Supernova 1999bw in NGC 3198

This page is devoted to information on Supernova 1999bw in NGC 3198. Basic information on this SN, including the last reported brightness, on this Supernova can be found on the main supernova page. Information on the original web pages for many of these images can be found on the Supernova links web page.

The object was first spotted in a LOSS image on April 15th of 1999, but there was some confusion. NGC 3198 is a nearby galaxy, so it should be at least mag 15. Why is it so dim? For a few days, people were scratching their heads wondering just what this thing was. For some time it was called "The Possible in NGC 3198". The problem was solved by Dr. Filippenko of LOSS who declared it a rather odd Supernova of type IIn in IAUC 7152.

Web pages dedicated to this SN.

  • AUDE has a 1999bw page in French [Translate]

    The following is a list of images of this SN, in chronological order. Click on the name in the "observer" column to see the image.
    If you know of any others, please tell me!
    Juan Gonçalves
    João Porto
    4/12/99 23:07:0818.49C Pre Discovery
    LOSS 4/20.2/9917.8CDiscovery
    Y. Sano 4/21.487/9917.8C
    Y. Sano 4/21.547/9917.8C
    DAX Observatory 4/22/99 23:15:04 UT17.8C
    Hans Dannhoff image 4/26/99 23:48 UTC
    Norbert Stapper 5/2/99 21:00UTC Mirror
    Udo Zlender 5/3/99C
    Larry Robinson 5/6.2/99C
    Yasuo sano 5/10.474/9917.28C With 4/21/99 image.
    Mario Motta image 5/10/99C
    Kopernik image 5/11.163/99C
    Ca' Bionda Observatory 5/14.9/99C

    Light curves and Spectra:

  • CfA Spectrum Of what, they weren't sure...
  • VSNET Light curve (requires JAVA).
    If you have observations of this Supernova, please send them to Use this VSNet data query to see what information has been reported so far. Other VSNet data on this SN:
  • [vsnet-alert 2885] Possible supernova in NGC 3198
  • [vsnet-recent 14111] SN1999bw recent (cont'd)
    Back to Bright Supernovae - 1999.
    Back to Bright Supernovae.
    David Bishop
    Last modified: Mon Dec 3 15:20:48 EST 2001