Supernova discovery statistics for 2013

These are supernova stastics for the year 2013. If there are other statistics you are interested in, please let me know.
Page re-generated at: 2024/11/04.175 UT

For the year 2013, 1928 supernovae and 59 extragalactic novae were reported.
233 of these supernovae were named by TNS,
221 were given possible supernova designations,
and 1474 were not reported to TNS.
99 supernovae were found in NGC/IC galaxies, 1716 were found in named galaxies
222 objects were discovered by amateurs
6 were brighter than 13th Magnitude
89 were brighter than 16th Magnitude
345 were brighter than 18th Magnitude
498 Type I supernovae were found
  452 Type Ia
    0 Type Ia-02cx
    1 Type Ia-91bg
    18 Type Ia-91T
    11 Type Ia-pec
  19 Type Ib
    1 Type Ibn
    2 Type Ib-pec
  24 Type Ic
    0 Type Icn
    1 Type Ic-pec
  0 Type SLSN-I
190 Type II supernovae were found
  31 Type IIn
  43 Type IIP
  13 Type IIb
  0 Type IIL
  0 Type SLSN-II
  4 Type II-pec
7 LBV (supernova impostors) were found
39 were not supernovae or Extragalactic novae.
1191 were untyped
Of the 59 novae that were reported  58 were reported to TNS and 1 were not
  1 were given official names by TNS
  37 were found in M31
  16 were found in M81
  2 were found in M33
  30 were untyped

 633 objects were discovered by PS1 (prof) (PS1-13equ)
 416 objects were discovered by CRTS (prof) (2013ht)
 212 objects were discovered by PTF (prof) (PTF13ehe)
 150 objects were discovered by La Silla-QUEST (prof) (LSQ13dsn)
 149 objects were discovered by OGLE (prof) (OGLE-2013-SN-156)
  47 objects were discovered by MASTER (prof) (2013hw)
  39 objects were discovered by THU-NAOC Transient Survey (TNTS) (prof) (PSN J07480881+4453009)
  34 objects were discovered by Dark Energy Survey (prof) (DES13C13abht)
  31 objects were discovered by Galaxy Zoo (AT2013lt)
  28 objects were discovered by Stu Parker (2013gi)
  27 objects were discovered by Kamil Hornoch et al. (Nova M31 2013-12b?)
  21 objects were discovered by Italian Supernovae Search Project (2013he)
  21 objects were discovered by LOSS (prof) (Nova M33 2013-12a?)
  20 objects were discovered by CHASE (prof) (2013hj)
  17 objects were discovered by ASAS-SN (prof) (ASASSN-13do)
  14 objects were discovered by Koichi Itagaki (2013hu)
  14 objects were discovered by XOSS (AT2013la)
  11 objects were discovered by Tim Puckett, Jack Newton, et al. (2013ha)
   8 objects were discovered by HST (prof) (SN in MACSJ0717.5+3745)
   7 objects were discovered by Koichi Nishiyama and Fujio Kabashima (Nova M31 2013-09c?)
   7 objects were discovered by LSSS-SSP (PSN J04030754-0237031)
   7 objects were discovered by unknown (PSN J03074514+3822058)
   6 objects were discovered by Berto Monard (PSN J23284222-4119566)
   6 objects were discovered by SWIFT (prof) (Nova M31 2013-12a?)
   5 objects were discovered by Giancarlo Cortini (2014K)
   5 objects were discovered by SkyMapper Supernova search (prof) (2013hx)
   4 objects were discovered by Kiso Supernova Survey (KISS) collaboration (prof) (2013ba)
   4 objects were discovered by Peter Marples (2013gr)
   3 objects were discovered by Doug Rich (2013ga)
   3 objects were discovered by ROTSE (prof) (2013dz)
   3 objects were discovered by Ron Arbour (PSN J16590286+2754556)
   3 objects were discovered by Survey at Intermediate Redshift for Cluster and Lensed Supernovae (SIRCLS) (PSN MACSJ1621.3+3810)
   2 objects were discovered by Emmanuel Conseil (2013dm)
   2 objects were discovered by Masaki Tsuboi (2013fb)
   2 objects were discovered by Peter Aldous (PSN J17194328-7721305)
   2 objects were discovered by SUDARE/VOICE collaboration (prof) (2013go)
   2 objects were discovered by SWIFT burst alert (prof) (2013fu)
   2 objects were discovered by Tom Boles (2013fl)
   1 objects were discovered by Adam Block (2013dc)
   1 objects were discovered by CATA Supernova Search (2013hf)
   1 objects were discovered by Canada-France-Hawaii Telescope (prof) (PSN GHO1320)
   1 objects were discovered by Claude Cornen (AT2013jv)
   1 objects were discovered by Crni Vrh Observatory (2013eq)
   1 objects were discovered by D. Lane, N. Gray, and P. Gray (2013hc)
   1 objects were discovered by Ella Sanders (2013hn)
   1 objects were discovered by Erik Kool, Stuart Ryder, Seppo Mattila, and Erkki Kankare  (2013if)
   1 objects were discovered by Fermi spacecraft (2013dx)
   1 objects were discovered by John Appleyard (PSN J10362433+5833121)
   1 objects were discovered by Kunihiro Shima (2013gv)
   1 objects were discovered by M. Sugano (2013am)
   1 objects were discovered by Seiichiro Kiyota (Nova M31 2013-01a?)
   1 objects were discovered by Stanislav Korotkiy et al. (Nova M31 2013-05a?)
   1 objects were discovered by TAROT Calern telescope (2013hh)
   1 objects were discovered by VVV survey (prof) (VVV-WIT-XXX)

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