Supernova discovery statistics for 2004

These are supernova stastics for the year 2004. If there are other statistics you are interested in, please let me know.
Page re-generated at: 2023/11/26.898 UT

For the year 2004, 343 supernovae and 31 extragalactic novae were reported.
249 of these supernovae were named by CBAT,
26 were given possible supernova designations,
and 68 were not reported to CBAT.
68 supernovae were found in NGC/IC galaxies, 325 were found in named galaxies
138 objects were discovered by amateurs
2 were brighter than 13th Magnitude
38 were brighter than 16th Magnitude
128 were brighter than 18th Magnitude
221 Type I supernovae were found
  192 Type Ia
    0 Type Ia-02cx
    0 Type Ia-91bg
    0 Type Ia-91T
    0 Type Ia-pec
  11 Type Ib
    0 Type Ibn
    0 Type Ib-pec
  17 Type Ic
    0 Type Icn
    1 Type Ic-pec
  0 Type SLSN-I
79 Type II supernovae were found
  4 Type IIn
  9 Type IIP
  4 Type IIb
  0 Type IIL
  0 Type SLSN-II
  2 Type II-pec
0 LBV (supernova impostors) were found
0 were not supernovae or Extragalactic novae.
43 were untyped
Of the 31 novae that were reported  30 were reported to CBAT and 1 were not
  30 were given official names by CBAT
  24 were found in M31
  4 were found in M81
  0 were found in M33
  1 were untyped

  80 objects were discovered by LOSS (prof) (2005D)
  50 objects were discovered by Supernova Legacy Project (prof) (SNLS-04D4dm)
  32 objects were discovered by ESSENCE project (prof) (2004hs)
  31 objects were discovered by SDSS (prof) (2004io)
  23 objects were discovered by Kamil Hornoch et al. (Nova M31 2004 24)
  22 objects were discovered by SDSS Collaboration (prof) (2004io)
  20 objects were discovered by Tom Boles (2004gl)
  18 objects were discovered by HST (prof) (HST04Omb)
  15 objects were discovered by Mark Armstrong (2004em)
  13 objects were discovered by ESO (prof) (2004ip)
  10 objects were discovered by R. Gibbons (K0404-010)
   9 objects were discovered by Berto Monard (2004gt)
   7 objects were discovered by L. Strolger (K0405-007)
   7 objects were discovered by Tim Puckett et al. (2004gz)
   6 objects were discovered by Galaxy Zoo (AT2004ix)
   6 objects were discovered by Lulin Observatory (2004gv)
   5 objects were discovered by Koichi Itagaki (2004ez)
   3 objects were discovered by Claude Cornen (AT2004ir)
   3 objects were discovered by Deep Lens Survey Transient Team (prof) (2004ba)
   3 objects were discovered by OGLE (prof) (2004aa)
   3 objects were discovered by ROTSE (prof) (2004gy)
   3 objects were discovered by superMACHO project (2004gp)
   2 objects were discovered by Federico Manzini (Nova M31 2004 18)
   2 objects were discovered by J. D. Neill (Nova M110 2004)
   2 objects were discovered by Lubomir Tzenev et al. (Nova M31 2004 21)
   2 objects were discovered by Perth Astronomical Research Group (prof) (2004ch)
   2 objects were discovered by Reiki Kushida (2004bv)
   2 objects were discovered by Ron Arbour (2004fu)
   2 objects were discovered by Tenagara Observatory Supernova Search (2004ey)
   1 objects were discovered by A. del Olmo et. el. (2004gc)
   1 objects were discovered by Associazione Ternana Astrofili (2004dg)
   1 objects were discovered by BRASS (2004ew)
   1 objects were discovered by Brazilian Supernovae Search (2004cz)
   1 objects were discovered by Cristovao Jacques (2004cw)
   1 objects were discovered by Dave Lane (2005B)
   1 objects were discovered by Doug Rich (2004gx)
   1 objects were discovered by Italian Supernovae Search Project (Nova M31 2004 17)
   1 objects were discovered by J. Young (2004eg)
   1 objects were discovered by Marco Fiaschi (Nova M31 2004 14)
   1 objects were discovered by Melina Thévenot (AT2004iv)
   1 objects were discovered by Stefano Moretti (2004et)
   1 objects were discovered by US Naval observatory (prof) (2004C)

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