Supernova discovery statistics for 2021

These are supernova stastics for the year 2021. If there are other statistics you are interested in, please let me know.
Page re-generated at: 2025/03/02.148 UT

For the year 2021, 23711 supernovae and 49 extragalactic novae were reported.
2369 of these supernovae were named by TNS,
21339 were given possible supernova designations,
and 3 were not reported to TNS.
172 supernovae were found in NGC/IC galaxies, 14269 were found in named galaxies
87 objects were discovered by amateurs
8 were brighter than 13th Magnitude
107 were brighter than 16th Magnitude
970 were brighter than 18th Magnitude
1878 Type I supernovae were found
  1691 Type Ia
    6 Type Ia-02cx
    24 Type Ia-91bg
    74 Type Ia-91T
    18 Type Ia-pec
  79 Type Ib
    11 Type Ibn
    4 Type Ib-pec
  66 Type Ic
    2 Type Icn
    24 Type Ic-pec
  24 Type SLSN-I
506 Type II supernovae were found
  70 Type IIn
  35 Type IIP
  37 Type IIb
  0 Type IIL
  11 Type SLSN-II
  7 Type II-pec
5 LBV (supernova impostors) were found
2471 were not supernovae or Extragalactic novae.
18835 were untyped
Of the 49 novae that were reported  8 were reported to TNS and 41 were not
  0 were given official names by TNS
  33 were found in M31
  3 were found in M81
  5 were found in M33
  29 were untyped

10198 objects were discovered by ZTF (prof) (AT2021afyi)
6763 objects were discovered by PS1 (prof) (AT2021ahov)
2816 objects were discovered by Gaia (prof) (AT2021ahof)
2687 objects were discovered by ATLAS (prof) (AT2021ahol)
 355 objects were discovered by DESIRT (prof) (AT2021muj)
 267 objects were discovered by MASTER (prof) (AT2021ahob)
 143 objects were discovered by ANTARES (prof) (AT2021aiaq)
 134 objects were discovered by ASAS-SN (prof) (2021ahmz)
 115 objects were discovered by XOSS (2021agnl)
  69 objects were discovered by GSNST (prof) (AT2021ahop)
  64 objects were discovered by PTF (prof) (AT2021ahta)
  23 objects were discovered by GEOTS (prof) (AT2021aavt)
  17 objects were discovered by BraTS (prof) (AT2021zfi)
  15 objects were discovered by GOTO (prof) (AT2021lwh)
   9 objects were discovered by DECam (prof) (2021ahpg)
   9 objects were discovered by DESGW (prof) (AT2021aaug)
   8 objects were discovered by Koichi Itagaki (2021vaz)
   7 objects were discovered by DLT40 (prof) (2021agdd)
   7 objects were discovered by Kamil Hornoch et al. (PSN J04160610-0540324)
   4 objects were discovered by Stu Parker (AT2021skl)
   3 objects were discovered by HST (prof) (AT2021aicn)
   3 objects were discovered by Italian Supernovae Search Project (AT2021tcq)
   2 objects were discovered by CRTS (prof) (2021aeuq)
   2 objects were discovered by Conjat (AT2021zsv)
   1 objects were discovered by F. Cappiello, S. Massaro (AT2021abqm)
   1 objects were discovered by Galaxy Zoo (AT2021aias)
   1 objects were discovered by Grzegorz Duszanowicz (2021agdm)
   1 objects were discovered by J. Vinko (AT2021aeab)
   1 objects were discovered by K. Sárneczky et al. (AT2021acbn)
   1 objects were discovered by Klaus Kretzschmar (AT2021efp)
   1 objects were discovered by Marco Iozzi (AT2021rbb)
   1 objects were discovered by Peter Marples, Greg Bock and Pat Pearl (AT2021xtf)
   1 objects were discovered by SGLF (prof) (AT2021jtm)
   1 objects were discovered by Shuji Tokuoka (2021afsj)
   1 objects were discovered by Vázquez Ramió (AT2021aggv)

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