Supernova discovery statistics for 2018
These are supernova stastics for the year 2018.
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For the year 2018, 9613 supernovae and 66 extragalactic novae were reported. 1503 of these supernovae were named by TNS, 7668 were given possible supernova designations, and 442 were not reported to TNS. 185 supernovae were found in NGC/IC galaxies, 6120 were found in named galaxies 216 objects were discovered by amateurs 5 were brighter than 13th Magnitude 91 were brighter than 16th Magnitude 1125 were brighter than 18th Magnitude 1212 Type I supernovae were found 1084 Type Ia 3 Type Ia-02cx 15 Type Ia-91bg 55 Type Ia-91T 21 Type Ia-pec 41 Type Ib 3 Type Ibn 5 Type Ib-pec 61 Type Ic 0 Type Icn 18 Type Ic-pec 19 Type SLSN-I 341 Type II supernovae were found 42 Type IIn 42 Type IIP 22 Type IIb 1 Type IIL 11 Type SLSN-II 1 Type II-pec 7 LBV (supernova impostors) were found 1339 were not supernovae or Extragalactic novae. 6681 were untyped Of the 66 novae that were reported 16 were reported to TNS and 50 were not 2 were given official names by TNS 39 were found in M31 8 were found in M81 1 were found in M33 37 were untyped 2449 objects were discovered by ZTF (prof) (AT2018liv) 2177 objects were discovered by Gaia (prof) (AT2018lhn) 1964 objects were discovered by PS1 (prof) (AT2018lgh) 1583 objects were discovered by ATLAS (prof) (AT2018lkq) 476 objects were discovered by CRTS (prof) (2018leh) 338 objects were discovered by ASAS-SN (prof) (AT2018leg) 153 objects were discovered by ANTARES (prof) (AT2018mfp) 88 objects were discovered by OGLE (prof) (AT2018lmt) 56 objects were discovered by SNAD (AT2018mbz) 35 objects were discovered by KEGS (prof) (AT2018brr) 35 objects were discovered by TNTS (prof) (AT2018jmq) 31 objects were discovered by PMO-Tsinghua Supernova Survey (PTSS) (prof) (2018hoy) 30 objects were discovered by MASTER (prof) (2018lkg) 28 objects were discovered by Superluminous Supernovae in the Epoch of Reionization (prof) (AT2018gzr) 21 objects were discovered by Galaxy Zoo (AT2018ltd) 20 objects were discovered by XOSS (AT2018klr) 19 objects were discovered by LOSS (prof) (AT2018hrg) 18 objects were discovered by Malhar R. Kendurkar (AT2018jgt) 18 objects were discovered by Tim Puckett, Jack Newton, et al. (2018isq) 14 objects were discovered by Koichi Itagaki (2018imf) 12 objects were discovered by DLT40 (prof) (2018lab) 12 objects were discovered by SPitzer InfraRed Intensive Transients Survey (prof) (SPIRITS18nu) 11 objects were discovered by Kamil Hornoch et al. (Nova M81 2018-11a?) 9 objects were discovered by PTF (prof) (AT2019jiz) 8 objects were discovered by Italian Supernovae Search Project (AT2018hhy) 7 objects were discovered by BraTS (prof) (AT2018hnj) 7 objects were discovered by Emmanuel Conseil (AT2018lcl) 7 objects were discovered by Stu Parker (2018hmy) 3 objects were discovered by Jaroslaw Grzegorzek (2018hhn) 3 objects were discovered by Jordi Camarasa (AT2018bro) 3 objects were discovered by Masaki Tsuboi (AT2018bck) 3 objects were discovered by Patrick Wiggins (2018gwo) 3 objects were discovered by Rohit Chinchwadkar (AT2018feu) 3 objects were discovered by SkyMapper (prof) (2018bwq) 2 objects were discovered by Clay Sherrod (AT2018arb) 2 objects were discovered by Evgeni Ovcharov et al. (Nova M31 2018-03b) 1 objects were discovered by AZTEC (Arizona Transient Exploration and Characterization) (AZTEC18xx) 1 objects were discovered by Blaz Mikuz (AT2018hhm) 1 objects were discovered by Corona Borealis Observatory Supernova Survey (CSNS) (2018lcd) 1 objects were discovered by Dark Energy Survey (prof) (DES17C3ihx) 1 objects were discovered by Dennis Denisenko (AT2018jgq) 1 objects were discovered by Galvez Ranera (AT2018lmm) 1 objects were discovered by Garrigos Sanchez (AT2018awk) 1 objects were discovered by George Carey (AT2018jas) 1 objects were discovered by Giancarlo Cortini (2018amb) 1 objects were discovered by Greg Bock (2018ecf) 1 objects were discovered by HSC (AT2018lto) 1 objects were discovered by Herman Mikuz (PIKA) (2018kzc) 1 objects were discovered by Koichi Nishiyama and Fujio Kabashima (AT2018hld) 1 objects were discovered by Malhar Kendurkar and Cedric Raguenaud (AT2018fhy) 1 objects were discovered by Ralph Carter (AT2018rt) 1 objects were discovered by SUNBIRD (2018ec) 1 objects were discovered by Witold Caban (AT2018hik) 1 objects were discovered by Yuji Tanaka (2018ast) 1 objects were discovered by ePESSTO (AT2018cux)
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