Extragalactic Novae - 2007
Much of this data comes from IAU Circulars and occasionally more data will be provided on IAU's Astronomical Headlines page. CBET now has an M31 novae page An archive of the 2007 updates to this page is available.
SNWeb is now collecting observations on extragalactic novae.   Due to the large number of Extragalactic Novae announced in 2003 I have decided to give these novae their own page. That way you don't need to hunt through the main page or the 2007 supernova archive to find them.   Announced Extragalactic Novae will have a link on the main page that points to this one.   Please note that I do not keep track of galactic novae.  
For current Novae, please see the main Extragalactic Novae page
Nova M31 2007-11f
(= Nova M31 2016-12e?)
(= AT2016jbx) (= MASTER OT J004131.52+410714.2),
ATEL 1312
discovered 2007/11/28.716 by
E. Ovcharov et el.
Found in M31 at R.A. = 00h41m31s.540, Decl. = +41°07'13".60 Located 820".8 west and 535".4 south of the center of M31 (Gianpiero Locatelli image) (Andre Mantero image) (MASTER image) Mag 16.9:12/27/2016, Type He/Nn (recurrent nova) (References: TNS CBAT M31 page, ATEL 9942, 9912, 10001, 10040) |
Nova M31 2007-12d,
ATEL 1336
discovered 2007/12/17.19 by
M. Henze et el.; Koichi Nishiyama
Found in M31 at R.A. = 00h41m54.96s, Decl. = +41°09'47.3" Located 557" west and 382" south of the center of NGC 224 (= M31) (Henze discovery image) (Nishiyama discovery image) Mag 17.4, Type Extragalactic Classic Nova (References: ATEL 1341; CBAT M31 page) |
Nova M81 2007 4,
ATEL 1330
discovered 2007/12/13.40 by
M Kasliwal et. el.
Found in M81 at R.A. = 09h55m25s.98, Decl. = +69°04'34".8 Located 40" west and 40" north of the center of NGC 3031 (= M81) Mag 21.6, Type Extragalactic Nova |
Nova M31 2007-12c,
ATEL 1329
discovered 2007/12/13.76 by
Wolfgang Pietsch et al.
Found in M31 at R.A. = 00h45m09s.58, Decl. = +41°20'07.6" Located 1637" east and 239" north of the center of NGC 224 (= M31) (Discovery image) (K. Itagaki image) Mag 16.4, Type FeII Nova (References: ATEL 1331, CBAT M31 page) |
Nova M31 2007-12b,
ATEL 1324
discovered 2007/12/10.093 by
K. Hornoch; Koichi Nishiyama and Fujio Kabashima
Found in M31 at R.A. = 00h43m20s.01, Decl. = +41°13'46".0 Located 402" east and 142" south of the center of NGC 224 (= M31) (Kamil Hornoch image) (Koichi Nishiyama image) Mag 17.1 (16.5), Type He/N Nova (References: ATEL 1332, IAUC 8907, ATEL 1360, 1647; CBAT M31 page) |
Nova M31 2007-12a,
discovered 2007/12/05.523 by
Koichi Nishiyama
Found in M31 at R.A. = 00h44m03s.51, Decl. = +41°38'41".1 Located 34'28.0" east and 45'54.1" north of the center of NGC 224 (= M31) (Discovey image) Mag 17.8, Type FeII Nova (References: ATEL 1332, CBAT M31 page) |
Nova M31 2007-11g,
ATEL 1312
discovered 2007/11/18.73 by
E. Ovcharov et el.
Found in M31 at R.A. = 00h44m15s.88, Decl. = +41°13'51".1 Located 1032".3 east and 137".4 south of the center of NGC 224 (= M31) Mag 18.7, Type Mira variable (References: ATEL 1851; CBAT M31 page) |
Nova M31 2007-11e,
ATEL 1311
discovered 2007/11/28.08 by
ROTSE collaboration
Found in M31 at R.A. = 00h45m47s.74, Decl. = +42°02'03".5 Located 45'54.1" north and 34'28.0" east of the center of NGC 224 (= M31) (Discovery image) (Koichi Itagaki image) Mag 17.7 (16.2), Type Extragalactic Nova (References: ATEL 1325, CBAT M31 page) |
Nova M31 2007-11d,
IAUC 8898
discovered 2007/11/16.51 by
Koichi Nishiyama and Fujio Kabashima
Found in M31 at R.A. = 00h44m54s.60, Decl. = +41°37'40".0 Located east and north of the center of NGC 224 (= M31) (Discovery image) (ROTSE-IIIb image) (JM Llappasset image) (JM Llappasset image) (Joel Nicolas image) (Joel Nicolas image) (Joel Nicolas image) Mag 14.9, Type Extragalactic Nova (References: ATEL 1299 CBAT M31 page) |
Nova M31 2007-11c,
ATEL 1275
discovered 2007/11/13.27 by
Vadim Burwitz et al.;
Koichi Itagaki;
K. Hornoch
Found in M31 at R.A. = 00h43m04.14s, Decl. = +41°15'54.3" Located 223".1 east and 14".9 south of the center of NGC 224 (= M31) (Discovery image) (K. Hornoch image) (K. Itagaki image) Mag 17.8 (17.5), Type Extragalactic Nova (References: ATEL 1292, 1314, CBAT M31 page) |
Nova M31 2007-11b,
ATEL 1267
discovered 2007/11/01.35 by
Vadim Burwitz et al.
Found in M31 at R.A. = 00h43m52.99s, Decl. = +41°03'36.2" Located 774" east and 752" south of the center of NGC 224 (= M31) (Discovery image) (Paolo Corelli image) (Kamil Hornoch image) Mag 18.2, Type He/N Nova (References: ATEL 1276, 1314, CBAT M31 page) |
Nova M31 2007-11a,
ATEL 1257
discovered 2007/11/02.280 by
Wolfgang Pietsch et al.
Found in M31 at R.A. = 00h42m37.29s, Decl. = +41°17'10.3" Located 79" west and 62" north of the center of NGC 224 (= M31) (Discovery image (Subtracted image)) Mag 19.6 (16.9), Type Extragalactic Nova (References: CBAT M31 page) |
(= Nova M31 2007-10b)
(= Nova M31 2017-12a?),
(= PNV J00432946+4117137),
ATEL 1238
discovered 2007/10/13.255 by
Wolfgang Pietsch et al.;
K. Hornoch, P. Kusnirak
Found in M31 at R.A. = 00h43m29.48s, Decl. = +41°17'13.5" Located 512".0 east and 68".0 north of the center of NGC 224 (= M31) (Hornoch discovery image) (Kamil Hornoch confirmation image) (Andrea Mantero image) Mag 16.8:12/24/2017, Type EGV (Recurrent nova) (References: ATEL 11088, ATEL 11091, ATEL 1242 CBAT M31 page, CBAT TOCP, VSnet observation ) |
Nova M31 2007-10a,
ATEL 1230
discovered 2007/10/05.606 by
Wolfgang Pietsch et al.;
Koichi Itagaki
Found in M31 at R.A. = 00h42m55.95s, Decl. = +41°03'22.0" Located 131" east and 766" south of the center of NGC 224 (= M31) (Itagaki discovery image) (Vadim Burvitz image) Mag 17.2 (16.3:10/5), Type Extragalactic Nova (References: CBAT M31 page) |
Nova M33 2007,
CBET 1074
discovered 2007/09/18.63 by
Fujio Kabashima
Found in M33 at R.A. = 01h33m58s.64, Decl. = +30°57'34".6 Located north of the center of NGC 598 (= M33) (Koichi Itagaki image) (Tibor Horvath image) (Alain R. France image) Mag 16.5, Type He/N Extragalactic "fast" Nova (References: CBET 1080, ATEL 1225) |
Nova M31 2007 20,
ATEL 1201
discovered 2007/08/24.081 by
Wolfgang Pietsch et al.
Found in M31 at R.A. = 00h39m30.27s, Decl. = +40°29'14.2" Located 36' 30" west and 46' 54" south of the center of NGC 224 (= M31) (Discovery image) Mag 18.1, Type Extragalactic Nova |
Nova M31 2007-08c,
ATEL 1198
discovered 2007/08/30.029 by
Alexander Stefanescu et al.;
K. Hornoch and M. Wolf
Found in M31 at R.A. = 00h42m29s.37, Decl. = +41°18'25".0 Located 169" west and 137" north of the center of NGC 224 (= M31) (Hornoch discovery image) (MPI discovery image) Mag 17.6, Type Extragalactic Nova CBAT M31 page, (References: ATEL 1206) |
Nova M31 2007 18,
ATEL 1192
discovered 2007/08/21 by
The Angstrom Collaboration
Found in M31 at R.A. = 00h42m44s.7, Decl. = +41°16'36".2 Located 5.0" east and 27.0" north of the center of NGC 224 (= M31) (Discovery images) Mag 19.3, Type Extragalactic Nova |
Nova M31 2007-08b
(= PNV J00414954+4104027),
ATEL 5257
discovered 2007/08/14.969 by
K. Hornoch
Found in M31 at R.A. = 00h41m49s.41, Decl. = +41°04'02".6 Located 620.1" west and 725.9" south of the center of NGC 224 (= M31) (Discovery image) (LOSS image) Mag 20.1:7/24/2013, Type LPV (References: CBAT M31 page, CBAT TOCP) |
Nova M31 2007-08a,
ATEL 1173
discovered 2007/08/06.3 by
Texas Supernova Search
Found in M31 at R.A. = 00h40m54.4s, Decl. = +40°53'50.3" Located 20' 39.3" west and 22' 18.2" south of the center of NGC 224 (= M31) (Discovery image) Mag 17.6, Type Extragalactic Nova (References: ATEL 1186) CBAT M31 page |
Nova M31 2007-07d,
ATEL 1162
discovered 2007/07/24.046 by
Vadim Burwitz
Found in M31 at R.A. = 00h42m59.5s, Decl. = +41°15'06.5" Located 171" east and 62" south of the center of NGC 224 (= M31) (Discovery image) Mag 17.6, Type Extragalactic Nova CBAT M31 page |
Nova M31 2007-07f,
ATEL 1158
discovered 2007/07/10.98 by
Found in M31 at R.A. = 00h38m42.2s, Decl. = +40°52'56.1" Located 45'30" west and 23'13" south of the center of NGC 224 (= M31) (Discovery image) Mag 18.1, Type Extragalactic Nova (References: ATEL 1159, 1161) |
Nova M31 2007-07e,
ATEL 1156
discovered 2007/07/25.930 by
Vadim Burwitz
Found in M31 at R.A. = 00h42m43.29s, Decl. = +41°17'44.1" Located 12" west and 96" north of the center of NGC 224 (= M31) (Discovery image) Mag 18.1, Type Extragalactic Nova (References: ATEL 1157, 1186) CBAT M31 page |
Nova M31 2007-07c,
ATEL 1146
discovered 2007/07/19.007 by
Vadim Burwitz
Found in M31 at R.A. = 00h43m03.29s, Decl. = +41°14'52.9" Located 214" east and 76" south of the center of NGC 224 (= M31) (Discovery image) Mag 16.8 (15.4:7/21), Type Extragalactic Nova (References: ATEL 1149, 1153, (1152 corrected), 1157, 1186) CBAT M31 page |
Nova M31 2007-07b,
ATEL 1139
discovered 2007/07/11.019 by
D Hatzidimitriou et al.; E. Ovcharov et al.
Found in M31 at R.A. = 00h42m45.84s, Decl. = +41°18'02.7" Located 17.1" east and 114.2" north of the center of NGC 224 (= M31) (Discovery image) (Discovery R image) Mag 18.6, Type Extragalactic Nova (References: ATEL 1141, 1157, 1186) CBAT M31 page |
Nova M31 2007-07a,
(= PNV J00430400+4117079) (= M31N 1990-10a)
ATEL 1131
discovered 2007/07/05.048 by
Vadim Burwitz
Found in M31 at R.A. = 00h42m04.05s, Decl. = +41°17'08.3" Located east and north of the center of NGC 224 (= M31) (Discovery image) (D Hatzidimitriou image) (D Hatzidimitriou R image) (Myaki-Argenteus image) (Emmanuel Conseil image) (Joel Nicolas image) (Emmanuel Conseil image) (Joel Nicolas image) (LOSS image) Mag 19.6:8/8/2016 (16.3:7/27), Type FeIIb recurrent nova (References: ATEL 1157, 9281, 9276, 9280, 9383, 9386, 9435, SNweb) CBAT M31 page |
Nova M31 2007-06b,
ATEL 1118
discovered 2007/06/19.4 by
Texas Supernova Search
Found in M31 at R.A. = 00h42m33.14s, Decl. = +41°00'25.9" (near globular cluster Bol 111) Located 2' 6.0" west and 15' 42.6" south of the center of NGC 224 (= M31) (Discovery image) Mag 16.9, Type Extragalactic Nova (References: ATEL 1294, 1296, 1647) |
Nova M31 2007-06a,
ATEL 1112
discovered 2007/06/14.022 by
E. Ovcharov et al.; K. Hornoch and M. Wolf
Found in M31 at R.A. = 00h41m58s.33, Decl. = +41°14'10".6 Located 518.5" west and 117.9" south of the center of NGC 224 (= M31) (K. Hornoch discovery image) Mag 18.9, Type Extragalactic Nova (References: CBAT M31 page) |
Nova M31 2007-05a,
discovered 2007/05/18.060 by
K. Hornoch
Found in M31 at R.A. = 00h43m02s.61, Decl. = +41°14'41".5 Located 206.2" east and 87.0" south of the center of NGC 224 (= M31) (Discovery image) (Kamil Hornoch image) Mag 18.4, Type Extragalactic Nova CBAT M31 page |
Nova M81 2007 3,
CBET 924
discovered 2007/04/11.865 by
V. Pribik, K. Hornoch and P. Cagas
Found in M81 at R.A. = 09h55m31s.30, Decl. = +69°05'28".9 Located 10.0" west and 93.8" north of the center of NGC 3031 (= M81) (Discovery image) (P. Cagas image) (Remanzacco Obs image) (Remanzacco Obs image) Mag 18.6 (17.7), Type Extragalactic Nova (References: CBET 938; ATEL 1067) |
Nova M81 2007 2,
CBET 924
discovered 2007/04/08.874 by
K. Hornoch, P. Cagas and P. Cagas Jr.
Found in M81 at R.A. = 09h55m28s.58, Decl. = +69°04'21".6 Located 24.6" west and 26.5" north of the center of NGC 3031 (= M81) (Discovery image) Mag 20.2 (19.0:4/5), Type Extragalactic Nova |
Nova M31 2007-03a,
discovered 2007/03/04.763 by
K. Hornoch
Found in M31 at R.A. = 00h42m53s.60, Decl. = +41°12'09".8 Located 104.6" east and 238.7" south of the center of NGC 224 (= M31) (Discovery image) (Kamil Hornoch image) Mag 16.7 (15.8:3/4), Type Extragalactic Nova (References: CBAT M31 page) |
Nova M31 2007-02d,
discovered 2007/02/24.484 by
Koichi Itagaki
Found in M31 at R.A. = 00h44m14s.35, Decl. = +41°36'59".8 Located west and north of the center of NGC 224 (= M31) (Discovery image) Mag 16.7, Type Extragalactic Nova (References: CBAT M31 page) |
Nova M31 2007-02c,
discovered 2007/02/09.862 by
K. Hornoch
Found in M31 at R.A. = 00h42m39s.96, Decl. = +41°17'21".9 Located 49.2" west and 73.4" north of the center of NGC 224 (= M31) (Discovery image) Mag 17.2, Type Extragalactic Nova (References: CBAT M31 page) |
Nova M31 2007-02a,
discovered 2007/02/07.09 by
Texas Supernova Search
Found in M31 at R.A. = 00h40m59.02s, Decl. = +40°44'52.7" Located 9' 47.2" west and 31' 15.9" south of the center of NGC 224 (= M31) (Discovery image) Mag 16.3, Type Extragalactic Nova (References: CBAT M31 page) |
Nova M31 2007-02b,
ATEL 1009,
discovered 2007/02/03.798 by
K. Hornoch
Found in M31 at R.A. = 00h41m40s.32, Decl. = +41°14'33".5 Located 721.7" west and 95.0" south of the center of NGC 224 (= M31) (Discovery image) Mag 18.2 (16.7:2/3), Type Extragalactic Nova (References: CBAT M31 page) |
Nova M81 2007,
discovered 2007/01/24.107 by
K. Hornoch and P. Garnavich
Found in M81 at R.A. = 09h55m19s.75, Decl. = +69°03'26".0 Located 72.0 west and 29.1 south of the center of NGC 3031 (= M81) (Discovery image) Mag 20.9, Type Extragalactic Nova |
Nova M31 2007-01a,
discovered 2007/01/14.694 by
K. Hornoch
Found in M31 at R.A. = 00h42m51s.14, Decl. = +41°14'33".2 Located 76.9" east and 95.3" south of the center of NGC 224 (= M31) (Discovery image) Mag 17.0, Type Extragalactic Nova (References: CBAT M31 page) |
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Please send feedback to David Bishop dbishopx@gmail.com