Supernovae 2024pxl in NGC 6384

This page is devoted to information on Supernova 2024pxl in NGC 6384.   Basic information on this SN, including the last reported brightness, on this Supernova can be found on the main page.  

image Discovered by ATLAS (UK).   This one is a Type Ia-02cx (z=0.006) (zhost=0.005554).   This supernova is in the Constellation Ophiucus.

The following is a list of images of this SN, in chronological order. Click on the name in the "Image Credit" column to see the image. Times and dates are in UT unless otherwise noted. If you know of any others, please tell me!

Image CreditDateMagFilterComments
Jose Fernandez 2024/07/23.00017.0C
Dorothy Williams 2024/07/23.000C
Oliver Hext 2024/07/24.000Cfacebook color
Enrico Prosperi 2024/07/24.92015.7G
Dorothy Williams 2024/07/25.000C
Enrico Prosperi 2024/07/25.95615.7G
Enrico Prosperi 2024/07/25.95615.7G
Rafa G. Farfan 2025/07/26.95116.3V
Filipe Pinnilla 2025/07/27.89116.39V
Jordi Camarasa 2024/07/28.87415.5G
Manfred Mrotzek 2024/07/28.888C
Robert Cazilhac 2024/07/29.00015.8Cfacebook
Matheiu Chauveau 2024/07/29.000C
Felipe Gomez 2024/07/30.97716.2V
Laurent Vadrot 2024/07/31.885C inverted
Zlatko Orbanic 2024/07/31.92615.9rfacebook
Marie Newnham 2024/08/01.032C
Gianluca Masi 2024/08/01.95815.1R
Jean-Pierre Nicolas 2024/08/02.000C
Nicolas Delaunoy 2024/08/02.90815.4V
Tom Wildoner 2024/08/05.11915.8V
Rafa Ferrando 2024/08/06.85015.7Gfacebook color
A. Mantero 2024/08/07.000C
Kevin Parker 2024/08/07.000Cfacebook color
Kevin Parker 2024/08/08.000Ccolor facebook
Brend Weisheit 2024/08/10.000Cfacebook
Achim Sucker 2024/08/12.88216.1V
Richard Hill 2024/08/15.194C
Rafa Ferrando 2024/08/15.92316.0Gfacebook
Enzo Pedrini 2024/08/18.0Cfacebook
Stathis Kafalis 2024/08/23.80016.5Ccolor
Enrico Prosperi 2024/08/25.82615.6G facebook mirror
Laurent Vadrot 2024/08/27.867C
Richard Hill 2024/08/29.188C
Enrico Prosperi 2024/08/30.85915.7G
Richard Hill 2024/09/06.130C

Light curves and Spectra:

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David Bishop