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Supernovae Network Welcome to the International Supernovae Network (I.S.N.) web pages. The Network has the purpose to help contacts and share information among supernovae enthusiasts both amateurs and astronomers worldwide. Contributions to these pages are welcomed. Please contact the webmasters below. Good surfing and good hunting ! Please go to the Bright Supernova page to see the latest supernova discoveries. If you think you've discovered a Supernova this is what you should do.
Please go to the Latest Supernovae page for a list of supernova discoveries.
Mirror... ISN has its own mirror site at Sternberg Astronomical Institute - Moscow. Contacting Webmasters... These pages are mantained by David Bishop. Feel free to contact me, I appreciate e-mail from fellow observers around the world !   These pages were originally designed by Mirko Villi.   Stefano Pesci, and Steve Lucas made several contributions.   If you need help with a supernova search, you can contact Michael Schwartz, who run Tenagra Observatories. Awards...