Extragalactic Novae - 2000

This data comes from IAU Circulars and occasionally more data will be provided on IAU's Astronomical Headlines page. An archive of the 2000 updates to this page is available.

Due to the large number of Extragalactic Novae announced in 2003 I have decided to give these novae their own archive, so that you don't need to hunt through the main 2000 supernova archive to find them.   Please note that I do not keep track of galactic novae.   This is a partial list of the Extragalactic Novae discovered in 2000.   Current Novae can be found on the main page.  

Nova M81 2000, Unannounced discovered 2000/12/24.643 by K. Hornoch
Found in M81 at R.A. = 09h55m54s.31, Decl. = +69°00'50".7
Located 113.4" east and 184.4" south of the center of NGC 3031 (= M81) (Discovery image)
Mag 21.9, Type Extragalactic Nova

Nova M31 2000 6, Unannounced discovered 2000/08/06.233 by K. Hornoch and D. Carter
Found in M31 at R.A. = 00h42m47.76s, Decl. = +41°12'51".8
Located 27".5 east and 196".7 south of the center of NGC 224 (= M31) (Discovery image)
Mag 17.9*, Type Extragalactic Nova

Nova M31 2000 5, Unannounced discovered 2000/07/27.217 by K. Hornoch and D. Carter
Found in M31 at R.A. = 00h42m47.47s, Decl. = +41°15'07".5
Located 35".5 east and 60" south of the center of NGC 224 (= M31) (Discovery image)
Mag 16.96, Type Extragalactic Nova

Possible Nova M31 2000 4, discovered 2000/10/31.882 by Odd Trondal
Found in M31 at R.A. = 00h43m56s.08, Decl. = +41°28'09".3
Located 1'12" East and 12'0" North of the center of NGC 224 (= M31) (Odd Trondal discovery images)
Mag > 19, Type Extragalactic Nova
Nova M31 4 images sub-page

Nova M31 2000 3, IAUC 7516 discovered 2000/10/22 by Remanzacco Observatory
Found in M31 at R.A. = 00h42m57.2s8, Decl. = +41°07'18".3
Located 13" East and 8'51" South of the center of NGC 224 (= M31)
Mag > 19, Type Extragalactic Nova
Nova M31 3 images sub-page

Nova M31 2000 2, IAUC 7477 discovered 2000/08/10.5 by Lick Observatory Supernova Search
Found in M31 at R.A. = 00h42m37s.68, Decl. = +41°17'37".3
Located 75" west and 89" north of the nucleus of NGC 224 (= M31) (Discovery image)
Mag 18: (17.5:8/10), Type Extragalactic Nova
Nova M31 2 images sub-page

Nova M31 2000 1, IAUC 7477 discovered 2000/07/27.5 by Lick Observatory Supernova Search
Found in M31 at R.A. = 00h42m44s.08, Decl. = +41°17'57".3
Located 4" west and 108" north of the nucleus of NGC 224 (= M31) (Discovery image)
Mag > 19* (16.9:7/27), Type Extragalactic Nova

Nova NGC 185 2000, IAUC 7458 discovered 2000/07/13.5 by Lick Observatory Supernova Search
Found in NGC 185 at R.A. = 00h39m07s.02, Decl. = +48°20'34".4
Located 93" east and 20" north of the diffuse nucleus of NGC 185 (Discovery image)
Mag 18.2*, Type Extragalactic Nova

Nova LMC 2000, IAUC 7453 discovered 2000/07/12.4 by W. Liller
Found in LMC at R.A. = 05h25m01s.60, Decl. = -70°14'17".3 (AAVSO finder chart)
Located 1'27".1 west and 28'55" south of the center of LMC (Discovery image)
Mag 13.9* (11.2:7/12), Type Extragalactic Nova (References: IAUC 7457, 7458, 7486; aavso-flash 277; vsnet-alert 5105, alert 5103, alert 5106)

Last modified: Fri Jan 9 15:12:43 EST 2000

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Please send feedback to David Bishop dbishopx@gmail.com