2022 Supernova Boneyard

Welcome to the Boneyard.   On this page you will find entries for objects that have been confirmed as Cataclysmic variables, asteriods (otherwise known as Vermin of the sky), or some other non extragalactic event.   Why keep them around? Because you never know when something like this will come back to life...

AT2022aeev, TNS discovered 2022/12/31.000 by Stu Parker (BOSS)
Found in IC 2584 at R.A. = 10h29m51s.580, Decl. = -34°54'41".70
Located 0".0 east and 0".0 north of the center of IC 2584
Mag 17.0:12/31, Type unconfirmed (zhost=0.008503)

AT2022wbt (= GEOTS-2022-014) (= TCP J04200050+3830325) (= Gaia23ais), TNS discovered 2022/09/26.384 by GEOTS at R.A. = 04h20m00s.500, Decl. = +38°30'32".50 Mag 17.9:1/18, (17.5:9/26), Type CV (Discovery image) (References: CBAT TOCP, Gaia observations)

AT2022sjd, TNS discovered 2022/08/27.699 by Masaki Tsuboi
Found in NGC 132 at R.A. = 00h30m11s.990, Decl. = +02°04'43".90
Located 19".8 east and 52".5 south of the center of NGC 132 (Katsumi Yoshimoto image)
Mag 14.5:8/27, Type MP (Note = Jupiter VI = Himalia)

AT2022mmp (= ASASSN-22hw) (= Gaia22cpz), TNS discovered 2022/06/10.130 by All Sky Automated Survey for SuperNovae (ASAS-SN) at R.A. = 13h24m31s.268, Decl. = -72°10'30".31 Mag 10.6:6/20 (9.5:6/10), Type Nova (References: Gaia observations, ATEL 15435)

AT2022kdb (= ASASSN-22gz) (= Gaia22caf), TNS discovered 2022/04/27.420 by All Sky Automated Survey for SuperNovae (ASAS-SN)
Found in an anonymous galaxy at R.A. = 00h26m40s.685, Decl. = -53°09'47".81
Located 0".0 east and 0".0 north of the center of the host galaxy
Mag 15.9:5/8, Type AGN (zhost=0.062877) (References: Gaia observations)

AT2022jpq, TNS discovered 2022/05/09.000 by Jordi Camarasa
Found in IC 4351 at R.A. = 13h57m54s.690, Decl. = -29°18'47".20
Located 0".0 east and 0".0 north of the center of IC 4351
Mag 16.3:5/9, Type *

AT2022jle, TNS discovered 2022/05/02.969 by Francesco Doria
Found in NGC 3631 at R.A. = 11h21m04s.130, Decl. = +53°10'06".99
Located 0".0 east and 0".0 north of the center of NGC 3631 (Giancarlo Cortini image unconfirmed) (Manfred Mrotzek image unconfirmed) (Simone Bolzoni image unconfirmed)
Mag 14.0:5/2, Type unconfirmed

AT2022jjm, TNS discovered 2022/05/03.594 by Shigemi Kato
Found in NGC 2880 at R.A. = 09h29m33s.000, Decl. = +62°29'37".00
Located 0".0 east and 0".0 north of the center of NGC 2880 (Discovery image) (Toshihide Noguchi image unconfirmed) (Simone Bolzoni image unconfirmed)
Mag 15.0:5/3, Type unconfirmed (zhost=0.005180)

AT2022ivt (= Ric7-2022ivtGBObs), TNS discovered 2022/04/28.908 by RTSG
Found in NGC 5239 at R.A. = 13h36m25s.470, Decl. = +07°22'37".70
Located 0".0 east and 0".0 north of the center of NGC 5239 (Discovery image) (Giancarlo Cortini image unconfirmed)
Mag 17.2:4/28, Type unconfirmed (zhost=0.023462) (References: AstroNote 2022-102)

AT2022iha, TNS discovered 2022/04/24.586 by Shigemi Kato
Found in NGC 6181 at R.A. = 16h32m21s.250, Decl. = +19°49'30".00
Located 0".0 east and 0".0 north of the center of NGC 6181
Mag 15.0:4/24, Type HP (Note: Not a supernova)

AT2022hkg, TNS discovered 2022/04/12.636 by Wataru Kakei
Found in NGC 4697 at R.A. = 12h48m37s.460, Decl. = -05°47'52".00
Located 0".0 east and 0".0 north of the center of NGC 4697 (Discovery image) (K. Itagaki image)
Mag 16.2:4/12, Type HP

AT2022gyw (= ATLAS22lhf), TNS discovered 2022/04/08.433 by ATLAS
Found in M101 at R.A. = 14h02m49s.302, Decl. = +54°22'01".37 (= NGC 5457)
Located 203".1 west and 65".1 north of the center of M101
Mag 18.4:4/8, Type HP (z=0.000804) (References: SN 2011fe)

AT2022gyc, TNS discovered 2022/04/07.779 by Tetsuya Fujii
Found in NGC 7217 at R.A. = 22h07m53s.240, Decl. = +31°21'39".50
Located 0".0 east and 0".0 north of the center of NGC 7217 (Discovery image) (Fabio Feijo image) (Simone Bolzoni image)
Mag 16.0:4/7, Type HP

AT2022grn (= MASTER OT J215050.94-702028.9), TNS discovered 2022/04/03.724 by MASTER
Found in NGC 7123 at R.A. = 21h50m50s.940, Decl. = -70°20'28".90
Located 22".1 east and 25".9 south of the center of NGC 7123 (Eliot Herman image)
Mag 14.5:4/3, Type Unconfirmed (Note: forground star?)

AT2022eyx, TNS discovered 2022/03/21.141 by Patrick Stonehouse
Found in NGC 3115 at R.A. = 10h06m20s.000, Decl. = -07°49'40".00
Located 0".0 east and 0".0 north of the center of NGC 3115 (Discovery image) (Giancarlo Cortini image) (Mathieu Chauveau image) (Koichi Itagaki image) (Toshihide Noguchi image)
Mag 18.0:3/10, Type * (zhost=0.002212) (Note: Foreground star) (Note: Coordinates given are far outside the host galaxy!) (References: SN 1935B)

AT2022ete (= ASASSN-22dh) (= Gaia22bda), TNS discovered 2022/03/13.360 by All Sky Automated Survey for SuperNovae (ASAS-SN)
Found in CGMW 3-4465 at R.A. = 19h39m06s.062, Decl. = -01°23'25".69
Located 0".0 east and 0".0 north of the center of CGMW 3-4465
Mag 17.3:3/16 (16.7:3/13), Type CV (zhost=0.020894) (References: AstroNote 2022-71, Gaia observations)

AT2022eiu (= ASASSN-22cy), TNS discovered 2022/03/04.140 by All Sky Automated Survey for SuperNovae (ASAS-SN)
Found in NGC 3822 at R.A. = 11h42m11s.131, Decl. = +10°16'39".72
Located 0".0 east and 0".0 north of the center of NGC 3822
Mag 16.7:3/4, Type AGN (zhost=0.020894) (References: ATEL 15280)

AT2022dsb (= ASASSN-22cs) (= ZTF22aadghqe) (= ATLAS22iav), ATEL 15256 discovered 2022/03/01.570 by All Sky Automated Survey for SuperNovae (ASAS-SN)
Found in ESO 583-G4 at R.A. = 15h42m21s.743, Decl. = -22°40'14".04
Located 0".0 east and 0".0 north of the center of ESO 583-G4 (Discovery image)
Mag 17.3:3/1, Type TDE (z=0.023) (zhost=0.023419) (References: AstroNote 2022-55, TNS, ZTF observations)

AT2022dbl (= ASASSN-22ci), TNS discovered 2022/02/22.620 by All Sky Automated Survey for SuperNovae (ASAS-SN)
Found in an anonymous galaxy at R.A. = 12h20m45s.010, Decl. = +49°33'04".68
Located 0".0 east and 0".0 north of the center of the host galaxy
Mag 16.9:3/1, Type TDE (z=0.0284) (zhost=0.028398) (References: AstroNote 2024-43, AstroNote 2022-57)

AT2022brm (= Barlad V2) (= PSN J11195318+1336030) (= MP (24525) 2001 CS4), TNS discovered 2022/02/08.962 by Dumitru Ciprian
Found in NGC 3628 at R.A. = 11h19m53s.180, Decl. = +13°36'03".00
Located 347".8 west and 40".1 north of the center of NGC 3628 (Discovery image) (Klaus Wenzel image)
Mag 16.1:2/8, Type MP (zhost=0.002822) (References: CBAT TOCP; SN Possible Radio Supernova)

AT2022mx (= ASASSN-22ar), ATEL 15167 discovered 2022/01/07.510 by All Sky Automated Survey for SuperNovae (ASAS-SN)
Found in an anonymous galaxy at R.A. = 10h28m06s.281, Decl. = -09°46'45".33
Located 0".0 east and 0".0 north of the center of the host galaxy (Discovery image)
Mag 17.6:1/7, Type Galaxy (z=0.108) (zhost=0.089417) (References: TNS)

AT2022dz, TNS discovered 2022/01/07.707 by Kunihiro Shima
Found in NGC 3121 at R.A. = 10h06m49s.570, Decl. = +14°21'51".80
Located 0".0 east and 0".0 north of the center of NGC 3121 (Enrico Prosperi image)
Mag 16.8:1/7, Type MP

AT2022am, TNS discovered 2022/01/04.772 by Kunihiro Shima
Found in NGC 3239 at R.A. = 10h25m06s.750, Decl. = +17°08'53".20
Located 0".0 east and 0".0 north of the center of NGC 3239 (Discovery image)
Mag 19.2:1/4, Type * (zhost=0.002367)

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David Bishop