (= ASASSN-19by) (= ATLAS19cej), TNS discovered 2019/02/01.210 by All Sky Automated Survey for SuperNovae (ASAS-SN) at R.A. = 06h09m25s.006, Decl. = -45°15'24".19 Mag 15.7:2/1, Type unknown

2019aja (= ASASSN-19bx), ATEL 12526 discovered 2019/02/01.480 by All Sky Automated Survey for SuperNovae (ASAS-SN)
Found in an anonymous galaxy at R.A. = 16h23m08s.044, Decl. = +19°00'20".77
Located 3".3 east and 5".3 south of the center of host galaxy (Discovery image)
Mag 16.8:2/1, Type Ia (z=0.036) (zhost=0.036228) (References: ATEL 12472, TNS)

2019aik (= PSP19A) (= PSN J10373836+3727297) (= ATLAS19cqs) (= Gaia19bmm), TNS discovered 2019/01/30.921 by Xingming Observatory Sky Survey (XOSS)
Found in NGC 3304 at R.A. = 10h37m38s.360, Decl. = +37°27'29".70
Located 6".0 east and 9".2 north of the center of NGC 3304 (Discovery image) (Discovery page)
Mag 17.9:5/16 (15.6:2/15), Type Ia (z=0.023) (References: ATEL 12465, Gaia observations, CBAT TOCP)
AT2019aik images sub-page

2019ahh (= ASASSN-19bs), ATEL 12526 discovered 2019/01/30.090 by All Sky Automated Survey for SuperNovae (ASAS-SN)
Found in an anonymous galaxy at R.A. = 14h02m15s.140, Decl. = +09°46'58".93
Located 5".9 east and 2".7 north of the center of host galaxy (Discovery image)
Mag 17.3:1/30, Type Ia-91bg (z=0.0225) (zhost=0.022549) (References: ATEL 12472, TNS)

2019ahg (= ATLAS19cas) (= Gaia19akz), ATEL 12452 discovered 2019/01/29.591 by ATLAS
Found in IC 893 at R.A. = 13h31m48s.005, Decl. = -02°36'31".00
Located 9".33 east and 10".82 north of the center of IC 893
Mag 17.9:2/2, Type Ic (zhost=0.020257) (References: ATEL 12460, TNS, Gaia observations)

AT2019ahd (= ATLAS19car) (= Gaia19bml), ATEL 12449 discovered 2019/01/29.519 by ATLAS
Found in NGC 3423 at R.A. = 10h51m11s.737, Decl. = +05°50'31".03
Located 38".67 west and 6".9 north of the center of NGC 3423 (Paolo Campaner image) (Manfred Mrotzek image)
Mag 18.9:4/22 (18.3:1/29), Type LBV (z=0.003) (zhost=0.003349) (References: ATEL 12451 TNS, Gaia observations; SN 2009ls)

2019agx (= SNhunt404), TNS discovered 2019/01/28.476 by Catalina Real-Time Transient Survey and Mirco Villi
Found in CGCG 218-016 at R.A. = 13h29m56s.640, Decl. = +38°24'20".16
Located 7".9 west and 6".3 north of the center of CGCG 218-016 (Discovery image)
Mag 20.0:1/28, Type Ib (z=0.036) (zhost=0.035000)

AT2019agw (= SNhunt403), TNS discovered 2019/01/26.338 by Catalina Real-Time Transient Survey and Nikolay Mishevskiy
Found in NGC 2628 at R.A. = 08h40m22s.896, Decl. = +23°32'06".72
Located 2".6 east and 16".1 south of the center of NGC 2628 (Discovery image)
Mag 20.4:1/26, Type unknown (zhost=0.012080)

AT2019ags, TNS discovered 2019/01/26.500 by Tsinghua-NAOC Transient Survey (TNTS)
Found in an anonymous galaxy at R.A. = 03h18m49s.970, Decl. = +43°16'18".60
Located 3" east and 0" north of the center of the host galaxy (Manfred Mrotzek image unconfirmed)
Mag 18.9:1/26, Type unknown

2019aex (= ASASSN-19bk) (= Gaia19akd), ATEL 12526 discovered 2019/01/27.090 by All Sky Automated Survey for SuperNovae (ASAS-SN)
Found in an anonymous galaxy at R.A. = 00h39m15s.700, Decl. = +06°41'18".40
Located 0".1 west and 0".2 south of the center of host galaxy (Discovery image)
Mag 17.1:2/1, Type Ia (z=0.039) (zhost=0.038683) (References: ATEL 12472, TNS, Gaia observations)

AT2019aeg (= ASASSN-19bj), ATEL 12431 discovered 2019/01/26.080 by All Sky Automated Survey for SuperNovae (ASAS-SN)
Found in ESO 121-G38 at R.A. = 06h33m33s.639, Decl. = -61°00'27".09
Located 9".6 east and 9".1 north of the center of ESO 121-G38 (Discovery image) (Roland Santallo image)
Mag 18.1:2/9, Type unknown (zhost=0.046679) (References: TNS)

AT2019abn (= ZTF19aadyppr) (= ATLAS19bzl), TNS discovered 2019/01/22.555 by ATLAS
Found in M51 at R.A. = 13h29m42s.394, Decl. = +47°11'16".99
Located 140".8 west and 153".2 south of the center of M51 (Joseph Brimacombe image)
Mag 17.9:5/4 (16.6:2/20), Type LBV (ILRT) (zhost=0.002000) (References: ATEL 12433, ZTF observations; SN 2011dh, 2005cs, 1994I, 1945A)
AT2019abn images sub-page

2019aax (= ATLAS19bvw), ATEL 12419 discovered 2019/01/24.519 by ATLAS
Found in PGC 765812 at R.A. = 12h17m05s.631, Decl. = -26°37'44".95
Located 11".4 west and 17".2 south of the center of PGC 765812
Mag 16.6:1/24, Type II (z=0.013) (References: ATEL 12422, TNS)

2019aai (= ZTF19aadtqcd) (= Gaia19akv), TNS discovered 2019/01/20.513 by Zwicky Transient Facility (ZTF)
Found in NGC 6181 at R.A. = 16h32m20s.734, Decl. = +19°50'24".65
Located 3".2 west and 49".1 north of the center of NGC 6181 (Emmanuel Conseil image)
Mag 18.5:2/28 (17.8:1/20), Type II (z=0.008) (zhost=0.007922) (Note: almost exact location as 1926B) (References: ZTF observations, Gaia observations, vsnet-recent-sn 7658; SN 1951I, 1926B)

2019yz (= ATLAS19buw) (= ZTF19aadttht) (= Gaia19ayk), TNS discovered 2019/01/20.516 by ATLAS
Found in UGC 9977 at R.A. = 15h41m57s.305, Decl. = +00°42'39".41
Located 33".5 west and 6".7 south of the center of UGC 9977 (Luca Grazzini image) (Enrico Prosperi image) (Ken'ichi Nishimura image) (Jaroslaw Grzegorzek image)
Mag 17.5:4/1 (15.9:2/5), Type Ic (z=0.006390) (zhost=0.006388) (References: ZTF observations, VSnet observations, Gaia observations)

2019yc (= Gaia19ajl), TNS discovered 2019/01/22.465 by Koichi Itagaki
Found in NGC 201 at R.A. = 00h39m35s.000, Decl. = +00°52'04".70
Located 2".7 east and 29".1 north of the center of NGC 201 (Discovery image) (Paolo Campaner image) (Claudio Balcon image) (Massimiliano Mannucci and Nico Montigiani image) (Paolo Campaner image)
Mag 18.1:1/31 (16.7:1/22), Type II (z=0.006) (zhost=0.014728) (References: ATEL 12428, Gaia observations; SN PSN J00393478+0051176)

MASTER OT J140216.0-533228.8, ATEL 12412 discovered 2019/01/21.098 by MASTER robotic Net
Found in ESO 174-G5 at R.A. = 14h02m16s.000, Decl. = -53°32'28".80
Located 20".5 east and 1".9 south of the center of ESO 174-G5
Mag 16.4:1/21, Type Ia (zhost=0.012570) (References: ATEL 12467)

2019vu (= ZTF19aadnxat) (= MLS190124:140220+592513) (= ATLAS19btk) (= PS19kt), TNS discovered 2019/01/11.515 by ATLAS
Found in MCG +10-20-65 at R.A. = 14h02m19s.893, Decl. = +59°25'12".14
Located 10".8 west and 3".9 north of the center of MCG +10-20-65 (MLS image) (Rafael G. Farfán image) (Cedric Raguenaud image)
Mag 17.2:2/20 (16.6:2/3), Type Ia (z=0.033) (zhost=0.032097) (References: ATEL 12428, TNS, ZTF observations)

2019vb (= ATLAS19bqp), ATEL 12406 discovered 2019/01/18.541 by ATLAS
Found in UGC 8317 at R.A. = 13h14m23s.050, Decl. = +30°29'06".67
Located 7".09 west and 4".68 north of the center of UGC 8317
Mag 18.2:1/18, Type II (z=0.02) (zhost=0.020144) (References: TNS)

2019va (= ATLAS19bqg) (= MASTER OT 133514.71+444557.7) (= MLS190125:133515+444558) (= Gaia19aht) (= ZTF19aadnxnl), ATEL 12404 discovered 2019/01/16.058 by ATLAS; MASTER robotic Net
Found in UGC 8577 at R.A. = 13h35m14s.684, Decl. = +44°45'58".67
Located 16".24 west and 17".63 north of the center of UGC 8577 (Master image) (Cedric Raguenaud image) (MLS image) (Marco Russiani image) (Rafael G. Farfán image) (Cedric Raguenaud image) (Enrico Prosperi image)
Mag 16.1:3/8, Type IIP (z=0.0088) (zhost=0.008796) (References: ATEL 12408, ATEL 12405 TNS, Gaia observations, ZTF observations, vsnet-recent-sn 7677)

2019uo (= ATLAS19boq) (= Gaia19agp), TNS discovered 2019/01/17.794 by Koichi Itagaki
Found in UGC 7020 at R.A. = 12h02m36s.560, Decl. = +41°03'42".30
Located 0".4 east and 27".2 north of the center of UGC 7020 (Discovery image) (K. Itagaki image) (Manfred Mrotzek image) (G. Wells and D. Bamberger image) (Jordi Camarasa image) (Gregor Krannich image) (Enrico Prosperi image)
Mag > 20.0:3/8 (16.5:1/25), Type Ibn (zhost=0.020454) (References: ATEL 12410, Gaia observations, vsnet-recent-sn 7676; SN AT2017hat, 2006C, 2001cf)

AT2019ui (= Gaia18dxv) (= ATLAS19bmz) (= ZTF18adbikdz), TNS discovered 2019/01/16.626 by Gaia Photometric Science Alerts programme
Found in NGC 6228 at R.A. = 16h48m03s.469, Decl. = +26°12'42".37
Located 11".0 east and 6".5 south of the center of NGC 6228
Mag 19.0:1/16, Type II (zhost=0.034320) (References: Gaia observations, ZTF observations; SN AT2017isr)

2019so (= ATLAS19bfk) (= Gaia19aod), ATEL 12389 discovered 2019/01/12.953 by ATLAS
Found in NGC 4622 at R.A. = 12h42m36s.430, Decl. = -40°44'47".06
Located 13".53 west and 7".64 south of the center of the NGC 4622
Mag 18.5:1/14, Type Ia-91bg (z=0.015) (zhost=0.014567) (References: ATEL 12394, TNS, Gaia observations; SN 2001jx)

AT2019sm (= Germes-SN1), ATEL 12392 discovered 2019/01/14.579 by Dennis Denisenko
Found in PGC 279613 at R.A. = 07h35m15s.000, Decl. = -69°22'17".70
Located 0" west and 8" north of the center of PGC 279613 (Discovery image)
Mag 18.1:1/14, Type unknown (References: TNS)

2019rz (= ASASSN-19av) (= ZTF18aadmssd) (= ATLAS19bzm), ATEL 12393 discovered 2019/01/14.410 by All Sky Automated Survey for SuperNovae (ASAS-SN)
Found in UGC 3554 at R.A. = 06h50m25s.756, Decl. = +43°03'11".94
Located 0".6 west and 0".1 south of the center of UGC 3554 (Discovery image) (Cedric Raguenaud image) (Enrico Prosperi image)
Mag 16.5:2/16, Type IIn (zhost=0.018853) (References: ATEL 12397, TNS, ZTF observations)

AT2019rv (= ASASSN-19au) (= Gaia19afr), ATEL 12393 discovered 2019/01/13.210 by All Sky Automated Survey for SuperNovae (ASAS-SN) at R.A. = 09h07m31s.753, Decl. = -72°11'17".35 Mag 17.2:1/19 (17.1:1/13), Type unknown (Discovery image) (Joseph Brimacombe image) (References: TNS, Gaia observations)

2019rn (= ATLAS19bdu) (= Gaia19amk) (= ZTF19aadpqnb), ATEL 12384 discovered 2019/01/12.301 by ATLAS
Found in NGC 877 at R.A. = 02h17m59s.605, Decl. = +14°32'00".41
Located 0".49 west and 38".30 south of the center of NGC 877 (Giancarlo Cortini image) (Jean-Brice Gayet image) (Enrico Prosperi image) (Enrico Prosperi image) (Enrico Prosperi image)
Mag 17.9:2/20 (16.2:2/6), Type IIb (z=0.013) (zhost=0.013052) (References: ATEL 12391, ATEL 12388, TNS, Gaia observations, ZTF observationsVSnet observations)

2019rm (= ASASSN-19at) (= Gaia19agt), ATEL 12386 discovered 2019/01/12.240 by All Sky Automated Survey for SuperNovae (ASAS-SN)
Found in an anonymous galaxy at R.A. = 05h53m13s.252, Decl. = -73°06'56".89
Located 2".2 west and 0".5 north of the center of the host galaxy (Discovery image) (Joseph Brimacombe image)
Mag 16.0:1/20 (15.1:1/13), Type Ia (z=0.02) (References: ATEL 12394, TNS, Gaia observations)

2019rf (= ATLAS19bdc) (= Gaia19ara), ATEL 12382 discovered 2019/01/11.337 by ATLAS
Found in PGC 165356 at R.A. = 03h12m13s.522, Decl. = +67°24'35".05
Located 24".26 east and 13".67 north of the center of PGC 165356 (Yuji Tanaka image) (Andrea Mantero image) (Claudio Balcon image)
Mag 17.9:2/18 (17.3:1/12), Type SN (z=0.011) (zhost=0.010551) (References: TNS, Gaia observations)

AT2019pt, TNS discovered 2019/01/08.594 by Tsinghua-NAOC Transient Survey (TNTS) at R.A. = 07h57m20s.260, Decl. = +51°25'15".70 Mag 19.3:1/8, Type unknown

AT2019oy (= ASASSN-19ao), ATEL 12393 discovered 2019/01/10.080 by All Sky Automated Survey for SuperNovae (ASAS-SN)
Found in an anonymous galaxy at R.A. = 02h45m28s.609, Decl. = -62°07'27".55
Located 8".1 west and 2".7 north of the center of host galaxy (Discovery image) (Roland Santallo image)
Mag 17.9:1/28 (17.6:1/10), Type unknown (zhost=0.025700) (References: TNS)

2019np (= ZTF19aacgslb) (= ATLAS19bab) (= Gaia19bmh), TNS discovered 2019/01/09.665 by Koichi Itagaki
Found in NGC 3254 at R.A. = 10h29m21s.960, Decl. = +29°30'38".40
Located 26".3 east and 67".8 north of the center of NGC 3254 (Discovery image)
Mag 16.9:5/31 (13.0:1/25), Type Ia (z=0.00452) (References: ATEL 12374, 12375, 12378, (12411 corrected), 12415, 12416, ZTF observations, Gaia observations; SN 1941B)
2019np images sub-page

2019mh (= ASASSN-19aj) (= ATLAS19awe) (= MLS190119:120236+043258) (= Gaia19aiq) (= PS19jg), ATEL 12393 discovered 2019/01/09.580 by All Sky Automated Survey for SuperNovae (ASAS-SN)
Found in an anonymous galaxy at R.A. = 12h02m36s.138, Decl. = +04°32'58".58
Located 2".9 west and 1".2 south of the center of host galaxy (Discovery image) (Joseph Brimacombe image) (MLS image) (Enrico Prosperi image)
Mag 16.7:3/24 (16.0:1/19), Type II (zhost=0.018848) (References: TNS, Gaia observations, VSnet observations)

AT2019lc, TNS discovered 2019/01/08.840 by Tsinghua-NAOC Transient Survey (TNTS)
Found in IC 2968 at R.A. = 11h52m30s.700, Decl. = +20°37'32".20
Located 2".8 east and 0".2 north of the center of IC 2968 (Manfred Mrotzek image unconfirmed)
Mag 16.3:1/8, Type unknown (zhost=0.022055)

AT2019kh (= ASASSN-19ai) (= OGLE19kh), ATEL 12369 discovered 2019/01/07.180 by All Sky Automated Survey for SuperNovae (ASAS-SN)
Found in an anonymous galaxy at R.A. = 04h29m01s.392, Decl. = -61°16'49".22
Located 1".9 west and 2".5 north of the center of host galaxy (Discovery image) (OGLE image)
Mag 19.7:1/13 (18.2:1/7), Type unknown (zhost=0.064000) (References: TNS)

2019jc (= ATLAS19aep), ATEL 12368 discovered 2019/01/08.207 by ATLAS
Found in UGC 11849 at R.A. = 21h55m40s.993, Decl. = +24°54'20".67
Located 10".1 east and 28".4 north of the center of the UGC 11849
Mag 18.0:1/8, Type Icn (zhost=0.019480) (References: TNS)

2019im (= ASASSN-19ah) (= Gaia19ade), ATEL 12393 discovered 2019/01/08.020 by All Sky Automated Survey for SuperNovae (ASAS-SN)
Found in an anonymous galaxy at R.A. = 13h17m53s.665, Decl. = -21°24'11".34
Located 11".3 east and 4".5 north of the center of host galaxy (Discovery image)
Mag 17.6:1/9, Type Ia (z=0.043) (zhost=0.043220) (References: TNS, Gaia observations)

2019cj (= ASASSN-19af), ATEL 12393 discovered 2019/01/03.260 by All Sky Automated Survey for SuperNovae (ASAS-SN)
Found in AM 0454-460 at R.A. = 04h56m22s.920, Decl. = -46°02'13".37
Located 0".8 east and 20".8 south of the center of AM 0454-460 (Discovery image) (Roland Santallo image)
Mag 18.3:1/3, Type II (z=0.045) (zhost=0.044521) (References: ATEL 12363, TNS)

AT2019ce, TNS discovered 2019/01/02.455 by Tsinghua-NAOC Transient Survey (TNTS) at R.A. = 01h11m54s.600, Decl. = +11°30'05".50 Mag 18.7:1/2, Type unknown

2019el (= MASTER OT J000256.70+323252.3) (= ZTF19aaaajhn), ATEL 12352 discovered 2019/01/02.645 by MASTER robotic Net at R.A. = 00h02m56s.700, Decl. = +32°32'52".30 Mag 17.9:1/3 (17.4:1/2), Type IIn (z=0.0005) (Discovery image) (Andre Mantero image) (Emmanuel Conseil image) (References: TNS, ZTF observations, ATEL 12356; SN CSS151119:000257+323253)

AT2019bm (= ATLAS19aaw) (= Gaia19ags) (= PS19lk), TNS discovered 2019/01/02.594 by ATLAS
Found in UGC 6929 at R.A. = 11h57m16s.349, Decl. = +36°24'58".71
Located 40".5 west and 1".7 north of the center of UGC 6929 (PS1 image) (Enrico Prosperi image) (Enrico Prosperi image)
Mag 18.4:3/8 (15.8:1/21), Type Ia (z=0.021) (zhost=0.021101) (References: ATEL 12364, Gaia observations, VSnet observations; SN AT2018arf, PSN J11571789+3624544)

2019be (= ATLAS19aar) (= ZTF19aaafica), TNS discovered 2019/01/02.626 by ATLAS
Found in NGC 4898A at R.A. = 13h00m14s.524, Decl. = +27°57'24".67 (in coma cluster)
Located 41".7 west and 5".3 north of the center of NGC 4898A
Mag 19.0:1/25 (18.4:1/2), Type Ia-91bg (z=0.02) (zhost=0.023026) (References: ATE 12362, ZTF observations; SN 2008dx)

2019B (= ASASSN-19ab) (= ZTF18adbmbpa) (= PS19ej) (= Gaia19adx), ATEL 12393 discovered 2018/12/30.125 by All Sky Automated Survey for SuperNovae (ASAS-SN)
Found in UGC 118 at R.A. = 00h13m02s.469, Decl. = +22°06'07".94
Located 83".2 east and 4".8 north of the center of UGC 118 (Discovery image) (Gianpiero Locatelli image) (Andre Mantero image) (Manfred Mrotzek image) (Yuji Tanaka image) (Cedric Raguenaud image) (Rafael G. Farfán image) (Paolo Campaner image) (Marco Russiani image) (PS1 image)
Mag 17.5:1/13 (17.1:1/3), Type II (z=0.021) (zhost=0.021000) (References: ATEL 12366, TNS, ZTF observations, Gaia observations)

2019A (= ASASSN-19aa), ATEL 12393 discovered 2019/01/01.010 by All Sky Automated Survey for SuperNovae (ASAS-SN)
Found in an anonymous galaxy at R.A. = 11h39m08s.579, Decl. = -21°32'30".80
Located 11".4 east and 6".3 south of the center of host galaxy (Discovery image) (Joseph Brimacombe image) (R Santallo image) (R.Santallo image)
Mag 18.6:1/15 (17.7:1/1), Type Ia (z=0.072) (zhost=0.072293) (References: ATEL 12363, TNS)

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