Rick Albrecht Note from Rick Albrecht: who had clear skies in Atlanta. Last night I was fortunate to have clear skies. However, the atmosphere that close to the horizon we pretty rough. The image at the following link is a composite of three different exposures to cover the huge brightness
Click on the following link to open the Oct 4 virtual star party. Click on the ‘Play’ arrow at the lower left corner to start playback. https://lb-sl-v1.meetingspace.cloud/playback/presentation/2.0/playback.html?meetingId=3bcc64efbf4d748bd83ed2e2bbbb63f639d33f67-1601852420775 Associated You Tube recording: Original posting: 17 October 2020 by Pete BonneauOriginal location: rochesterastronomy.org/?p=1867
Click Here to view the July Meeting Video. Turn on your computer speaker. Click on the ‘Play’ arrow at the bottom left hand corner to start playback. Note: this recording is mostly audio. Original posting: 27 July 2020 by Pete BonneauOriginal location: rochesterastronomy.org/july-17-joint-asras-ras-virtual-meeting/
Click here to view the July 24 Star Party Video recording. Turn on your audio, and click the arrow at the lower left hand corner to start the presentation. Original posting: 27 July 2020 by Pete BonneauOriginal location: rochesterastronomy.org/july-24-virtual-star-party/
Click Here to view the May Meeting Video. Turn on your computer speaker. Click on the ‘Play’ arrow at the bottom left hand corner to start playback. Original posting: 4 May 2020 by Pete BonneauOriginal location: rochesterastronomy.org/may-asras-virtual-meeting-video/
Click here to view video: Don’t forget to turn on your speaker. Original posting: 4 May 2020 by Pete BonneauOriginal location: rochesterastronomy.org/april-meeting-video/