Supernova 2015bh in NGC 2770

This page is devoted to information on Supernova 2015bh (= PSN J09093496+3307204) in NGC 2770.   Basic information on this SN, including the last reported brightness, on this Supernova can be found on the main page.   Information on the original web pages for many of these images can be found on the links web page.

image Discovered by Catalina Real-Time Transient Survey and Stan Howerton (USA) as SNhunt275.   There is also a report that this object was discovered by PTF and named iPTF13efv, but this is not confirmed.   This one is an LBV (supernova imposter) which appears to be brightening into a Type IIn.   We have a Photometry reference image made by Odd Trondal.   This supernova is in the Constellation Lynx.

The following is a list of images of this SN, in chronological order. Click on the name in the "Image Credit" column to see the image. Times and dates are in UT unless otherwise noted. If you know of any others, please tell me!

Image CreditDateMagFilterComments
CRTS 2015/02/07.390Discovery
Stan Howerton 2015/02/08.14419.9V
Gianpiero Locatelli 2015/02/08.828
Giancarlo Cortini 2015/02/09.880
Stan Howerton 2015/02/10.16020.3V
Masanori Mizutani 2015/02/12.57920.3U
Stan Howerton 2015/02/14.10719.5U
Stan Howerton 2015/02/19.26819.4U
Xing Gao 2015/04/07.736717.8UPSN J09093506+3307221 discovery
Manfred Mrotzek 2015/04/09.970
Stan Howerton 2015/04/19.13718.4U
Stan Howerton 2015/04/25.13718.4L
Stan Howerton 2015/05/11.23719.3U
Stan Howerton 2015/05/16.88515.7R
Ron Arbour 2015/05/16.92816.0U
Andy Cason 2015/05/17.1515.71V
Andy Cason 2015/05/17.15515.6Rc
Ron Arbour 2015/05/18.897
Rochardson 2015/05/19
Stan Howerton 2015/05/19.14315.6V
Ron Arbour 2015/05/20.90015.4U
Ron Arbour 2015/05/21.91315.36U
Andy Cason 2015/05/25.16615.38V
Ron Arbour 2015/05/26.912C
SWIFT undatedC

Light curves and Spectra:

If you have observations of this Supernova, please send them to vsnet-obs

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David Bishop